
MCU: The Heavenly Yaksha (A Non-Harem FanFic)

Tom was your normal average unemployed guy, whose life completely changed due to a sudden survey. Watch as he rises as a great man known as The Heavenly Yaksha in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. |-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_| -This is my 3rd book so please be gentle with me. -English is not my first language. -Leave some honest reviews, please. -There will be some random movies added in that won't interfere too much on the MCU plot, so beware. My update schedule will be 5 chapters a week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Tags: -NoHarem -SlightlyStrongMC -SlightRomance -SlowPaced You can visit my Patreon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. www.patreon.com/SlimeSage *Cover is not mine, I just found it in Pinterest.* *I only own my OC*

SlimeSage · Films
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158 Chs

Ch. 79 - The final plan

"What about those teens that we saved? I know that they used to be your friends but you can't just expect me to accept that you'll allow them in the family, right? We don't even know if they're brainwashed by those assholes or not." After killing all the Mafia Heads, Momentum turned her attention to Doflamingo and asked him a series of questions.

"I know that, which is why I'll be needing your help." Doflamingo replied before smiling at her.

"I knew it. I'm already expecting that answer anyway, so I'll help you." Momentum agreed before she continued but in a whisper volume.

"Sigh, what are you gonna do without me?" Doflamingo could hear the sarcasm in her voice, so he can't help but roll his eyes at her.

"Anyways, I'll go first. I want to check up on my mom first." Momentum said while Doflamingo instinctively conjured a portal in front of her.

The moment she left, Doflamingo scratched the back of his head.

He can't help but remember how cute and innocent Matilda used to be, sometimes he wonders where has he gone wrong?


"Where are we?" Inside a relatively white room, the hostages earlier wandered around while muttering.

"I can't believe we saw Doffy. I thought Agnes said that he's dead." Matt muttered as he stared at his own hands. After staying over Hydra for so many years, his view towards the world has changed drastically.

Just like when a child grows up, he/she matures. However, to him he has already matured at a very young age, probably around 10 years old.

Looking around, he saw that his other fellow orphan friends was wandering around without any sense of direction.

That was until a familiar portal opens and Doflamingo came out of it.

Instead of wearing his Gambit uniform, he was now wearing his formal attire, mainly the suit and tie with a pink coat over his shoulders.

"Looks like you're all fine. Though I think some of you are missing." Doflamingo confusedly said while tilting his head.

"T-they're dead. Brooke and the others can't handle the pain of being subdued to torture by those Hydra bastards." Laura stuttered in fear as she uttered those words.

Normally, among the children in the orphanage, she used to be the most energetic one, always asking for Doffy to carry her in his arms. But now, looking at her scrawny figure, Doflamingo can't help but grit his teeth and blame himself for being idle these years. If only he tried to search for them, then perhaps he would have been able to save them from the Hydra much earlier than usual.

But instead, he insisted on doing his selfish goals first before bothering to look for them.

"I'm sorry." Doflamingo said, while looking down on the ground. He ignored the only family that he had when he was still a child.

"I-it's fine. What's important is that we're saved. But..." Clara stuttered before looking down on the ground when she muttered her next sentence.

"...But not all of us are saved. There are also others like us in the facilities of Hydra. We don't know how many are there, but we overheard that they held countless kids at their disposal, training them to become a Hydra Agent." Clara continued, making Dolfmaofno squint his eyes.

Looks like Hydra truly deserves hell.

They don't deserve to exist in this world, so it's better to just kill them off.

At first, Doflamingo was thinking of integrating Hydra into his plans by making the big organization under his rule but he was too naive for thinking that.

Hydra has probably existed for a very long time and there are probably thousands of Hydra Members that has been brainwashed to become very loyal to Hydra. So, it's impossible to ask Matilda to reverse their brainwashing as it is very time consuming and Matilda would probably be exhausted everyday and Doflamingo doesn't want his family members to exhaust themselves for such tasks.

"Do you know where the other facilities are?" Doflamingo asked both Laura and Clara as he could see that only two of them are reliable right now, while the others seems to be very quiet the moment he appeared. Either they're still traumatized for being subjected to Hydra's torture or something else is going on in their minds.

He won't bother them for now, what's important is that Hydra seems to be going all out just to eliminate him.

'Well, it won't be that easy.' Doflamingo smirked inside his mind.

"I'm sorry, Doffy. I don't know." Laura looked down in sadness as she said that.

"Don't be. What's important is that you're all here with me. And I will make sure that nothing takes you all away from me ever again. That is, if you're worthy to be protected by me." Doflamingo said with a warm smile before being replaced with a squinting eyes at his last sentence. He did this on purpose to see if someone will admit that they're either a spy planted by the Hydra or not.

However, seeing all their quiet expressions, Doflamingo knew that this would make things harder than he thought. If some of them indeed became a spy for Hydra, then it would be hard for him to kill them just because of their loyalty for Hydra.

He can't blame them for it anyways. He could also ask Matilda for help but he's not sure if she would agree, after all, like what she just said a few days ago, she rarely even used her memory altering ability, and altering a brainwashing might be harder for her.

"Look, you guys should rest first. I already had someone prepare food for you all, you just need to enter the other room for it." As soon as Doflamingo said that, the wall on his side magically slides upward, showing another room full of tables filled with many foods.

He just made his clone prepare it earlier.

"I'm going first. If you guys need any help, just shout for the name Alice and tell her what you need." Doflamingo said before entering the portal that he conjured behind him.

Before solving Hydra, he wanted to first visit the Hand. And if Ryuma did as he expected, then perhaps he could change the entirety of Hand and make them something similar to either a cult that worhips his entire being or a band of killers, ready to do anything he orders.

If he became successful on this, then perhaps they would be enough to fight Hydra in his stead.


"How is it?" Meanwhile, Doflamingo arrived in a room where a huge glass on the wall can be seen.

Beyond this glass is the white room where the teens can be seen. This is a one way glass which is a kind of glass that is transparent on one side and reflective on the other. Meaning, he and Matilda could watch the movements of the teens outside but the teens can't see them or hear them.

"I already run a few mind readings on them. Unfortunately, only 5 of them are clean while the rest are spies." Matilda sadly said, while Doflamingo shook his head.

"Hydra really does want to get rid of me sooner." Doflamingo said before asking Matilda in worry.

"What about Ms. Honey? What happened to her?"

"She's fine except for a few bruises on her head, probably when they knocked her out to kidnap her." When Matilda said this, her fists clenched in anger. Oh, how much she wanted to vent her anger to the Hydra right now.

"By the way, the Shield has been calling you non-stop. You want to answer?" Matilda loosened her fists as she sighed, before she said to Doflamingo.

"Just hold them off for now. I still have many shits to clean up." Doflamingo answered.

"I knew you would say that. I'll visit my mom first, I'll send you the names of the spies later, ciao." Matilda muttered under her breath before saying her farewells and left the room.

"Hydra...." This time, it was Doflamingo's time to clench his fist while veins started showing itself form his forehead, indicating how angry he is right now.

"You really want to be erased that badly? Then, fine. I'll gladly do so."

After uttering those words, Doflamingo finally left the room in a portal.



"Your plan failed again." Pierce almost yelled at the sentient A.I in front of him.

"You don't have to worry. I already expected this outcome, though I don't know how he did it. But thanks to this, we finally got our spies inside him, we could now monitor his every move, how many are his allies and what he is capable of so we could initiate a plan to counter all of his abilities." Arnim Zola appeared on the screen of his computer as he said that.

"I don't want any more fails this time." Pierce said. Even though Arnim Zola is the core of the Hydra, but he's no longer a human but a machine, so Pierce doesn't treat him with respect.

"Learn some manners boy, I'm much older than you." Arnim snapped at him.

"How about that virus that you're working on? Is it effective?" Arnim then changed the subject and said.

"It's still on human trials. But if we succeeded in this then we could defeat anyone as long as they have a very tragic past." Pierce said before continuing.

"I bet that Doflamingo has a very tragic past. With the betrayal of Agnes, it must've hurt him. We could use this virus to invade his mind and bring back his painful memories, bringing his guard down, which would allow us to penetrate to his mind and brainwash him with the same device that we used on the Winter Soldier." Pierce said as he chuckled before muttering the name of of the Virus.

"The Blight Virus."


You can visit my p@treon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. (www.p@treon.com/SlimeSage) don't forget to change @ to a.