
MCU: The Heavenly Yaksha (A Non-Harem FanFic)

Tom was your normal average unemployed guy, whose life completely changed due to a sudden survey. Watch as he rises as a great man known as The Heavenly Yaksha in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. |-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_| -This is my 3rd book so please be gentle with me. -English is not my first language. -Leave some honest reviews, please. -There will be some random movies added in that won't interfere too much on the MCU plot, so beware. My update schedule will be 5 chapters a week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Tags: -NoHarem -SlightlyStrongMC -SlightRomance -SlowPaced You can visit my Patreon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. www.patreon.com/SlimeSage *Cover is not mine, I just found it in Pinterest.* *I only own my OC*

SlimeSage · Films
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158 Chs

Ch. 69 - An Angry Beast

"ROAAAARRRRRRR!" A large and powerful roar resonated across the street, making the citizens shock and notice the hideous large creature with bones protruding on its back.



As the Abomination threw a car towards the citizens, the Abomination smiled in satisfaction, loving the way the citizens scream in pain and despair.

"Who the fuck is that?" Inside a Helicopter, General Ross confusedly looked at the Abomination.

"My blood." Bruce, who was in handcuffs, muttered in fear and despair as he realized what causes this Abomination.

"Shoot him down!" General Ross ordered his men.

*Bang!* x100

Countless bulletd hailed towards the Abomination, however, similar to Hulk, the bullets were of no effect as it barely even tickled the Abomination.

"Hehehehe, I'm the strongest! Banner, come out!" The Abomination grinned and yelled at the top of his lungs, causing airwaves around him.

As Bruce jumped off of the helicopter to fight the Abomination and stop him from causing more destruction, a portal opened in an alley nearby the Abomination.

"Looks like I'm just in time." Doflamingo said as he stepped out and inhaled deeply. He looked around and saw various trashcans and dead rats.

"Smells like rotten flesh and blood." Doflamingo muttered as he looked out of the alley and saw that the Abomination was marching towards the newly transformed Hulk.

He saw that the Helicopter was taken down by the Abomination.

What followed was Hulk and Abomination exchanging punches with each other, however there are times when Hulk was in a disadvantage as he was worried for Bethy's safety.

"Rooooaaarrr!" Having enough, Hulk roared, much more stronger than the Abomination's roar earlier. However, this didn't diminish the Abomination's ego as he continued marching towards Hulk.

As soon as they both were now facing each other, they cocked their fists and punched out.


Because both of them punched each other at the same time, their fists collided with each other.

Even Doflamingo, who was a few meters away from them, was shocked at the sudden shockwave that the collision has caused. His previously stylished hair was now bristly.

"Holy shit!" Doflamingo felt that if he took that punch head on right now, he would be critically injured. Well, that is if he didn't use his Armament Haki for defense. But even if he use Armament Haki, Doflamingo would still be receiving injury from it.

All the fires around them was put out by the shockwave while the glasses of the buildings exploded into pieces.

"Roaaarrr! Hulk Smash!" Hulk raised his arms in anger before slamming it down on the ground, causing cracks to appear on the ground as it crawls towards the Abomination.

The Abomination's feet got stuck in the cracks as Hulk runs towards him and gave him an uppercut.


However, it seems like Hulk's anger isn't enough as the Abomination remained standing, with just his head tilting upwards.

"You are weak! I'm stronger than you, Banner!" The Abomination chuckled and mocked Hulk as he grabbed Hulk by the shoulders and slammed him on the building behind him.

"Roooaarrr!" Hulk roared as he tried to fight back, however Abomination was stronger than him as he kept him pinned on the building while he elbowed his chest.

"Roaaaarrr!!" Because of the sharp bone protruding on the Abomination's elbow, it stabbed Hulk on his chest, causing him to shout in pain.

However, just when Hulk was about to be beaten more by the Abomination, Momentum came in time to intercept.

When she noticed that the fires around was about to cause the Helicopter to explode, she immediately lifted the helicopter with her telekinesis while also carefully bringing out the soldiers and Bethy outside.

"You guys should leave!" Momentum yelled at them when she suddenly sensed something flying towards her.

She turned around and made an telekinetic shield around her as a car collided with her shield.

When she noticed that it was the Hulk who threw the car towards her, she yelled at him.

"Hey! I'm not the bad guy here!" Since Doflamingo told her that Hulk is the good guy while the Abomination is the bad guy, she tried to clear things up with the Hulk.

"Huff." Hulk just huffed at her before turning around when the Abomination's fist came flying towards his face.


"Don't turn your back on your enemies, Banner!" The Abomination said to him as he grabbed a nearby car and was about to slam it to Hulk's face when she noticed that there's an unknown force stopping his arms from moving.

"Hey there, big fella." Doflamingo came walking in as his strings, were the one keeping the Abomination's arms from moving an inch. And because it was too thin, the Abomination didn't feel anything and thought that some unknown force was stopping him.

"Who are you, puny guy." The Abomination squinted his eyes at Doflamingo. Because Doflamingo was taller than him, he was both shocked and surprised to see that a normal human could be so tall, much more taller than him.

"Me? Sorry, but I don't tell my name to someone who's about to die." Doflamingo refused to introduce himself and shrugged his shoulders.

"You're dead!" The Abomination yelled in anger as he dropped the car on his hand and used all of his strength and resist Doflamingo's strings.

Because Doflamingo didn't coat his strings with Armament Haki, the Abomination easily teared then off before rushing towards Doflamingo.

"Stay there and let me kill you!" The Abomination yelled before cocking his fist back and prepared to punch the arrogant man in front of him.

However, his previous anger was turned into shock when Doflamingo's feet suddenly turned black before kicking him towards the chest.

And because Doflamingo was 4 feet taller than him, Doflamingo doesn't have to rise his leg that high as it only took Doflamingo to lift his leg a little before it kicked the Abomination to the chest.


Much to everyone's surprise, Doflamingo's kick was so strong that it even caused shockwaves behind the Abomination.

"Urregghhh!" The Abomination kneeled on the ground while he clenched his chest in pain. In fact, because of how strong and fast Doflamingo's kick is, the Abomination wasn't thrown away but stayed in his place.

It may looked like he was fine if it wasn't for the hole on his chest.

'Interesting, despite such injure he could still manage to breath and glare at me.' Doflamingo thought to himself.

"How? How can you be so strong?" The Abomination asked in despair and craziness.

"I'm just a cheat. Don't mind me." Doflamingo shrugged his shoulders as he prepared himself to kill the Abomination when another roar resounded on the city.


Hulk, who was almost defeated by the Abomination earlier, roared in anger as he saw that his enemy was being pinned by a random guy who is much taller than him.

Thinking that the guy in front of him took his enemy from him, Hulk naturally treated him as an ally.

"Huff." Hulk huffed before turning around and tried to look for Betty.

"Bruce!" Betty rans in front of him and teared up.

Hulk's angry expression slowly softened as he placed his finger towards Betty, who hugged her finger and teared up more.

"Come back." Betty muttered.

Hulk's expression went sad before lifting his finger away from Betty and roared loudly in the sky.


This roar seems to be much stronger than the earlier as he seemed to be releasing his pent up feeling as the Hulk and also Banner.

Soon after that, Hulk jumped away from the scene, slowly disappearing from the eyes of the soldiers and the onlookers.

"Looks like you're on time." Momentum flew over Doflamingo and said.

"I've never been late in my whole life." Doflamingo shrugged his shoulders as the Abomination tried to fight back while the hole on his chest earlier slowly healed, much to Doflamingo's surprise.

"I didn't expect your healing capabilities to be this strong. Would you mind being my guinea pig?" Doflamingo said in surprise before offering his hand to the Abomination as if what he said is normal.

"Get off!" The Abomination tried to punch Doflamingo when Momentum raised her hand towards him, putting a halt to his action.


"Make him sleep." Doflamingo muttered to her.

"Sleep." Momentum nodded her head before whispering quietly.

"...huh?" The Abomination realized that something was wrong with his state of mind as he felt sleepy, so he tried to fight back but Momentum was too strong for him to resist, so he fell on the ground.

As he fell unconscious, his body slowly shrinked before turning back to his human form, albeit naked.

"Good thing I already prepared a cage for him." Doflamingo smiled at her before opening a portal under Blonsky, letting his body fall inside before closing the portal.

"What are you two doing? What was that?" Ross came over them while raising his pistol towards them, while the soldiers behind him reluctantly pointed their rifles at the both of them.

"It's none of your business, Ross. I think you should focus on how would you explain all this to your boss. From what I can see you are the source of all this trouble." Doflamingo calmly said to him.

"How would they know? And besides, as long as I got you two, they'll forgive me in this one." Ross snickered and said, not caring about the person in front of him, probably thinking that with his position, nobody could hurt him.

"Dad, stop this!" Betty yelled at him.

"Stay there, Betty. These two are dangerous, I don't want you to be hurt." Ross told her.

"That's the problem Ross...." Doflamingo smirked and said before continuing.

"They already know."


You can visit my p@treon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. (www.p@treon.com/SlimeSage) don't forget to change @ to a.