
MCU: The Heavenly Yaksha (A Non-Harem FanFic)

Tom was your normal average unemployed guy, whose life completely changed due to a sudden survey. Watch as he rises as a great man known as The Heavenly Yaksha in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. |-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_| -This is my 3rd book so please be gentle with me. -English is not my first language. -Leave some honest reviews, please. -There will be some random movies added in that won't interfere too much on the MCU plot, so beware. My update schedule will be 5 chapters a week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Tags: -NoHarem -SlightlyStrongMC -SlightRomance -SlowPaced You can visit my Patreon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. www.patreon.com/SlimeSage *Cover is not mine, I just found it in Pinterest.* *I only own my OC*

SlimeSage · Films
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158 Chs

Ch. 34 - Dreaming [Fixed]

When Doflamingo opened his eyes, instead of the familiar ceiling on his dorm, he was met with a pure white space.

He tried to look around but found nothing except for a glowing ball of light as small as a stone.

"What's going on?" Doflamingo said to himself as he tried to walk around and realized that he was floating forward instead of walking.

As he reached the glowing ball of light. He realize that it wasn't a ball of light, but instead it's a very smooth oval light blue colored stone.

"You... How did you get here?" Surprisingly, there was a woman's face on the stone, forming a shock and confused face.

"Uhm? I don't know, I just woke up and found myself here. Who are you? What is this place?" Doflamingo replied to her before returning a question.

"My name is Nemesis, and this is my place." The lady, or Nemesis as she is introduced herself, replied to his question.

"My name's Donquixote Doflamingo, nice to meet you, Nemesis." It was Doflamingo's turn to introduce himself and so he did. Though he was confused on Nemesis's name, it's a bit unusual for a name and he haven't heard of it throughout his entire life.

'Is she perhaps part of the comics? That's bad, I haven't read the Marvel Comics, I only watched the Cinematic Universe.' Doflamingo thought to himself as he asked a question.

"I have a question. Why are you inside this stone?" Doflamingo casted a confused face as he tried to touch the stone.

"Don't touch the stone!" Suddenly, Nemesis's face contorted into shock as she tried to remind him, but it was too late, Doflamingo has already touched the stone.

Unexpectedly, nothing happened.

"Uhh, is something supposed to happen?" Doflamingo asked questionally.

"That isn't right. Touching the stone is supposed to kill yo-." Just when Nemesis was about to explain the consequences of touching the stone to him, her eyes fell upon the ring on his middle finger.

"That ring. It's my halo." Nemesis whispered to himself however, Doflamingo still heard her.

"This ring? The Ring of Authority? It's yours?" Doflamingo was shocked at Nemesis's comment at his ring.

As he expected, this ring definitely isn't a normal one.

"So, it's incomplete." Nemesis whispered in sadness before continuing.

"Indeed, that ring is mine and it is a part of my Halo that was lost during my death." She explained.

"So, are you some kind of God or something?" He asked.

"You can say so." So far, she seemed cool to Doflamingo, it's like he's talking to his friend.

"You know what ring this is? Can you explain to me what it can do? I found it in the storage room in the Orphanage and after wearing it, I can't take it off anymore." Doflamingo said to her.

"There is a reason why it is called the Ring of Authority. In simple terms, it has the ability to seize authority on anything, be it a Dimension, a universe and anything." She explained to him as Doflamingo nodded seriously.

Now he knows why this ring saved him and gave him the ability to swim even though he's not supposed to be capable.

Perhaps it seized the authority over water or his devil fruit, and using 'his' authority over his devil fruit to remove his weakness on oceans or sea waters.

If that's the case, then this ring is definitely much more stronger than he thought.

He could seize authority over the universe and he could immediately become the god on that universe, controlling everything like a puppeeter with his strings attached everywhere around the universe.

Huh? That's weird, cause he has the ability of strings.

"You said that it is the only part of your Halo, you mean that there are other Ring of Authority out there?" Doflamingo asked her, he felt anxious when he said this, after all, if it is indeed the case then he's definitely not safe even if he seized the authority over his universe.

From the looks of Nemesis, she seemed to have read Doflamingo's thoughts as she answered his question.

"Yes, aside from the Ring of Authority, I have 4 other rings somewhere around the Multiverse. However, you're wrong about there being multiple Ring of Authority. Each of the ring has different names and capabilities. In short, that ring on your finger is the only Ring of Authority throughout the entire Multiverse." When Doflamingo heard this, he sighed slightly in relief but he was still uncomfortable, if there are other rings as strong as the Ring of Authority, then if it falls to a wrong hand or to a very ambitious person, then the whole Multiverse is at stake.

"Do you know where the other rings are? It would be bad if it fell to a bad person with malicious intent on the multiverse." Doflamingo tried to convince her on telling him about the location of the other rings.

"I'm sorry, I don't know. I've been stuck in here for so many years that I've lost count of it. And even if I knew, I won't tell you."


"You said that it might fall to a wrong person, but what if that person is you? I might be sealed here for so many years that I lost count, but that doesn't mean I've become an idiot." She said as Doflamingo nodded at her words. She's not wrong to be honest.

Just the content of his question could already sound so suspicious as if he wanted to own this power before anyone else could.

He's definitely not thinking about that, he's just concerned for the wellness of the Universe.

Yup, he's just concerned, nothing more, nothing less.

"You're right. Although it is pretty hard to trust someone you just met but I have no bad intentions. I assure you that I just don't want them to fall on the wrong hands."

"...I'll think about it. Leave me alone." Nemesis halted for a second before replying.

And before Doflamingo could react, he woke up from his bed, his entire body was full of sweat.

"Huff....huff....That definitely isn't a normal dream." Doflamingo inhaled deeply as he caressed his Ring of Authority.

'Can I meet her again? I still have many questions.' Doflamingo thought to himself as he wanted to know more about the being he just met.

He could tell that she's definitely something special in the entire Marvel World.

'Putting that aside, she said that there are other 4 rings roaming the multiverse out there. I just hope that they won't fall into the wrong hands.' Doflamingo said to himself as he looked at the rising sun outside the window.

"I swear I there for like, 5 minutes." Doflamingo was amazed by the mystery of time.

Maybe someday he would unlock it's secrets along with the mystery that surrounds the entire Multiverse.

So many things to explore and so is the danger.

'Why am I thinking about this. I can't even handle Hydra, not to mention, the other strong being in my universe.' Doflamingo chuckled to himself. This shows that he is weak and pathetic. He may be strong than an average human, but so weak when it comes to Gods and Celestial Beings.

'I need to train more.' Doflamingo resolutely said to himself inside his mind as he stood from his bed and stretched his body while yawning at the same time.

After doing his morning routine, Doflamingo went outside his room and tried to remember where the training grounds are and it wasn't that long before he found himself in the training grounds.

He saw the trainees yesterday chatting with each other while the rest are training. From the looks of it, the session hasn't started yet, so he went stepped in and all the eyes turned at him.

Doflamingo smiled at them and waved his hand.

After 5 seconds of awkward staring, they resumed their chattings and trainings, leaving Doflamingo alone.

'That's weird, do they usually do that to the newcomers here?' Doflamingo thought to himself as he looked around and there, he saw the lady yesterday that he fought with.

"Hey there. Sorry about yesterday, you know, about beating you." Doflamingo went closer to her and apologized as the woman coldly glared at him while waving her Bo Staff around.

"You don't need to apologize. I lost because I'm weak." She looked down on the ground as she said weakly.

"You're not weak. I'm just too strong." Doflamingo tried to comfort her, which just caused her to glare more fiercely at him.

Realizing that his wording is a bit wrong, he immediately tried to clear himself.

"I mean that in this world, there are always beings out there stronger than you, and that shows us that we haven't reached our limit yet, so we must surpassed it." Doflamingo both comforted and encouraged her.

"You're right. Then, let's fight." She said as she picked up a spare Bo Staff from the weapon rack and threw it to Doflamingo.

Doflamingo's mouth twitched as he catches the Bo Staff. Maybe he shouldn't have approached her and left her be, then he wouldn't be troubled to fight this lady again.

"I don't even know your name. Mind introducing yourself?" Doflamingo got into a stance, according to his memory of Sun Wukong, where he slumped his Bo Staff over his shoulder and appeared very casual.

"Defeat me and you'll know." She said before making a move.

"Hah!" She waved her Bo Staff at him while Doflamingo parried, thanks to his fast reflex and senses.

*Clak* x20

The both of them exchanged blows with each other as a crowd has formed around them.

"He's fighting her again!"

"I still can't believe my eyes when I saw him defeat her yesterday."

"Me too."

While the surrounding trainees were watching the fight, the same goes to the Ancient One and Mordo, who was at the back of the ground, also watching the fight.

"I should stop them." Mordo said as he prepared himself to put a halt on the ongoing fight.

"No, no. Let them be, this is interesting." The Ancient One didn't let Mordo stop the fight.

"But I can't start the training session with them fighting." Mordo tried to reason.

"I know. But I wanted to see where the both of their limit lies." Ancient One said with a gleam on her eyes.

After all, Doflamingo isn't the only one that has caught her eyes on, but also the redhead.

After all, she's the real mother of a certain witch.


[Guess who she is? She actually exists in the 616 universe but I decided to include her here, because why not? It makes the story more interesting and unpredictable.]

You can visit my p@treon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. (www.p@treon.com/SlimeSage) don't forget to change @ to a.