
MCU: The Heavenly Yaksha (A Non-Harem FanFic)

Tom was your normal average unemployed guy, whose life completely changed due to a sudden survey. Watch as he rises as a great man known as The Heavenly Yaksha in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. |-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_| -This is my 3rd book so please be gentle with me. -English is not my first language. -Leave some honest reviews, please. -There will be some random movies added in that won't interfere too much on the MCU plot, so beware. My update schedule will be 5 chapters a week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Tags: -NoHarem -SlightlyStrongMC -SlightRomance -SlowPaced You can visit my Patreon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. www.patreon.com/SlimeSage *Cover is not mine, I just found it in Pinterest.* *I only own my OC*

SlimeSage · Films
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158 Chs

Ch. 21 - Becoming the new Kingpin (1)

As the next day has arrived, Doflamingo knew that he has to establish his position as the new Kingpin as soon as possible before any betrayal and deception take place.

So, he started with the biggest gang under Kingpin, which is the 5 mafia Families, Gambino, Genovese, Lucchese, Colombo, and Bonanno.

"Let's start with the Gambino Family." Doflamingo said to Matilda who was sitting on a comfortable chair that he bought for her.

"Are you sure? According to the data I gathered, out of all the 5 families, they're the most ferocious and the baddest of the bad."

"Yeah. Like I said earlier, we should start with the strongest." Doflamingo smiled while wearing his glasses. He decided to take over the underground as Doflamingo himself, instead of Robin Hood. After all, there are ears and eyes everywhere, he can't afford to ruin Robin Hood's reputation and besides, Doflamingo is destined to become the Underground Emperor.

"Alright. This is where all their bases are. And this, is where their warehouses is, where they store the weapons and drugs that they sell." Matilda started typing on her computer and showed him a map that contains red dots and blue dots.

"The reds are the bases where the members resides. And also where they transact their items. And the blue dots are the warehouses." Matilda leaned back on the chair to give Doflamingo a full view of the computer screen.

"I'll start with the bases. The warehouses could provide a good income to us when we put Gambino family under us." Doflamingo said as Matilda nodded her head.

"Alright then. This is their main base and where the leader and his family lives." Matilda pointed at the biggest red dot on the screen.

"So, are you going in sneakily or guns blazing?" Matilda asked.

"Guns blazing. After all, we're here to show our strength that we could kill them even if we did it up front without sneaking. This would diminish their schemes to betray me if they ever plan to." Doflamingo explained. He wanted full loyalty from them and if they can't give it to him, then they could just kiss their asses away and go to hell.

"Like what I thought." Matilda smiled. She felt that being bad is more fun that being good. There is this excitement that runs through her veins, telling her that only doing good is boring and all of this was thanks to Doflamingo, who showed her the way.

Unknown to Doflamingo, Matilda is slowly turning into a person that would only be loyal to him.


"Should I tell you about the position of the guards or you already know it?" Matilda said through the earpiece.

"Yup, already know it." Doflamingo said as he heard Matilda sigh in the background.

"Alright then, I'll just help cover you from the cameras as usual."

"Thanks." Doflamingo expressed his gratitude.

Since it was a rainy dark day, this is the best time for him to instill fear on his enemies, after all, it worked to Batman.

And the first thing he did?

Was to smash the gates of the mansion.

"What? Who is it?" The person guarding the gate was shooked awake and when he tried to register that someone just broke into the ground, a dark and grim voice, spoke into his ear.

"Vengeance." And before he knew it, he was knocked unconscious while the perpetrator, Doflamingo continued his way into the mansion.

"Enemy! Someone attacked us!" Soon, everyone on the mansion was alarmed that someone was intruding them.

"Is it the Colombo? Those fuckers!" The current head of the Gambino Family, Joseph Armone, cursed as he thought that his long-time enemy, Colombo was making trouble for him once again.

He just received the news of Kingpin's death, and he planned to take over his position as the new Kingpin of the underground, but it wasn't that easy. The Colombo family, was also eyeing the position for a long time and they'd also decided to fight over the throne.

Unfortunately for them, someone has already decided on who will be the new Kingpin of the underground.

"How many of them?" Joseph asked his subordinate who informed him of the situation.

"S-sir, that's the problem. He's only one person." The man stuttered as Joseph glared at him.

"One fucking person? Is there someone out there capable to raid us alone?" Joseph yelled at the man before widening his eyes as if he realized something.

"Is it the Baba Yaga?" Joseph remembered his encounter with the legendary hitman known as the Baba Yaga, or Boogeyman in english.

"So, the Tarasov Mafia? Those fuckers." However, before he could realize that it isn't the Tarasov Mafia or the Baba Yaga, the entrance door was blasted open as dusts clouded the entrance. The guards inside, saw this as a signal and immediately raised their weapons and rapidly fired at the blasted door.

As soon as their bullets ran and and they thought that the intruder has died, a speeding bullet came in and killed all the guards inside, right in their foreheads.

Joseph, along with his close associates and family, sweated at this, the only thought in their heads was that a hitman or assassin was hired to kill them all, and guessing from the performance of this hitman, he must be a legendary hitman like the Baba Yaga, or he is the Baba Yaga himself.

"Huhuhuhu. So this is where you all hide, like some kind of rats."

They heard a low laugh as a mocking words was heard by them.

However, they were used being mocked, so after getting angry for a bit, they recovered their calmness and waited for the man to appear.

And as they expected, Doflamingo did appear but not someone they're expecting.

Instead of a man clad in black to mix within the darkness, they saw a light blond-haired, very lean and muscular teen with a slight tan skin, wearing a black suit and tie but the most eye catching on his appearance is his curved, thin white sunglasses and his light pink feather coat that covers most of his upper body

What they're shocked about is how young Doflamingo is. Instead of a gruff man with scars on his face or body that shows his experience, they're like seeing a clown in front of them.

"Who are you?" But Joseph isn't someone that judges people on appearances, after all, he didn't became the leader of one of the largest mafias in New York for nothing, throughout his journey he learned and experienced many things, and on of them is to not judge someone by their appearance.

And seeing that Doflamingo managed to reach here all alone, speaks that he is capable of doing the impossible.

"You don't need to know who I am but you can refer me to Joker." Doflamingo introduced himself while having a huge grin plastered on his face that creeps them out.

"Why are you doing this? Who hired you?" He asked.

"Oh no. Please, don't misunderstand. I'm just here to make your family submit to the new Kingpin. You should be honored, in fact." Doflamingo raised his arms in surrender and said to them.

"Hah! You? You're just a kid!" One of Joseph's son, who was about to inherit the position of Joseph, mocked him.

"Hmm. Is what I showed you not enough?" Doflamingo said as he leaned down on Joseph's son's face and stared at his eyes, as if staring directly at his soul, which made him tremble.

"Enough, Marko! Stand down." Joseph yelled at him as Marko did stand down, not because of his father, but because of the fear he felt when Doflamingo stared at him, it's like he's facing a beast instead of a human.

"What's in it for us?" Joseph asked which shocked everyone on the room.

"Father! / Joseph!" Both his family members and his close associates yelled his name in shock.

"Shut up! I am the head of the family, I know what's the best for us. This man here raided our base without fear of guns and mens." Joseph yelled back at them.

"But the police...." The youngest of them all, wanted to suggest something when everyone on the room stared at him in disgust and shock.

"Police? You dare call yourself a Mafia Boss's son when you're just gonna rely on the police in this situation?" Joseph felt like laughing at the youngest son, it's like he heard a clown telling a sad story.

"HaHaHaHaHa! That's some funny shit. Anyways, good decision. As for what's in it for you? The authority, since you'll be the first to submit to me, it's obvious you have the higher authority. All this, as long as you submit to me and ensure loyalty. Though, if you did ever betray me, then prepare for the consequences!" Doflamingo laughed out loud before praising Joseph at his decision then turned serious at the last of his sentence, threatening them if they tried to betrayed them.

"Sure. You're the boss." Joseph said as he stood up and bowed his head lower than Doflamingo's waist.

Meanwhile, the others has no choice but to accept this, so they followed suit and bowed their heads as low as Joseph's.

"Good. You won't regret it." Doflamingo's grin enlarged which made them gulp in fear. It's like Doflamingo truly deserves the name 'Joker' just by the grin on his face.

"I hope so." Joseph whispered.

"Well, then. It looks like my business here is done. Time to attack the others. I hope you reach the end of our deal." Doflamingo said before showing off one last time and jump out of the window and fell from the 3rd floor to the ground without any injuries.

"Is he Captain America?" One of the associates muttered in shock as in the history, only Captain America would be able to do those feats.

"Captain America or not. We have some work to do. With this Joker, I'm sure the whole Underworld will change greatly. I can feel it." Joseph said as the others agreed with him. This is their first time encountering a 'God' like existence.



"Which family is next?" Matilda asked.

"The Genovese family. I heard you said that they're the richest of the 5 mafias?"

"Yeah, I said that. Here's the locations of their warehouses and bases. As usual, the biggest red dot is where they hide. Goodluck."

"Thanks. Tonight, we'll change New York." Doflamingo laughed loudly, as his laughed resounded throughout New York, spreading fear around Doflamingo.


You can visit my p@treon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. (www.p@treon.com/SlimeSage) don't forget to change @ to a.

[Extra Chapter every 300 stones.]