
MCU: The Heavenly Yaksha (A Non-Harem FanFic)

Tom was your normal average unemployed guy, whose life completely changed due to a sudden survey. Watch as he rises as a great man known as The Heavenly Yaksha in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. |-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_| -This is my 3rd book so please be gentle with me. -English is not my first language. -Leave some honest reviews, please. -There will be some random movies added in that won't interfere too much on the MCU plot, so beware. My update schedule will be 5 chapters a week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Tags: -NoHarem -SlightlyStrongMC -SlightRomance -SlowPaced You can visit my Patreon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. www.patreon.com/SlimeSage *Cover is not mine, I just found it in Pinterest.* *I only own my OC*

SlimeSage · Films
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158 Chs

Ch. 104 - Training

The next morning, Doflamingo was just about to get his morning coffee when Frigga suddenly dragged him towards the training hall.

"Wait, I haven't even brushed my teeth." Doflamingo tried to reason however, Frigga was having nothing of it.

"I know. Which is why we're gonna learn cleaning magic today." Frigga said with a tint of smile on her face.

"Cleaning magic? I know quite a few cleaning magic." Doflamingo shrugged his shoulders and said. What he just said is actually true, the library of spells on Kamar-Taj has some cleaning spells like removing dust, drying wet cloths and such.

"Yes, but I assume all those cleaning magics that you learned can only be applied to anything but yourself, right?" Frigga asked and Doflamingo nodded as what she said is indeed true.

"That's why I'll teach you the self cleaning magic. You won't have to brush your teeth in the morning nor trim your beard." Frigga then proceeded to explain the few benefits that the cleaning magic that she will teach him does.

To be honest, Doflamingo got excited as Frigga also mentioned about not having to take a bath everyday as there's a magic that will remove anything that is not pure in your body, both exterior and interior.

It's similar to those cultivation novels where eating a weird pill will excrete the impurities in your body.

However, the difference between those is that the magic wouldn't give any benefits aside from just cleaning yourself more effectively and more...what else but cleaner.

And so, for the next few hours, Doflamingo sat on the ground in a seiza position.

In some times, Frigga allows Doflamingo to try the magic she's teaching but every time Doflamingo does the magic spells, he either fails or the spell ends up abruptly.

"You're not focusing. Use your mind to memorize each of the rune symbols."

Yes, that's the reason why Doflamingo often fails. It's because he has to memorize each fucking rune symbols, execute and chant them inside his at the right time, right place and the right position.

Once that's done, the spell would finally be formed and can be cast anytime.

"Again!" Frigga strictly instructed him as Doflamingo sighed again and closed his eyes for a few seconds and this time, he focused more clearly before waving his hand.


For the first time, Doflamingo's entire body glowed white for a few seconds before disappearing. Unknown to Doflamingo, this glowing effect wasn't seen by anybody as he only imagined this effect.

The glowing effect doesn't even exist as magic is invisible and naked to almost all kinds of eyes.

But the impact of magic can be seen in the transformations it brings.

It's been a day and a half since Doflamingo last brushed and took a bath and not to mention, he's been training nonstop, so he's quite dirty both in appearance and by smell.

And the moment the self cleaning magic took effect, Doflamingo now looks and smells like a fresh newborn baby.

'Not bad. Though my chest seems to be so itchy?' Doflamingo wondered to himself and the moment he took his t-shirt off, to his surprise, the scars that were embedded on his chest started disappearing one by one.

"That's also part of the cleaning." Frigga pointed at his chest and said.

'Is this why Loki always looks so clean in the movies whenever he is shown?' Doflamingo now finally knows the reason behind it.

"We'll move on to the next magic!" Frigga snapped him out of his thoughts and said.

Doflamingo nodded his head once again and focused, this time, there was a hidden excitement blossoming inside him.


While Frigga was training Doflamingo on magic, Hela finally had someone who could cure her thirst for battle.

Although Thor was too weak for her and she even almost slashed his left eye if she didn't stop herself in time.

"Raaahhhh!" Thor threw his Mjolnir towards Hela who swiftly caught it with her barehands, making Thor grumble slightly.

"How can you even lift Mjolnir! I thought I was the only one who was worthy?" Thor sadly said making Hela chuckle at his misery.

"Oh little Thor. Looks like your daddy didn't give you a proper weapon. He even had the guts to give someone like you my Mjolnir." Hela whispered to herself which wasn't heard by Thor as he was too focused on grumbling.

Hela then proceeded to throw the Mjolnir back to Thor. As much as she wanted to have her Mjolnir back, she could already feel that the Mjolnir has already moved on from her and is now satisfied with Thor. Thor might not know it yet but the Mjolnir has a slight sentience to it, which was formed when the Hela used and took care of it for years.



The Mjolnir happily came back to Thor's hand. Flashing a grateful smile at Hela, which irritates her, Hela conjured a Necrosword before clashing with Thor using their weapons.

Hela could tell that although Thor has experience in fighting, his combat prowess is lacking. He doesn't have any fighting styles except for smashing and throwing his hammer.

"Is that all you got? I expected something more from you considering that the almighty Odin is your father. I guess his a failure even in training his children." Hela didn't forget to mock and be sarcastic to Thor, which works wonderfully as flashes of lightning started going off from Thor's hammer.

"Take this!" Thor smirked and swung his hammer towards her but he didn't let go of his grip on the handle. He's more like pointing his hammer at Hela.



As the lightning travelled from Mjolnir to Hela, dark clouds started covering the sky and the lightning intensified.

And before it could reach Hela, the lightning was already flashing more and its size has also increased.

"Not bad...." Hela commented before continuing as she just braced the lightning with just her body.


The entire area around Hela was destroyed and the clouds of dust formed.

Just when Thor thought that he finally defeated Hela, the clouds of dust started parting away and revealed Hela with a slight burn on her right cheek which quickly healed under a second.

"...But not good enough." Hela continued before raising her hands.

Thor was about to wonder about Hela's weird movement when his senses suddenly started alarming him greatly. As a warrior who has been in battles for a thousand years, Thor has always trusted his instincts and it has saved him multiple times. So he didn't hesitate to jump away from his position.

As expected, a large spike emerged from the ground in a very quick state.

Thor sweated and gulped his saliva as he knew that if he doubted his instincts at that time, he would be impaled by now.

'Is she trying to kill me? But she's my sister!' Thor was now regretting agreeing to Hela's challenge. And now he has to face the consequences.

And so, that's what happened. Hela beat the shit out of him to the point that Thor's body was now riddled with slight slash marks.

However, putting the negative effects aside, Thor has also learned different ways of fighting and got stronger because of it. Although the change isn't that noticeable yet, as time goes on and their sparring becomes harder and harder, Thor would surely become stronger than his future self.

And so, 1 week has passed and Doflamingo's prowess grew, and he began to perform spells with increasing confidence. With Frigga's guidance, he learned how to wield Asgard magic as an extension of himself, tapping into the depths of his own willpower to shape reality according to his desires.

Thanks to Frigga, Doflamingo could finally change his height but he discovered that it also affects his physical strength. So basically, the smaller his height the less strength he has.

Thankfully, Doflamingo could change his height anytime he wants so he won't have to shout in the sky how he is nerfed or something.

(A/N: I won't even bother arguing to some of you yelling that he's nerfed or some shit. Just read and understand the paragraph before this so you could understand that this is not a nerf.)

And so, Doflamingo is now back from 10 ft tall to 6.5 ft tall.

"I feel weird." Back in his room, Doflamingo said to himself as his perspective view has changed so much and the feeling of his strength is not as strong as it used to be.

"But still, now I won't have to use my clones to go in public." Doflamingo weighed the pros and cons and he felt like there isn't much disadvantage in this.

"Doffy?" Hela entered the room in her night gown and saw Doflamingo's small stature, the first thing that comes to her mind is Doflamingo's clone.

"Nope. It's me, THE Doflamingo." Doflamingo turned around to face her and said.

"Thanks to your mother, I have now achieved 30% of my dream." Doflamingo said while continuing on his mind.

'Well, it is also because I won't be having a problem when kissing you as I always have to bend my back just to give you a peck on your lips.' Doflamingo was even imagining how they would have sex if he's still in his 10 ft height.

Hela's head can barely reach his lower waist. He doesn't want to lose his virginity in an awkward sex, especially to someone like Hela.

"I like the tall you more. But this is not that bad, I'll just have to get used to it." Hela then proceeded to peck on his lips and grab his crotch.

"And I also won't have to raise my hand just to touch this thing."


You can visit my p@treon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. (www.p@treon.com/SlimeSage) don't forget to change @ to a.