
MCU: I am 05-1

a man gets sucked into the MCU during a multiverse collapse and told that he has become the new 05 for the SCP Foundation, the only thing... it doesn't exist yet. so the question is, is he up for the task?

The_Noobulas · Films
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28 Chs

Chapter 21

Hello I am back, sorry I had a family thing out of state and ended up sick when I got back, then i guess webnovel removed the writers tab because I had to uninstall and reinstall then re sign in just to work on this.

now fair warning this chapter is a bit smaller than my others, that wasn't the original plan but jeez this was annoying to write for reasons I will explain in the Footnote for those that don't want spoilers, but the grammer mistakes are intentional and related to the anomaly that will be captured in this mini-arc, though I might just skip to the end of it next chapter because it hurt my brain to write.

I've also decided between two end points for this fan fic, those being either after endgame or after Love and Thunder, I would write more, but my knowledge past those becomes... fragmented at best

if you have issues with the grammer, all important info is in the first half of the chapter, so after he leaves to retrieve the anomaly you can skip it if it causes you pain

-------- Story Start----

I looked down at the knife I had been carrying for the last couple of days. the knife in question seemed to shake, although it was just my imagination, I think. I have been spending every bit of spare energy charging it with Shadow Tether, and with how much energy was stored in it, I was worried it would explode in my grasp at any moment.

[it will not explode. You don't have the Energy Overload or Improvised Explosive abilities, so the most it would do is melt into a steaming pile of anomalous slag]

that, somehow, didn't make me feel any better.

I walked into the Overseer's office. "Anything new?" I asked, taking a seat across from him. "The numbers we received are still being decoded, but the only things we can figure are coordinates or a code of some kind, but progress has been slow. also Fury is demanding a meeting again." The Overseer said, never looking up from his computer "also the new task force training is almost done, then we can begin the second stage of the plan once the Shield-Bearers are done identifying all of the Hydra agents in Shield."

I nodded,"so Furys trying to go on another power trip with more ridiculous demands?" I sighed ever since the official meeting when I had shown them the power of 272 Fury had become unreasonable, requesting equipment that could teleport, read minds, and even at one point asking for a 'device that can isolate the earth and all of humanity from extraterrestrial threats that may occur now and in the future' as if I could just pull these things out of thin air on demand.

"Actually, sir, this time, he seemed flustered, screaming about how he was making everyone in the building crazy and we needed to come remove him before he caused more Shield personnel to kill themselves via toast related ways, there was also a photo of a toaster attached as well." the Overseer chuckled. I frowned a bit, it was confusing after all as Fury rarely asked for help outside his control, and even though we were partners in the barest sense of the word I knew that he hated asking for any kind of help from us since we didn't answer to him or any form of authority in his eyes.

"Okay, I'll head there later today, and go ahead and begin planning the chain of command for the new Task Force, I want a basic structure by the end of the week, we need to move onto other tasks as soon as possible, also begin operations for relocation of half of the Shield-Bearers, I want them retrained for basic mind control resistance and placed into a new infiltration group called SA-Herculeans, they will attempt infiltration of deeper Hydra groups in order to monitor everything they possibly can, I want every bit of information that can be scraped out of that snake pit." I said before leaving

I grabbed three personnel from the still in-training task force. Luckily, they had already been registered as a mobile task force and were not under the 'can't leave the base' rule.

as we drove to Shield Headquarters, I wondered what kind of anomaly I would have to be to annoy Fury to the point of calling what would be a rival organization in his eyes.

"Wonder what kind of anomaly I'm gunna to be," my driver said. I took a second, something about what he just said bothered me, I activated Thoughtful Management and asked tentatively, "What did you just say?"

"Oh well, sir, I'm wondering what kind of anomaly I'm going to be, I'm not some big monster with teeth or an infection since you're coming to get me personally, and you only brought three people for backup, so I must be a simple disturbance, though I'm hoping I'm at least Euclid, it's getting pretty boring at the compound."

after a couple of seconds, I realized what I was and immediately began laughing after realizing how I had driven Fury to call the foundation.

--- Authors Note--

Scp 426 is an anomalous toaster with 2 effects, the first being that any reference of the toaster via any medium will become first person without the victim knowing, the second being prolonged exposure causing the target to believe they are a toaster, causing them to die via toaster related ways such as electrocution in an attempt to 'get power', consuming toast until your stomach pops, and inserting bread into [REDACTED]