
Marvelous Evolution

Isaac was a great geneticist his previous life, during a radiation experiment he died inexplicably and got reincarnated in the MCU. Follow his adventures as he explores this new world and try to develop superpowers.

Mohamed_Mostafa_0186 · Films
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Huge Progress

It had been a week since Isaac received the warning from his dad. The preclinical test results had been completed, and he decided to use the upcoming meeting to expedite the remainder of the procedure. Isaac determined that what is holding him back is his lack of capital, so he decided to take advantage of the military's influence to accelerate the release of the elixir.

'I have a plan on how to develop more suitable abilities for myself, but I will need a private space and some resources' thought Isaac while preparing for the meeting the next day.

Yesterday, he succeeded in activating the other genetic ability chain that he had previously discovered. This particular chain originated from the 15th unlocked genetic base point, the one that unlocked his mental perception. It contains a total of 13 base points.

After unlocking this new ability chain, two new functions were added to his arsenal. Far more intricate control over his mental perception and the ability to analyze objects to a microscopic level, although it is so taxing on his mind that he couldn't use it effectively.

For now, Isaac has decided against activating any new genetic ability chains randomly anymore.

The next day, Isaac arrived early at the large, well-furnished conference room at Stark Industries. He took his time setting up his presentation materials. The room was quiet, allowing him a few moments to gather his thoughts.

Soon, several high-ranking military officials began to file in, including a senior officer with a stern demeanor and another officer who seemed slightly more approachable. Isaac didn't recognize them but knew their presence meant his project was being taken seriously.

"Good morning, Dr. White," the approachable officer greeted as he took his seat. "I'm General Roberts, and this is Colonel Evans. We're eager to hear about your progress."

"Good morning, General Roberts, Colonel Evans," Isaac replied, his voice steady. He walked to his assigned position, which was close to them, feeling their expectant gazes on him.

Tony Stark and Pepper Potts entered a few moments later. Tony gave Isaac a nod of acknowledgment as he took his seat at the head of the table.

"Let's get started," Tony said. "Isaac, the floor is yours."

Isaac began, "Our preclinical tests on the Energy Restoration Elixir have shown promising results. The elixir enhances physical endurance and accelerates recovery times significantly. We believe it can provide a substantial advantage in the field."

Isaac diverted some of his attention to his mental magnetic field, gauging the movements of the officers setting next to him. General Roberts, seated beside him, seemed genuinely interested, while Colonel Evans, seated a bit further away, had a mix of curiosity and skepticism.

Isaac proceeded to outline the data, showcasing charts and graphs that illustrated the elixir's efficacy.

Colonel Evans leaned forward, his skepticism apparent. "Dr. White, while the data is impressive, we need to understand the long-term effects and any potential risks. Rushing this into deployment without thorough testing could be dangerous."

Isaac nodded, anticipating this concern. "Absolutely, Colonel. That's why we're proposing a phased approach. With the military's support, we can conduct comprehensive clinical trials, ensuring both efficacy and safety. Your involvement would accelerate the process without compromising the integrity of our research."

General Roberts interjected, "What kind of support are you looking for, Dr. White?"

Isaac took a deep breath. "We need additional funding, access to more advanced research facilities, and the ability to conduct our clinical trials on a larger scale. In return, we will prioritize the development of the elixir for military use, providing regular updates and collaborating closely with your team."

Tony Stark chimed in, "I've seen the potential of Isaac's work firsthand. With the right backing, we can fast-track this project and bring its benefits to our troops sooner rather than later."

Isaac felt a wave of agreement from General Roberts beside him, while Colonel Evans remained cautious but intrigued. The meeting continued with detailed discussions about logistics, timelines, and specific requirements.

Isaac exited the conference room, feeling quite confident that the military would drastically expedite the procedure of clinical testing. General Roberts may have tried to hide his enthusiasm under his stoic demeanor, but Isaac could clearly feel his emotions. 

'Now that the meeting has ended, I need to focus on developing suitable abilities,' thought Isaac. He evaluated himself and noticed that, despite his powerful perception, his body's reaction could not keep up. And for that, he needed a private space to do some tests.

Over the course of the following few days, Isaac began focusing less on Stark's lab and more on setting up his own. With the funds that he had recently earned from working with Stark Industries, he rented an abandoned factory and perfunctorily refurbished the place.

He used his connections to acquire a particular machine that is commonly known as a "reaction ball machine" or a "reaction trainer." These machines are designed to improve reaction time and hand-eye coordination by shooting or releasing rubber balls unpredictably, requiring the user to react quickly to catch or evade them. They are often used in sports training, physical therapy, and cognitive rehabilitation programs.

He bought a bunch of these machines and installed them in his newly acquired factory.

"With this arrangement, I will be able to train my reaction speed and test a theory I have," murmured Isaac with some anticipation. He began by using only one machine on a moderate setting to test himself.

As soon as the machine started shooting, Isaac's mental perception caught the rubber ball's trajectory. He dodged quite easily, even at increasing difficulty levels. But he knew that mere anticipation and perception were not enough; his physical reactions needed to match his mental acuity.

'Despite my sluggish reaction time, I am anticipating and determining how to avoid obstacles because I can perceive their trajectories in advance,' thought Isaac while recording this data. Although this is a useful skill to train in, this isn't the purpose of this test. The true goal is to pressure his body by training his reaction speed to identify which genetic base points affect his reflexes. 

Isaac tried to constrain his perception range this time around. As expected, he couldn't dodge all the projectiles. He kept trying to dodge continuously until his body gave out.

Taking a break, Isaac sat cross-legged in a quiet corner of the factory and entered a state of introspection. He visualized his body's internal map, focusing on the circulating energies.

After this huge exercise, he kept tracking the circulation until he found some flickering gray points that he suspected to be his target. He ignored the base points in his muscles and brain for the time being and focused on those in his spinal chord.

'According to advanced studies done in my previous life, the key to reaction speed may lie within these base points in the spinal chord; there is only one way to find out' Isaac thought, guiding his focus towards a potential point in the middle of his spinal chord.

He began to channel energy toward this point, and after what felt like hours of meticulous focus, he successfully activated the genetic base point. He felt a slight tingling sensation in his spine that went away quickly.

Determined to see the result, Isaac returned to the reaction machine. This time, even on the highest difficulty, without the aid of his powerful perception, he succeeded in dodging most of the balls.

"This is a huge breakthrough; with this method, I can enhance any deficiencies I have in the future," murmured Isaac excitedly. 

After several days of intense training and introspection, Isaac had activated five genetic base points related to reaction speed, all located on his spinal chord. The change was noticeable. His body responded more fluidly, and he could react faster to his mental perception.

To test his progress, Isaac set up all the reaction machines at their highest difficulty, and this time he didn't restrict his perception. As the machines fired simultaneously, Isaac moved with a newfound agility, dodging and catching balls with precision.

He could feel his body reacting almost instinctively, as if the milliseconds between perception and action had been drastically reduced. 

'This is the result, even when I couldn't connect all 5 base points and make them resonate. What will happen if I activate the genetic ability chain of reaction speed?!' exclaimed Isaac in his head.