
Marvel: The Foundation

The MCU is already a perilous realm, fraught with danger at every turn. But for a crimelord like myself, it's a whole other level of risk, especially with heroes lurking around every corner. And if that weren't daunting enough, now I have to contend with the added uncertainty of encountering at least one completely random SCP every month. How many of these anomalies would it take to trigger an XK-class event? Well, here's hoping I get some favorable ones, allowing me not only to survive but also to flourish in this treacherous environment.

Darkstar_crow · Films
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Truth of SITE-166 -158


[Incident Report: SITE-166




Location: SITE-166


Report Filed By: Captain Elena Ross, MTF Beta-777: Hecate's Spear




Objective: Investigate and secure SITE-166, which was previously unaccounted for and suspected to be under the influence of an anomalous effect.


Team Members:

- Captain Elena Ross (Team Leader)

- Dr. Marcus Thorne (Arcane Specialist)

- Sgt. Alan "Hawkeye" Parker (Marksman)

- Lt. Julia Nguyen (Technician)

- Pvt. Emma Wilson (Communications)




Initial Entry:


Upon arrival at SITE-166's designated coordinates, the team utilized the provided mirror lens to penetrate the cloaking field surrounding the SITE. The lens achieved visual confirmation of SITE-166, revealing a previously hidden structure.


Observations and Findings:


External Perimeter:

 - The SITE was heavily fortified with advanced magical wards that prevented immediate entry.

 - Scans indicated that the wards were of an unknown origin, suggesting an external party had cast them to imprison whatever was inside.


Attempted Breach:

 - Lt. Julia Nguyen and Dr. Marcus Thorne attempted to analyze and dismantle the wards but found them too complex and interwoven with powerful magical energy to safely disarm.

 - Any attempt to force entry could result in catastrophic consequences, both for the team and the surrounding environment.


Anomalous Presence Detected:

 - Significant fluctuations in ambient magical energy levels around the perimeter.

 - High probability of SCP-1765 (The Sisters) being present within the SITE based on energy signatures and prior knowledge of their containment anomalies.


Discovery of SCP-1765:


Further investigation and remote sensing confirmed that SCP-1765 (The Sisters) had taken control of SITE-166. SCP-1765 is known for its ability to manipulate and dominate environments, creating chaotic and unstable conditions.



Containment Efforts:


Given the extreme danger posed by SCP-1765 and the impenetrable wards, the team opted not to enter the SITE. Instead, containment measures focused on reinforcing the existing magical wards to ensure SCP-1765 remained imprisoned.




To prevent further escalation and potential breach of SITE-166, the strategic decision was made to not attempt to force SITE-166 out of the mirror dimension and instead create another outer perimeter around the SITE, which will be named as SITE-166, which is now in charge of the task of containing SCP-1765.



Post-Incident Actions:



 - All team members underwent a thorough debriefing and psychological evaluation.

 - Detailed analysis of SCP-1765's actions and adaptations within SITE-166.



 - Continuous monitoring of the mirror dimension to ensure SCP-1765 remains contained.

 - Further research into enhancing containment measures for entities with reality-bending capabilities.



 - SITE-166 has been effectively neutralized as a threat in our dimension.

 - SCP-1765's influence contained within the mirror dimension, preventing any immediate danger to the Foundation and the public.


Report Approved By:

- Captain Elena Ross, MTF Beta-777: Hecate's Spear

- Alexandra Ricci, Director of SITE-009



- Visual documentation of SITE-166 pre and post-containment.

- Arcane analysis reports by Dr. Marcus Thorne.

- Psychological evaluation summaries of MTF Beta-777 members.


End of Report]




As soon as Alexander signed the report, he was granted a powerful Keter class reward. For all the effort of using the mighty pen, or rather checking a few boxes on a computer.


It was highly likely that the ancient one had done the real work. She had likely learned about the sisters and decided to get rid of them. Sealing them inside the mirror dimension was also an easy way to do that.


While in there, they couldn't really do anything. Their powers to manipulate reality would be pointless in a place where reality wasn't even real.


As for how they had forgotten about it, well her being able to make the world forget about something wasn't anything hard for someone like her. And if no one knew there was a SITE-166, there wouldn't be anyone looking, and no risk of them getting let out.


This was, without a doubt, one of the major benefits caused by the merging between SCP universe and Marvel. The ability to have others do your work for you.


"Let's hope that she can keep doing stuff like this up until her death; plenty of SCPs that would be hard to deal with for the Foundation but easy for her." He whispered to himself as he went over a list of that in his mind.




The world of Marvel was complex and had great hidden depths. While many might just look and see Ironman and Hulk, there was so much more that wasn't seen.


Hidden away in the dark shadows were far more than just Hydra and Wakanda. Many forces were hiding deeply, not daring to show themselves, and forced to give up their ambitions of ruling the world due to the ancient one keeping the peace.


Long ago, many of the nobles ruling over the lands hid a dark secret: they were all immortal vampires. They ruled over the world of man, treating normal humans as their lesser, doing as they wanted, and got away with it.


Then, the ancient one rose to power, far eclipsing the sorcerer supreme before her. Not only able to defend the earth from extra-dimensional threats but also clean up the world itself.

She had rewritten the rules and single-handedly ended the rule of dark forces that had controlled the world for many, many years. Even the great Khan and his empire was stopped by her. While he and his ten rings weren't easy to deal with, he had been forced to retreat.


Made to seek ways to increase his own power, and the ancient one, though she wasn't yet known as such, had allowed it. For she knew that he wouldn't gain the power he sought and would instead settle down.


With the Time Stone around her neck, she was able to find the best path forward. Dealing harshly with those she had to and gently with others. However, the entire mystic side of the world knew that the sorcerer supreme was not to be taken lightly.


Having cleaned up every threat on the earth, she could fully turn her attention off to those who wished to invade Earth from outside. The lords of hell were someone she often fought against. And had, over time, beaten back.


Under her reign, Earth enjoyed peace and prosperity that could never have happened without her. Far too many wanted to see humans remain stupid and weak, yet now even those same hidden creatures had to fear man's weapons.


 The very men and women who once could be nothing but prey before the creatures of the night had now been able to turn into the hunters.


Over the centuries, many groups and orders have risen to eradicate the remaining monsters off the face of the world. Countless vampires and werebeasts had found themselves dying at the hands of these hunters.


Whenever these forces had been pushed too far and rose to flip the situation back in their favor, they were stopped by the ancient one and taught a lesson. She had seen it all happen, and knew when she had to act, and when she didn't.


It had been like this for many years, Earth had been safe, it had been predictable. She knew everything that would happen up until the moment of her death. She shouldn't have been surprised by anything, yet time and time again, she was starting to find herself surprised.


 First there was the massive sea creature sleeping stuck under the South American continent. Something neither she nor anyone else had been able to find anything about.


Even the time stone hadn't been able to reveal the truth. Peering into the past just showed it appearing suddenly. Even going back millions of years didn't show it, so either it was hidden so far back that she just hadn't seen the moment it was last visible. Or there was something more at play here.


Though that was far from the only thing that had happened, even though it was clearly one of the biggest, another mystery was that island and sunken city that appeared. She had personally been over to investigate. And noticed a strong magic covering everything.


She had been careful, using the time stone to watch a group of people investigate the island, and hand allowed her to learn many things about it. Firstly, she figured out that the magic was a curse, and what the effect what, death.


She also realized that it seemed that some people had some knowledge about the island. She had skipped over that at first, focused on the only person living on the island. She, too, was cursed; in fact, many curses were stacked on top of her.


She struggled to use the time stone around the island. She wasn't sure if it was because of divine magic or something else, but she had to work really hard to see what had happened.


Even then, she still couldn't see how the island disappeared and reappeared, but she did see the end of the civilization that once lived there. Something that just proved to her once again that humans were better without gods.


Still, given how much she had to struggle to learn about the past of this place, she was made more curious about the people who seemed to know about things even she knew nothing about.


This was how she learned about the SCP Foundation.


She began to dig deeper into the Foundation's operations, realizing that it was a vast organization dedicated to containing and studying anomalies, many of which were beyond her initial understanding. The Foundation's secrecy and the sheer scale of its operations intrigued her, particularly how they managed to keep such a low profile while dealing with entities of immense power.


It wasn't easy to dig into their secrets. Most people didn't know all that much, and she was nowhere near good enough with modern tech to penetrate their security systems.


So once more, she used the Time stone. Waiting for someone to log in, she froze their time and started to browse around. She was able to find a few Foundation facilities and went to further investigate.


The more she learned, the more impressive she got, to think a group of people without magic or any superpowers could achieve so much. The cleverness of people really never stopped amazing her.


Still, she was left with a few big questions, like how all these things could have happened without her knowing about them. many of the things she found reports about would have been impossible to not have drawn her attention.


She eventually found a possible answer, though it was a chilling one. Apparently, the Foundation was aware that something they referred to as a CK-class event had happened. Which, according to them, was a large, global-scale event that changed reality itself.


The concept of a CK-class event fascinated and disturbed the Ancient One. A reality-altering event of such magnitude could explain why she had been unaware of many of the anomalies and incidents recorded by the Foundation. It suggested that the very fabric of reality had been altered, and memories of the original timeline had been either erased or altered.


Something that could do that to someone like her, who possessed the time stone, was rare and powerful; perhaps only another infinity stone could do that. Still, she desired to learn more about both this event and the Foundation.


However, she quickly found a problem: the leadership. She had been able to find a few SITE directors and get information from them. but not a single person knew anything about anyone higher ranked than themselves.


She had only been able to learn about their leadership structure but had gotten few clues as to how she could find them. The only clue was a name, Alexander Ricci, who spoke on behalf of the O5 council, but he had died not long ago, and no one knew who would replace him yet.


The idea that the Foundation was important in some way was only reinforced when she felt something happen at one of the sites she had visited; a huge spike in magical energies had happened.


She went to revisit the place to find out what had happened, only to find the entire place inside a bobble of warped reality. As she entered the bobble, she was attacked by a woman who could use chaos magic; she was thankfully able to easily defend herself and deal with them. but she realized that killing them would be difficult.


In the end she sealed the entire place away inside the mirror dimension since she had learned that they were next to powerless within it. She went and added more seals, hopefully getting rid of those three for good.


However, it did create a problem; she was trying to hide her actions from the Foundation, wanting to learn more about them and have their attention on her.


But she did realize that there was no way they wouldn't investigate the disappearance of their facility. So, to avoid them messing with the seals, she wiped the memory of the entire world of its existence.


The spell was old but useful; in fact, she herself had modified it even to get rid of what was erased from most forms of recording. Including most books, maps, and even computers.







If you want to read up to 10 chapters ahead or even get the chance to pick what SCPs get summoned, or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / SCPsystem