
Marvel: The Foundation

The MCU is already a perilous realm, fraught with danger at every turn. But for a crimelord like myself, it's a whole other level of risk, especially with heroes lurking around every corner. And if that weren't daunting enough, now I have to contend with the added uncertainty of encountering at least one completely random SCP every month. How many of these anomalies would it take to trigger an XK-class event? Well, here's hoping I get some favorable ones, allowing me not only to survive but also to flourish in this treacherous environment.

Darkstar_crow · Movies
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259 Chs

Mystery of SITE-166 -157


Alexander quickly started to investigate the mystery surrounding SITE-166. After all, one doesn't just lose a site filled with hundreds of people and then not notice it going missing.


Which meant that it was likely only due to his new earring that he was able to notice it now, which meant some kind of mind-altering effect was in effect surrounding the SITE.


As for how to know if that was true? It was easy, since all he had to do was send a request out to some of his men to ask about this SITE.


They indeed knew nothing about it, claiming that they didn't know there was such a SITE, and that all their searches showed that there wasn't a SITE-166.


He quickly started an investigation, after all he wanted to know what was up with the SITE and why everyone didn't seem to know about it.




[Location redacted, near the so-called 166 point of interest]


A team of Foundation personnel had been given this mission by their SITE director: to check in on a location that was supposed to hold a Foundation SITE that no one had ever heard about before.


It wasn't the first time something like this had happened; entire SITEs had appeared or disappeared in the past.


They had all been briefed on those old situations so they were naturally nervous, since it might be highly dangerous.


Thankfully, they were only required to see if anything was at the location; remote surveillance showed nothing, but that might just be the SITE itself hiding from that using the technology that all SITEs had to help them hide from the world.


Normally, they wouldn't hide from other Foundation surveillance systems, but in some cases, they could. So it was entirely possible something had happened on the SITE and they had turned that on and went fully dark.


As they approached the designated coordinates, the team activated their field equipment, scanning for any anomalies or signs of the SITE's presence. The landscape was eerily quiet, an unremarkable stretch of forest that gave no hint of the hidden complexities it might conceal.


"Team Alpha, commence sweep pattern Delta," the team leader ordered. The agents fanned out, meticulously covering every inch of the area. Scanners beeped and clicked, searching for hidden signals or cloaked structures.


It didn't take long for the first sweep to be over and the result to show up empty. They were at the right place, but they couldn't see anything that hinted at a SITE being hidden here.


"All teams, I want a full layout made of the area, 10 clicks." The team leader ordered, and his men instantly set out to do it.


They moved around in small circles and slowly started to expand them, going further and further out from their starting point. Each team was just three men large, and soon enough, they were wandering around in some massive circles for hours and hours.


Their every step, move, and position was constantly being tracked. The data would be sent back in real time to over a dozen different servers, who would triangulate their positions constantly, ensuring that they were not missing any spots.


All the reports coming back said that they were doing everything right, except just one.


"We go a hit one… never seen this server data before, high ranked… fuck this is some O5 level stuff!" The team leader couldn't help but say loudly as he became aware of how important this mission was if they were sending the data right to someone of the O5 level.


However, it likely meant that they had a proper hit and not just an error. "Alright team, you can come back now, we aren't finding it like this." He recalled his men as he started to look through the mission report.


He quickly spotted what he was looking for: the procedure if something like this happened. He had been given a piece of special equipment to use. He quickly found the locked box. Within it was a small mirror lens.


He held it up to his eyes and looked through it, and his vision went all funny, like some kind of crazy mirror room. However, as he looked towards where the SITE was supposed to be located, he now saw it—but only through the lens.


The team leader's heart raced as he saw the faint outline of SITE-166 through the mirror lens. It was an eerie sight, like a ghostly apparition overlaying the forest. He lowered the lens and the image vanished, confirming the powerful cloaking technology at work.


Or that was at least what he assumed. He wasn't ranked highly enough to know what was going on here. He didn't know what this lens was, or what was being worked on at SITE-166.


"Alright, we got a visual. Now, let's pack up and get out of here." But he didn't have to worry either, for his job was done. Now it was time for some MTF to move in and deal with the rest.






Alexander was following the investigation into the mysterious SITE-166 closely. He had even allowed an item from his own collection to be used.


The Mirror lens, which he had received from the system as a reward, allowed him to look into the mirror dimension. It wasn't all that useful, but clearly, it had come in handy here.


This told him that magic was at play, and not any kind of magic, but Marvel magic, and even more specifically, the mystic order. Which meant the ancient one might be involved.


Now the question was, why would someone like her, or just any master for that matter, want with a Foundation SITE, and why hide it away? Clearly, he would need to send in MFT Beta-777: Hecate's spear, which is specialized in magic.


While that would be taken care off by others, He would busy himself with another interesting project, one brought in by none other then Natasha Romanoff, another Shield agent who had met a friendly SCP.


There was only so many that could be, which likely meant that he would soon get another one contained, and maybe even another spy in Shield if this worked out well.







Natasha had followed along as the Foundation agents took May to SITE-014, where she would be interrogated. And had attempted to do her best to ensure she was treated well.


Natasha herself had to undergo her own interrogation, having to explain herself and why she had decided to leak Foundation secrets to a non-Foundation person. Everything she had said and done was judged.


She could only hope that they would agree with her decision and give May a fair chance. She really believed that May would be a decent asset to the Foundation and hoped that she would be given the chance to prove it.


As for May, she was quickly learning the truth about the Foundation's legendary interrogations. She was quickly coming to understand why it was all but impossible to hide anything from them. Once they had you, they had all your secrets as well.


She had undergone all the training SHIELD had to offer. Passed it all with flying colors, trained to be able to lie no matter what she was put through. Trained to resist interrogation, nothing was meant to be able to drag secrets out of her.


All that training failed within hours. She wasn't even sure what they did. They didn't torture her, though they had threatened her with it. But clearly it wasn't necessary, not when they could so easily drag her secrets out of her.


May felt utterly exposed, her mind laid bare by the Foundation's interrogation techniques. The realization that they knew everything—her doubts about SHIELD, her fears for Eden, her suspicions about Natasha—left her feeling vulnerable and defeated.


All they had to do was ask her a question and then wait, and before she knew it, she would speak under the oppressive silence their questions were always followed by. She had attempted to lie many times. But even before she was finished they would call her out on it.


She suspected they had drugged her, maybe even used some kind of advanced lie-detecting technology. However, the fact that she couldn't remember getting drugged and could not see any tech made her feel exposed.


She couldn't point to something and blame it for her inability to resist them, and she couldn't push the responsibility off from herself. She just felt weak and vulnerable.


Even though she had pretty much already given away all her secrets, they would still come by like clockwork every three hours to ask her more questions. They would stay for no more than 30 minutes before leaving her for three hours.


Which meant that they didn't let her sleep properly, not that it was something that bothered her, thanks to her training. But it did show that they were very disciplined indeed. And far better at this than SHIELD, who would still use far rougher means.


Hours turned to days as she was kept there. Asked the same questions many times, each time having no choice but to tell the truth. All her plans and contingencies were found out. She had nothing to bargain with, nothing to stop from just getting rid of her or at least her memories.


Thankfully, they hadn't done so far. And she had a pretty good idea of why that might be. For one, they were likely picking up Eden and placing her in containment, and they were likely discussing whether she could be made a spy like Romanoff.


May sat in her cell, the weight of her situation pressing heavily on her. The endless cycle of interrogations had left her mentally exhausted, but she had managed to hold on to one small hope: that she might be given a chance to work with the Foundation, much like Natasha. Despite everything, the idea of contributing to a cause that might actually make a difference was appealing.


One day, the routine changed. Instead of the usual interrogator, a different person entered the room. He was tall, with a sharp gaze and an air of authority that commanded immediate respect.


"Agent May," he began, "I am Dr. Harold. Your interrogation sessions have concluded, and we have come to a decision."


May straightened, her heart pounding. "And what decision is that?"


Dr. Harold studied her for a moment before speaking. "You have shown resilience and a willingness to understand the Foundation's mission. We believe you could be an asset to us, provided you agree to certain conditions."


May nodded slowly. "What conditions?"


Dr. Harold just smiled at her as a shadowy silhouette took shape behind him. A pair of glowing eyes and a glowing mouth shone in the dark.


May instantly knew who that was, it was the Overseer both Fury and Natasha had met. One of the leaders of the entire Foundation. And if Natasha was to be believed, one of the most powerful people in the world, far more so than even the president.


"Nothing too demanding… except your loyalty and devotion to our cause." The overseer's voice rang out, leaving a soft, barely audible echo in the room. Making him seem extra otherworldly.





As the only rank 5 containment SITE of the Foundation, it was often SITE-019 who took in many SCP objects, both the more dangerous ones and those who couldn't cause much harm to anyone, including many humanoid objects that were cooperative.


Objects such as SCP-053 were kept here. The young girl was loved and pitied by the personnel, and she was given plenty of toys and treats as she requested.


The many instances of SCP-204-1 and -2 were also kept here. However, they were a bigger handful to contain since they were rowdy and often got into fights.


SCP-2430, Hitler's immortal clone, was also kept here. He wasn't the most popular guy, but he was treated coldly, not cruelly, and given that higher-ups had use for him, he was given better treatment than he was used to.


This SITE was also busy finishing the last finishing touches on the containment cell for SCP-166. Her containment had many requirements, and they were quickly being met while the poor girl was being transported, which in itself was a massive undertaking.


Cars didn't last long around her. Many of the very delicate parts would give out rather quickly. And she herself would get sick if exposed to all the pollution one was unknowingly exposed to while doing something so simple as riding a car.


So, it was a massive undertaking to ensure that she was moved without a problem and with as much comfort as possible.





If you want to read up to 10 chapters ahead or even get the chance to pick what SCPs get summoned, or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / SCPsystem