
Marvel: Starting from the Bottom

"Transmigration." Ah, such an interesting concept. Many dream about being reborn in a world filled with heroes and villains. But not me... Thrown into a world where Gods walk among mortals, I will do everything in my power to survive. Stealing, robbing, killing, manipulating? I will do them all. I will be the one to survive until the end. Heros, Villains, Eternals, Deviants, Gods, Demons... SCREW THEM ALL!!! This is my story and I will make sure that everyone gets that right! I am Marcellus, a mutant who started from the bottom. [Pat reon.com/Greedyfrog] [Disclaimer: Other than my MC and the OCs, I do not own anything used in this fanfiction.]

ToothlessS · Films
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135 Chs

Soul Stone

Kang the Conqueror is strong and to defeat him, I need all the help that I can get. Strange is a good addition but he is not enough.

I need people to fight Kang's army when I take him on. While I can gather people to fight his army— I need to find ways to face Kang and come out victorious.

I sat on my throne at the Order's headquarters with no one other than Dr. Strange and Selene within the room.

"How many of the Order's members know about Kang's arrival?" Selene asked.

"Not many… and for the moment, I would like it to keep it that way." 

I cannot rush, as a time traveller— Kang is known for keeping tabs on everything that happens in the timeline. 

"How strong is he?" 

Selene's question made me think deeply.

"Kang is from the far future where technology is advanced to the point that it can negate magic." I answered. "I should be able to take him on but he is the master of time travel and that gives him a considerable advantage."

I looked at Strange. 

Strange doesn't support the Order but he cannot do much as if the two of us fought, humans would suffer. And he would rather let things continue the way it was... than sacrificing the lives of humans.

"And then there is Blackheart… who will be an even bigger trouble."

Kang was strong and might be the strongest enemy we had ever fought, but Blackheart is unkillable.

And even if he can be killed, I do not possess the means to kill him.

He possesses a massive advantage over me… Soul control.

I am not afraid to face Kang head-on but I cannot say the same for Blackheart. His soul corruption is one of my only weaknesses. 

But that's why I brought Selene and Strange here.

"Kang and Blackheart are a big issue to deal with… but I have called you two here for a totally different reason." 

Both of them seemed curious. 

"And what might that be?" Strange asked. 

"Strange… What do you know about the Soul Stone?" 


The moment I took the gem's name, I was surrounded by four magic circles— each made specifically to strike me down.

"Stand down!" Selene said, creating a sword and placing it next to Strange's neck.

"How… do you know about the Soul Stone?" He asked me, not getting rid of the magic circles.

I respect Selene for coming to my aid despite knowing that she stands no chance against the Sorcerer Supreme. 

"I have my sources." I said. "Now, I would like to remind you that we are in my lair."

The moment those words left my mouth, the magic circles vanished— surprising Strange.

"I have made this place prepared to face sorcerers." 

Strange frowned. "Answer me. How did you find out about the Soul Stone?" 

"As I said. I have my sources." 

His frown deepened but I continued. 

"Let me remind you Strange, you might be strong but there are cosmic entities out there that can snatch the gems if they wish. So, you threatening me holds no value." 

He kept staring at me but after a while, relaxed. 

"We need the Soul Stone to negate Blackheart's soul corruption." I explained. 

"No one knows the location of the Soul Stone." Strange argued but I shook my head.

"'I do."

Again, that surprised him greatly. 

"Even if you find it, you won't be able to use it at will." 

His words hold a little truth but he was wrong about one thing.

"Oh, don't worry about me using it." I smiled. "I can use it if I want to."

Merging with Void gave me enough strength to withstand two stones without needing the gauntlet. But above two stones, I would require the gauntlet or something similar. 

"So, what do you want?" Selene asked. "I have heard stories of six stones that if gathered— can make even the gods tremble in fear."

"While I can use the stone, I need a way to make it easier to use." 

I can store the stone using my spatial manipulation and when required, I can take it out for use. But that is a highly inefficient way and I need something that makes using the stone easier. 

Something like the gauntlet but less flashy and easily accessible.

"I require your help to make a holder for the gem that allows me to draw its powers at will. And only magic or celestial technology can create such a holder." 

"That is impossible." Strange immediately declined. "Even if enchanting the holder is possible, finding a metal that could hold the power of the gem and the enchantment would be nigh-impossible."

Selene agreed with his statement. "While your anti-metal is strong, it cannot withstand enchantments and definitely not an infinity stone." 

That was true. 

"You two do not have to worry about that. Finding a metal capable of withstanding the enchantments and the stone will be my responsibility, but my question is… can you enchant it?" 

Selene and Strange looked at one another. 

"It will be difficult and very dangerous— but if we have another strong sorcerer, then we can succeed." 

So a strong metal and a capable sorcerer… viable.

"Very well. I will find another sorcerer and the metal, after that it will be up to you two to enchant the holder." 

Selene nodded while Strange stared at me.

"I am agreeing for now, but if you misuse the stone— I will stop you."

This made me chuckle, but I gave him a nod. 

"Fine by me."

Don't worry Strange… Once I have the gems, you won't be able to stop me.

After Strange and Selene left, I was left to think about the metal and sorcerer on my own.

The metal was a no brainer. Only Uru was capable of withstanding both the gem and the enchantments as it is known especially for being adaptable to magic. Even the infinity gauntlet was made out of Uru and it was able to hold all six infinity stones.

But the issue was finding a capable sorcerer.

My options were limited as I couldn't just barge into a sorcerer's realm and ask for their help. I had to find a sorcerer that was willing to help or make a trade… while also not being on Strange or Selene's shitlist. 

I could go to Agatha Harkness but while she is strong, she is not capable of working with the soul gem. 

Mordo is impossible to work with since Strange is working with me.

The next person that comes to mind is… Morgan le Fay.

She is dangerous… Maybe even more so than Selene.


She is the only plausible option.

And getting Uru won't be that easy either. After all, it's only found in Nidavellir. 

Now, I need to find a way to reach Nidavellir without making an enemy out of Odin.


[[A/N: •Support me on Pat reon: Pat reon.com/ToothlessS ]]