
Marvel Shield: Dark Designs (Slow Updates)

Reincarnator Leonardo went to D.C. Dark Designs to see his brother when trouble reared it's head. A spell placed on his Soul as he left Mortal Kombat: Dark Designs triggered. To keep his people from getting injured, he sealed them inside his Soul Scape and continued towards his brother Maxmillion. But a misunderstanding by the Gods Ares who had a still small issue with Maxmillion and the New God Highfather who had some trouble going on, went violent on Earth. Leonardo was attacked along with a few others he just became acquainted within the extended Bat Family. Members of the Outlaws. A quick skirmish that escalated events and caused lines to be drawn. Heroes saw each other in new light. As well did the people. When the dust settled, the soul of the Outlaws started to dissipate. And Leonardo, angry wanted to rip the New God Highfather apart. As did Maxmillion, but someone wanted to get involved. Superman intervene with members of the Justice League. The Gateway that Leonardo used to get to the Dimension started to act up.And the main rule that Gaia's Pantheon followed, was never to endanger Earth if a problem could occur. If not for everything going on, opening of Boom Tubes, High level Magic Barrier's breaking, and the build up of the fighting it got worse. With a disturbance sending the bodies of the Outlaws with Leonardo shielding the souls through to the Waiting Area. His first transition to a Dimsension without dying was something he would never forget. And Maxmillion, his brother burned with a new found Rage from it. The brothers had much to talk about next they meet. A happy occasion turned bad really quickly.

FrozenTide · Anime et bandes dessinées
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27 Chs

Change by danger Part 1

A gateway continued to pull at the bodies of the Outlaws. Leonardo kept his magics around the souls to keep them intact. But he was running on fumes. His A.I. Harbinger given to him by his brother Maxmillion calculated the outcome. Reminding him of the danger to what the Pantheon stood for.

The souls would be destroyed entirely at this rate. The souls of Aspirant Champions. Of his sworn brothers in arms. As well as the damage to this Dimension. A rippling effect into the Milky Way starting from the Earth.

Which was not allowed at all.

"Brother..." He turned to Maxmillion that tried to mediate the tearing of the dimension. His tone was enough to make his brother understand. "..we will see each other again. Congrats on becoming a Titan finally. I.. will make sure to meet you under better circumstances next time."

"Dammit.. brat.." Maxmiliion felt his cultivation of Virtue spin widely. "..I will make them pay for this. I swear it!" Max started to glow in red light. The Red Entity considered Leonardo family as well. The fusion between it self and Maxmillion was complete with his body as a Titan. "I WILL RIP APART THE DOGS OF NEW GENESIS!"

*Booom!* An explosion of raw power erupted out. Turning into a fist that smashed into the New God High Father. Ripping apart all "shields" in place. His powers of higher law technology broken apart.

Seeing one of the Protectors of Earth so angry, the populace nearby felt scared. Humans always judged first on appearance as a whole before logic comes back. The anger.... the rage... the WRATH was visible to them. All heading towards the one they called the Watcher. Max's persona as the Watcher was well known in all corners of the globe.

"I can get behind this!" Claire, as Volcana flew up. Her flames turning white in fury. A giant FlameLady appeared behind her. Mimicking her movements and absorbing fires in a 100-mile radius outward but not up. "Time to kill some people in the Justice League while we are at!"

Several of their Faction turned to join in. The Support members moved the remaining people out of the way. An evacuation was still a big part of things. And that rule was clear with Max and his people. Protect the people. But it was finally over.

"OK.. things are a little.. hectic." The Flash looked around seeing the escalation as people he fought with, usually on the same side were angry. More so because of what Maxmillion just lost. 'I understand they are not allowed to see each naturally. And that it takes a lot of power to open a "Gateway" to another dimension safely.. but this is ridiculous.'

"Watcher!" Someone yelled. It was Batman. Limping forward with the help of John Constantine. "Listen to me.." He tried to get through to the one he called brother at one point. ".... High Father is controlled."

"I DON'T CARE!" Max roared as he shot through the New God forces. 'So close Leo. SO damn close!' The red light exploded from him engulfing the sky. 'Give me everything you have Red Entity.'

Red light burned from Max's eyes. The very surrounding warping as he bashed through at the speed of light through the forces. Explosions of high magnitude rang in the sky. The amount of dead was climbing rapidly on New Genesis side.


Waypoint or the Waiting Area-


Leonardo was through the Gateway at the "Waypoint" or "Waiting Area" some called it. The incident that took place counted as Leo dying. Rules were clear, he could not go back. Not without upsetting a whole lot of Goddess/God and Titan/Titaness and bringing trouble to Gaia's Pantheon.

Another issue was currently going on, as in the souls that came with. The A.I. already found the next place that was needed for a Champion. So it was checking Scenarios over.

"You mean to tell me.." The Spirit of the Red Hood looked around studying everything. The others were more quiet. Letting their Leader just deal with things right now. ".. both you and your Brother Maxmillion of all people! Are reincarnators chosen by Deities of Myth?"

"Hey." Artemis, a member of his team said tersely. "You have met several of these "Myth" before. So a little respect is warranted." She was not wrong in that assessment. "Chill out as you like to tell me and Bizzaro, ok Jason." It was not a request.

"Yeah yeah." Jason understood. He just was feeling gypped having died.. again. "So what happens to us now?!"

"Well, I am heading to my next place." Leo rubbed his chin thinking things over that could make them somewhat happy. "The energy from that Warpgate they used was already harnessed." He waved his hand around the area. Several lines of energy high up could be seen. "The rules does allow me to set each of you up somewhere. Since you were "involved" and your soul provides a bit of power for several denizens here."

"So they feed on us?" Jason looked puzzled. He didn't feel weaker at all. In fact, he felt stronger and smarter. "I feel way more... well me."

"Side effect of coming here and the involvement of the others." Leo said calmly. "None of you had contracts with me or Maxmillion. So.. that was how they "fed" on you without issue. You are not protected. But they can not kill you either. Not unless you try to harm anyone of course."

"I no feel good." Bizarro mumbled. The Waiting Area was fixing the "incorrectness" of his soul. "I want go!"

"Easily done. Just sign here." Barnabas, a mouse said. He was quite understanding of what happened. Even more so when he was right about the development of the brothers. "This will stabilize each of your souls and turned you into Aspiring Champions. Or you can turn into Support members of the Pantheon. Support go to a pocket Dimension and help locate places that need help. Dimensions that are on the verge of Complete Collapse, or that are a threat that may have "Developed" to cause issues."

"Issues such as?" Jason questioned. He was suprised all of them signed Support. Even Artemis, only odd because the Amazon was so deadset on things. She looked up at him and grinned. "Mind sharing?"

"Even though we can not go back, as Support we are able to view what happened to the others back home. As if we were "observing" through a looking glass." Artemis said simply. "This task is noble. And I can make up for a lot of things this way. A lot of deaths and mistakes."

The Observing she mentioned was actually the developing and movement of Scenarios.

*Woosh!* Her armor and weapons disappeared. Replaced by a toga with a leather skirt underneath and sandals. Her preferred clothing choice. Energy poured around her as well as the forming of a book. The book contained what she owned and her accomplishments throughout life. As well as the history of those items. Every bit of it.

"Worth it." Artemis rubbed the cover. Opening up, it showed the first thing she was going to ask. Her Origin. "Just wow... I am related to a lot of people." She patted Jason on the shoulder as she moved. "Get rid of stuff. It helps with energy. Which is basically currency. Or give it away."

"Fine." Jason signed the Support. Truth be told, with the removal of the Lazarous pit energy, he felt more like himself. And he wanted to see someone. Which he hoped was a thing here to help.

The contract had several names on it in the corner. They were sponsors. Quite a few of the Denizens here were willing to Sponsor them. Gaia, Maxmillion, Leonardo, and Barnabus were at the top. 'Hope this works.'

*Woosh!* His design did not go away completely. It turned into energy that entered Leonardo who was getting taken away. Something that Gaia did at the request of Maxmillion.

"Later. We will meet again. Or talk again at least when the super glamour wears off after a few millennia." Leo vanished on spot. His destination was complete and ready. The scenario for his Origins were dealt with quickly. Not wanting to go through childhood but understanding the benefits was worth it after doing so in the Dimension of Mortal Kombat. 'At least it won't go like the 2nd place. Still can not remember that place really. A hell of a lot of magic. But defintely increased my understanding in Magical Weaponry and Magical Diseases more than what I originally knew.'

Not one Denezin messed with Leo this time. Or the others of those that joined support. Barnabas watched intently for any issues.


Waking in a New Home-


As Leo traveled and his power started condensing to get ready for his reincarnation, something called out to him in the vastness of space. His heightened emotions calling to him. Considering the loss that occurred during the process, Leo sent the energy towards several that Gaia approved to help.

He himself reached out to the one in the darkness. He was aware of who this was. It was the one known as Knull. The Lord of the Abyss, as well as the Void in some instances. All true since he was that and more. Happy to stay in peace and float and contemplate things. But that did not happen. Several mishaps occurred.

For a brief instance, the two talked. A communication took place at a high level passed. Knull signed a contract and left. Leaving his home dimension and traveling to the waiting area. Where he was met by Barnabus, the right hand deity to Gaia who was able to set Knull up with what he wanted.

Peace and Quiet. Sending the creature to Dimension that collapsed. For Knull's special ability with the Void allowed it to repair collapsed Dimensions naturally. Much easier than others.

He would be a boon that strengthens Gaia's Pantheon for many millennia to come.

Knull did leave Leo with something. A final new symbiote that would rest in his soul and grow. Payment to deal with things going on in this Marvel Dimension.

Looking at things, Leo was blinking at the surroundings. As a baby, not much else could currently be done. He thought over of the Scenario that entwined by the A.I. Harbinger.

Samuel Sawyer, or Happy Sam Sawyer as some called him was the father. The mother, Cynthia Von Doom of Latveria. A child that she thought perished in her womb during a magical ceremony. But was whisked away by forces trying to end his life.

Gaia took note of the outside force that tried to harm one of her own. She would wait and build forces to deal with them in the future. She boosted the A.I. Harbinger slightly.

Leo's soul was quite powerful. And one of the Scenarios the A.I. Harbinger weaved made sure to draw attention out of the gate. But not that he was privy to them, it made their attention that much easier to divert in other ways.

Which allowed Several other Pantheons to keep the Marvel Dimension from collapsing. Touching out to the "counterpart" or "equivalent" of them there. They of course received a lot from all the empty space in the galaxy.

Cynthia reconciled with her actual lover, Werner Von Doom, and gave birth to her son Victor.

"Happy" died defending Earth against a fool calling himself a God. The baby, Leo survived the attack of course. Found by Timothy "Tim" Aloysius Cadwallader Dugan, a member of the current Commando's. Both he and Fury made sure he would be raised properly in one of the Helicarriers that was later named changed to honor Happy. Which was easy since most were in maintenance.

Uncle Dugan was happy that Leo barely cried and fussed. Very suprised when he caught Leo grabbing a bottle of Whisky from off a table. To say he received an earful from Nick Fury, was light. Fury yelled so loudly his face turned red in rage. The crew honestly thought he would burst a blood vessel at any moment.