
Marvel Shield: Dark Designs (Slow Updates)

Reincarnator Leonardo went to D.C. Dark Designs to see his brother when trouble reared it's head. A spell placed on his Soul as he left Mortal Kombat: Dark Designs triggered. To keep his people from getting injured, he sealed them inside his Soul Scape and continued towards his brother Maxmillion. But a misunderstanding by the Gods Ares who had a still small issue with Maxmillion and the New God Highfather who had some trouble going on, went violent on Earth. Leonardo was attacked along with a few others he just became acquainted within the extended Bat Family. Members of the Outlaws. A quick skirmish that escalated events and caused lines to be drawn. Heroes saw each other in new light. As well did the people. When the dust settled, the soul of the Outlaws started to dissipate. And Leonardo, angry wanted to rip the New God Highfather apart. As did Maxmillion, but someone wanted to get involved. Superman intervene with members of the Justice League. The Gateway that Leonardo used to get to the Dimension started to act up.And the main rule that Gaia's Pantheon followed, was never to endanger Earth if a problem could occur. If not for everything going on, opening of Boom Tubes, High level Magic Barrier's breaking, and the build up of the fighting it got worse. With a disturbance sending the bodies of the Outlaws with Leonardo shielding the souls through to the Waiting Area. His first transition to a Dimsension without dying was something he would never forget. And Maxmillion, his brother burned with a new found Rage from it. The brothers had much to talk about next they meet. A happy occasion turned bad really quickly.

FrozenTide · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Changed by Danger Part 2

Leo was listing all the different changes he came across so far. Besides being in Shield that he had know idea which version he was in. But the man in the area he was a ble to pinpoint after everything. It was at least the Richard Parker from Spider-Man the Animated series.

A quick look at his values was more than enough to speed up what he needed to change.

(Grade X Body-Damaged: Repairing)

(Human: Spent Value Locked

Health 100

Energy 200

Vitality 10 (Damaged)

Spirit 20 (Damaged)

Attack 1

Defense 1 (Damaged)

Prowess 1

Intellect 35 (Damaged)

Willpower 35

Speed 1 (Damaged)

Cultivation Rank Titan: Sealed

Current Level: In-training

'Ugh being a baby is just so.. peaceful. But I really want a drink.' Leo thought as he moved about.

The interruption, by Spy Richard Parker, was the only thing that calmed Fury down.

"Ease there, Grandpa Fury." Richard teased. One of the few able to get under the man's skin without much backlash. "Little baby Leo is about 2 years old from the tests Reed finished. His body is healing at a steady pace. As well as the damage to his brain."

"See, told you he would be fine if we left him alone a little." Dugan said. He pulled his bolo hat down just a little. "Whiskey is not the only alcohol he has tried. Some beer and the fridge was raided as well as of other several drinks to."

"Haaa, this place is not baby proof at all." Fury facepalmed. But then again, it was a credit to his forces to find Leo at times. He always scuttled off never really getting hurt. It was a bit of a "game" for some of them. Which helped train them a lot more in different surrounding changes. "All tests show he is not an actual mutant. Just his body is changing from what happened to him in the explosion."

"Just happy that scar healed more." The door had opened as a very pregnant woman came in talking. It was Mary Parker and wife to Richard. "I can not wait to get this second baby out. I miss the fieldwork a little bit."

"Have you changed your mind about the.. arrangement." Richard probed. He didn't want to do it either. But intel suggested that his wife's old enemy, a woman part of Hydra was gunning for her again. "Peter has my brother. And the others of my side of the family.. I rather not mention them."

"Yes. I did change my mind. William Fitzpatrick, would have been a good person to do so." Mary said simply. Her tone controlled leaving no affliction in her voice. "My father has been through a lot. And knowing of Peter is good enough in case anything happens. Howard Stark owes me a favor that I plan to collect on. But that will be used as a trust fund really. In case things go really bad."

As they conversed, Leo was crawling away slowly after he fussed enough to be set down. Not drawing any attention to himself. Right as he made it to the door, he ran into a problem. A big old problem.

*Chish!* The door hissed a little to loudly for his liking. The person in front was the biggest issue.

A large man with a very nice mustache. The representative of the Army attachment to the place. Thaddeus Ross or as he would be later known, General Thunderbolt Ross. A very hardline approach man in the future. Now, he was still understanding about things.

A file in his hand given to him by a young promising member Arthur Molekevic from what Leo spotted. Known in the future as Mole Man.

"Hehe, Thunderbolt!" Leo reached at him playfully. He liked the man a lot. To much at times when he started recounting war stories to him. A good way for information on which overall setting Earth he was in and for him to endear himself in the future. "Boom boom story!"

*Shine!* A small light went undetectable by everyone. Leo was cultivating his Mental Cultivation from the energy developed in the area. Specifically, of Ross when contact was made.

Ross did receive a bonus from this as well. Leo kept his developing lung cancer at bay. As well as keeping his mind sharp by devouring certain thoughts. It fed his Mental Cultivation just nicely to.

"Not now. Have work." Ross said gruffly. He did however, still hold onto Leo. Moving over to speak with the others. "I need someone to check into this. A strange bacteria that fell in Russia. Several U.S. embassy personnel have shown a strange sickness. Very strange. Conventional treatment is not working. We need a team to get a sample. Or, a cure if it was developed by whoever caused this is found."

One of the pictures looked a little off to Leo. He reached out and mumbled a bit. Being mindful to play a part as a baby. Which was supremely easy as he switched mental gears.

"Snake snakey snake!" Leo pointed at a person in the background with a tattoo. It was very blurry but all the spies in the room and trained members defintely would have caught it. Eventually. "Sneaky snake."

"No! Do not look." Mary covered his eyes. Moving quite fast for a pregnant woman.

"You are up." Fury looked the file over quickly. He pointed at the Parkers. "Out of spare agents. Your wife can run support. From here of course. No need to put her on a jet with the current state of her body."

Dungan took Leo from Ross. Mostly because he rather Leo not look at the pictures either. Not wanting the child to be scared. The others were to caught up with what just happened.

"That baby is something." Ross said. He shook his head looking the files over. 'It barely looks like a snake. No.. it is just one of many. No way he could identify a Hydra agent. Could he?' His eyes sparkled looking at Leo. 'I really want to adopt him. He would make a good big brother to Betty.'

Dugan and Leo left the area.

As Leo made it back to his room, he received an email. One of the people he made a contract with so far. Provisional due to the one involved age in anyway. But something about the other baby made the contract really strong. It was from Mary Walker, aka Typhoid Mary in the future. The device he received it on, was completely homemade.

The background for her was pretty fucked up, but Leo was glad for the headache of sending the mental attack when he bumped into her father.

An intense brain hemorrhage that did not let him go quietly into death. The mental anguish that developed from that nourished Leo immensely. He stopped a "Scenario" before the man "fully" went on with his action on the baby. Leo went to sleep the moment the Shield agent carried him away. Not wanting to draw attention during the few times Leo got out and about.

Mary was in the stroller and saw the whole thing. Her mother just stood still. Tears of happiness that people thought were of sorrow. Mary her daughter changed from the process which provoked a spiritual contract signing. More of the intervention of Gaia's Pantheon intervening. It awakened her mutant gene on the spot. The mental lock hit Leo in his dream state.

(When are you going to get out again?) Mary sent. Controlling her powers were getting to be an issue with the way people treated her at daycare. She had a bit of a temper and her friends were few when she felt she was treated unfairly. Her mental development was quite fast. (I am so bored with regular things!)

(I am moving to a more accessible place. Just chill.) Leo typed quickly. (You better have improved in your attitude, or I swear no more spirit cookies.) He put the device away after a little back and forth.

Moving around by just crawling, Leo worked his muscles. Whatever ritual that he was a part of in the womb and the explosion after Sawyer found him really wrecked the body. So far, everything went towards recovering and healing naturally. A few surgeries by Shield Doctors took care of the medical issues.

Leo's surgeries always went well. Which was a result of him using his spirit energy slowly. Every scan was changed subtly to show only a few things that happened over time. But internally he was good to go.

'If Harbinger was not asleep, I could have been ready. At least I have access to some of my medical knowledge. Works great with what they feed me.' Leo thought as kept crawling around. In a few weeks, the tendons in his body would be fully healed. He would be the same as any other baby. 'Body Cultivation just works great with baby food and baby development.'

Leo played in front of a set of legos after his workout. In the corner was an attendant to watch over him. Making sure known of his injuries or medical conditions caused a problem. A nanny if you will.

'Hmm, I really want to help the Parker's. But.. the tribulation from doing so is to much right now.' Leo thought as he build. Each person and destiny he altered to his own needs would make harder for him to enter the next level of his cultivation. 'My Mental Cultivation and Magical Cultivation is faster and stronger than it has ever been in the past.'

The legos he put together were in a likeness of the Shield Helicarrier. The nanny took note of that. Leo always built things of places that he went no matter what. Even if it was a room he already went to. Each time adding any changes.

'He is doing memory exercises, I am sure of it.' The Nanny thought as she took notes. 'catching up with others his age pretty quickly at that. His social skills with others is more with adults. As if he is listening to everything instead of interrupting. Even points things out that might be overlooked. I wonder if he is like those others?'

The nanny was someone who recruited children for think tanks. Leo popped up on her radar once Fury spoke about him. Before she even arrived, a few videos showed Leo liked to build things. THat and crawl around till he couldn't anymore.