
Marvel Shield: Dark Designs (Slow Updates)

Reincarnator Leonardo went to D.C. Dark Designs to see his brother when trouble reared it's head. A spell placed on his Soul as he left Mortal Kombat: Dark Designs triggered. To keep his people from getting injured, he sealed them inside his Soul Scape and continued towards his brother Maxmillion. But a misunderstanding by the Gods Ares who had a still small issue with Maxmillion and the New God Highfather who had some trouble going on, went violent on Earth. Leonardo was attacked along with a few others he just became acquainted within the extended Bat Family. Members of the Outlaws. A quick skirmish that escalated events and caused lines to be drawn. Heroes saw each other in new light. As well did the people. When the dust settled, the soul of the Outlaws started to dissipate. And Leonardo, angry wanted to rip the New God Highfather apart. As did Maxmillion, but someone wanted to get involved. Superman intervene with members of the Justice League. The Gateway that Leonardo used to get to the Dimension started to act up.And the main rule that Gaia's Pantheon followed, was never to endanger Earth if a problem could occur. If not for everything going on, opening of Boom Tubes, High level Magic Barrier's breaking, and the build up of the fighting it got worse. With a disturbance sending the bodies of the Outlaws with Leonardo shielding the souls through to the Waiting Area. His first transition to a Dimsension without dying was something he would never forget. And Maxmillion, his brother burned with a new found Rage from it. The brothers had much to talk about next they meet. A happy occasion turned bad really quickly.

FrozenTide · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Story takes place

the starting of this story is at a key point in DC: Dark Justice. Continuing the story of the Reincarnator Leonardo. Contains a slight spoiler for what happens in DC: Dark Justice.

And traces of what happens after for each of Leonardo's reincarnations.