
Marvel: Infinity

It's a common desire for people to want to experience transmigration at least once in their lifetime. -------------------------------------------- patreon.com/Abyssuit You can find up to 13 advanced chapters at my patreon I don't own anything https://book.qidian.com/info/1021018889/

Abyssuit · Anime et bandes dessinées
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317 Chs

Chapter 208: Blade of Olympus

Late at night, in the queen's chamber.

Hippolyta took off her armor and stood on the balcony wearing a light dress. She looked up at the moon with a complicated look on her face.


The doors to the chamber were pushed open, and Antiope walked in.

She approached Hippolyta from behind and silently watched her sister.

"Do you think... what he said is true or not?"

Antiope finally broke the silence, speaking to herself and to Hippolyta.

Hippolyta uttered it to herself for a while, as if she were asking Antiope the same question.

Antiope didn't answer but instead asked,

"What did you say to him?"

Hippolyta paused for a moment and sighed.

"I asked about... Diana."

"It looks like she will be safe in the future based on how calm you are."


Hippolyta sighed again and turned to her sister.

"The arrival of this man may be a good thing."

"Or it could be a bad thing."

Compared to Hippolyta, Antiope appeared more worried.

"On the beach, I sensed the power of Olympus in him. He might be sent by Ares."

It's not surprising for Antiope to think that way. If he is indeed one of Ares' subordinates, he might be able to resist the Lasso of Truth's power.

"Perhaps it's another god."

Hippolyta had a different opinion from her sister.

"I sensed it too, but that power is completely different from Ares. It's peaceful, bright, and hopeful. It's similar to the power of another god."


"The goddess of war and wisdom, Athena."

Hippolyta looked at Antiope with expectation.

"It is not an accident that he was able to get through the barrier set up by the gods and show up here. He might be the key to defeating Ares."

"Do you want him to confront Ares?"

Antiope guessed her sister's intentions and was shocked but also concerned.

"Will he go?"

Ares is not just any opponent. Even Zeus, the king of the gods, had a hard time defeating him.

The critical point is not just defeating Ares but how to kill him.

As the god of war, it is nearly impossible to kill him, even Zeus could only banish him to the mortal realm.

In simple words, it is a very hard thing to do.


The following day, Jack was awakened.

When he opened his eyes, a female guard was in the prison cell, informing him that the queen had summoned him and asking him to wash up and get ready to follow her.

Jack didn't understand what was happening, but he followed.

After washing up, he followed the guard out of the cell and walked towards the beach.

Soon, led by the guard, they arrived at the same beach as yesterday.

Hippolyta and Antiope were both there, and not far away, a small boat floated on the sea.

As he stood before the two women, Jack couldn't help but smirk.

"It seems like you still don't believe me. Are you trying to send me away?"

"No, we mostly believe what you said!"

Hippolyta unexpectedly shook her head, her expression filled with apology.

"But I am sorry, I can not risk letting you stay here because of Diana's mission. Even if there is a one in a million chance that something bad will happen."

"I can guess what you're going to say next,"

Jack's expression remained unsurprised. He already knew what Hippolyta was going to ask him.

"You want me to kill Ares."

He scratched his head, appearing somewhat troubled.

"That's not an easy task."

Indeed, it's not easy.

As the god of war, Ares only grows stronger with every battle.

Even Zeus, his father, had difficulty dealing with him. It shows how difficult it is to kill him.

Even with the original Wonder Woman, Jack doubted whether she truly killed Ares or not, considering that her own father couldn't do it.

With his current abilities, defeating Ares wouldn't be too difficult, but the real challenge is how to kill him.

Deep in thought about how to completely get rid of Ares, Jack's face showed a hint of worry.

"Since you said that in the future you and Diana will be the closest of lovers, then you know her responsibilities. I don't think you would want to see her fighting desperately against Ares,"

"Yeah, the weapon to kill a god..."

Jack could not help but think of a plan as he walked along the beach.

Killing Ares would need Diana as the weapon to kill a god.

But neither he nor Hippolyta would allow Diana to take such a risk. Were there any other weapons capable of killing a god in this world besides hers?

A weapon to kill a god?


A weapon to kill a god?!

He suddenly stopped in his tracks and smacked his forehead, feeling a sudden realization.

He figured out how to kill Ares.

With a flick of his right hand, a huge sword appeared.

The Blade of Olympus was a large golden and white metal sword with bluish energy tints that brimmed through and around it.

The sword emitted a flowing light, and a subtle white mist, almost tangible, saturated the blade.

Almost as soon as the sword showed up, Hippolyta and Antiope's faces changed greatly, even though they were still calm.

They took two steps back, their swords instantly drawn, and they stared at the sword in Jack's hand as if facing a strong enemy.

And whether it was an illusion or not, the whole island of Themyscira seemed to shake just a little bit.

Jack was unaware of all this. He was still happy about having found an answer. With this thing in hand, killing Ares would be a piece of cake.

After all, the man who once possessed this sword slaughtered all the gods of Olympus with it.

"What... what is this?!"

Hippolyta trembled as she looked at the sword with a horrified tone. Just by looking at it, she felt a deadly threat.

She could hear a voice in her gut telling her to run away.

"The Blade of Olympus"

Jack gently caressed the wide blade, feeling the destructive power and the essence of god-killing originating from it.

He nodded in satisfaction. "With this, I can definitely kill Ares!"

Not just that!

The corners of Antiope's mouth twitched, feeling somewhat speechless.

As one of Zeus' lovers, she had had very intimate conversations with him and knew him very well.

Based on her intuition, the destructive power emanating from this sword was enough to kill Zeus at the height of his power.

"The Blade of Olympus?"

Antiope tried to calm her fearful heart and looked at Jack with some confusion.

Hippolyta, too, was puzzled upon hearing the name.

From the name alone, she knew it was related to the Olympian gods, but they had never heard of this sword.

Jack shrugged and casually said, "This sword was forged by another Zeus from a different universe to defeat the Titans. It possesses the power to annihilate heaven and earth."

"Later, one of Zeus' illegitimate children used this sword to slaughter the entire Olympus pantheon. The entire Greek pantheon was wiped out, including Zeus and Ares."


This news hit Hippolyta and Antiope like a thunderbolt from a clear sky, and it took them a long time to get over it.

The Greek gods...

Wiped out?

Although it was an event from another universe, it was enough to shock them.

The two of them looked at the enormous sword again, their eyes filled with fear again.

This... was truly too brutal.



You can find up to 35 advance chapters at my patreon.