
Marvel: Infinity

It's a common desire for people to want to experience transmigration at least once in their lifetime. -------------------------------------------- patreon.com/Abyssuit You can find up to 13 advanced chapters at my patreon I don't own anything https://book.qidian.com/info/1021018889/

Abyssuit · Anime & Comics
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317 Chs

Chapter 207: Is she happy?

Queen Hippolyta walked into the room with clear steps, but Antiope did not follow.

Seeing Jack calmly waiting for her, Hippolyta's surprise flashed in her eyes and disappeared.

She walked back and forth in the room, observing Jack as she walked.

"Under the Lasso of Truth, no one can lie." Her tone was low, and her gaze scrutinized Jack.

"You're from the future."

"Tell me about the future... about you and Diana!"

Jack had been looking at Hippolyta, and his sharp gaze seemed to pierce right through her soul.

"You want to know... about Ares, right."

He looked at Hippolyta with a knowing smile.

"There can't be many things that concern you. Diana, as the weapon to kill gods, is your daughter!"

"Your daughter is with Zeus."

Jack's words hit Hippolyta like a lightning bolt, making her feel like she would pass out.

Did he know?

He actually knew!

The secret of the weapon to kill gods was known to quite a few people, but they believed it to be the sword sealed in the Themyscira armory, the God Killer, crafted by Hephaestus.

But only she and her sister Antiope knew that the true weapon to kill gods was Diana herself.

As Zeus' daughter, Diana, who inherited some of Zeus' divine power, was without a doubt the best way to kill a god.

The man in front of her said he was from the future and knew who Diana was and a secret that only two other people knew.

Hippolyta got rid of all the worries that had been on her mind.

She suddenly turned around and walked out, pausing at the door without looking back, and asked, "Is Diana happy in the future?"

"She is very happy!"

Thinking about the time spent with Diana, Jack's face revealed a warm smile.

"Doing what she loves, protecting the justice in her heart. We are deeply in love. I promised her that I would come back for her."

Hippolyta remained silent and left quickly.

As a mother, all she needed to know was that Diana would be happy in the future.

That meant Ares didn't kill her.

After Hippolyta left, Jack prepared to wash up and go to sleep.

He quickly removed his clothes, entered the steamy hot spring pool, and sat down slowly.

"Ah, so comfortable!"

Leaning against the edge of the bath, he let out a satisfied breath.

If this were life in prison, many people would probably choose life imprisonment.




Another round of footsteps approached from far away and soon arrived at Jack's cell door.

The door was gently opened, and someone walked in.

"I was wondering when you would come."

With his eyes closed Jack murmured, "You're a bit faster than I expected."

"You knew I would come?"

The person who entered showed no embarrassment despite Jack being in the bath.

On the contrary, she looked at the foggy pool with great interest, as if trying to see through the surface of the water.

"It's not hard to guess. It would be weird if you didn't come."

Jack scooped up a handful of water and splashed it on his face, casually wiping it dry.

He opened his eyes and looked at Diana intently.

"Besides, don't forget, I know you very well, Maybe even better than you know yourself."

"So... what you said is true?"

"About... us being lovers?"

Looking at Diana, even she blushed when mentioning this. She shouldn't doubt the effectiveness of the Lasso of Truth, but she still found it unbelievable.

That's why she secretly came to confirm.

"That's right."

"Then... could you tell me... about us?"

Hearing Diana's expectant words, Jack opened his eyes and looked at her, pursing his lips. "Of course, if you're willing to listen."


As he spoke, Jack stood up from the pool, the water on his body automatically drying.

Ignoring Diana's curious gaze, he leisurely put on his clothes.

"This all starts... in the year 1983..."

As Jack began to tell the story, Diana slowly became fascinated.

He didn't focus on the situation with the Wishing Stone; he only mentioned it briefly.

The main focus was on the time he spent with the future Diana.

He also gave her an introduction to the knowledge and developments of the outside world.

The human technology piqued Diana's curiosity, and she asked many amusing questions.

"What is a yacht?! Is it a very big ship?"

"What is a car? It can drive so fast."

"Airplanes? Televisions? The human world is truly amazing."


As Jack explained, Diana seemed to have a million questions in her head, always asking without end.

Jack patiently answered each of her questions.

However, when Jack talked about the time they spent together, Diana seemed to change completely.

She hugged herself, leaned against the wall, and did not say anything.

"...Eventually, for certain reasons, I had to leave. We made a promise to each other that I would come back to find you."

Leaning against the bedside, Jack looked at Diana with a hint of regret and a touch of relief.

"Finally, I'm back, and I've found you. It's just... it seems a bit too early."

Diana stayed silent for a long time, and nobody knew what she was thinking. Even Jack couldn't figure out what was going on in the mind of her unfamiliar lover.

"It's a fascinating story!"

After a while, Diana slowly raised her head. Her face still had a hint of blush, but she looked directly at Jack without any shyness.

"I believe you. I don't know why, but... the way you make me feel... it's strange. Even though I haven't met you before, it feels like... I've known you for a long time."

"Perhaps it's a case of 'hearts meeting'?"

"Maybe. But there's one thing I have to be sure of."

Diana's expression turned serious as she spoke:

"Although we may become... very close lovers in the future, I still don't know you well enough at the moment. Even though you feel special to me, it's best if you keep your distance and don't think you can... do those strange things to me."

As she finished speaking, the blush returned to Diana's cheeks. She turned and left, but she stopped and turned back before reaching the door.

"From your story, the outside world seems beautiful. I look forward to the day when I can see it with my own eyes."

Before the words faded away, she had already left the prison cell.

Jack let out a sigh.

The outside world was indeed not bad, but to say it was beautiful... maybe not.

If he guessed correctly, the First World War was happening outside right now.

Forget it, he didn't want to think about it.

Time to sleep.

Jack lay down on the bed and fell asleep immediately.

Meanwhile, Diana walked along a land road.

The sky had turned dark, the air had become humid, and the moonlight added a hazy and beautiful touch to Themyscira.

Diana kept thinking about what Jack had told her, consciously avoiding thoughts about their romantic relationship.

She was more focused on everything about the outside world.

The description of the outside world in Jack's words filled her with curiosity.

She looked toward the distant horizon of the sea, her eyes filled with longing.

She had never had such hope before, the longing to see the outside world for herself.



You can find up to 35 advance chapters at my patreon.