
Marvel: Infinity

It's a common desire for people to want to experience transmigration at least once in their lifetime. -------------------------------------------- patreon.com/Abyssuit You can find up to 13 advanced chapters at my patreon I don't own anything https://book.qidian.com/info/1021018889/

Abyssuit · Anime & Comics
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317 Chs

Chapter 209: Germans

This sword's appearance shook Hippolyta and Antiope to panic.

Even though they did not see how powerful it was, just one look at it made them feel like the God of Death was after them.

The sword continuously emitted a destructive force.

Leaving aside whether it could kill Zeus, the two sisters were confident that it would be enough to kill Ares.

At this moment, they had no doubts about Jack's identity.

Of course, if he was truly sent by Ares, with this sword alone, he could wipe out the entire Amazon tribe without lying.

"This sword should be enough to kill Ares,"

Jack examined the Blade of Olympus, his hand stroking his chin as he nodded.

The story behind this sword was quite pitiful. If he had found it earlier, it would have been a great help to Jack.

Unfortunately, by the time Jack salvaged it, he had already absorbed a few Infinity Stones, making him much stronger.

Although he was amazed at the sword, considering that it was the weapon that killed the entire Greek pantheon, it was not as impressive to him.

It would have been even better if he could have salvaged the Blades of Chaos.

But Jack was not really that greedy. There would be opportunities in the future.

Even though this sword was good, it came at the wrong time. He did not need it anymore, so he just put it in a spot to collect dust.

He had many similar items. It seemed that ever since he became powerful, he rarely saw anything that caught his attention.

With a weapon to use against Ares in hand, Jack immediately got ready to go find his enemy.

However, he soon thought of an important problem.

"Alright, now that the issue of the weapon is resolved," he said with a serious expression as he put away the Blade of Olympus.

He looked at Hippolyta. "But there is still one important question."

"What is it?"

"How do I find him?"

Hippolyta and Antiope were speechless for a moment.

They only thought about having Jack kill Ares, and they missed the most important question by accident.

How to find Ares?


That was indeed a problem, and even they didn't have a good answer.

Seeing the troubled expression on his mother-in-law's face, Jack knew the answer and immediately felt very tricky.

He did have a way, but it would be a bit troublesome.

Jack opened his mouth to say something when suddenly his brows furrowed, and he looked toward the thick forest by the beach.

In reality, his gaze had already penetrated through numerous blocks and seen the other side of the island.

In the sky, an old plane emitting black smoke was dropping towards the sea'. At the edge of the barrier protecting Themyscira, there was a chase with several battleships.

"Darn it! So, it's already reached this point in time."

Seeing this scene, Jack's expression turned serious, and he realized what would happen next.

Without even having time to speak to Hippolyta, he flew into the sky and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Hippolyta and Antiope hadn't fully reacted yet when they heard a sharp scream in the distance.

When hearing this sound, their faces changed instantly, and without hesitation, they climbed their horses and hurried toward the other side of the island.

This sound showed that an enemy had invaded. It hadn't been heard for thousands of years.

At the other end of Themyscira, Diana stood on a cliff, watching the strange "bird" in the sky crash into the sea.

Just as she was about to jump down to investigate, a hand grabbed her arm.

"Wait here."

Jack, who appeared out of nowhere, said these words and disappeared again.

By the time Diana reacted, he had already dived into the sea.

However, in less than ten seconds, Jack appeared and climbed back onto the cliff, holding a half-drowned... man?

Diana found it somewhat incredible.

She had never seen a man before, but recently, she had encountered two in a row.

One claimed to be her lover, and the other arrived on a "bird" or rather, a plane.

Jack casually dropped the Steve Trevor and turned to look toward the edge of the barrier.

Several World War I-era warships had broken through the barrier and invaded this secluded island that had been isolated from the world for thousands of years.

The flags on the ship showed their identity.

"Who are they?"

Diana also noticed and furrowed her brows. It was alarming that these weird ships could break through the barrier set by the gods.

"Bad guys!"

Jack glanced at the dazed Steve and said to Diana, "Stay here and watch over him."

After speaking, he floated up and rushed towards the German warships that were approaching with the wind and waves.

Diana watched as Jack disappeared into the distance, a hint of worry in her eyes.

At this moment, Trevor, who had regained consciousness, stumbled to his feet and looked first at the only person around him, Diana.

"Did you save me? Thank you very much!"

Trevor didn't have time to express more gratitude as he saw the German warships in the distant sea. His face turned pale instantly, and without thinking, he grabbed Diana's hand and tried to run to the side.

"We need to hide! They are here to kill me."

Diana was still puzzled about the situation, wondering why this man was holding her hand.

But when she heard his words, she understood and grabbed him back, pointing to the distant sea.

"Don't worry, they can't come here."

Following Diana's finger point, Steve turned around and gasped at what he saw.

"Oh my God..."

The several approaching warships had somehow been frozen into massive blocks of ice. Not just the people, even the ships were cracked and frozen.

And it wasn't over yet.

Just a second after the warships turned into ice, a sudden gust of wind swept through the area.

The ice blocks inside the warships drifted quickly towards the distant sea in the whirlwind.

In a flash of light, they completely disappeared from the sea.

This scene felt like a dream to Steve. He couldn't believe what had just happened.

So much so that when Jack finished his task and returned to the cliff, Steve was still holding Diana's hand tightly.

Jack, who had just resolved a major problem for his future in-laws, was satisfied and wanted to see how his not-yet-married wife would praise him.

However, the scene that met his eyes instantly shattered his good mood.

Steve was actually holding Diana's hand?

He hadn't even made a move in this timeline yet!

How dare he!

"Let go of her hand, Steve!"

He almost gritted his teeth as he said these words.

He swore that he would not treat Steve any differently than he treated the Germans if he did not have to worry about getting blood on the peaceful paradise island.

He would chop Trevor into eighteen pieces and feed them to the shark in the sea.



You can find up to 35 advance chapters at my patreon.