
Marvel: Immunity

A seemingly useless ability. That was all he seemed to get after receiving memories of another life. But not everything is as it seems. Join him in re-discovering himself as threats all over the multiverse come after him. A/N: Feel free to comment and review the work. The author will try to respond and react to them. A/N: All rights belong to Marvel except for Original Characters.

Hidden_Throne · Films
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Chapter 4: Hugo


The door behind him closes after the three boys escorting him entered the room as well.

Scott waves at Jean, herself smiling back at him.

John trying to do the same towards Ororo who chooses to ignore him, earning a laugh and a teasing look from Bobby.

Momentarily Bobby looks at Logan, the man himself focused on Hugo standing in the center of the room.

The three of them stands at the door intending to listen.

"Hugo Hart." Said Hugo nervously, seeing no point in lying to the man in front of him. Not only does Charles have connections to many people in high political and economical position but he can also rely on Henry McCoy, who is surely under his care even though Hugo hasn't seen the man yet. Henry can simply look for his public data, a simple task for a genius such as him.

"I am sure you have many questions Hugo." Voiced Charles. "But before you ask anything. First allow me to explain." He added, pausing for a second intending to see the reaction of Hugo.

In his head Hugo thought that even though Charles speaks as if he has any choice, in reality he doesn't, if he voiced his opinions nothing substantial would come out of it. If he tried to physically do anything, any one of the people in the room can restrain him without too much effort. Not too mention that he has barely any knowledge of his mutative ability.

Assuming Hugo's silence as a confirmation to continue Charles does so, "Take a seat if you'd like, this will take more time than you think." Hugo accepting the offer picks one of the couches and sits. Regardless of how he feels, all he can do now is listen, and he'd rather do that seating comfortably than standing awkwardly.

"This lovely girl standing right beside me is Jean. She mentioned that you have knowledge of our work when she accidentally read your thoughts." Charles says so gesturing with his hands towards Jean. "I will personally ask for your forgiveness in this matter." He added attempting to diffuse any issues between them.

"Jean has no direct control of reading the mind of others, her power too strong and her experience too little in this regard." With a little pause he continues, not before trying out his own ability against the boy. Surprised by the outcome, he shows none of it outside.

"But it seems it will no longer trouble you, as even I as a telepath with a longer experience cannot read your thoughts without exerting myself. This I and others will not do unless you give the explicit permission, I promise you that."

A superficial promise as he tried to do so right before making said promise.

"Jean?" called the Professor, looking at her for confirmation.

"I also can't Professor. Like I said before, his mind built up some sort of resistance after I found out he knew about us. His ability maybe?" Perhaps she thought that the promise did not include her in not reading his mind without permission or her use of ability seemingly natural that it did not register her breaking the promise made just seconds before hand.

"Possibly", the Professor inquiring further, "Hugo, could you tell us about your ability?"

Ignoring Charles' question and earning a few glares from the people around him, Hugo questions him instead, "Can you explain to me why you broke into my house and kidnapped me?" Said Hugo, unable to postpone his curiosity and anger towards the situation, any longer. His face scrunching, trying to give it his all in not to act on his boiling emotions. Not missing the hypocrisy of their promise.

"Hey!" Said one of the boys at the back, Hugo not bothering to turn around or give it any attention.

"It's alright Scott", said the Professor calmly, "you must try to understand, the circumstances at the time, didn't allow for our usual recruiting methods. Which is why I had them bring you here as soon as possible." He elaborates attempting to diffuse some anger. "It is for your own good young man."

"Does that mean I'm free to leave, Charles?" Demanded Hugo not intending to waste more time with these people. Thinking that his well-being cannot be decided by strangers no matter how noble they might think their intentions are.

"How rude can you be?" Yelled Scott, interrupting the conversation between them once again.

"Rude? Rude!? Yelled Hugo, enunciating each word, his voice getting louder. "I think I've been very patient and understanding of this goddamned situation."

Turning around and facing Scott he accuses, "Besides am I talking to you? Is your name Charles??" He pauses waiting for a reply, "No? I didn't think so. Now shut the fuck up."

With that he turns around again facing Charles. "And your little girlfriend, haven't apologized yet." He says directing his glare at Jean, her beauty not lowering his anger at all.

"The professor alread- ", Jean gets interrupted by Hugo.

"I didn't say Charles did I? Let me ask you, if a person accidentally kills another, does that make the crime any less severe, the cost of the life taken any less valuable?" He stops barely a second before continuing.

"It might be a little extreme of a comparison but you get my point. Your inexperience shouldn't be an excuse, you should be spending nearly every waking moment to practice your ability so these accidents or whatever you call them don't happen."

At this point, although Hugo is infuriated at his situation his emotions letting words go unfiltered, he's also trying to urge Jean to unlock her true potential and master her powers sooner.

The fact that a mutant of lower capacity and potential controlling her should be enough of a motivation.

Many accidents in his dreams and memories being caused by her inability to control her powers, the Phoenix force instead being the one in control.

"Don't talk as if you know how much effort and practice she put in. You don't know anything." Ororo coming to Jean's defence, herself knowing that Jean is also suffering because of her abilities.

"Maybe. Maybe not." Says Hugo, "then she-"

"Enough okay? I'm sorry." Apologized Jean, bowing her head slightly towards Hugo, tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

"Jean." Called Scott softly, feeling bad for her situation. "Bastard are you happy now?" His feelings for Jean igniting anger.

It might seem forced but im trying to portray his anger without forgetting that hes still in an unfair situation. In an unfamiliar place. Powerless agaisnt everyone there.

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