
Marvel: Immunity

A seemingly useless ability. That was all he seemed to get after receiving memories of another life. But not everything is as it seems. Join him in re-discovering himself as threats all over the multiverse come after him. A/N: Feel free to comment and review the work. The author will try to respond and react to them. A/N: All rights belong to Marvel except for Original Characters.

Hidden_Throne · Movies
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13 Chs

Chapter 3: Mutants

The four boys walk down the hall with John leading them.

"So what do you think that was about?" Asked Bobby barely trying to keep his voice down, nudging Scott that's walking beside him.

"I don't know. But I don't think it was food he was screaming about," Answered Scott. "Only thing I hope is that it isn't about Jean." Continued Scott shrugging his shoulders and looking at Bobby.

A knowing look forms on Bobby's face, "And that's all that matters to you of course." Looking back at Scott smiling at him.

'What else could possibly matter more?' Thought Scott seriously pondering in his head.

"I can hear you guys talking you know." Accused Hugo from the front, not bothering to turn around and face them.

"Uhhh, wasn't really trying to hide it, just wondering man," Responded Bobby.

"What he meant to say was that you're awfully calm for someone who was taken from their house and woke up in a random mansion." Added Scott, raising his hands to his head right beside the glasses keeping his power in check.

Stopping both feet in place, Hugo's face turns from his neutral expression since earlier into a serious one.

"What are you trying to say? Would it be better to scream and panic? In a place full of super powered humans who kidnapped you?" Barked Hugo, tilting his body and looking back at Scott and Bobby behind him.

A silence ensues between them. All them not making any sudden moves.

Now that Hugo has had a moment, he notices several odd matters around the mansion and the boys in general.

First off all, it is the start of summer break, the children aren't in any classes or have any homework to do. Yet he hears no hustle and bustle of kids playing around the mansion, no matter how big the place is, he should still hear noises occurring around him. Specially considering that they just came from the sleeping area to the living area. It might be possible that many of the children took a trip outside but not all of them could have gone, from his memories a lot of children are under the care of the Professor and live here.

Secondly, the three accompanying him are quite tense. Ready, perhaps a better word describing their current state. But what Hugo cannot understand is what they are readying for. Are they wary of him using an ability they don't know about? But why would he try to fight against trained mutants, they should know that he just awakened as one not too long ago. They did find him using Professor's ability in conjunction with Cerebro right?

All these thoughts and many more go through Hugo's head.

Visibly, John in front of him has a flame ignited atop the lighter he's been holding. While Bobby has his palms open facing him, seemingly ready to use his ability as well.

Instead of trying to guess and reasoning that he cannot escape the situation anyhow without dealing with the three, Hugo simply asks, "So? What's going on? What did I do?"

Scott keeping his hand next to his glasses replies to him, "It's not what you did, more like what you could do? or what you could turn into?"

"What the hell does that mean?" Demanded Hugo not understanding any part of what Scott said to him.

"Just keep walking, you'll find out soon anyway, we're just meant to watch over you and escort you once you wake up. If you don't do anything we won't." Asserted Scott, slightly hinting a threat should Hugo try anything.

"Humph" Huffed Hugo gesturing towards Pyro with his head to keep walking, indignant at the treatment he's receiving for no apparent reason to him.

No more chatter occur between them, the sound of their footsteps the only thing they hear further emphasizing the silence and lack of background noise.

They make some twists and turns passing a few areas, Hugo grasping just how big the mansion really is.

Eventually they reach a door which John knocks.

A moment later a voice calls from the inside.

"Come on in."

John opens the door and walks in.

Before taking any step further, Hugo observes the room. He sees the Professor Charles Xavier, a bald man sitting behind a desk wearing a semi formal attire. In his memories, a man or mutant capable of Telepathy. The Professor's skill with his ability exceeding what most could achieve in their lifetimes owing it to his potential as an Alpha level mutant and decades of practice. Not to mention he's also capable or willing to use this ability in a morally incorrect way. Hoping that his Immunity can hold against such a powerful user of Telepathy, he looks to the second person.

Beside the desk stands the inheritor of the Phoenix Force, possessing mutative abilities of Telepathy and Telekinesis, in addition Flames while in-tandem of the cosmic entity. She has red hair, green eyes and a pretty face. Needless to say, she is potentially the most powerful mutant in the planet.

Next, a white haired, dark colored skin woman looks back at him. He remembered her both from this morning and his memories, Ororo Munroe also known as Storm. An Omega level mutant that can control the weather among other things. Beautiful, thought Hugo in his head.

Turning to the other people, he sees Logan or Wolverine. Possesses near immortal level of regeneration and two sets of claws that release and retract in between his knuckles. He stands to the right side of the room while Ororo on the opposite side.

Finally in the middle, sat on couches a girl he doesn't recall or not included in his memories. She has black hair and black eyes. (A/N: Original Character)

Across from her, also sitting on a couch Kitty Pride a.k.a. Shadowcat with similar features of dark hair and eyes. Her ability of Intangibility allowing her to pass through matter.

"Kitty, could you take care of Brooke for now?" The Professor requested, his attention turning to the young man observing the room.

"Alright, Professor." Kitty accepting the task turning towards the other girl she asks, "Let's go?"

The girl first nodding to Kitty then the Professor before standing to leave.

Hugo steps aside letting the two girls leave the room. For an instant he locks eyes with the girl named Brooke. Her situation likely familiar with his own being new to the mansion.

Watching them walk away, the Professor calls to him, "Come in young man, don't be afraid."

Hugo walks into the room half expecting his head to start feeling pain or hear voices inside it.

"My name is Charles Xavier. A professor in this school." Started Charles, introducing himself before asking the boy. "Why don't we start with your name young man?"

A smile forms on his face as he interlocks his hands together keeping direct eye contact with Hugo.