
Magic High: School For Virtuous And Evil

Rachael Rodriguez had never stepped out of her home town before her sixteenth year. Then she arrived at Magic High , and quickly tried to flee. The school was made of elites, self-assured, strong, and at first glance... highly unapproachable students, teachers, and workers. Yet as Rachel was ignored, and drawn into their library where she found her solace, she learned a terryfying secret...a secret about an incident in the school in the dead of the night where an ancient rite was brought to brutal life...and led to a gruesome death. And that ... was just the beginning.

Bauhaus · Fantaisie
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18 Chs


"As I was saying," she continued," Henry Winter..... congratulations you made it to sage academy of the dark magicians. I also congratulate all who made it to our honors level class...very soon you all will be taken to your respective classes.

Charles and Camilla Macaulay have made it to the sage academy of the Fuzzies, Francis Abernathy and Edmund Corcoran made it to the sage academy of the wizards and witches, finally…. Rachael Rodriguez made it to sage academy of the elementalist."

Teacher Kyle came to the head master and whispered something to her

" Alright...you can go to your respective chambers," she said with a little smile but when no one moved she became annoyed

" Are you waiting for me to escort you? Leave.!!!"

I immediately knew that she was the voice in the white room. Did she wanna have a heart attack or something?.

We dispersed before she could kill herself. When I entered the room I remembered my bloody clothes, but when I got there…..they were gone.

I opened my wardrobe , and saw the clothes were clean and well arranged.

I almost tripped when I realized Silva was tugging at my clothes. What in the world could she ever want?

I was about to tap her so she could stop her tugging when Alicia spoke,

" Angelina, what is your power?"

" I .do .not!... know."

" What power do your family have?"

"They are all healers."


I was so annoyed as Silva kept tugging at my clothes in anticipation, when I looked down at her she made a pitiful face, and jumped onto the bed and kept giving Angelina and Alicia death glares.

Someone said something to me while I was watching Silva.

"Rachael, we all know you had a terrible past and you are still very sad. But...that was all in the past, my mommy used to say ' don't worry about how things may turn out. Just remember nothing came to those who didn't try. To get something you have to lose something.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." It was Alicia.

"And….. what's that supposed to mean?" Angelina asked curiously.

"Have you known your powers? Check your card girl!" Alicia said smiling.

" Okay. I will….but I already know what I am…..an elementalist." I said coldly without an expression.

I resumed staring at Silva who had crossed her hands and twitched her mouth.

(You can't talk to a commoner!!)

I did hear that, but I thought I was thinking too much. It could never be Silva.

She was a cat.

I sat on my bed and watched the sky when someone tapped me. It was Alicia.

"Time for dinner!" she said with a smile.

At the dining table, I ordered Barm brack and lemon tea, for I had lost my appetite. After my morning bath I searched high and low for maybe a uniform or anything.

Alicia wore a quirky outfit and a straw hat while Angelina wore a backstage cool outfit, a rock chick boots and a cute ponytail. Finally I wore a coral outfit and set out for breakfast.

Cheesecake and black tea as breakfast, but I was quite surprised to see Alicia and Angelina nibbling on some strawberry cookies. They'd been eating it since the first meal we had in this horrible school.

The card we were given showed our school and the way. Upon reaching the class I found an empty seat at the front row, it was the only empty seat. After settling myself on the chair, a woman with black and blue hair, long eye lashes, purple lipstick, had an oval shaped face.

Had long black nail tips, she wore a tweed jacket, a t-shirt, a pink mini skirt and orange heels.

I wasn't surprised to see her dressing because she was a monster.

" Hello….. students, I am lady Jessica or you can call me Ms. Jessie…for short," the lady said, smiling vibrantly.

"Let me give you a word of advice before we start this class," she continued.

"Never say never, because limits, like fears,are often just an illusion."

A girl who dressed exactly like Ms. Jessie but had short pink hair spoke up

" Ms, are you normal?"

" I tried to be normal once. Worst two minutes of my life." Ms. Jessie answered sarcastically.

" First we start with the branches of nature magic, also known as elementary magic. Nature is divided into four common branches: pyro magic, aqua magic, aero magic and terra magic.

Apart from Rachael forty percent of you guys have terra magic, twenty percent of you have pyro magic, twenty percent of you have aqua magic and twenty percent of you have aero magic.

Rachael is a legend, she is a sage and she needs to accept that fact. Now!!! The first step to becoming a good elementary magician is to either push your limits….or die!!!.

I will start with..."

Before she finished the headmaster came in and told Ms. Jessie something in her ear. Their behavior irritated me, they were always saying something secret.

" Okay, the headmaster changed her mind. I will only be taking Rachael. Mr Williams will take terra magic, Ms Miley will be taking aero magic.

Ms Summer will be taking pyro magic and Mr Julian will be taking aqua magic.

Rachael….. follow me," Ms. Jessie said with both seriousness and relief in her voice.

I followed her to a garden full of flowers and she led me to a shade where tea was served and we sat.

" I am a pyro magician, but I must not look like one. What is nature?"

Ms. Jessie said feeling proud, but one could still feel relief in her voice. I guess she was happy she didn't have to teach the whole class.

"Nature is a noun. It is the summary of everything the biological, chemical and physical states and events in the physical universe." I answered a little bored.

"I was never expecting that…but….in my words nature is life." Ms Jessie answered by sipping her tea.

" How do I learn nature magic?" I asked.

" Earth and sky, wood and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent school masters, and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from."

She said placing her teacup on a tea plate.

The scene was beautiful, but she interrupted my view

"To sit in the shade on a fine day,and look upon verdure, is the most perfect refreshment."

"Do I look refreshed!! teach me all you know and I might actually thank you. In. Your. Dreams." I said, raising my voice a little.

"Alright, then first sit and feel nature and its residents. Everything. Is. Connected. To. Each. Other.

After you have felt enough your art class will be tomorrow, I'll see you the day after tomorrow."

' What a weirdo!' I thought angrily.

( She is one. She never even taught us anything. Just admiring some silly views.)

I heard that same voice and looked beside me. Silva was lying on her chest yawning and purring. And I really started suspecting Silva was a talking cat.


A/N: Dear readers, was Silva a talking cat; maybe she was, maybe she wasn't. I really want to see power stones and comment.

How would I ever know your opinions if you never commented? ಠ⁠ಗ⁠ಠ

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