
Magic High: School For Virtuous And Evil

Rachael Rodriguez had never stepped out of her home town before her sixteenth year. Then she arrived at Magic High , and quickly tried to flee. The school was made of elites, self-assured, strong, and at first glance... highly unapproachable students, teachers, and workers. Yet as Rachel was ignored, and drawn into their library where she found her solace, she learned a terryfying secret...a secret about an incident in the school in the dead of the night where an ancient rite was brought to brutal life...and led to a gruesome death. And that ... was just the beginning.

Bauhaus · Fantasy
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18 Chs


Just then, Ms. Jessie came and stood behind me.

" Are you done admiring nature? I feel my lungs inflate with the onrush of scenery, air, mountains, trees, people.I think ,this what it feels to be happy." She said with a grin. I just looked at her without an expression on my face. I was too bored to engage her in her antics.

" I am done admiring nature. Can cats talk?" I asked.

"If you were asking me... I would say, yes, they can! They are mostly familiars of the witches. " she said with a vibrant smile.

I looked at Silva, sitting on my lap and patted her fur when Ms. Jessie said,

" I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields, that it kisses them so gently? And then it covers them up snug, you know, with a white quilt."

"You know better," I said getting up from my position and carried Silva in my arms. My bag filled with books and writing materials was on my shoulder. With my back to her , I said a bit loud,

" Good bye!"

It was the end of my class with her. I made my way to my room, passing by students who were just coming out of their classes. Without giving them a look, I made my way to the door of my....i think it's now our room, and opened it .

As the door closed behind me,Alicia and Angelina had a big smile on their faces, as soon as we made eye contacts.

"How was your first day?" Alicia asked.

"We waited for you all day. Come and see, would'ya?"

I saw a very fantastic scene. Snow was actually falling and then I understood why Ms. Jessie asked me that question

" Wow!! Did your teacher tell you some quote about what is happening." Angelina asked smiling as she watched the snow fall in drops.

" Not a quote. Nature's first green is gold, her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf's a flower; but only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf." I said trying to ignore the snow.

"You know, nature has its way." Alicia said with a smile.

"I do not know!" Angelina answered gravely.

I sat thinking about what Lady Jessie said when Alicia said in a spiritless tone .

" So bored. Got nothing to play?"

She asked Angelina who was still watching the snow.

" Rachael, can you tell us about your first day?" Alicia turned to me and asked.

"Why me?" I answered full with curiosity.

"Yes, why her? I had an interesting first day." Alicia said.

" A witch….. always has an interesting first day." Angelina asked looking at Silva.

"What's with the cat?"

"It's a lady's tale of NANYA!" I answered without a minute to spare.

"What's NANYA?!" they chorused.

"None of your business," I answered." I think you should get ready for dinner." I said as I carried Silva in my arms and exited the room.

It was very interesting as they wouldn't call me a weirdo or a freak. And ...they could take on my attitude well. I think we match. We could be .... friends. Well...no one knows what the future holds.

The next morning, we were all seated in a classroom after breakfast . We were waiting for our teacher. Turned out, apart from Magic lessons, the school also offers the subjects taught to normal students.

A lady came into the hall wearing an obsidian black knee length dress, she made her brown hair into a ponytail and wore black heels. She was a bit timid, as she didn't look at any student in the eyes.

"Hello students, I am your art teacher, Jane Porter…..or you can call me Ms. Jane. We are going to start with the meaning of art.

What is art? I am afraid a sentence cannot frame the meaning of art. Any ideas?"

Angelina spoke first,

" Art is the visual and non-visual representation of human thoughts."

" What more could I expect from an healer. Anyone else?" Although she was timid, she had a sharp tongue. Maybe her shy appearance is a pretence.

"Art is the skill of doing something which is not taught by nature." It was Henry from earth.

' What could I ever expect?'

" I want a long explanation and a short one both from an elementalist...," there was silence for a while as she looked around with her brown eyes.


I immediately knew she wanted an answer from me, with how large her eyes were. She didn't take off her gaze from me .

I sighed slightly, and spoke. I didn't know what monster she was . My accurate guess would be ....a fox. And I wasn't sure I could take her on, but I could for a normal fox.

"Art is a subject that studies human being in his beautiful environment together with his culture; how he communicates within the culture, the degree of his appreciation for the work of art and preservation of his culture.

In other words art is a universal language of expression."

"That's what I am talking about!!!" She replied enthusiastically . She beamed wide at me , before turning her gaze back to the other students, her smile...gone.

"Before we start the class let me give you three sentences of advice.

Art is the only way to run away without leaving home. It has been said that art is a tryst, for in the joy of it maker and beholder meet. Lastly, life beats down and crushes the soul and art reminds you that you have one.

Painting is silent poetry.

Back to the class….to be able to draw nature…one must first dip his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures. Look around you nature is everything and as Lady Rachael explained to us….. art is a universal language of expression.

With this magnificent words of mine, I suppose you have been convinced that you are in the world of art. Next class is on Friday, you should be able to write the origin of art. Then I'll teach you all to draw."

With that said , She exited the class and I heard the voice again.

(Was that a class? or some old lady talking about how beautiful art is.)

The voice was right. She didn't even use more than ten minutes to teach.

I left the class to look for Ms. Jessie. I searched for her till lunchtime. As I sat with my roommates at the table during lunch, they asked me a few questions.

" What was your life back at earth? I suppose lonely and boring." Angelina asked, but I didn't answer.

" How did you like the art class?" Alicia asked.

"Very interesting…..I suppose." I answered, as I stared at the people in the dining hall hoping to see Ms. Jessie.

" You are not a bit normal. Not that you are a freak, but I have never seen you eat strawberry cookies." Angelina asked, she looked calm but was a little wacko in the head, for some reason I said

" Gimme a minute."

I left the hall and ran down the placement test hall, I bumped into something, it was Ms. Jessie

"Can I help you?" she asked angrily,but when she saw it was me she was less annoyed. "What's the matter?"

" I was looking every nook and cranny for you, but here you are." I said, a little bit breathless. A teardrop of sweat dropped from my forehead.

"Why would you be looking for me ? Lemme guess ...about the cat. She does telepathy, plus she isn't insane nor am I."

"Alright, I get it! instead of wasting my time on some nonsense can you teach me something more meaningful." That was the reason why I came to meet her in the first place. If I wanted to leave, I had to have the power to overcome the backbone of the school.

"Uhh…no, no," she said hastily." Gotta run."

Off she went like a bullet. I returned to Angelina and Alicia.

" Did you have friends back in earth?" Alicia asked,as soon as my butt landed on the chair.

"I can't call them friends…. maybe acquaintances." I answered.

"Why is that?" Angelina asked.

" Fake friends are like shadows. They follow you in the sun, but leave you in the dark." I answered.

" My mommy used to say 'infatuation is when you find somebody who is absolutely perfect. Love is when you realize that they aren't, and it doesn't matter.' " Alicia said.

"You know, I think you can burn some sorrow and stuff like that in the library. If you can't stop thinking about it, don't stop working for it. I see you are a good reader." Angelina said getting up from her seat.

"I did not know!" Alicia said.

"Don't you use my negativity against me!!" Angelina answered in anger.

When we got to the library Angelina and Alicia started searching for the books about art.