
Lord of Worlds

Trillions of people were transported to a shattered universe of Gragaria. Everyone became lords and gained a way to own territory. The world is shattered and people will now fight for hegemony against all races that have become lords of their own worlds.

ObsidianWolf · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

Beings From Other Worlds

[Why are so many people suffering? Most people in my country live in a similar environment, so what is so hard about it?]

[Does your country live without houses in the middle of the desert?]

[My country basically does?]

[We live in tents in forests and move around often.]

[Wait do you not have any skyscrapers or high rises?]

[What type of building is a high rise? Also is a skyscraper another name for the wizard towers?]

[Wizards? You guys had magic before?]

[Don't tell me this is your first time hearing of other races too?]

[What you guys met the beautiful elves before! I've only been able to fantasize about a waifu and you guys come here telling me you have such amazing races and haven't done anything! I am so mad! ARGGHH]

[I've heard of most of these races, at one point or another, how have you all not known about them?]

Very quickly all the lords found they all came from very different worlds. Mentions of technology got mixed up with talks of magic with people from each side questioning if technology isn't just magic. Allen quickly found about 65% of the humans had already known about magic with 45% of those already known about some other race.

Looking up from his screen, Allen saw his recruits who seemed to have all had different skills and experiences before he got to even meet them. Just as he was about to ask them about what life they lived, his team that had been sent out to explore the area returned.

A dirt mage who was elected as the leader of the exploration group came up and put his hand on his chest as he gave a report, "Lord! We have memorized the basic area around our camp and discovered several preys we may hunt tomorrow!

Lastly, we have found a wandering Fox Beastman. We are unsure of the exact race, but we have stopped them at the edge of your territory. They appear friendly, but we have decided to report to you first! Lord! Please give your orders!"

Hearing the dirt mage's words Allen glanced back at the others who came back with him and realized that there were only a few who came back. "Alright take me to this Fox Beastman to talk. If they attack as soon as they see me then we will attack to kill. That said I hope to have a decent talk without anything going wrong."

"Yes Lord!" The man bowed, "But Lord... I am unsure if you know but the Fox Beastman are famous for tricking everyone they come across. Please be careful Lord!"

Allen only nodded and waved his hand to get moving.

Soon Allen was led through the dark trees and bushes. The rapidly dimming sun made the group rush back to where the Fox Beastman was.

Quickly Allen saw the rest of the group mainly wolves all standing at the ready as they were positioned in a semi-circle around a lone woman. The woman had red-orange fox ears tipped black and human arms covered in red-orange fur from the elbow down with claws instead of nails. Although covered mostly by the foliage, her legs also had the same red-orange fur. A mesmerizing red-orange tail could be clearly seen swaying behind the girl with a black tip seeming to attract the most attention.

The group quickly noticed Allen's entrance, "Lord!"

Allen only gave a nod at the group as most of his attention was drawn to the fox girl. Doing his best to keep a neutral face Allen spoke plainly, "So you are the intruder?"

The fox girl smiled beautifully, "So you are the Lord? Well to answer your question, you have been on this land for at most a day which means I could have never known anyone was even here. Well, I guess I am the 'Intruder' in your eyes. I myself am a Lord, so why not treat me a little better? I have been standing here for nearly half an hour without any movement and it is tiring~"

Allen felt like her entire being was almost untouchable as if anything he tried to learn about her would be futile. Still, he decided to take this situation seriously, "Hello, my name is Allen and I am indeed the Lord of this territory. Might I know who you are?"

The girl smiled and nodded, "My name is Edith, I have been wandering to find the best place to set up my own territory. Since it is becoming dark and I obviously won't find a place could I bother you to stay a night or two?"

Allen hesitated for a while before nodding, "After we arrive we can talk a little; also are you one of those humans who have changed races?"

"Yes, I am one of those who changed races." Edith appeared exceptionally happy to hear she could stay after a simple talk. What she didn't know was this change of race made Allen even more suspicious of the girl.

He had seen on the forum people talking about a trait a race has will be imprinted in one's blood and mind. So if she changed into a race famous for tricking others, she probably was trying to trick him now.

Of course, he wasn't absolutely certain so he might as well as let her spend a night and kick her out tomorrow. All he has to do is be careful for one night and then he doesn't have to worry about her. The only other option is to kill her and not care about it anymore since dead men have no power to avenge themselves. Still, that was the last resort in Allen's mind since Edith could still become an ally in the future.

"Let's go!" Allen quickly got the group moving back to camp, but this time with an extra Fox Beastman.

After arriving at the fire and meat cooking Allen turned to Edith, "Sit down for now, I have to talk with my subordinates for tomorrow and tonight, after that we can talk a bit more about what you know and what I know."

Allen called over Orion, the swordsman, and the dirt mage that was elected as the leader of the exploration group.

Inside the house there were no chairs or tables forcing everyone to sit on the ground in the lotus position, Allen didn't really care and started telling them his plans and worries, "I don't really trust that girl, but I want to give her a chance. I want you swordsman to go into the warehouse with a wolf and another man. Your job is to see if she will try and steal from us, but as foxes are known for trickery she might have some type of illusion, so I want one man hidden behind the wolf while the other in front.

Orion, as long as that girl leaves first thing in the morning and nothing happens during the night, you will be in charge of leading a group of people to carry water back here or bring all our people to drink. We need as much food as soon as possible while it is worth more.

Dirt mage, I want you to set up a plan for tomorrow's hunting expedition we need as much food as we can get as soon as possible while it is still worth more. Even if the girl does something I need you to be ready to go hunting. Nothing should interrupt this hunting session unless I am dead!

And lastly, what are your names? I feel embarrassed calling you dirt mage and swordsman. If I am to give you orders, I might as well know your names."

Both the dirt mage and the swordsman looked extremely excited as they bowed excitedly. The dirt mage spoke first, "Lord! I go by Henry" Immediately after the swordsman spoke, "Lord, my name is Derek"

"Henry and Derek. Alright, you all got your orders, try and think of a way to get it all completed efficiently. Now Orion call in Edith and a few wolves for protection. Henry and Derek, you can go and do what you need to do for now."

All the men bowed to Allen and left one after another leaving him alone, "Uggh- I never knew just giving orders and thinking up plans could feel this exhausting even when I didn't do that much!... Haahhh- Edith is coming I have to prepare myself." Quickly Allen got himself ready to talk to Edith and find out more about this mysterious fox girl that appeared out of nowhere.

Soon Edith followed a few wolves into the room as they all surrounded Allen. Orion also followed behind her as he walked beside Allen taking his left side. Allen also noticed the wolf he had ridden throughout the day had taken the place closest to him on his right and sat down almost looking down at Edith who followed everyone's example and sat on the floor across from Allen.

Edith took the initiative to talk first as she gave Allen a seductive smile, "So what would you like to talk to be about?"