
Lord of the Flies in MCU

When a specimen, of a long forgotten and ancient past, appears out of nowhere how will our favorite marvelous heroes react? And how will our favorite hunter take upmost advantage of them?

Elden_Beast · Films
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17 Chs

Chapter 5

'Hey, do you ever just stop and think about what happens after death?'

{… Why are you asking me that?}

'Well, who should I ask? It's not like there is anybody else around.'

{Please don't tell me you're suicidal.}

'Don't worry, I'm not. But … I think I'm dying … of boredom.'

Two weeks spent in this forest, two weeks and still there are no signs of getting out.

'it's like the snowy plateau all over again, no matter how much my dome increases, I just can't find a damned way out...'

And it increased alright.

'35 meters of near omniscience, to be precise, and that's only because of the increase in my intellect. If I wasn't able to accumulate Intelligence from every kill, I wouldn't be able to process all of this information at once.'

Damn, 35 meters already.

'How many have I hunted again?'


'... That's about right.'

After that night, I haven't really hunted for the rest of the 2 weeks, only when hungry.

And you may ask, why? Did you really get so full of yourself and now think that wolfs and bears are such lowly prey, not even worth consuming?

'No, I don't … well maybe … but that's not the point!'

'It's just that, I think I'm getting stronger way too quickly. All it takes is an opponent of the same strength, but with greater skill, and I'm done for'

And you may think, why not just get stronger than anything else? So lethal and fast that skill is just no longer a concern?

'I just can't.'

What do you mean? Of course you can … just keep devouring and you'll get there eventually.

'No, I can't. If I do it, I'll have great strength but shallow skill, and as a being of apparently infinite potential I cannot and will not allow myself to become so superficial, so inexperienced, so inept and incompetent in the art of murder.'

Well, why can't you just rely on your instincts?

'My instincts help, they help a lot. But they can be more refined, more polished and simply put a lot faster.'

And so, I train. Sometimes by seeing how fast I can turn a 15-meter diameter of trees around me into a clearing, using my deathly tails, other times by running as fast as I can and seeing how much ground I can cover.

'The good news is, I'm getting better, faster.'

And the bad news?

'... I'm still bored.'

But then, the hunter suddenly stops when he sees something on the horizon.

'… Is that a fucking island?'

{No, you dunce, an island is surrounded by water. That is a rising piece of earth which breaks every single law of physics.}

'Really? Thanks for clearing that out.'

{You're welcome!}

'You ... you still don't understand sarcasm?'

{Oh, uhm … I do! But just pretend not to, you know?}

'Of course you do.'

With that conversation done, taking only a couple of seconds, the Hunter starts closing the distance between him and the island, and strangely, the closer he gets, a new feeling starts to rise inside of him.

He hears the sounds of battle, smells the blood in the air.

{Not bored anymore, are you?}


A new need is born within, a need to dominate, to be the most feared, be it on the battlefield or in the hearts and memories of his witnesses and victims alike.

The predator disappears from sight, and reality as well. When he reached his objective, the hunter became a swift raven, not good for battle but perfect for his need.

Flight, he spreads his wings and takes off, quicky reaching the slowly arising mass of land but not landing yet.

Stalking his prey from above the hunter reaches a simple but deadly conclusion.

'That green thing, that could have killed me if I didn't think this through. What even is it?'

{Guess, what does he resemble?}

'... Don't fucking tell me it's a human.'

{I won't, even though he is.}

'He is fighting against … flying metal?'

{Pretty much, kind of immortal as well.}

'There are also 2 other steel-based Fighters on the human side. One enclosed in it, and the other resembling the opposition.'

{As in made out of metal as well, with a yellow-colored stone logged into his forehead … be sure to secretly borrow that later, for safe keeping.}

'Why? What's so special about it'

{You don't need to know right now.}

'Rude …'

'A huntsman, then there is one powerful, lightning wielding Man, also a really fast one as well.'

{Forgot the other grey steel enclosed fighter, and the one with a shield.}

'And 2 women, one seemingly normal but highly skilled, and the other … the other one …'

As if noticing his presence, Wanda looks in the air for a second, before channeling her magic and getting back into the fight.

'Completely and utterly terrifying.'

Hope you enjoy the new chap!

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