
Lord of the Flies in MCU

When a specimen, of a long forgotten and ancient past, appears out of nowhere how will our favorite marvelous heroes react? And how will our favorite hunter take upmost advantage of them?

Elden_Beast · Movies
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17 Chs

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

I'm Baffled.

'How!? How can someone so … innocuous and gentle looking hold this much power? Even with her crude, barely proficient control she can make me dance in the palm of her hand and rip me into shreds. And not necessarily in that order.'

If I want to fight, I have to fight with them. Doing otherwise would just be fatal.

'I need to find an opportunity, something to get me on their good side.'

{Then think faster.}

'I know! That's what I'm trying to d-'

{No, you moron, I meant it literally. Gods! what others would do to get that kind of ability, and then there is you, oblivious to the fact that you even have it.}

'Oh … yeah, kind of got lost in the moment there.'

A second later, the hunter perceived the world 10 times slower than normal.

'This is … this feels great!'

{What would you even do without me?}

'The fast one, his job is to evacuate helpless humans, but he checks way to often on the red-haired witch.'

{Which means?}

'Some sort of relationship between the two, maybe love?'

{What sort of love? If you ask me, they kind of look alike.}

'... fraternal, they are twins.'

{Bingo, now find your opportunity and in the meantime, try do devour a human body.}


{Vocal cords.}

'Ah, that makes sense.'

Transforming into the khanivore, but still invisible, the hunter hurriedly consumes the nearest corpse, which just so happens to be a 12-year-old kid.

'Eh, beggars can't be choosers I guess.'

And then, opportunity strucks.

'The flying … robot? So that's what they're called? Huh, pretty handy ability, absorbing memories and all of that stuff.'

The robot, whilst piloting a jet plane, sets its sights on the archer protecting what looks like a small child. And by the helpless look on Hawkeye's face, and the stupidly determined one on the speedster's face, a plan forms.

'I know what I must do.'

Wanda helplessly watches as her brother gets shot, time slowing to a crawl, once in the leg, then the other, followed by his shoulder, and as the final bullet travels towards her twins' heart and the tears in her eyes are ready to erupt, the bullet just stops in thin air.

In its place, appears the tightened fist a third party, A tall and frightening looking creature, possessing 4 tentacle like appendages out the Back of its head, deathly claws and an almost snake like head protected by a white exoskeleton. Truly, the stuff she sometimes has nightmares about.

But this one felt like a dream, she has never been happier to see a monster … not that she has ever seen one before, but there is a first time for everything, right?

She was ready to abandon all reason, just to enact her rightful revenge on that fucking piece of vibranium, just to rip his heart out. But then, he just showed up from nowhere and saved her only family left alive.

'He? Why … why did I refer to it as a "he"? …Whatever, it doesn't matter, right now we need to heal Pietro.'

Meanwhile, the hunter looked down at the speedster, which was in miserable shape but still breathing.

'All going to the plan'

And then looked at the bow and arrow wielder.

'Whoa, Hawkeyes' mouth is so wide, it's almost like mine when I Stretch it a lot. Heh'

After that, the hunter threw the bullet over his shoulder, moved his tails for a bit whilst flexing his claws, making them retract and appear a few times, and moved.

And by the first move, the fate of the battle could already be decided.

The robots surrounding them had no chance, his tails were ether decapitating or straight up just cleaving them from head to crotch. His Whole body moved faster than a human could see, the only evidence to support that he was there being the destruction left in his path.

After many, many kills, the hunter was done, finishing what the avengers had started.

'Well, almost.'

Waking towards the now stable Speedster and wide-eyed witch, the hunter stopped, looked at Wanda, slowly pointed one of his tentacles at her face, his razor-sharp and venomous bone blade staring right in between her eyes, and attacked.

Wanda, breathless for a short moment, closed her eyes and put her hands in front of her small face out of fear, only to feel on the left side of her palm a cold and scaly sensation.

Opening her eyes, she could see the creature's tails slowly retracting and forming into a big one. Just realizing what happened, she looks back and, yup, sees the dead body of a freshly destroyed robot.

But then, something so unthinkable and so implausible happened, that she was sure it would be burned in her memory forever.

The creature without any warning moved closer, and closer, raised "his" hand, retracted "his" claws, and flicked her forehead.

'... … … What? Did he just-'

But before she could think further, the creature spoke, in a monstruous and low voice.

"Why did you let your Guard down?"

At this, the stunned Witch managed to mumble out a reply of her own

"You … y-you can talk?"

I hope that you like the interactions so far! So far, I'm thinking that the female lead should be Wanda, but I was also gravitating towards Hela, for obvious reasons.

What do you guys think? Wanda, Hela or maybe both?

Elden_Beastcreators' thoughts