
Living in Marvel

Joshua, our main character was working in construction when suddenly multiple bolts of lightning strikes him taking him and the whole building down.

Mister_Ren · Films
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11 Chs

Chapter 05 - Thor

The search for the doctor has proven unfruitful and useless as Joshua's investigation skill was near zero which does not make sense as the Wisdom of Solomon is supposed to give him high intelligence.

His only thoughts about this are because the Wisdom of Solomon was very low level, he doesn't know what level was his original power supposed to be but he'll never know as he doesn't have any references about that.

Joshua rubs his cheeks with his finger as he drinks his coffee.

"So let me get this straight, you're asking me, me? To investigate, to find your target which we protect from you because it's my fault for letting him escape?" Tony said as he emphasized the "Me" part.

Joshua nods without saying anything as he continues to drink his coffee.

Yes, Joshua just flew into Stark tower and invited Tony for a coffee at the nearby cafe and asked him to find the doctor for him.

"Level with me kid, You officially killed three innocent people of the law, You illegally trespassed the prohibited area of the hospital, and worst of all punched me to oblivion and you expect me to help you?"

"Yes," Joshua replied.

"You expec-"

"If you find him for me many innocent people can live safely, you don't understand that doctor is a monster, the worst of a human being, he experiments, he sells, he-"

"We are all monsters here kid, my weapons killed thousands of people, so why don't you do the right thing and surrender and we'll investigate that doctor further?" Tony replied.

Joshua sent a glare to Tony as he got up from his seat. He thought this was useless and probably shouldn't have done it in the first place.

"You are very immature, you killed because you can and sip your coffee acting cool as nothing happens."

"They shot at me first!" Being called out for his immaturity made Joshua explode as he stomped on the ground creating cracks on the surface.

Thankfully the cafe is already empty, there's not even a car in the parking lot, which is suspicious considering Joshua is the one who chooses this place.

Tony instinctively grabs the handle of his suitcase hidden under the table. This suitcase obviously contains an iron suit.

"You're proving my point here," Tony said as he rolled his eyes.

"Enough talking, you know that I will not stop until I found him," Joshua turns his back to Tony and proceeds to walk away.

"I get it, kid, your only family died and you're blaming yourself, taking it all by yourself, but this is not the right way, any way that kills everyone that prevents you from reaching your goal is not the right way at all," Tony seriously said as Joshua momentary stop from his tracks.

"You are right, I know that I am wrong but I don't know any other way and I am done blaming myself it's time to blame others," Joshua then proceeds to leave without looking back.

Tony massages his temples, "Damn it's like talking to a damn brick."

Walking in the streets Joshua is still confused about where he should start looking again.

[System detected a presence that might be helpful to unlock the power of Zeus.]

The system then puts the location directly into Joshua's mind.

Since Joshua doesn't have anything in mind he quickly flies towards the place the system told him surprising the people who were walking near him as they quickly grab their smartphones and take multiple snaps.

Joshua knows that unlocking the power of Zeus is essential to enhance all of his power and to unlock those superhuman senses.

Joshua reaches his destination at night.

While in the air he saw two women, an old man and a man with long blonde hair who seemed to be confused and looking for his hammer ignoring the three people near him.

The three of them didn't notice Joshua as their focus was solely on the weird man in front of them.

The long-haired man growls while standing and repeatedly shouting hammer.

"Yeah, we can tell you're hammered. It's pretty obvious," one of the women said.

"Oh my god, Erick look at this! We have to move quickly before this all changes," One of the women said to the old man whose name seems to be Erick. She is referring to the weird scribbled mark on the ground caused by the Bifrost.

The three people talk to each other about bringing the long-haired person to the hospital while the man is just shouting in the air about opening the Bifrost.

"You! What realm is this? Alfheim? Nornheim?" The long-haired man asked quite aggressively.

"New Mexico?" The woman answered then pointed a taser gun at the long-haired man.

"You dare threaten me, Thor, with so puny a weapon?" The blonde man radiates arrogance like no others.


'Thor huh, Like the norse god?' Joshua thought as he observed the group from above.

"Darcy, why did you shoot him?!" Darcy's companions look at her with their mouths wide open.

Doctor Darcy Lewis is a former student of political science at Culver University who became an intern for Erik Selvig and an assistant to Jane Foster

"What? He is freaking me out!" Darcy pleaded.

Joshua surveys the area as he is not sure if this Thor is the real one and the one who can help him to get the power of Zeus.

Joshua gently descended to the ground, "Did I just witness a kidnapping?"

The three people look at him with surprise and slight fear, similar to a criminal who got caught in action.

"Sir this is not what it looks like, We will bring-" Erick tried to quickly explain but Darcy cut him off.

"Yeah, It might look like this but trust me Jane just hit him with a car," Darcy explains.


"Oh way to overreact,I grazed him, but she tasered him," Jane defended herself while also digging a deeper hole for misunderstanding.


"Yes I did," Darcy rebutted with a rather proud expression.

"Let me check him," Joshua said and even though they are quite dumb in explaining things they seem to be good people.

Joshua then proceeds to kneel and touch Thor on his pulse, he is hoping to get some reaction from the system.

[ ½ Of the required fragments of power found inside him, The system suggest to found his missing piece]

Joshua was unsure what was that missing piece but if he base on the stories about Thor then he guesses that Thor is missing his mighty hammer. Add that to the fact that Thor is shouting for his hammer earlier.

"He is fine after all and just unconscious. Are you looking to harvest his organs? I'll help you," Joshua joked as he lifted Thor like a sack of potatoes and threw him to the back of the Van.

The group stares at him dumbfounded because of the way he throws a grownup man like Thor like he is made of air.

"Wah? We're not like that," Jane exclaimed in disbelief.

"I know right, trust me I will not tell anyone," Joshua said smirking with his index finger in his lips.

Jane slightly blushed by how charismatic Joshua's expression was.

"I'm telling you it's not like that-" Jane said.

"Girl he's teasing you," Darcy states the obvious which causes Jane to give Joshua a dumbfounded expression.

"You! Where did you even come from?" Jane exclaimed.

Joshua ignores the question and jumps in the back of the van where Thor is.

"What are you waiting for?" Joshua said.

The trio has no choice but to take Joshua and Thor with them to the hospital.

Joshua truly loves the hospital setting huh.