
Living in Marvel

Joshua, our main character was working in construction when suddenly multiple bolts of lightning strikes him taking him and the whole building down.

Mister_Ren · Movies
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11 Chs

Chapter 04 - The Doctor End

Joshua was quite surprised that he needs that much force to destroy the restrains.

"Bad move," Ironman said as he flies around Joshua and push him outside where he can fight him effectively. Even tony wouldn't launch missiles inside a hospital.

Joshua stabilizes himself in mid-air and delivers a counter by punching Ironman's stomach.

Seeing Ironman fly to the ground Joshua quickly tried to enter the hospital again but he was shot by missiles.

"You will not stop interfering, aren't you?" Joshua said as the smoke scattered revealing him patting his clothes for dust.

"Well, you don't see that every day, you're on drugs kid?" Ironman said as he shot multiple repulsor beams which didn't even hit their mark because Joshua accelerated himself in the air.


A straight punch to Ironman's face makes the suit fly towards the buildings.

"Shoot him!" The chief order when he saw that ironman was losing this fight.

Joshua flies high in the air and stands above them all. The bullets are bouncing off his skin. Joshua felt some pain as some bullets fly towards him after one another after all his body is still lvl1.

Showing that their guns were pretty much useless the police stop firing revealing the fear in their face.

Joshua stared at them with his crimson eyes and show his dominance over them but his priority was killing the doctor so he quickly reentered the window where the doctor at but didn't find him.

What the police didn't see was some wounds are starting to show in Joshua's body.

Joshua quickly searches every corner of the hospital but found nothing so he exited the hospital and find Tony Stark with his helmet removed.

Joshua's full-powered punch broke Tony's nose and rendered his helmet unusable.

"You lose, he escapes and why kill a doctor? It is some kind of sick fetish or something?" Tony joked then spit blood to the ground.

A jet then arrives at the scene and shines lights on Joshua's position. Inside of this jet was Black Widow and Hawkeye.

"Stand down!" Black Window said.

SHIELD quickly take over the area as the rest of the police left.

"There is no escape kid, just surrender and I'll buy a burger, and maybe, just maybe, give you a pat on the back," Tony said with emphasis on maybe.

Joshua didn't pay them any mind and kept looking around and checking where the doctor went to.

"He's not listening to us, we need to knock him down," Hawkeye said to Black Widow.

Joshua ignore them and tried to fly away.

"Ah, ah, ah, I swear I will fire this anti-tank missile onto you and you don't want that black bird's machine gun start shooting," Ironman warned as pointed his right hand at Joshua.

Joshua stopped in mid-air eyeing all of them, "What do you want?"

"Good move snow white so is shield going to take him or???" Ironman jokingly said.

"You might not want to provoke him Stark," Hawkeye said.

"You're the one who wants to knock him down, you tell me," Ironmans said.

Hawkeye looks at black Widow with a questioning expression. Black Widow shrugged her shoulders and sigh knowing that Ironman had already hacked their Jet's intercom.

Joshua slowly descended to the ground then put his hand in his pocket, "a cocky billionaire in a metal suit, a jet, and 53 people in a black suit. No matter how much I ran this battle simulation inside my head it's just not enough."

"We are all trained professionals, of course, you will not be enough so why don't you surrender and I can get my drink?" Ironman said.

Joshua means that they are not enough but It seems Ironman's ego prevented him from understanding.

Black Widow felt that this is not going well, Ironman may not know it but the tension is increasing. She looked at Hawkeye and gave him a nod.

Black Widow went down and face Joshua personally. She was hoping that this can still end more peacefully. She laid her hand to Joshua then said, "Come with us, we promise, no, I promise that you will not be hurt. We will hold a proper trial for you."

Black Widow might be showing great care to him but Joshua can only see an untrustable woman. Her words irritate him even though he is not showing it in his face.

"I'll pass but I think I about your offer after I get my revenge," Joshua smirks then kicks the ground.

The ground cracked and produce clouds of dust.

"Shit he is escaping surround the area and inform Fury!" Hawkeye said inside the jet.

"At least we know something, he does not kill in bulk, unlike the Hulk," Ironman jokes.

Although the Hulk does not kill directly, The debris from his battle and the sheer impact of the rampage kill many people.

"That's an insensitive joke even for you, Stark," Hawkeye said as he went out the Jet.

"Not to mention that information is classified," Black Widow raises an eyebrow at Ironman.

When the dust settles there's no Joshua left to find.

"So what do you think he is?" Hawkeye asked.

"The question was, why didn't you follow him with your bird?" Ironman asked with a raised eyebrow.

"The radar didn't pick him, that only means he didn't fly," Hawkeye answered.

"And here I thought you are the responsible one. I leave this one to SHIELD," Ironman said then left the area.


Joshua was considerably wounded in the fight. He is now in a faraway dark alley lying his back to the wall.

His clothes are full of bullet holes and his body is bruised.

All of his stats are level one so far away from being all-powerful but hey he defeats Ironman without killing him and survived a full assault bullet hell without flinching.

Relaxing his mind Joshua closed his eyes and started to sleep. The darkness give him a comfortable feeling and he felt that he don't need to eat and drink to regain his strength.


Early in the morning, the news about Joshua spread like a wildfire.

A very beautiful woman was in shock as she saw the camera zoom on the flying man's face.

"The eyes and hair are different but he looks the same, that's my Joshua," Jessica can't remove her eyes from the T.V.

Maybe it's her obsession that was talking but she was hoping that Joshua is alive.

Jessica's friend looks at her with pity then said, "You know that he died that day so it's impossible what you are saying.

Ignoring her best friend, Jessica continued to watch the news.

The report ended when SHIELD arrive at the scene but Jessica still saw Joshua get shot by the police and came out fine.

"I don't care, If I have to, I'm going to use all of my money to find that guy," Jessica said with a resolute face.

Anna sigh but have no choice but support her friend's decision.

- END -