
Linking Stars (old)

In the enchanting world of Stracia, where magic and technology coexist, a group of aspiring heroes embarks on a remarkable journey to safeguard their realm. Among them are Light, an emotionless and mysterious but sarcastic swordsman who holds many secrets, Claire, a spirited archer and fencer, Marcus, a brooding scythe wielder, Liene, a swift and strategic kyoketsu shoge user, Cain, a clumsy yet powerful mage, and Rose, supportive and cheerful care-free mage. Their journey takes them to treacherous dungeons, ancient ruins, and sprawling landscapes, where they encounter powerful adversaries and forge alliances with unlikely allies. They face off against a mide varieties of enemies, including the enigmatic Derek, who delves into forbidden arts in his quest for power, or the formidable Theseus, who find himself running murderous clan and more that they will face Amidst the battles and quests, the students also grapple with personal growth and inner conflicts. They navigate complex relationships and confront their own fears and insecurities. As they face the challenges that come their way, they learn the true meaning of friendship, social issues, inner problems and sacrifice. Throughout the webnovel "Stars of Arcadia," readers are immersed in a world of magic, adventure, and self-discovery. The story explores themes of resilience, destiny, and the importance of staying true to oneself. As the students of the Celestial Sword Academy, Light, Claire, Marcus, and Liene along with Cain, Rose, and Ken as well as Dylan, Karra, Kate, Rhea, Kaine, Syrra, Iris, and more as they become the heroes that Stracia and the worls of Luminora needs, forging their own paths and leaving an indelible mark on the world they seek to protect.

LightKazukiGray · Fantaisie
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38 Chs

Skillful Magician

December 15, 4005 6:12 AM

Claire makes her way into a bustling convenience store, intending to grab some snacks before heading back to the academy.

The convenience store is a treasure trove of goods, offering a wide range of items for purchase, including food, supplies, and even magic shards. These shards, made of crystal, have the remarkable ability to enhance one's magical strength or speed, depending on their elemental alignment. For example, a fire shard can amplify fire-based magic. Some magic shards also possess the power to increase mana levels or replenish them. While not overly expensive, they aren't considered cheap either due to their valuable properties.

Given the abundance of convenience stores scattered throughout Stracia, one of the twelve continents of Lunimora, obtaining food, supplies, and magic shards is a relatively simple task. Each continent boasts a variety of shops, such as convenience stores, blacksmiths, healers, and more. For those seeking a one-stop shopping experience, there are also malls available, housing all these different types of shops under one roof.

Luminora is a vast world that seamlessly combines modern technology with the wonders of magic. With its vast capabilities and resources, it offers a limitless realm of possibilities for its inhabitants.

The continent of Stracia serves as a melting pot of diverse communities, harboring different races and civilizations. Humans, being the most populous race, thrive alongside their elven counterparts, who possess a deep affinity for nature and mastery over elemental magic. The demi-humans, with their hybrid heritage, embody a fusion of human and fantastical traits, displaying extraordinary physical capabilities or magical talents. Dwarves, known for their exceptional craftsmanship and mining expertise, forge remarkable weapons, armor, and other artifacts that are highly sought after.

Stracia itself is a land of remarkable beauty and grandeur. Its vast landscapes are dotted with bustling cities, serene villages, and picturesque natural wonders. Towering mountains, enchanting forests, majestic rivers, and serene lakes form the backdrop of this magnificent continent. The cities of Stracia boast stunning architecture that reflects a harmonious blend of modern designs and magical aesthetics. Advanced infrastructure, powered by a mix of technology and enchantments, enables seamless transportation and communication throughout the continent.

Magic permeates every aspect of life in Stracia. The world is abundant with magical energy, allowing skilled practitioners to wield extraordinary powers. Mages, wizards, and sorcerers harness the forces of nature, conjure elemental spells, and perform intricate rituals. Magical academies and guilds provide avenues for aspiring magic users to hone their abilities and contribute to the flourishing magical arts.

While technology has made significant strides in Stracia, with inventions like steam-powered machinery, airships, and magical devices, it coexists harmoniously with the mystical forces of the world. Modern conveniences blend seamlessly with magical enchantments, creating a unique fusion of progress and mysticism.

Stracia's history is rife with legends, tales of epic quests, and conflicts that have shaped the world. Factions, guilds, and kingdoms vie for power, territory, and resources, leading to intricate political landscapes and occasional clashes. The continent is a vibrant hub of trade, knowledge exchange, and cultural diversity, as individuals from various races and backgrounds converge to pursue their dreams and aspirations.

In this sprawling world of Lunimora, Stracia stands as a testament to the coexistence of modernity and fantasy, where humans, elves, demi-humans, dwarves, and other remarkable beings carve their paths, bound by a shared destiny in a realm of endless possibilities.

Back at the Convenience store, Claire walks around the brightly lit aisles, her eyes scanning the shelves stocked with a variety of snacks. She reaches out and grabs a bag of crunchy chips, her mouth watering at the thought of the savory treat. As she continues her exploration, her gaze falls upon a colorful display of chewing gum.

Curiosity piqued, Claire plucks a pack of gum from the rack and holds it in her hand, inspecting it for a moment. A mischievous smile tugs at the corners of her lips as an idea forms in her mind. She chuckles softly to herself and decides to add the pack of gum to her purchases, thinking it might come in handy later.

Leaving the food shelves behind, Claire heads towards the checkout counter, her chosen snacks in hand. She joins the queue, patiently waiting her turn as the cashier scans items for the customers ahead. The pleasant hum of conversation fills the air, with people discussing their purchases or sharing snippets of their day

The tranquility of the convenience store was abruptly shattered as the heavy doors swung open with a deafening crash as a gang of bandits, dressed in white garments to conceal their identities, burst into the store, their sudden intrusion sending shockwaves through the peaceful atmosphere.

The Gray Haired bandit, an imposing figure amidst the group, stepped forward with an air of command. His stark appearance, unmasked and distinguished from the rest, marked him as the undisputed leader of the Black Scar Clan.

The trembling store clerk, his voice quivering with fear, pleaded for his life, desperately imploring the bandits to take whatever they desired while sparing him from harm. His eyes darted nervously between the menacing figures that surrounded him, hoping beyond hope that his pleas would be heard.

In the shadows, Claire crouched behind a shelf, her heart pounding in her chest. With a steady hand, she retrieved her bow, her eyes fixed on the unfolding scene. The weight of responsibility settled upon her as she prepared to defend the innocent and confront the audacious bandits.

From her concealed position, Claire watched as the bandits, shrouded in their white disguises, exerted their dominance over the frightened store clerk. The atmosphere grew tense as one of the bandits, brandishing a gun, pointed it menacingly at the clerk, demanding the coveted spoils of their intrusion.

The Gray Haired leader, his voice resonating with calculated authority, intervened, seeking to maintain control over the situation. His words hung in the air, laced with an ominous warning that sent shivers down the spine of anyone within earshot.

"We won't resort to violence... unless provoked," he declared, his voice dripping with a chilling mixture of menace and intrigue. "Cooperate, and you might just live to see another day."

A cold smile crept across the face of the Gray Haired bandit as he casually tossed a white sack towards the trembling store clerk, its purpose evident to all. His eyes bore into the clerk, conveying a silent threat that hung in the air like a tangible presence.

Trembling, the store clerk nodded frantically, his voice laced with desperation. "Okay... okay," he stammered, his hands fumbling as he began to comply with the bandits' demands.

With trembling hands, the clerk meticulously plucked the precious magic shards from their designated shelves, placing them into the waiting sack provided by the bandits. Each shard represented a small piece of power, accumulated with care and cherished by the store's patrons, now being unceremoniously stripped away by the callous intruders.

As the clerk fulfilled their demands, Claire's resolve solidified. She knew she couldn't let these bandits run rampant, robbing innocent people of their belongings and their sense of security. Her grip tightened on her bow, her knuckles turning white as determination surged through her veins.

The tense atmosphere within the convenience store was electric with a mix of fear, apprehension, and the unyielding spirit of defiance. The confrontation between the bandits and the store clerk, with Claire silently observing, reached its boiling point, poised to tip the scales towards an unforeseen outcome.

"The magic shards! Put them in the sack now!" The demand was accompanied by the menacing sight of a gun, its barrel pointed unwaveringly at the quivering store clerk.

The Gray Haired leader interjected with a voice filled with a dark calmness. "Easy... We don't have to kill him... Unless he doesn't comply." As he spoke, he methodically extracted a gleaming revolver from his holster, meticulously loading it with bullets. The cold metallic clicks echoed ominously in the tense atmosphere.

With deliberate slowness, the Gray Haired leader's gaze fixated on the store clerk, his eyes drilling into the very core of his being. "You hear that?" he sneered, his voice laced with a palpable threat. "Better start moving if you want to keep living." The bandit's words hung heavy in the air, a warning that reverberated deep within the store clerk's soul.

To reinforce their message, another bandit brandished a wickedly sharp dagger, its blade glinting ominously under the store's fluorescent lights. The store clerk's heart raced as the cold steel drew closer, the point hovering dangerously close to his trembling form.

As tension gripped the room, a white sack was ruthlessly hurled in the store clerk's direction, its purpose unmistakable. The store clerk's voice quivered with resignation. "Okay... Okay," he stammered, his words a mere whisper amidst the looming threat.

With trembling hands, the store clerk began to comply with the bandits' demands, reaching for the magic shards that adorned the store's shelves. Each shard, once a symbol of hope and potential, was now forcibly snatched away, their significance reduced to mere possessions in the eyes of these ruthless intruders. With a heavy heart, the store clerk placed them, one by one, into the waiting sack provided by the bandits, a silent testament to the loss of power and dreams that accompanied their pillaging.

But then...

Claire, fueled by a surge of courage and determination, bursts forth from her hiding spot, her bow drawn taut and ready for action. With unparalleled precision, she unleashes her formidable art, -Piercing Shot-, launching an arrow towards one of the bandits. The arrow finds its mark, piercing the bandit's shoulder with force, causing him to stumble and collapse, rendered unconscious.

"Oh hello... Didn't expect someone to be here..." says the Gray Haired leader, his voice laced with surprise and a hint of intrigue. He shakes his head slightly, silently conveying an order to his bandits to attack Claire.

"Well? What are you waiting for? Get her!!!" the gray haired bandit orders, his words ringing with urgency and a tinge of annoyance.

With swift and calculated movements, Claire leaps into action, employing her stellar art, -Swiftshot Precision-. Arrows fly through the air, each finding its mark on the shoulders of three unsuspecting bandits. The impact of the arrows sends them spiraling into unconsciousness, their bodies crumpling to the floor.

Perched atop a nearby food cabinet, Claire surveys the scene, her gaze fixed firmly on the gray haired leader. A smug smirk tugs at the corners of her lips as she readies another arrow, her eyes brimming with determination.

"You're lucky I removed the edge of my arrows..." Claire taunts, her voice dripping with confidence and defiance.

With unwavering focus, Claire activates her art, -Precision Strike-, sending an arrow hurtling towards the last remaining bandit. The arrow finds its mark, delivering a powerful blow that renders the bandit unconscious, leaving only the formidable gray haired leader standing.

"Well, I have to admit, it was, how shall I say this, a good show, this is... But it sadly has to end..." says the Gray Haired leader, his voice oozing with a chilling mix of disappointment and menace.

Before Claire can react, the gray haired leader swiftly raises his revolver, his finger tightening around the trigger without a moment's hesitation. The gunshot echoes through the convenience store as Claire desperately attempts to evade the bullet, but her efforts fall short. The searing pain of the bullet striking her shoulder ripples through her body, eliciting a cry of anguish.

"Ahh..." Claire cries out, her voice filled with a mix of pain and resilience.

Just as the harrowing encounter reaches its climax, a helicopter descends upon the scene, its powerful blades churning the air. The gray haired leader, clutching a sack brimming with stolen magic shards, swiftly boards the helicopter, his authority unshaken.

"Blondie, I advise you not to interfere with us..." the gray haired man warns, his voice low and threatening.

As the helicopter lifts off, the sound of its rotor blades slicing through the air, the gray haired leader's voice grows increasingly menacing.

"...Or it will be the head, next time," he declares, his words lingering like a dark omen.

Left in the wake of the departing helicopter, the convenience store is filled with a chilling silence, save for the presence of the unconscious bandits and Claire, now lying wounded on the ground, a testament to her valiant but costly stand against the relentless forces of the Gray Haired leader and his black-hearted clan.

Claire stands up after taking a hit on her shoulder even though she struggled at first and glances at the helicopter that slowly exit her point of vision leaving only a trail of strong wind

"Nice try, kid..." says the Store Clerk with a sorrowful tone. "That guy is the bandit leader, and the bandits he sent here were barely a fraction of his army."

Claire nods, understanding the gravity of the situation. She casts a pained glance at the unconscious bodies of the defeated bandits, realizing the formidable force she had encountered.

"Call the police and send these bandits to prison," Claire instructs, her voice resolute.

She holsters her bow on her back and retrieves the arrows she had shot, meticulously collecting them. Picking up the chips and gum she had taken earlier, Claire places them on the counter and reaches for her wallet to pay for the food.

"Here you go... How much is it?" Claire asks, extending her payment.

The store clerk shakes their head with a grateful smile. "No, take it. It's the least I can do for your brave attempt at stopping the bandits."

"No, I insist," Claire insists, her determination unwavering. "You were robbed... You need the money."

The store clerk ponders for a moment, a sense of gratitude evident in their eyes. "You know what? How about you pay me half the amount you were supposed to pay?"

"Yeah, that'd be great," Claire agrees, reaching for half the payment and placing it on the counter.

Transaction completed, Claire gathers her snacks and prepares to leave the store. The store clerk's gaze follows her, concern etched on their face.

"You need to treat that wound of yours," the store clerk reminds her, genuine worry in their voice.

Claire smiles reassuringly. "Oh no... My clothes are bulletproof."

With a sigh and a slight sense of curiosity lingering in her mind about the identity of the bandits, Claire exits the convenience store. As she walks away, she murmurs to herself, contemplating the events of the day.

"Today was weird..." Claire muses, running a hand through her hair.

December 15, 4005 7:11 AM

Claire arrives at the academy, clutching the bag of snacks she had bought earlier. As she steps onto the premises, Rose spots her and excitedly rushes over, waving her hand in the air.

"Hey!!! What's up? Did you buy the snacks?" Rose asks, her enthusiasm evident.

"Yeah... And I ran into some trouble along the way, though..." Claire replies, a hint of weariness in her voice.

Claire checks the bag of snacks, ensuring that she has everything she purchased. As she does so, her eyes fall upon the pack of chips she had specifically asked for. However, she notices something out of place—a piece of gum that she hadn't intended to buy. Confused, she turns to Rose, holding up the gum.

"Wait... Whose gum is this? I didn't ask for gum, and you don't usually eat gum..." Rose questions, her face displaying her puzzlement.

Claire's cheeks flush slightly, a small blush coloring her face. "Um, well... I wanted to try out gum," she admits, offering a half-hearted explanation.

Rose chuckles and playfully snatches the gum from Claire's hand. "Okay then. Well, I'm gonna head to my next class. See you later!"

With that, Rose hurries off towards her next class, leaving Claire standing there, still holding the gum. She lets out a soft sigh and proceeds to make her way to her own class, the pack of gum serving as a small reminder of the unexpected twists and turns that life often brings.

As Claire enters the Elemental Arts Class, she clutches the piece of gum in her hand, making her way through the bustling classroom. The space, though smaller compared to the grand assembly hall or the expansive weapon training grounds, is still filled with approximately 50 rowdy and boisterous students. Among the clamor, Claire spots Light sitting in the corner, lost in his own world as he listens to music through his headphones, seemingly unaffected by the chaos around him.

Determined to deliver the gum as requested, Claire approaches Light and taps him lightly on the shoulder to get his attention.

"Hey, here's the gum you asked for," she says, extending her hand towards him.

Light glances up, his expression remaining calm and composed. Without a word, he accepts the gum and promptly places it in his mouth, seemingly unperturbed by the commotion surrounding them. Unlike the raucous and lively students in the class, Light exudes an aura of quietude that sets him apart from the rest.

Claire, satisfied with fulfilling her task, makes her way to the front of the class, taking her seat. Just as she settles down, a white-haired adult woman enters the room, commanding the attention of the students.

"Hello, everyone," the adult greets the class, her voice carrying an air of authority. "My name is Kristen Waters, and I will be your teacher for the Elemental Arts Class."

Kristen Waters, the middle-aged woman who stands before the class, possesses an undeniable allure that captures the students' attention. Her long blue hair cascades down her back, contrasting beautifully with her piercing cyan eyes. Dressed in a buttoned-up brown long-sleeved shirt, a flowing gray skirt that gracefully sways with her every movement, and sturdy brown boots that exude a sense of practicality, Kristen's attire reflects her unique style and confidence.

What is most intriguing is the youthful energy she radiates, defying the conventional expectations of her age. Despite her middle-aged appearance, there is an unmistakable vitality that surrounds her, commanding the respect and admiration of those in her presence. Her voice carries a melodic tone, capturing the students' attention as she begins to impart her knowledge of the elemental arts.

As the class unfolds, Kristen's passion for the subject matter becomes evident. She effortlessly engages the students with her dynamic teaching style, incorporating demonstrations, interactive exercises, and thought-provoking discussions. Her enthusiasm for the elemental arts is infectious, inspiring her students to delve deeper into the realms of fire, water, earth, and air.

With each passing moment, Kristen's youthful energy seems to infuse the classroom, creating an environment of excitement and exploration. The students are drawn to her magnetic presence, eager to absorb every nugget of wisdom she imparts. Under her guidance, they embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth, learning to channel their innate elemental powers and unravel the secrets of the world around them.

Kristen Waters, the embodiment of both wisdom and vitality, has become more than just a teacher to the students in the Elemental Arts Class. She has become a beacon of inspiration, igniting their passion for magic and guiding them towards their true potential. As the days unfold within the walls of the classroom, the students eagerly await each lesson, knowing that under Kristen's tutelage, they will become masters of the elements and forge their own paths in the magical realm.

The once rowdy and noisy students swiftly find their seats, their previously chaotic chatter silenced in anticipation of what their new teacher has to offer. A sense of serenity fills the room, leaving an atmosphere primed for learning and discovery.

Claire gazes at Kristen with curiosity and a spark of excitement, eager to delve into the world of elemental magic under her guidance. As the class commences, the boisterous energy of the students transforms into a focused determination to unravel the mysteries of the elements and harness their powers.

Amidst the hushed anticipation, Claire can't help but feel a sense of belonging, ready to embrace the transformative journey that lies ahead. Surrounded by fellow students and guided by the enigmatic Kristen Waters, she sets her sights on honing her skills and unlocking the vast potential of elemental magic.

"Now then, let us delve into the realm of magic," begins Kristen, the teacher. Her voice carries a gentle yet commanding tone that captures the attention of the students. "Within the world of magic, there exist fifteen distinct elements that we shall explore together."

As Kristen lists the elements—Fire, Water, Nature, Lightning, Air, Psychic, Null, Light, Dark, Physical, Earth, Metal, Mirror, Sky, and Energy—the students' interest fluctuates. Some lean in, eager to absorb every word, while others display a lack of engagement. Even Light, in his customary corner, remains stoic, continuing to chew his gum with an impassive expression. However, Claire's eyes sparkle with anticipation as Kristen continues the lesson.

"Magic can be cast through various means, either by invoking an incantation or employing hand gestures," Kristen explains. To illustrate her point, she approaches the window and opens it, allowing a soft breeze to permeate the classroom. Then, with an outstretched hand, she demonstrates a spell.

"Now, observe closely," Kristen declares. "Inferno Wave!" she chants, channeling her energy.

In an instant, a tremendous burst of fire erupts from Kristen's hand, hurtling out the window and engulfing a nearby tree in its fiery embrace. The students, captivated by the display of magic, watch in awe. Even the previously disinterested students find themselves engrossed by the spectacle—except for Light, who remains uninterested, his expression unchanged as he continues chewing his gum.

Returning to the front and center of the class, Kristen resumes her discussion on magic.

"Alternatively, magic can also be channeled through specific implements such as staffs or swords," she explains. "However, it is crucial to exercise caution. Magic consumes mana, our life force. Overexertion can lead to exhaustion or even harm. I implore all of you to employ magic with care, mindful of its limitations."

Claire's mind drifts back to the memory of Derek collapsing after expending excessive energy casting fireballs at Light. A sense of curiosity flickers in her eyes as she briefly glances at Derek, who wears a faint mask of anger before shifting her focus to Light, whose poker face meets her gaze. They share a fleeting moment of eye contact before Claire redirects her attention to the teacher, who continues imparting knowledge.

The other students gasp collectively upon hearing the consequences of overusing magic, recognizing the importance of restraint.

"Ma'am, may I inquire about the strongest element?" Derek interjects, a mischievous smirk dancing upon his lips.

"In terms of raw power, I consider all elements to be equal. However, light and dark magic, in my opinion, possess immense potential," Kristen replies, her words accompanied by a cautionary tone. "Nonetheless, harnessing their might requires an extraordinary amount of energy."

Derek's eyes widen, his smirk widening further, piquing Claire's suspicion. She observes him intently for a moment before dismissing her concerns and looking away.

"Magic also operates on a system of levels," Kristen continues, addressing the class. "We have levels ranging from one to fifty. Your magical prowess determines the level of spells you can effectively wield. Casting a level fifty spell without the corresponding mastery can result in immediate exhaustion or worse."

The students absorb this information, contemplating the intricacies and responsibilities associated with magic. Kristen's teachings paint a vivid picture of a world where mastery and caution intertwine, guiding the students toward a deeper understanding of their craft.

Suddenly, the resounding chime of the school bell signals the end of the class, prompting students to file out of the room, engaged in animated discussions about their magical abilities. Claire, eager to make it to her next class, joins the flow of students, scanning the crowd for familiar faces.

As she navigates through the bustling hallway, her gaze settles on Derek, causing a pang of suspicion to ripple through her. She studies him intently for a few moments, searching for any signs of deception or ulterior motives. However, unable to find any conclusive evidence, she dismisses her doubts and continues on her way.

Spotting Light amidst the throng of students, Claire quickens her pace to catch up with him.

"Hey, Light!" she calls out, her voice cutting through the noise.

Light turns to face her, removing his headphones and offering his usual emotionless face. "Oh, hey. What's up?"

Curiosity piqued, Claire inquires about their next class. "What class do you have next?"

"Skill Mastery, I think," Light replies nonchalantly.

A spark of excitement ignites within Claire. "No way! We have the same class next."

Realizing their shared schedule, she tightly grabs Light's arm, eliciting a slight wince of discomfort from him.

"Ow," he mutters, mildly taken aback by Claire's firm grip.

"Come on, let's go!" Claire exclaims, determination evident in her voice.

She pulls Light along, his compliance tinged with reluctant acquiescence. As they move through the crowd, Light catches Derek's gaze, brimming with hostility. Unfazed, Light meets his glare with his usual stoic expression, maintaining an air of detachment.

Arriving at the Skill Mastery class, Light and Claire settled into their respective seats, preparing for the lesson ahead. The classroom mirrored the atmosphere of the previous Magic class, filled with rowdy students whose chatter and phone usage created a cacophony of noise.

Just as the commotion reached its peak, a bronze-haired adult entered the room, a cup of coffee in one hand and a long staff in the other. The sight of their teacher prompted the students to quickly find their seats, bringing an end to the clamor.

"Alright, class, settle down," the teacher, Gerald Cairnewood, announced in a commanding tone.

Silence fell over the room as the students complied, their attention now focused on their teacher's introduction.

"Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Gerald Cairnewood, and I will be your instructor for this class. Today, we will be delving into the lesson of Stellar Arts," Gerald declared, his authoritative presence commanding attention from the students.

Gerald Cairnewood, a middle-aged man who appeared older than the other teachers, exuded an air of experience and wisdom that set him apart. As he entered the classroom, the students couldn't help but notice his distinguished presence. With his short, neatly styled bronze hair that perfectly complemented his warm brown eyes, Gerald possessed a unique combination of charm and authority.

His confident demeanor resonated with his role as a skilled instructor, commanding the attention and respect of his students. Every movement and gesture exuded a sense of purpose and expertise, as if he had spent a lifetime honing his craft. The lines on his face hinted at the countless challenges and triumphs he had encountered on his journey.

In terms of attire, Gerald favored a practical and down-to-earth style that reflected his no-nonsense approach to teaching. He wore a bronze-colored t-shirt, its hue mirroring the richness of his hair and eyes, which further emphasized his distinguished appearance. Paired with his comfortable brown pants and stylish gray shoes, his outfit allowed him to move freely and engage with students in a dynamic and approachable manner.

It was clear that Gerald Cairnewood was not just a teacher, but a mentor who had navigated the complexities of his chosen field, accumulating wisdom and expertise along the way. His presence in the classroom promised an enriching and transformative learning experience for all who had the privilege of being under his guidance.

"Stellar Arts are not merely about wielding weapons; they are the embodiment of combat movements, the artful fusion of technique and weaponry," Gerald elaborated, his voice filled with conviction. The students in the classroom hung onto his every word, their eyes widening with anticipation. Meanwhile, Light remained nonchalant, engrossed in his own world of gum-chewing indifference.

Gerald continued, "Without Stellar Arts, you would be swinging your swords or shooting arrows blindly, lacking the finesse and strategic prowess that sets skilled warriors apart. It is through Stellar Arts that you can unlock the true potential of your chosen armaments."

The room buzzed with a mixture of excitement and reverence, each student recognizing the significance of Stellar Arts in their journey as formidable fighters. Claire, ever the attentive learner, absorbed every detail shared by Gerald, eager to expand her knowledge in the realm of combat.

"As with magic, Stellar Arts also possess levels ranging from 1 to 50," Gerald further explained, captivating his audience. "The higher your art level, the more advanced and devastating Stellar Arts you can master. From swift and precise single strikes to awe-inspiring barrage of a hundred hits, the possibilities are boundless."

Gasps filled the room as the students grappled with the realization of the immense potential lying within their grasp. They exchanged wide-eyed glances, their imaginations already envisioning the power they could one day wield. Light, however, remained unfazed, his attention fixed on the world beyond the window.

Gerald's next revelation brought forth a new wave of astonishment. "Stellar Arts encompass a vast array of disciplines, including swords, guns, bows, axes, scythes, daggers, staves, shields, hand-to-hand combat, and many more. The availability and variety of arts are unique to each individual, determined by their training and personal aptitude."

The students absorbed this information, contemplating the vast range of possibilities that awaited them on their journey to mastery. They realized that their weapons were not mere tools, but extensions of their own skill and prowess. With Gerald Cairnewood as their guide, they could forge their paths as formidable warriors, harnessing the power of stellar arts to conquer any challenge that lay before them.

As Gerald delved deeper into his discussion, the room was filled with a palpable sense of anticipation. The students leaned forward in their seats, captivated by every word that escaped his lips. Light, however, gradually disconnected from the lecture, his attention drifting away into a realm of his own thoughts. He stared absently out the window, his gaze fixated on the world beyond, while his jaws rhythmically moved, chewing on the gum with an air of detachment.

Gerald's voice took on a more sincere tone, capturing Light's momentary interest. His eyes widened imperceptibly, a flicker of curiosity passing through them before his expression returned to it's customary calm facade. The notion of "Starlight Arts" had stirred something within him—a tantalizing whisper that resonated with the hidden depths of his being.

"These arts," Gerald continued, his voice carrying a tinge of reverence, "are bestowed upon a select few individuals. They possess unparalleled capabilities, surpassing even the mightiest of Stellar Arts. The rarity of these artss is matched only by their potency. A typical special art may be shared among around 100 users, but the most formidable of them, those that possess unimaginable power, are wielded by as few as ten or even just one solitary individual."

The classroom fell into a hushed silence, as if time itself had paused to contemplate the weight of Gerald's words. The students exchanged glances, their imaginations ignited by the allure of these extraordinary abilities. Claire, seated nearby, sensed a subtle shift in Light's demeanor, a spark of curiosity kindling within him like a hidden flame.

Light's attention shifted to his sword, securely resting in its scabbard, before his gaze wandered towards the class window. With a contemplative expression, he directed his sight to the vast expanse of blue sky and the gentle sway of the surrounding greenery. Amidst the ongoing class, his mind remained fixated on the serene beauty outside, momentarily detached from the lecture's grasp...