
Linking Stars (old)

In the enchanting world of Stracia, where magic and technology coexist, a group of aspiring heroes embarks on a remarkable journey to safeguard their realm. Among them are Light, an emotionless and mysterious but sarcastic swordsman who holds many secrets, Claire, a spirited archer and fencer, Marcus, a brooding scythe wielder, Liene, a swift and strategic kyoketsu shoge user, Cain, a clumsy yet powerful mage, and Rose, supportive and cheerful care-free mage. Their journey takes them to treacherous dungeons, ancient ruins, and sprawling landscapes, where they encounter powerful adversaries and forge alliances with unlikely allies. They face off against a mide varieties of enemies, including the enigmatic Derek, who delves into forbidden arts in his quest for power, or the formidable Theseus, who find himself running murderous clan and more that they will face Amidst the battles and quests, the students also grapple with personal growth and inner conflicts. They navigate complex relationships and confront their own fears and insecurities. As they face the challenges that come their way, they learn the true meaning of friendship, social issues, inner problems and sacrifice. Throughout the webnovel "Stars of Arcadia," readers are immersed in a world of magic, adventure, and self-discovery. The story explores themes of resilience, destiny, and the importance of staying true to oneself. As the students of the Celestial Sword Academy, Light, Claire, Marcus, and Liene along with Cain, Rose, and Ken as well as Dylan, Karra, Kate, Rhea, Kaine, Syrra, Iris, and more as they become the heroes that Stracia and the worls of Luminora needs, forging their own paths and leaving an indelible mark on the world they seek to protect.

LightKazukiGray · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

Crossing Swords

At Claire's dorm room, she is fast asleep in her bed

The whole room is peaceful, very quiet, with almost no sound, except for Claire's soft snore but in an instant, her alarm sets off, startling her, making her jump out of bed, leaving a once quiet room into a noisy room before she turns off the alarm after seeing how late it was

"8AM?!? Oh gosh!!! I'm gonna be late!!!" screams Claire in panic

She runs towards her cabinet and grabs her academy uniform, and immediately wears it as fast as she could before falling over

As she finish dressing herself, she runs towards the door before remembering to grab her phone and frantically looks for it under her bed sheets

"Where's my phone?!!" screams Claire

She finds her phone under her pillow and looks at the her phone in astonishment before having an eyes of disappointment

"Oh, it's Saturday..." says Claire

December 16, 4005, 10:12 AM

Standing outside the Shining Star Mall, the newly transformed Claire glanced at her phone, her mind still lingering on the disappointing morning she had experienced while waiting for Rose. The Shining Star Mall, one of the three malls in the Stracia region, boasted an extensive collection of stores, ranging from blacksmiths and convenience stores to restaurants.

As Claire patiently waited, Rose suddenly appeared, running toward her with a beaming smile and an enthusiastic wave.

"Hey Claire!" Rose shouted.

"Hey, Rose... What's up?" Claire asked.

"Still cute," Rose replied playfully.

"Let's go in," Claire suggested.

With excitement in their hearts, both girls stepped into the enormous mall they had talked about during lunch, discovering that it exceeded their expectations. The Shining Star Mall surpassed even the grandeur of the Celestial Sword Academy. The interior was vast, housing multiple shops on each floor. With a total of five floors, it stood as the largest among the three malls in Stracia.

The shops within the mall offered an incredible variety of goods, ranging from modern boutiques to whimsical fantasy-themed stores. Since it was a bustling Saturday, the mall was teeming with people of all ages, creating a lively and vibrant atmosphere.

As Claire and Rose navigated through the mall, their eyes filled with wonder and curiosity, Claire's attention was captivated by an inviting ice cream shop.

"Let's go to the ice cream shop," Claire suggested.

"Sure," Rose responded, her face lighting up with delight.

Without wasting a moment, Rose dashed toward the ice cream shop, leaving Claire momentarily behind.

"Hey, wait!" Claire exclaimed, chasing after her friend in pursuit of the sweet and refreshing treat.

About to follow Rose, Claire's attention was captured by the sight of Light conversing with a blacksmith in a small and slightly disheveled blacksmith shop. Curiosity got the better of her, and she decided to step inside, leaving Rose to continue with her ice cream purchase.

The blacksmith shop had a cozy and rustic atmosphere. It was cluttered with various weapons, including swords and axes, hanging on the walls and displayed on tables. A prominent feature of the shop was a sizable anvil, upon which rested a broken blade and scattered metal shards. A furnace provided a warm glow, and a counter with a few seats stood nearby.

Inside the shop, Light sat near the counter, his expression unchanged and seemingly devoid of emotion. As Claire approached him, she mustered the courage to speak.

"Hey," Claire greeted him.

"Oh, hey," Light responded casually. "Was it Caire-Clara-Clamantine...?"

"It's Claire. Those isn't even close..." Claire asked, her cheeks reddening slightly.

Light's response was laced with sarcasm. "Oh, I forgot. My brain's storage has been unusually full lately, and your gracious name was mysteriously forgotten."

In an attempt to tease her, Light playfully patted her on the shoulder. Claire felt a surge of embarrassment, swiftly slapping his hand away and causing her face to turn a bright shade of red.

"HEY!" Claire exclaimed, her voice filled with a mixture of embarrassment and annoyance.

Just as Claire screamed at Light, a blacksmith about their age walks out from a door behind the counter while holding a gray one handed sword, seemingly having trouble lifting the sword while slowing walking towards the counter infront of Light and Claire

"Hey Light, Your Metalink Sword's strength has been leveled up from 40 to 41" says the blacksmith

Light's Metalink Sword, a one-handed weapon, boasted a striking appearance. Its blade shimmered in a light gray hue, exuding a hint of steel's resilience. The handle of the sword was crafted in a sleek combination of black and gray, providing a firm grip for its wielder. Despite its relatively compact size, the Metalink Sword carried substantial weight, hinting at the formidable strength it possessed. The tip of the blade was honed to a razor-sharp edge, capable of delivering precise and devastating strikes. With its average length, the Metalink Sword was a formidable weapon in Light's hands, embodying power and precision.

The blacksmith, straining under the weight of the Metalink Sword, carefully handed it over to Light. The sheer heft of the weapon made it evident why the blacksmith had struggled to lift it. However, to the astonishment of both Claire and the blacksmith, Light effortlessly grasped the sword, displaying an incredible strength that belied his unassuming appearance. With a deliberate and controlled motion, Light slowly drew the sword from its scabbard, resulting in a subtle but distinct clank sound that resonated in the air. It was a testament to Light's mastery over his weapon, as he handled it with finesse and ease, ready to unleash its power when the time called for it.

"Right, Will... Here's your payment," Light says, handing a heavy sack of coins to the blacksmith assistant.

Will, a young man who looks to be around the same age as Light and Claire, catches their attention with his distinctive appearance. His dark skin contrasts with his bald head, which is covered by a red bandana. His warm brown eyes hold a sense of wisdom, and he wears dusty, worn-out black and brown clothes, complemented by a pair of black gloves. Despite his rugged appearance, there is a slight smile on his face as he accepts the payment from Light. It's evident that he takes pride in his work as a blacksmith assistant, even amidst the challenging conditions of his trade.

"You seem young to be owning a blacksmith in a mall," Claire comments, her eyes filled with curiosity.

Will's smiles as he responds, "Oh, I don't own this blacksmith. I'm just an assistant. Unfortunately, my father isn't here right now."

"I see," Claire replies, understanding his position.

Turning his attention to Light's light gray sword, Will's expression changes, his curiosity piqued.

"Anyway, are you sure you can handle that thing?" Will asks, a hint of caution in his voice. "Once I upgraded that sword, it became heavier."

"Yes," Light responds calmly, exuding confidence.

Rising from his seat, Light effortlessly draws his sword and begins to swing it with remarkable ease. The weight of the weapon seems inconsequential as he executes each swing with precision and fluidity. He performs a series of swings, first twice, then thrice, before concluding with his stellar art called -Double Edge-, consisting of four consecutive swings.

Claire and Will stand in awe, witnessing Light's mastery over the heavy sword. His movements are flawless, devoid of any signs of strain or hesitation. The room fills with the resounding swish of the blade slicing through the air, captivating both onlookers.

After the impressive display, Light smoothly sheathes his sword, his demeanor unchanged. Claire and Will exchange astonished glances, newfound respect and curiosity igniting within them. They now recognize the depth of Light's skill and are eager to uncover the secrets behind his exceptional abilities.

Claire carefully examines Light's light gray sword, her eyes widening with interest as she takes in the details. However, her concentration is abruptly interrupted when Rose bursts into the shop with an annoyed expression. She grabs Claire's arm, startling her, and insists that they should be shopping instead.

Noticing Light's presence, Rose's expression changes slightly, a mischievous smirk forming on her face. She glances in his direction before redirecting her attention to Claire.

"OHHH..." Rose teases, her smirk widening.

Blushing, Claire quickly pulls Rose out of the shop, her face displaying a mix of embarrassment and annoyance. Before leaving, she briefly turns back to Light with a small smile.

"It was nice to see you, Light," Claire says politely.

"Yeah... Sure," Light responds, his expression remaining emotionless.

As Claire and Rose exit the shop, dragging their friendly argument outside, Will grins at Light, who maintains his usual impassive demeanor. Light then shifts his gaze toward Claire and Rose, observing their playful exchange. After a brief argument, the two girls leave and head towards a nearby shop, their laughter fading in the distance.

Will remarks, "You two seem close."

"We just know each other, I'm not even her 'friend'," Light calmly responds.

"Yeah... Sure," Will says, grinning.

Light sarcastically asks, "When was the last time you had a girlfriend?"

"Hey, you don't have to be so harsh," Will responds with an embarrassed face.

"Anyway... Got to go," says Light.

Light swiftly exits the shop and heads straight for the mall's exit, leaving Will behind with an embarrassed expression.

Meanwhile, Claire and Rose are engrossed in their shopping spree at a dress shop. Rose excitedly rushes around, grabbing as many dresses as she can carry, defying the limits of what a normal person can hold. Claire, on the other hand, explores the store, surrounded by an array of dresses, struggling to decide which ones to choose.

"Let's get this... And this... And this... AND THIS!!!" Rose screams with enthusiasm.

"Don't you think this is enough?" Claire asks, taken aback.


"Alright..." responds Claire, her face displaying shock.

Rose dashes off to find more dresses, leaving Claire behind, who lets out a sigh. Rose has always had a fondness for dresses, amassing a vast collection in her room, leaving Claire puzzled as to how she manages to fit them all.

Claire continues to explore the shop, searching for dresses. Suddenly, her attention is captivated by a yellow dress with orange striped sleeves. She stands still, gazing at the dress with a slightly open mouth making Rose notice Claire's fascination and swiftly runs toward her.

"Hey, maybe you should pick that one... That's an exceptional dress, perfect for you," Rose suggests with a grin.

"I don't know..." Claire responds, feigning uncertainty.

"TAKE IT!!!" Rose screams with excitement.

"Okay, if you insist then..." Claire agrees, offering an awkward smile.

Claire takes the yellow dress and heads toward the dressing room, a smile immediately forming on her face as she turns away from Rose. After a few minutes in the dressing room, Claire emerges, wearing her new dress, her face flushed with embarrassment. In contrast, Rose lets out a loud scream of excitement that could rival the boisterous sounds of the rowdy students at the Celestial Sword Academy.

"Hey, what do you think?" Claire asks, her face turning red.

"OH MY GOSH!!! It looks great!!!" Rose screams.

"Really?" Claire asks slowly, her face growing even redder.

Rose examines the yellow dress with striped orange sleeves and a short orange skirt, then immediately looks at Claire.

"Hey..." Claire begins, slightly turning her head away.

"It's the perfect combination with your yellow hair," Rose observes Claire. "Come on, let's pay for the dresses."

Rose grabs Claire's hand and heads toward the cashier, holding a dozen dresses in her other hand.

"Uh yeah..." Claire responds awkwardly.

As Rose pulls Claire with her right hand, clutching a dozen dresses in her left, both girls arrive at the cashier. The cashier's wide-eyed expression reflects their own shock. They proceed to pay for the dresses before exiting the mall. Outside, amidst the bustling crowd, the two friends prepare to part ways, their faces beaming with bright smiles.

"Thanks for hanging out with me," Rose expresses her gratitude.

"Yeah... Anytime," Claire responds, returning the smile.

For a brief moment, Rose's expression falters as she gazes at the ground, a hint of a frown crossing her face. However, she quickly regains her usual cheerful demeanor and looks at Claire, her smile tinged with a hint of concern.

"What's wrong?" Claire inquires.

"It's nothing," Rose dismisses it, flashing a wide smile.

With that, Rose abruptly takes off, still clutching the dozen dresses she purchased. Claire extends her hand toward her friend, a look of surprise on her face.

"See you next time!!! I still have stuff to do!!!" Rose shouts, her voice trailing off as she runs away.

Left standing there, Claire slowly lowers her hand, a mix of shock and amusement on her face. Without further thought, she decides to follow Rose in the direction of the academy, albeit at a slower pace.

As Claire walks through the narrow and grimy alleyway, she is suddenly ambushed by a group of five bandits. They emerge from behind light poles, clad in the same white clothing as the ones she encountered at the convenience store. Each bandit brandishes a dagger, clearly intent on attacking her.

"You attacked our comrades," one of the bandits seethes with anger.

"You must pay with your life." adds another, their tone filled with subdued rage.

Claire's mind races, recalling the recent incident at the convenience store where she bravely fought off the bandits. She vividly remembers the gray-haired man who shot her in the shoulder, even though she had taken precautions by wearing bulletproof clothing. The impact of the bullet had caused her significant pain, leaving a noticeable dent in her protective gear.

A realization dawns on her, and she thinks to herself, "Oh... those guys."

In the midst of her thoughts, one of the bandits charges at her, wielding his dagger with lethal intent. Desperate to defend herself, Claire instinctively reaches for her bow, only to find empty air. Panic surges through her as she evades the attack and attempts to reach for her sword, only to experience the same fruitless grasp. Both her bow and sword are nowhere to be found, intensifying her growing fear.

With agility, Claire manages to dodge another bandit's assault and swiftly incapacitates him with a powerful kick. She quickly retrieves the fallen bandit's dagger, employing it as her makeshift means of defense. A forceful kick to the chest sends yet another bandit reeling backward. Holding the stolen dagger, she brandishes it towards the remaining bandits, aiming to deter them.

But the bandits remain defiant. "Don't be scared, there four of us... And only one of her..." one of them taunts, mentioning the reduced numbers and inadvertently omitting the fifth bandit who had been rendered unconscious by Claire's earlier kick.

Unfazed, Claire takes on the remaining four bandits with fierce determination. Utilizing her well-honed kicking techniques, she dispatches two more, leaving only two adversaries. However, a misstep causes her to stumble and fall, leaving her vulnerable and defenseless. Seizing the opportunity, the two bandits launch a coordinated attack, utilizing their daggers from the art known as -Dragon's Bite- that possesses the potential for deadly outcomes.

Helplessly, Claire cries out for assistance, tears streaming down her fearful eyes. She braces herself for the impending strikes, closing her eyes as darkness envelopes her. Yet, in a miraculous turn of events, a resounding clang shatters the air.

Startled, Claire opens her eyes to witness a cloaked figure positioned between her and the bandits, skillfully blocking their deadly attacks. She gazes up at the figure and recognizes their eyes—a sight that triggers a wave of realization.

"His eyes..." she thinks to herself.

With remarkable swiftness, the cloaked figure unleashes an art known as -Rage Ascension- Their sword cuts through the air with precise and powerful strikes. The first three slashes slice through the bandits' daggers, rendering them useless as the shattered pieces fall to the ground. The third slash is unleashed with such force and intensity that it instills sheer terror in the hearts of the bandits. Their screams fill the alley as they hastily retreat, fleeing from the overwhelming display of strength and skill.

Claire watches in awe as the familiar cloaked figure's prowess sends the bandits scattering. The sight of their shattered weapons and the bandits' terrified cries leaves an indelible impression on her. She witnesses firsthand the incredible power possessed by the enigmatic figure standing before her.

"Come on, stand up," the figure says to the two bandits.

Without hesitation, the bandits hastily lift their fallen comrades and flee, leaving Claire standing in a state of shock as she gradually rises to her feet. Her eyes remain fixed on the mysterious figure, and suddenly, everything falls into place—the familiar eyes, the unmistakable sword—it can only be...

"Light?" Claire murmurs, her voice laced with confusion.

Upon hearing Claire's voice, Light swiftly turns around, and their eyes meet in a moment filled with astonishment and disbelief. Letting out a sigh, the cloaked figure removes their dark hood and mask, revealing Light's familiar, emotionless countenance. Claire, her face flushed, expresses her gratitude to him.

"Hey, what's up? Are you okay?" Light asks calmly.

"Light... Thanks," Claire replies, her cheeks still tinged with color.

"Yeah, sure... How did you recognize me?" Light inquires, avoiding direct eye contact.

"It was your sword... I somehow recognized it," Claire responds.

Claire bursts into laughter, finding the situation amusing. Light, feeling embarrassed, averts their gaze and carefully sheathes their sword with a soft clank.

"I'm sorry... It's just that your disguise was, um, easily exposed," Claire says, gradually calming down.

"Yeah..." Light responds, their tone subdued.

Light starts walking away slowly, their hand scratching the back of their head in embarrassment. Claire quickly catches up, running by their side.

"Hey... Don't leave me behind," Claire says.

Light briefly glances at her with their emotionless eyes before looking away, a slight flush coloring their face. Claire gives them a puzzled look.

"Thank you... for saving me," Claire expresses her gratitude.

Light remains silent, their head still turned away from Claire.

"Anyway..." Claire says, breaking the silence. "How did you become so strong?"

"I underwent... training," Light responds, his voice tinged with a hint of mystery.

The fragmented flashback transports Light's mind to a different time...

A young boy, his grip tight on a wooden sword, stands determinedly before a log marked with countless scars. Each strike against the log grows more forceful, fueled by his unwavering resolve.

"Harder!!!" commands a commanding adult voice, watching over the boy and pushing him to his limits. Fatigue seeps into his muscles, but he perseveres, delivering each strike with unwavering determination.

"HARDER!!!" the voice repeats, demanding more from the young boy.

Finally, with one powerful strike, the wooden sword slices through the log, cleaving it in half. The sound of impact echoes through the room as the boy drops the wooden sword to the ground, his body trembling from exhaustion.

"Remember, become stronger... The stronger you get, the better you become," advises the adult voice.

"Yes, sir," the boy replies, his voice filled with unwavering determination as it slowly reveals itself to be a younger Light, bruised and battered

The scene shifts back to the present, with Claire and Light continuing their walk together. Light gazes upward, his eyes devoid of emotion. Claire, noticing the profound sadness and despair in his eyes, becomes genuinely concerned, her own yellow eyes reflecting her change in emotions.

"Why do you always look so emotionless?" Claire blurts out, her words slipping out before she even realizes it.

Light responds with a puzzled expression, "What?"

"Never mind, you don't have to answer that question. I'm sorry," Claire quickly interjects, feeling embarrassed.

"No, it's alright... It's just that I've had some experiences in the past that have shaped me this way," Light explains.

Curiosity brimming in her eyes, Claire persists, "What happened?"

Light gazes at her with his gray, emotionless yet slightly intrigued eyes. As they continue walking, they pass by a public dojo.

"Why don't we have a match?" Claire suggests.

"Huh?" Light responds, taken aback by the sudden proposal.

Light responds to Claire's request with a look of surprise, and they both gaze at the dojo.

"I want to know how strong you are," Claire asserts.

"Seriously?" Light responds, amused by the idea.

They come across and enter the public dojo with the intention of engaging in a match.

"Should we use our weapons?" Light asks.

"Yeah, sure..." Claire replies.

However, she suddenly realizes that she left her sword in her room.

"...Oh, if only I brought my weapon," Claire whines.

"Wooden swords it is then," Light decides.

Light and Claire each pick up a wooden sword, assuming their stances as they prepare to duel. The people around them take notice, intrigued by the impending match.

"Just so you know, I might not go easy on you," Light warns.

"Same here," Claire responds with a smile.

Tension fills the air as they prepare to fight. The wind picks up, adding to the atmosphere. With both Light and Claire ready, a single drop of sweat falls from Light's brow as they charge at each other, their swords clashing.

"Don't hold back!" Claire exclaims, a smirk on her face.

Claire's movements are swift and precise as she executes her art, -Arcane Torrent-, striking Light's sword with four rapid hits. Each strike reverberates through the air, showcasing her agility and skill. But just as she prepares for the final blow, Light's instincts kick in, and he swiftly dodges, narrowly avoiding the attack.

With lightning-fast reflexes, Light capitalizes on Claire's momentary vulnerability. He channels his energy into the devastating stellar art, -Stormbreaker Assault-. The ground trembles beneath the force of his strikes as the first three hits land with thunderous impact, sending shockwaves rippling through the dojo. The spectators watch in awe and disbelief as Claire is pushed back, her footing momentarily compromised.

Despite the surprise and the impact of Light's assault, Claire maintains her composure. She regains her balance, a determined gleam in her eyes, ready to counter. The crowd holds its breath, sensing the intensity of the duel between these two skilled fighters.

Light's fourth strike, fueled by his unwavering determination, finds its mark. The blade of his wooden sword connects with Claire's, sending it soaring through the air.

"Alright, you win," Claire admits with a playful smile. "Geez, you didn't have to go that hard."

"You said I shouldn't hold back," Light responds matter-of-factly.

"When I said that, I didn't mean for it to turn into a life or death situation," Claire teases, her smile widening. "Although, I still sense you didn't go all out..."

Light remains silent, evading the question, as Claire continues to smile at him. His black, emotionless eyes remain fixed on the darkening sky outside the window.

"Hey, it's getting dark," Light remarks, breaking the momentary silence.

"Yeah... Let's go back, it's getting cold," Claire agrees.

Exiting the dojo, they come to a stop outside, feeling the forceful gusts of wind brushing against their bodies. The sky above continues to darken, hinting at the approaching nightfall.

"Would it be too much trouble for you to walk me back? You know... bandits and all," Claire asks, her tone filled with a mix of playfulness and genuine concern.

"You realize we both attend the same academy, right?" Light says, a hint of amusement in his voice.

"I know that," Claire retorts with a playful roll of her eyes. "Geez, you're no fun."

With their playful banter echoing in the air, Light and Claire set off together, walking side by side

Both walk back to the academy together and as they are walking, Claire looks at Light who has no emotion at all in his face, as he always.

"So, Light... Do you have any friends?" Claire asks, her curiosity evident in her voice.

Light responds sarcastically, "That's quite a sudden question. Perhaps your next inquiry will be about my phone password."

Claire chuckles and insists, "Oh, come on, Light. Just answer the question."

"Well, I don't... At least not yet anyway," Light admits.

"So... I know it's not official, especially to you, but why don't we become friends then?" Claire suggests with a smile. "It makes sense, after all. We're classmates."

"Why? I prefer working solo," Light questions, his tone somewhat guarded.

Claire playfully punches Light on the shoulder, laughing at his response.

"Ow," Light winces in pain.

"Hey, I didn't say we'd form a party even though we were assigned as partners," Claire responds, still grinning.

Light sighs and relents, "Fine. We still have a long way to go... Let's talk about it while we walk home."

"Great!" Claire exclaims, throwing another punch at Light, though this time much gentler. "Just don't worry, I won't use my berserker strength on you."

They continue walking, with Claire bombarding Light with more questions. The sky grows darker, the wind blows harder, and leaves dance through the air as stars begin to appear, casting their warm yellow glow.

After several minutes, Light and Claire arrive outside the academy, coming to a stop.

"Hey, Claire... I think I'll stay outside for a bit longer. I don't feel tired yet. I'll head inside once I start feeling sleepy," Light says.

"Sure, no problem. See you tomorrow," Claire responds, giving him a wave before running towards the academy.

Light watches as Claire disappears into the building, then walks in the opposite direction. He puts on his headphones, the music filling his ears as he finds a spot on a nearby bench. Sitting down, he looks up at the dark sky, dotted with flashing yellow lights from the stars. The wind rustles through his hair, creating a sense of serenity as he gets lost in his thoughts, accompanied by the melodies flowing through his headphones. The world around him fades away, and for a brief moment, it's just Light, the music, and the vast expanse of the night sky.

Unbeknownst to Light, a sinister figure lurks in the shadows, fixated on him with an unsettling gaze. The air grows heavy with malice as the dark figure whispers Light's name from a distance, a chilling tone coloring their voice.

In a mysterious and undisclosed location, a flashback takes place, revealing an unknown male consumed by a seething rage. Determined to prove his worth, the male retrieves a weathered brown book adorned with enigmatic symbols, its cover exuding an aura of otherworldliness. As he blows away the accumulated dust, a confident voice escapes his lips, brimming with determination.

"This book grants me access to forbidden magic, far beyond the realm of conventional spells," he proclaims, his voice laced with a mixture of excitement and defiance.

Opening the book, its pages adorned with inscriptions of unknown origin, some glowing with a vibrant purple and blue radiance, the male prepares to unleash its power. With a thunderous incantation of "ACCENDATION!" reverberating through the air, a devastating display of Light element magic is unleashed. The spell's sheer force rends through a solid wall, leaving behind a trail of destruction, a testament to its overwhelming potency.

"I can no longer rely on this stupid typical spells..." says Derek in a menacing tone

With a face contorted by fury, the male reveals himself to be Derek, his eyes burning with a twisted determination. Through gritted teeth, he vows to confront Light, driven by an unyielding desire to prove his worth. He pledges to go to any lengths necessary to achieve his dark objectives, harboring a deep-seated animosity towards Light.

Meanwhile, Light, unaware of Derek's malevolent intentions, senses a presence lingering in the shadows, a feeling that tugs at the edges of his consciousness. Despite this unspoken unease, he dismisses it as mere paranoia. Rising from the bench, he resumes his walk with hands in his pockets, seeking solace in his music as he slips on his headphones, oblivious to the imminent threat that looms ever closer...