
Linking Stars (old)

In the enchanting world of Stracia, where magic and technology coexist, a group of aspiring heroes embarks on a remarkable journey to safeguard their realm. Among them are Light, an emotionless and mysterious but sarcastic swordsman who holds many secrets, Claire, a spirited archer and fencer, Marcus, a brooding scythe wielder, Liene, a swift and strategic kyoketsu shoge user, Cain, a clumsy yet powerful mage, and Rose, supportive and cheerful care-free mage. Their journey takes them to treacherous dungeons, ancient ruins, and sprawling landscapes, where they encounter powerful adversaries and forge alliances with unlikely allies. They face off against a mide varieties of enemies, including the enigmatic Derek, who delves into forbidden arts in his quest for power, or the formidable Theseus, who find himself running murderous clan and more that they will face Amidst the battles and quests, the students also grapple with personal growth and inner conflicts. They navigate complex relationships and confront their own fears and insecurities. As they face the challenges that come their way, they learn the true meaning of friendship, social issues, inner problems and sacrifice. Throughout the webnovel "Stars of Arcadia," readers are immersed in a world of magic, adventure, and self-discovery. The story explores themes of resilience, destiny, and the importance of staying true to oneself. As the students of the Celestial Sword Academy, Light, Claire, Marcus, and Liene along with Cain, Rose, and Ken as well as Dylan, Karra, Kate, Rhea, Kaine, Syrra, Iris, and more as they become the heroes that Stracia and the worls of Luminora needs, forging their own paths and leaving an indelible mark on the world they seek to protect.

LightKazukiGray · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs


December 11 4005 12:22PM

The atmosphere in the Weapon Training Class is charged with anticipation as Light and Claire prepare for their upcoming battle. They stand in the center of the expansive training grounds, their opponents poised to engage. The brown-haired boy, his intense brown eyes hidden behind glasses, tightly grips a menacing mace. Beside him, the green-haired female positions herself in the background, her rifle ready for action.

Light's hand wraps firmly around the hilt of his sword as he draws it from its scabbard. The sound of metal meeting metal echoes through the air, a subtle indication of the impending clash. His face reflects a focused determination, his eyes locked on his opponents, analyzing their every move.

Claire, standing by Light's side, mirrors his concentration. She adjusts her footing, ensuring a solid stance that will support her agile movements. Her senses are heightened, her attention divided between the opponents before her.

Light's voice cuts through the tense atmosphere, his words devoid of emotion. "Just follow my lead," he instructs, his eyes focused on the opponents before them.

Claire, momentarily taken aback by Light's detached demeanor, responds with a hint of confusion in her voice. "Yeah... Sure," she replies, trying to gather her composure.

The two parties face each other, poised for battle, anticipation hanging in the air. Light's analytical mind kicks into gear as he meticulously studies his opponents, evaluating their strengths and weaknesses. His gaze shifts from the brown-haired boy gripping the formidable mace to the green-haired girl with her rifle.

In his mind, strategies unfold like a mental chessboard. He weighs the risks and possibilities, calculating his next move. With each passing second, his confidence solidifies, and a plan begins to take shape.

Light's mind races as he assesses the situation, weighing the pros and cons of his possible targets. His gaze remains fixed on the brown-haired boy, his eyes drawn to the formidable mace in his hands.

"I should go for the girl first... No, wait... The guy with the mace might intercept me," Light ponders, his thoughts racing through different scenarios. He tightens his grip on his sword, preparing for the imminent clash.

Anticipating the imminent charge from the brown-haired boy, Light's deduction sharpens his focus. He recognizes the signs and instincts tell him that his opponent is likely to make a direct assault.

"He's likely to charge at me," he deduces, gripping his sword tightly.

Claire, momentarily taken aback by Light's contemplation, watches him with a puzzled expression. She tries to decipher his intentions but quickly refocuses her attention on the opponents before them, ready to react to any sudden moves.

As if in response to their readiness, Goro's commanding voice echoes across the training grounds, announcing the beginning of the battle. The moment has arrived, and Light's strategic calculations must transform into swift and decisive actions. With adrenaline coursing through their veins, Light and Claire prepare to engage their opponents, their shared determination evident in their resolute expressions.

"Begin!" instructs Goro

As Light had predicted, the brown-haired adversary launches himself forward with determined speed, his menacing mace primed for a devastating strike. Simultaneously, the green-haired opponent holds her ground, steadying her rifle to take aim at Light and Claire. In a synchronized display of action, the two partners initiate their own charge, aiming to engage their opponents head-on.

However, an unexpected misstep disrupts their coordinated attack, resulting in an unfortunate collision that sends both Light and Claire tumbling to the ground. The impact briefly disorients them, their bodies entangled in a momentary struggle to regain their footing.

"Hey!!!" Claire's voice rings out, a mix of frustration and urgency lacing her words as she expresses her discontent with the untimely setback.

Realizing the need for swift action, Light's voice cuts through the commotion, filled with urgency and determination. "Move!" he exclaims, his tone commanding and directed at Claire, urging her to react quickly and evade any imminent danger.

The brown-haired male propels his mace forward with immense force, its impact meeting Light's sword head-on. The collision sends vibrations through Light's arms, and he grimaces, feeling the strain of the powerful blow as he struggles to maintain his stance.

"Ack... Crap..." Light mutters under his breath, his frustration palpable as he fights to withstand the relentless assault, refusing to yield ground.

Meanwhile, the green-haired female takes advantage of the chaotic engagement, opening fire with her rifle. The sound of bullets fills the air, and Claire's instincts kick in, prompting her to swiftly maneuver to evade the incoming projectiles. However, in her hurried attempt to dodge, Claire inadvertently collides with Light once again, causing both of them to lose their balance and tumble to the ground.

The training ground becomes a whirlwind of clashes and missteps as Light and Claire find themselves entangled in a series of unfortunate events. Despite the setbacks, they remain determined to overcome the challenges before them, their shared resilience and unwavering resolve serving as their guiding force.

"Watch it..." Light chastises, his tone laced with frustration, as they collide and hit the ground.

"You watch it..." Claire retorts, her annoyance evident in her voice, as they struggle to regain their composure.

Realizing the futility of their current strategy, Light and Claire swiftly regain their footing, narrowly evading another swing of the male opponent's mace and deftly dodging the incoming bullets from the female opponent's rifle. The intensity of the battle drives home the importance of teamwork and cooperation. They understand that their individual efforts won't be enough to overcome their adversaries.

"Okay... This is clearly not working out..." Light states, his voice devoid of emotion, as the realization sinks in.

"You think?" Claire responds, her frustration evident in her tone.

"Maybe..." Light replies, his expression remaining unchanged, contemplating their next move.

"What do you mean by 'Maybe'?" Claire retorts, her annoyance growing more pronounced, seeking clarification.

With a sudden sense of urgency, Light firmly grips Claire's shoulder, his touch commanding her attention. Leaning in close, he whispers something into her ear, his words carrying a hint of strategy and determination. Claire's eyes widen with interest as she eagerly listens, a spark of anticipation igniting within her. The plan shared between them brings a glimmer of hope, a new approach that may turn the tide of the battle in their favor.

"Right..." Claire responds, a newfound determination flickering in her eyes.

In a swift and coordinated maneuver, Claire jumps onto Light's sword as he ducks, propelling her into the air. With precise accuracy, she unleashes her stellar art -Precision Strike-, shooting three sharp arrows at the opposing male. Although he manages to dodge the arrows, he soon realizes that they were not aimed at him, but rather his mace. The force of the arrows dislodges the weapon from his grasp, sending it flying and embedding itself into the ground.

"Ah!" the male opponent exclaims in surprise and frustration.

Seizing the opportune moment created by the disarmed opponent, Light swiftly capitalizes on the opening. Activating his stellar art, -Stormbreaker Assault- he unleashes a rapid series of four consecutive blows, each strike infused with precision and power. The male opponent, attempting to block the onslaught with his mace, finds himself overwhelmed by Light's relentless assault. As Light executes the final slash, he deftly jumps over the male opponent, landing a direct hit with his fourth strike. The impact of the blow renders the male opponent unconscious, collapsing to the ground in defeat.

As the green-haired girl watches in a panic, her sense of urgency heightens. In a desperate attempt to turn the tide, she frantically fires her rifle at Light, but his swift sword movements deflect the bullets with ease. Sensing the opportunity, Claire seizes the moment. With agility and precision, she swiftly leaps from behind Light, utilizing her stellar art, -Precision Strike- as she unleashes a barrage of quintuple arrows aimed at the girl. The fourth and fifth arrows find their mark, knocking the rifle out of the girl's hands and sending it flying, leaving her vulnerable and defenseless. Exploiting the opening created by Claire's maneuver, Light capitalizes on the girl's disarmed state. Charging forward, he delivers a decisive and clean slash, incapacitating the green-haired girl and effectively neutralizing her as a threat.

With her hands trembling and a look of defeat on her face, the green-haired girl takes a step back, realizing the magnitude of their loss. Her panic becomes more evident as she scans the silent arena, the weight of her failure sinking in.

The stunned silence is broken by a thunderous applause from their classmates, who are in awe of Light and Claire's exceptional display of teamwork and skill. The sound of clapping and cheering reverberates through the training grounds, filling the air with a mixture of excitement and admiration.

The applause serves as a testament to Light and Claire's growth and development, as well as their ability to overcome challenges together. They stand tall amidst the praise, their faces flushed with a mixture of exhaustion and satisfaction. It is a moment that will be remembered and cherished, a symbol of their progress and camaraderie.

"And team 24 emerges victorious!!!" Goro's voice booms triumphantly through the training grounds, reverberating with excitement and triumph. The words hang in the air, electrifying the atmosphere as cheers and applause erupt from their classmates.

The resounding proclamation of their victory sends a surge of adrenaline through Light and Claire. It is a moment they have worked tirelessly for, a validation of their efforts and growth. They exchange triumphant glances, their faces adorned with mixed emotion as Claire smiled at him as he respond with a stoic demeanor

The applause swells, engulfing them in a wave of admiration and recognition. Classmates cheer and clap, their voices blending into a symphony of support and celebration. The energy in the air is infectious, fueling their spirits and igniting a sense of accomplishment.

Claire's face lights up with a radiant smile as she exclaims, "That was an incredible assist!" Her heart swells with pride for the seamless teamwork they displayed during the battle.

Filled with excitement to celebrate their victory, Claire extends her hand towards Light, hoping for a high five to solidify their achievement. However, her anticipation quickly fades as she is met with Light's customary emotionless gaze. His expression remains unchanged, and without uttering a single word, he abruptly turns around, his hands tucked into his pockets. Claire is left standing there, her hand suspended in the air, feeling a mix of disappointment and confusion.

Claire's beaming smile fades as Light's lack of response leaves her hanging, her hand suspended in the air. Confusion and disappointment wash over her, her outstretched hand now a symbol of the disconnect between them. She quickly lowers her hand, a mix of hurt and frustration welling up inside her.

As Light starts walking away without a word, Claire watches him, a mix of emotions swirling within her. She feels a sense of pride for their successful teamwork, yet his lack of acknowledgment dampens her enthusiasm. She can't help but wonder why he always seems so distant, unable to reciprocate even a simple gesture of celebration.

"Alright," Claire whispers softly, her hand slowly lowering with a trace of disappointment etched on her face. A whirlwind of thoughts fills her mind as she contemplates what lies beneath Light's perpetually emotionless facade.

Her gaze remains fixed on Light as he distances himself, curiosity bubbling within her. Her eyes widen with intrigue, their yellow hue reflecting her burning desire to unravel the enigma he presents. She entertains the idea of following him, eager to delve deeper into his world, but the resonating clang of the school bell interrupts her deliberation, signaling the end of the class.

Amidst the dispersing crowd of students, Claire stands alone on the training grounds, her gaze still lingering on Light's retreating figure. Taking a deep breath, she mentally prepares herself to leave, blending in with the stream of students flowing out of the room. Determination carves its mark on her features, a resolute determination to uncover the mystery shrouding Light's emotionless demeanor and establish a profound connection with her enigmatic partner.

Suddenly, she got a unexpected startle by the unexpected tap on her shoulder, Claire's heart skips a beat, eliciting a jump of surprise.

"Hnng!" she exclaims, her pulse racing momentarily.

As she swiftly pivots around, her eyes meet the gaze of the brown-haired male she had just clashed swords with, accompanied by the green-haired female who had fought alongside him. Despite the lingering echoes of their intense battle, Claire's focus sharpens, and she examines their features, determined to recall their faces amidst the rush of adrenaline and chaos.

The brown-haired male offers a genuine expression of regret as he apologizes, "Sorry about that..."

Claire's smile returns to her face as she realizes the intent behind his tap, and she responds, "It's okay."

"Congratulations," he continues, his smile widening as he acknowledges their victory.

The green-haired female, brimming with curiosity, joins the conversation and asks, "That was some awesome strategy... By the way, who was that guy you were teamed up with?" Her eyes sparkle with interest.

Claire confesses with a hint of confusion, absentmindedly scratching her head, "He's... Well... I don't know, actually. It was our first time teaming up, so I never really asked for his name yet..."

Surprise evident in her tone, the green-haired girl asks, "You don't know his name?"

Understanding the situation, the brown-haired male interjects, "Ah, I see. Well, why don't you go ask him? It's a good opportunity to get to know each other."

Pondering the suggestion, Claire realizes that she should indeed take the initiative to learn more about her mysterious partner. Before she can respond, the brown-haired male introduces himself.

"But before that, I'm Jon, and this is Sheena," he says, gesturing towards the green-haired girl standing beside him.

Jon, with brown hair and warm brown eyes framed by round glasses, appears to be around the same age as Claire and Light. He wears the same school uniform as Light, exuding an air of familiarity. Sheena, slightly shorter but seemingly their age as well, has vibrant green hair tied into a ponytail, matching her green eyes. She wears the school uniform, albeit in a smaller size.

Playfully patting Sheena on the head, Jon teases her in a lighthearted manner. Flustered, Sheena swats his hand away, her face turning red in the process.

Amused by their interaction, Claire giggles at the scene as Jon continues to tease Sheena.

Finally, Claire speaks up, her determination renewed, "Anyways, I should go find him now."

"Alright," Jon replies with a nod, a knowing smile on his face as he continues to enjoy his banter with Sheena.

With renewed determination, Claire says her goodbyes to Jon and Sheena, maneuvering through the dispersing crowd as she makes her way towards the exit. Lost in her thoughts, she walks briskly, unaware of her surroundings. Suddenly, an unexpected encounter startles her as Rose, a fellow student, appears out of nowhere, causing Claire to jump in surprise.

"Hey!!!" Rose exclaims, her voice filled with equal surprise.

"Ahhh!!!" Claire screams, her heart racing from the sudden startle.

She turns around to see Rose with a bright smile adorning her seemingly cute face. The initial shock dissipates as Claire takes in Rose's cheerful expression.

"Sorry for startling you," Rose apologizes, her smile never wavering. "I didn't mean to scare you."

Claire mutters in disappointment, trying to catch her breath, "Can everyone please stop scaring me..."

"Sorry about that..." Rose responds apologetically. "Anyways, congratulations on the duel... You two were great... Well... Not at first, but you really pulled through..."

"Thanks," Claire says gratefully, a small smile forming on her face. "I owe it to my teammate. By the way, have you seen him around?"

Rose ponders for a moment before pointing down the hallway leading to the academy exit.

"I think he went outside," Rose offers, her finger guiding Claire's gaze.


As Light strolls leisurely outside the academy, his hands tucked into his pockets and earphones in place, he immerses himself in the rhythmic music. With partially closed eyes, he appears detached from the outside world, embracing his solitude.

Abruptly, a blazing fireball hurtles towards him, but Light reacts with lightning speed, effortlessly dodging the fiery projectile. His movements are precise and graceful, a testament to his skill. Shifting his gaze towards the source of the attack, he locks eyes with the dark blue-haired male, whose face contorts with anger and determination.

Recognition sparks within Light's eyes, recalling their encounter during the weapon training class. The blue-haired male had engaged in a memorable duel against Marcus and Liene, leaving a lasting impression on all who witnessed it. A hint of curiosity replaces Light's emotionless façade as he peers intently at the blue-haired male, analyzing the situation and anticipating the motive behind this unexpected confrontation.

"So you think you're better than everyone just because you have that sword of yours?" the blue-haired boy shouts, his eyes burning with seething hatred, as he menacingly approaches Light. Flames swirl around his clenched fists, ready to unleash another fiery assault.

In response, Light calmly removes his headphones, his gaze meeting the blue-haired boy's with a subtle blend of amusement and indifference. His voice drips with sarcasm as he delivers his retort to the boy's outburst.

"I'm sorry, what?" Light responds with a sarcastic but emotionless tone, his face displaying no hint of concern.

Light's response, delivered with a sarcastic and emotionless tone, leaves the blue-haired teenager seething with even greater anger, stoking the flames of his rage.

Nevertheless, Light maintains his composure, his face void of any emotion or concern, unfazed by the escalating tension.

"I'm sorry, not sorry, but who are you?" Light retorts, his voice devoid of genuine remorse or interest, further provoking the blue-haired male.

The fury within the blue-haired teenager reaches new heights, his anger boiling inside him. His teeth gritted and his fists clenched tightly, he struggles to contain his growing rage.

"Derek," he seethes, his voice trembling with pent-up rage, finally revealing his name. "My name is Derek!"

Light looks at Derek without any emotion, barely fazed by his presence in front of him, his eyes barely fixated on Derek's burning gaze. There is a trace of intrigue beneath his emotionless façade, as if he is relishing the brewing confrontation.

Derek, an angsty and hot-headed teenager of approximately the same age as Light, sports dark blue hair and piercing blue eyes. He too dons the familiar school uniform, mirroring Light's attire.

As Derek advances with determination and fury, flames dance and flicker around his clenched fists, casting an ominous glow upon his intense gaze. The fire within him mirrors his tempestuous nature, fueled by a desire to prove himself superior.

Light gazes at Derek with his signature emotionless eyes, taking in his appearance from head to toe.

With a hint of sarcasm in his voice, Light responds to Derek's request, acknowledging his presence with a touch of disdain.

"Ahhhh, yes... Derek... So what do you want?" Light's tone drips with sarcasm, implying that he sees Derek's demand for a fight as trivial and unworthy of his attention.

"I want you to fight me..." Derek reiterates his demand in an angered tone, his frustration evident in his words.

Curiosity tinged with disinterest prompts Light to question Derek's motive, his voice lacking any genuine curiosity or concern.

"Why exactly?" Light asks, his tone almost dismissive.

"Just fight me!" Derek responds angrily, his impatience seeping through his words.

Unfazed by Derek's anger, Light maintains his sarcastic demeanor, dismissing the request with a touch of arrogance. He implies that engaging in a fight with Derek is not worth his time or attention.

"Sorry, Light isn't available right now. Try again later... or better yet, don't bother me at all," Light retorts, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Derek's anger reaches its peak as frustration and resentment consume him.

"Why you!!!" Derek exclaims, his voice filled with anger and indignation.

Derek's eyes burn with rage as he prepares to attack Light, his clenched fists engulfed in a fiery red glow.

"Scorching Ember!" Derek chants, his voice filled with determination.

The scorching fireball hurtles towards Light, gaining momentum and intensity.

But in a swift and fluid motion, Light reacts. He swiftly draws his sword from its scabbard, the blade gleaming with a faint blue aura. With a single precise slash, he cleaves the incoming fireball in half.

As the fireball dissipates into sparks of flame, Light's presence seems to fade away gradually, leaving only a lingering trail of sparks in his wake. His movements were so swift that he disappears from sight, almost as if he was never there at all.

Derek stands stunned, his fiery attack extinguished in an instant. He looks around, searching for any sign of Light, but finds nothing but the remnants of the fireball floating in the air.

"Is that all?" Light remarks sarcastically, his voice devoid of any emotion. "I expected something more than a mere spark of fire from a match..."

"DAMN IT!!!" Derek screams in frustration.

"Blaze Burst!!!" Derek chants, summoning his last bit of energy.

Meanwhile, Claire exits the academy and immediately spots Derek unleashing a barrage of fireballs using the spell Blaze Burst towards Light. She observes from a distance, her curiosity piqued as she witnesses Light effortlessly slicing through the incoming fireballs before gradually fading away.

"Wow..." Claire breathes in awe, captivated by Light's impressive skills.

"B-Blaz-Blaze Buh-Bur-Burst..." Derek stutters, his voice trembling.

Exhausted and drained of energy, Derek collapses to the ground, weakened by his intense efforts.

Light stands over Derek's motionless body, a emotionlessly glancing as he watches his defeated opponent. The air is heavy with tension, but Light's amusement is evident in his eyes.

Light taunts Derek with a hint of sarcasm, saying, "Nighty nighty, don't let the bed bugs bite..."

Derek's anger flares up once more, his frustration boiling over. He clenches his fists and grits his teeth, desperate to retaliate against Light's mocking words.

"Why you..." Derek responds angrily, his voice trembling with rage.

But before Derek can launch another attack, his body gives way to exhaustion. His muscles grow weak, and he collapses to the ground, losing consciousness in an instant. His anger dissipates, leaving only the echo of his defeated spirit.

Light's attention shifts as he hears footsteps approaching. He turns around to find Claire standing there, her eyes wide with awe at the display of swordsmanship she witnessed.

"Whoa..." Claire exclaims in amazement. "I didn't know swords could cut through magic."

Light sheathes his sword with a calm and practiced motion, the metallic clank of the blade finding its home resonating softly in the air.

"I didn't realize I had an audience," Light remarks sarcastically to Claire, his tone dry and devoid of genuine surprise.

Claire rushes towards Light, her curiosity getting the better of her. She tries to catch her breath as she explains herself.

"Hey!!! I just happened to see you fighting Derek, that's all," Claire says, a hint of defensiveness in her voice.

"Oh, really...?" Light responds, his sarcasm dripping from his words.

The two of them turn their attention to Derek, lying unconscious on the ground. He appears battered and bruised, but his breathing remains steady. Concern fills Claire's eyes as she gazes at Derek's prone form.

"We can't... just, you know, leave him here," Claire insists, her voice tinged with worry.

Light's disinterested façade begins to crack as he contemplates Claire's words. He lets out a resigned sigh.

"Can't we?" Light retorts, his indifference still present but slightly wavering.

"No, we can't," Claire retorts with fiery determination.

Reluctantly, Light concedes to Claire's plea, his amusement giving way to a begrudging agreement.

"Okay, fine..." Light concedes, his tone begrudging. "Where do we put him?"

Claire's certainty falters as she admits her uncertainty.

"I don't know..." Claire confesses, her voice tinged with helplessness.

Without further ado, Light bends down, lifting Derek's unconscious body with surprising ease. He carries him with a hint of amusement playing on his face, as if reveling in the unexpected turn of events.

"There we go," Light says, depositing Derek's body inside the academy.

Claire protests, her concern for Derek's well-being overriding her initial hesitation.

"Hey!!! We can't just put him here!" Claire exclaims in protest, her voice filled with urgency.

Light's retort comes swiftly, his sarcasm cutting through the air.

"Well, at least he won't catch a cold or get wet when it rains," Light quips, his words laced with a mix of indifference and jest.

"Yeah, I suppose you're right," Claire concedes, scratching her head as she tries to make sense of the situation.

As the tension begins to dissipate, Claire's curiosity takes hold once more. She turns her attention to Light, realizing she still doesn't know his name.

"Anyway... I never asked for your name," Claire says, her voice softer now. "May I know what it is?"

Light meets Claire's gaze, his eyes devoid of emotion. He replies with a simple yet enigmatic response.

"It's Light," he says, his tone neutral.

Their conversation is interrupted by the darkening sky, the fading light casting long shadows around them. Light gazes up, his usual emotionless expression unchanged, while Claire takes note of the emptiness in his dark eyes.

"It's getting dark..." Light comments, observing the fading light with his usual detached demeanor. "Let's just go."

"Yeah..." Claire agrees, her voice a mixture of uncertainty and the blossoming sense of camaraderie. She takes a moment to gather her thoughts, realizing that despite Light's sarcastic nature, she has found herself drawn to his enigmatic presence.

As Light starts to walk away, unable to resist a final sarcastic remark, Claire's determination kicks in, propelling her forward.

With a playful tone, Light declares, "Looks like I'll be leaving you in the dust, woman."

"Hey!!! I have a name, you know!!!" she exclaims, her voice filled with a mix of playfulness and determination as she chases after Light, determined to assert her presence.

Light turns to face Claire with an emotionless glance from his face

"Oh, and what's that?" he asks, a hint of mocking curiosity lacing his voice.

With unwavering determination and a touch of defiance, Claire screams her name, her voice ringing out through the empty surroundings.

"Claire!!!" she shouts, her declaration echoing through the air, a testament to her newfound strength and resolve.

Light acknowledges her proclamation, his dry humor still intact as he responds.

"Sure, 'Claire'..." he says, his voice dripping with sarcasm, covered in his emotionless demeanor

Unfazed by his sarcasm, Claire presses on, her steps quickening to match Light's pace. The chase becomes a playful dance, a bond forming between two individuals who, despite their differences, find a unique connection in the midst of uncertainty.

"HEY!!!" Claire shouts, her voice now filled with a mix of determination and excitement, an acknowledgment that she's ready to face whatever lies ahead.

In that moment, Light did realize it yet but he gained more than just an acquaintance. For the first time in a long while, for her, he has found himself a friend, someone who sees beyond his aloof exterior and is willing to embrace his complexities...

Back at the academy, as Derek's half-hour consciousness returns, he finds himself alone at the academy with no sigh of his enemy, Light or Claire. The silence amplifies the intensity of his emotions, fueling the flames of his anger and desire for revenge. Slowly pushing himself off the ground, Derek stands tall, his fists clenched tightly, his muscles tense with determination.

"Light..." Derek seethes, his voice dripping with a venomous rage. "I'm going to get you."

His eyes blaze with an unyielding fire, fixed on the image of Light that lingers in his mind. Derek's teeth grind together, each one an embodiment of his frustration and resentment. He takes a deep breath, centering himself amidst the tumultuous storm of his emotions.

"I can't keep relying on these generic spells that won't get me anywhere," Derek declares, his voice filled with an angered tone. The realization of his limitations has ignited a fierce determination within him, propelling him towards a new path.

In the dim light of the academy, Derek's surroundings seem to fade into the background, his focus solely on the one he seeks to confront. His hands tremble, not from fear, but from the raw energy coursing through his veins. Every fiber of his being screams for a chance to prove himself, to surpass the boundaries that have held him back for far too long.

His mind races, searching for a way to surpass his limitations, to find the strength necessary to challenge Light. Derek knows that in order to stand a chance, he must transcend the confines of conventional magic. The desire for a power that can match Light's seems to consume him, becoming the driving force behind every thought and action.

With a resolute step forward, Derek begins to forge a new path. The academy's walls echo his determination, the very air seeming to vibrate with the intensity of his resolve. He embraces the weight of his anger and channels it into his quest for greater strength.

"You'll see, Light... You'll what I'm made off..." Derek mutters to himself, his words laced with a newfound determination.

As Derek walks through the halls of the academy, each footstep resonates with a sense of purpose. His mind teems with ideas and possibilities, fueled by a thirst for knowledge and power. He is determined to uncover hidden secrets, ancient techniques, and forbidden arts that may grant him the edge he seeks.

The journey ahead will not be easy. Derek knows he will face countless obstacles and challenges, both external and internal. But his burning desire to defeat Light, to prove himself as a formidable adversary, propels him forward.

In the depths of his anger, Derek finds the determination to transcend his limitations. His journey has only just begun, and as he takes his first steps into the unknown, he embraces the darkness within, ready to unleash a power that will shake the very foundations of their inevitable confrontation.