
Linking Stars (old)

In the enchanting world of Stracia, where magic and technology coexist, a group of aspiring heroes embarks on a remarkable journey to safeguard their realm. Among them are Light, an emotionless and mysterious but sarcastic swordsman who holds many secrets, Claire, a spirited archer and fencer, Marcus, a brooding scythe wielder, Liene, a swift and strategic kyoketsu shoge user, Cain, a clumsy yet powerful mage, and Rose, supportive and cheerful care-free mage. Their journey takes them to treacherous dungeons, ancient ruins, and sprawling landscapes, where they encounter powerful adversaries and forge alliances with unlikely allies. They face off against a mide varieties of enemies, including the enigmatic Derek, who delves into forbidden arts in his quest for power, or the formidable Theseus, who find himself running murderous clan and more that they will face Amidst the battles and quests, the students also grapple with personal growth and inner conflicts. They navigate complex relationships and confront their own fears and insecurities. As they face the challenges that come their way, they learn the true meaning of friendship, social issues, inner problems and sacrifice. Throughout the webnovel "Stars of Arcadia," readers are immersed in a world of magic, adventure, and self-discovery. The story explores themes of resilience, destiny, and the importance of staying true to oneself. As the students of the Celestial Sword Academy, Light, Claire, Marcus, and Liene along with Cain, Rose, and Ken as well as Dylan, Karra, Kate, Rhea, Kaine, Syrra, Iris, and more as they become the heroes that Stracia and the worls of Luminora needs, forging their own paths and leaving an indelible mark on the world they seek to protect.

LightKazukiGray · Fantaisie
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38 Chs

Regretful Echo

January 14 4005 5:01AM

Cain's eyes swept across the intricate web of computer screens before him, each displaying a chaotic dance of complex words and cryptic codes. He stood amidst the prone forms of the bandits who had fallen under Rhea's formidable fists, their unconscious bodies a testament to their daring infiltration.

Rhea maintained a vigilant watch over the room's entrance, her stance poised for action, ready to confront any would-be intruders. The air was thick with tension, the anticipation palpable as Cain patiently awaited Marcus's guidance.

Yet, amidst the digital labyrinth before him, an unsettling thought clawed at the edges of Cain's mind like a persistent shadow. With every passing moment, he couldn't shake the haunting notion that a single keystroke from Theseus had the power to unravel their academy and all they held dear.

Suddenly, Marcus's voice jolted Cain from his contemplation, sending a surge of adrenaline through his veins. His heart raced as Marcus took on a commanding tone, pulling Cain's full attention back to the urgent task at hand. It was as if the weight of the world rested upon this moment, and Marcus's usually easygoing manner had transformed into one of stern authority.

"Alright, Cain, listen closely, here's what you need to do," Marcus began, his instructions laced with a newfound intensity that conveyed the critical nature of their mission

Cain meticulously followed every complex step Marcus dictated, his fingers dancing across the keyboard with deliberate care. The weight of their mission bore down on him, and he couldn't afford any missteps. Meanwhile, Marcus expertly typed away, his fingers a blur of rapid precision, seemingly born for this very task.

As their fingers danced across the keys, their conversation carried through the digital ether. Cain couldn't help but inject a touch of humor into the tense atmosphere, remarking on the unexpected skills they had all acquired.

"Didn't know you were this good at hacking and all that typing whatnot," Cain commented, his voice emanating from Marcus's screen.

Marcus, still typing furiously, replied with a hint of irony, "Yeah, it's a skill I picked up which I didn't think would actually help me in a life and death situation."

Cain couldn't resist adding, "We're a bunch of weirdos, aren't we?"

The girls, unseen but certainly not unheard, chimed in with playful admonishments. Liene's voice emerged from Cain's screen, declaring, "Leave me out of your little group!"

Rhea, while keeping watch over the room, added, "Me too, you're the one who's weird, Cain!" Her words echoed from Marcus's screen.

Caught in this whimsical exchange, Marcus and Cain shared knowing glances, their confusion quickly melting into laughter. The girls soon joined in, their giggles resonating through the digital connection. A moment of camaraderie and levity provided a brief respite from the tension, though they quickly composed themselves, returning to the critical task at hand.

"Just a little more, push that button and that switch, and we're in!" Marcus's voice carried a hint of excitement, like a conductor guiding the crescendo of a symphony.

Cain hesitated for a moment, the weight of their entire mission resting on this final step. "You sure about this?" he asked, his tone tinged with nervousness.

Marcus responded with a touch of playful sarcasm, "Don't you trust little ol' me here?"

With utmost precision, Cain pressed the button Marcus had indicated, his fingers steady, and then he carefully moved his hand to the switch. The switch emitted a satisfying clack as he pulled it into position.

On the other end of the connection, Marcus pressed the enter button on his keyboard, and the screens before him came alive. At first, a sea of red warnings flooded the screens, causing a tense moment of uncertainty. Then, as if nature itself was holding its breath, the red slowly gave way to green, one window at a time, as the system relented under their relentless pursuit.

A deafening bang reverberated from the metal door, jolting everyone in the room into a state of shock and urgency.

Rhea's voice carried a sense of desperation as she cried out, "Crap, Cain! They're here!"

Cain's voice quivered with disbelief as he responded, "Already?"

Liene, from her position on the other end, couldn't contain her fear as she shouted, "Well, I wouldn't have yelled if there wasn't a loud bang from outside the door!"

The tension in the room escalated, and their focus shifted from the task at hand to the imminent threat that had just arrived.

The relentless banging on the metal door continued, each impact sending shockwaves of fear through the room. In the academy control room, Marcus and Liene strained to hear every sound from the other side.

"Cain!" Liene's voice trembled with desperation.

"Cain, don't panic! We'll find a way to—Shit!" Marcus's words were abruptly cut off, his anxiety palpable as they realized the gravity of the situation unfolding outside the door.

Liene sprinted down the corridors in search of Ann and Isaac, her heart pounding with fear for Cain and Rhea.

Marcus, filled with anguish, could only listen helplessly through the computer speakers as the situation outside the door escalated. Memories of their past trials and Derek's brutal attacks haunted him, intensifying his feelings of dread.

"Cain!" Marcus cried out desperately, his voice strained with worry.

"Hey, don't worry, I got this... Focus on your own work and I'll handle this..." says Cain with a calm tone

"Cain! No! You can't handle this!" Marcus protested, knowing the dangers they faced.

But Cain's voice, though soft, held a determined undertone. "Hey, I've grown... Don't ya worry about me... Find Light and tell him to find Rose for me..." His words were a bittersweet reassurance, a plea for Marcus to focus on their mission while he faced the looming threat alone.

Marcus clenches his fists, frustration and helplessness bubbling within him like a turbulent storm. He slams his hand down on the desk, a physical manifestation of his anxiety and anger, his teeth gritted in desperation. He could hear the door taking a beating from the bandits, and with each bang, his sense of powerlessness grew.

From the computer screen, Rhea's voice cut through the tension like a lifeline. "They're almost here! Ready, Cain?" Her words were a reminder of the impending danger.

Cain's response carried a determination that was both inspiring and haunting. "Yeah! Ready as ever!" He brandished his staff, preparing himself for the impending battle, despite the odds stacked against him.

The deafening explosion from the computer speakers jolted Marcus to his core. His widened eyes reflected his growing desperation as he listened helplessly to the unfolding chaos.

As the smoke cleared, the menacing figure of Theseus emerged, a sword in one hand and the bloodied hair of an unconscious gray-haired girl in the other. The shocking sight left both Cain and Rhea horrified and at a loss for words.

"Shit!" Rhea's exclamation echoed their collective dread as they faced the ruthless leader of the bandits.

The lingering smoke from the exploded door added an eerie atmosphere to the scene as Theseus stood there, a wicked smirk etched across his face. Suddenly, a fireball shot out from the dissipating haze, revealing an entire army of bandits behind him. Fortunately, Cain and Rhea managed to dodge the incoming attack, but their ill fate struck in a different way.

The fireball struck the computers, causing them to explode into a cloud of smithereens, shattering the control room into chaos. Marcus was left staring at the screen in his view, the abrupt static sound from the computer speakers deafening before they fell into ominous silence.

"Cain!" Marcus's voice carried a note of desperation as the realization of their dire situation sunk in.

Marcus remained seated, his eyes wide in shock, as he stared at the computer screen filled with green letters and codes. Slowly, he began to pull away from the screen, his fist lifting from the desk's surface. He was acutely aware of the grim situation they now found themselves in.

Liene rushed into the room, closely followed by Isaac and Ann. They arrived seconds too late to prevent the catastrophe unfolding before them. As Liene witnessed Marcus's shocked state, her hands flew to her mouth in a futile attempt to stifle the gasp of realization. Cain, someone they had all come to know, had moved to their academy, only to meet this ominous fate.

Marcus, however, remained seated, his expression as emotionless as Light's gaze. He couldn't help but entertain the grim possibility that Cain might have met his demise. Liene knelt on the ground, her face etched with sorrow, while Ann and Isaac watched in stunned disbelief, trying to comprehend the dire circumstances they had been thrust into.

January 14 4005 7:41AM

Marcus slumped against the academy walls just outside the control room, his eyes vacant, devoid of the will to continue hacking in which, Isaac, recognized the futility of pushing Marcus to carry on and accepts it.

In a gesture of sheer frustration and sorrow, Marcus covered his face with both hands. It was as if he were attempting to shield himself from the overwhelming emotions that threatened to consume him. He sat there, hunched and defeated, beside Liene, who shared the same burden of despair etched deeply into her expression.

Marcus found himself torn between his desire to confront Theseus at the bandit's base and the overwhelming sense of despair that hung heavy in the air. As he slowly lowered his bloodied hands, his gaze fell upon the scythe lying on the ground, a symbol of his inner turmoil.

He couldn't help but notice the numerous dents he had created on the academy walls in a fit of frustration and desperation, serving as a stark reminder of his own helplessness. Just as he began to lose himself in these thoughts, Liene reached out, gently but firmly gripping his bloodied hands.

"Marcus," she uttered softly, her voice carrying a mix of concern and understanding.

Marcus stared at Liene with a turbulent storm of emotions swirling beneath his stoic exterior. Her touch was a grounding force amidst the chaos that had consumed his thoughts. He knew she could sense his inner turmoil, the frustration, anger, and sorrow that he struggled to contain.

Claire and Rose returned to the academy, supporting Light as they carried him with his arms draped over their shoulders. They moved past Marcus and Liene, who were in a state of shock, their faces filled with sorrow upon witnessing Light's injured and wounded condition, his body adorned with shimmering magic shards.

Liene hurriedly rushed over to them, her hand instinctively covering her mouth in a momentary belief that Light might have succumbed to his injuries. However, her keen senses soon detected the faint rise and fall of his chest, indicating that he was still alive, albeit in a critical condition.

With a trembling hand, she checked Light's pulse and confirmed that he was indeed alive, though in critical condition. She exchanged worried glances with Marcus, who had risen to his feet, his determination to save their friends still burning despite the recent setbacks.

Claire and Rose, who had brought Light back, stood by anxiously, their expressions a mix of relief at finding him alive and worry for his well-being. The academy was plunged into a dire situation, and the fate of their friends hung in the balance.

Rose slowly succumbed to her weakness, collapsing slowly, but Marcus's swift reflexes kicked in as he reached out and caught her before she hit the ground.

Meanwhile, Liene and Claire acted quickly to prevent Light from collapsing, sharing the burden of his weight. The tense situation was evident as Marcus sought answers about what had transpired.

"What the hell happened?" Marcus inquired urgently.

Claire replied, her voice laden with concern, "He... He fought Theseus but he accidentally slashed a crate full of magic shards..."

"Damn it!" Marcus exclaimed in frustration.

They hurriedly relocated Light and Rose to Light's room to address their injuries discreetly, intending to shield Isaac and Ann from the knowledge to prevent potential suspensions for the injured pair.

Gradually regaining consciousness, Rose discerned a concerning transformation in Light's appearance, his body taking on vivid hues as the magic within him appeared to surge dangerously.

Without hesitation, Rose rose from her position on the bed beside the unconscious Light and unleashed a potent magical spell to heal him.

"Rose... Please, you're wounded," Claire voiced her concern with a worried tone.

Determined, Rose replied, "I can't stop, Claire. He risked his life to save me," desperation evident in her voice.

Marcus, understanding Rose's potential reaction to Cain's situation, swiftly exits the room with his scythe in hand, and Liene follows him.

Inside the room, Rose channels all her remaining mana to heal Light's injuries. The complex magic she's wielding proves difficult to manage, and it exacts a heavy toll on her, causing immense pain.

"Rose..." Claire utters in concern, witnessing the toll Rose's healing magic is taking on her.

Rose's eyes shine with a vibrant blue as she expends the last of her mana, refusing to yield. A swirling blue aura envelops her as her determination strengthens her magic. The malevolent magic that had harmed Light gradually dissipates from his body.

Claire rushes to support Rose, helping her endure the immense strain. With a final burst of strength, Rose successfully rids Light of the harmful magic. However, the toll it takes on her proves too much, and she collapses, unconscious.

"Rose!" Claire cries out in alarm, worried for her friend's well-being.

Meanwhile, as Marcus strides down the eerie hallways, scythe gripped tightly in anticipation of his impending confrontation with Theseus, a spectral figure materializes before him. It's Liene, a beacon of strength in the oppressive midnight darkness. The wind sweeps past them, whispering secrets of the night as Liene's hand, marked by crimson trails, delicately intercepts Marcus's path.

"Marcus," she murmurs with a tenderness that contrasts the harsh reality, "It's hard, isn't it?"

In response, Marcus releases his grip on his scythe, his shoulders sagging with the weight of sorrow. "Yeah," he utters with heartfelt agreement, "it sucks."

Together, they stand amidst the chilling corridor, their silent camaraderie a bittersweet testament to the challenges they face. Marcus grapples with the knowledge of Cain's dire predicament, his once-blazing anger now replaced by a sense of resignation. Their quiet unity in the face of despair becomes a powerful bond, a pledge to confront whatever destiny brings, and a silent tribute to those they hold dear. Amid the shadowy silence of that desolate corridor, their unspoken connection echoes louder than words, offering solace and understanding in the midst of profound grief.

Meanwhile, Theseus, the enigmatic leader of the bandits, stood amidst his clan, a figure of intrigue and power. His piercing gaze swept over the motley crew of thieves and misfits gathered around him. In the silence of the moment, he closed his eyes, a rare display of vulnerability for a man of his stature.

Leaning on his blade, a weapon that had seen countless battles, Theseus contemplated. His thoughts were veiled in mystery, hidden from the prying eyes of his followers. What secrets did he hold? What motivations guided his actions?

The bandits watched their leader in hushed reverence, their loyalty to him unwavering. They knew that beneath the surface of his calm exterior lay a mind sharp as a blade, always calculating, always strategizing. Theseus was a man of few words, but his actions spoke volumes, and his silence was often more profound than any speech.

As he stood there, the wind rustling through the tattered banners of his clan, Theseus seemed like a figure plucked from a legend. A man whose thoughts and intentions were shrouded in mystery, ready to lead his band of outlaws into an uncertain future.

Theseus found himself lost in a moment of reflection, his mind drifting back to a time when Isaac had been his mentor, and he, just a fledgling student at the Celestial Sword Academy. The memories of those days were vivid, filled with the clashing of blades, the sound of Isaac's calm yet authoritative voice guiding him, and the relentless training that had pushed him to his limits.

In those days, Theseus had been driven by an unwavering determination to surpass Isaac, to become a swordsman of unparalleled skill. He knew that his mentor was a master of the art, and he looked up to him with a deep sense of admiration. But every time they had sparred, the outcome had been the same – Theseus on the ground, defeated by Isaac's seemingly effortless strikes from his cane.

Yet, despite the numerous defeats, Theseus had never lost his admiration for Isaac. He had witnessed firsthand the sheer mastery of the blade that his mentor possessed, and it had only fueled his desire to continue training and improving. The defeats had not deterred him but had rather become stepping stones on his path to becoming a formidable swordsman himself.

Theseus closed his eyes and began to hum a soft, familiar tune – a song that held a special place in his heart. It was a melody that had been sung to him by someone dear, a white-haired woman with a radiant smile that had once brightened his days.

Theseus recalled a time when he had been assigned to work with a group of students he initially didn't care for. However, as they spent more time together, their camaraderie had grown stronger, and he had eventually come to consider them his friends.

They trained diligently side by side, sharing a common dream that bound them together: the aspiration to surpass Isaac in strength. They all held a deep admiration for him – his commanding presence, his formidable strength, and the sheer power he wielded. It was a shared goal that had fueled their determination and forged a strong bond among them.

Isaac's humble and sincere demeanor had earned him the genuine respect of his fellow students. Isaac, the founder of the Celestial Sword Academy and one of the ten Moon Heroes, was a revered figure, and Theseus had admired him deeply, holding him in high regard like the rest of his peers. The Moon Heroes were believed to be the ten most powerful heroes in all of Luminora, although the identities of the other nine remained a mystery.

Theseus's character had been different back then. He didn't exude the intimidating presence he had now as the leader of the bandit clan. Instead, he had been humble and kind-hearted, always willing to lend a helping hand without a second thought. His selflessness had endeared him to his teammate, Shelly, a white-haired young woman with a perpetual bright smile adorning her face.

Despite being part of an eight-member team, Theseus and Shelly often found themselves spending more time training and bonding with each other than with the rest of their peers. Those moments had fostered a unique connection between them, making their friendship even stronger.

Their hearts held a secret that neither dared to unveil, feelings that had blossomed but remained locked within. In the depths of their hearts, Theseus and Shelly harbored affection for each other, but fear held them back from confessing their love.

Then came a day when Shelly summoned all her courage and approached Theseus, baring her heart and soul in a confession of her love. To his astonishment, Theseus accepted her love with a warmth that spoke volumes. That moment marked the last time Theseus felt genuine happiness.

On that very day, a mission had called them away, a task involving the theft of a device with a profound purpose. Driven by confidence and trust in their abilities, they embraced the mission without hesitation. Theseus led his team with Shelly at his side, surrounded by the other six members they had grown to cherish. Together, they embarked on a journey that would forever alter the course of their lives.

In the midst of their mission, Theseus and his team unexpectedly found themselves ambushed by an overwhelming horde of black-clad bandits. Despite their valiant efforts, the scene quickly devolved into a gruesome massacre. One by one, Theseus's beloved teammates succumbed to the merciless onslaught of the bandit army, and the battlefield turned into a nightmarish hellscape.

Amidst the chaos, Theseus fought with unwavering determination, desperately trying to hold his ground against the relentless bandits. However, his world was shattered when he witnessed a bandit plunge a deadly blade into Shelly's fragile form right before his eyes. In an act of selflessness, Shelly had blocked the assailant's strike aimed at Theseus, sacrificing herself to save him. It was a moment of profound tragedy and heart-wrenching loss.

Fueled by an overwhelming surge of anger and grief, Theseus channeled every ounce of his fury into a relentless assault against the horde of bandits. One by one, they fell before his might, leaving behind a gruesome scene of carnage. The once-mighty bandit army was reduced to lifeless bodies scattered across the battlefield, along with the fallen forms of his dear friends and, most heartbreakingly, Shelly.

As the dust settled, Theseus found himself standing alone amidst the bloodied remains of both the bandits and his cherished comrades. The weight of their loss pressed down upon him like a crushing burden, and he couldn't bear the pain any longer. He returned to the academy, empty-handed, the device they were instructed to steal now forgotten, replaced by the seething anger within him.

"Isaac!" he yelled, his voice echoing through the place full of blodies bodies of bodies and his once friends, his hands stained with the blood of the fallen.