
Linking Stars (old)

In the enchanting world of Stracia, where magic and technology coexist, a group of aspiring heroes embarks on a remarkable journey to safeguard their realm. Among them are Light, an emotionless and mysterious but sarcastic swordsman who holds many secrets, Claire, a spirited archer and fencer, Marcus, a brooding scythe wielder, Liene, a swift and strategic kyoketsu shoge user, Cain, a clumsy yet powerful mage, and Rose, supportive and cheerful care-free mage. Their journey takes them to treacherous dungeons, ancient ruins, and sprawling landscapes, where they encounter powerful adversaries and forge alliances with unlikely allies. They face off against a mide varieties of enemies, including the enigmatic Derek, who delves into forbidden arts in his quest for power, or the formidable Theseus, who find himself running murderous clan and more that they will face Amidst the battles and quests, the students also grapple with personal growth and inner conflicts. They navigate complex relationships and confront their own fears and insecurities. As they face the challenges that come their way, they learn the true meaning of friendship, social issues, inner problems and sacrifice. Throughout the webnovel "Stars of Arcadia," readers are immersed in a world of magic, adventure, and self-discovery. The story explores themes of resilience, destiny, and the importance of staying true to oneself. As the students of the Celestial Sword Academy, Light, Claire, Marcus, and Liene along with Cain, Rose, and Ken as well as Dylan, Karra, Kate, Rhea, Kaine, Syrra, Iris, and more as they become the heroes that Stracia and the worls of Luminora needs, forging their own paths and leaving an indelible mark on the world they seek to protect.

LightKazukiGray · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Skillful Swordsman

January 14 4005 10:32AM

Amidst the shroud of enveloping darkness, Light experienced an unusual sensation. A subtle, icy breath of wind brushed gently across his form, starkly contrasting the warmth that the sun had generously offered. He squinted his eyes in response to an unexpected burst of brilliant light that seemed to seep through a nearby open window. Shielding his vision with a hand, he couldn't help but notice the sun's radiant rays cascading upon him, their warmth in stark contrast to the cold touch of the wind that whispered of the fading winter.

In the hushed embrace of January's waning days, Light's eyes fluttered open. He blinked against the intrusion of light, gradually piecing together the details of his surroundings. A cascade of golden hair, undulating like silk in the brisk breeze, danced at the periphery of his vision. Slowly, his gaze shifted, and he became aware of a presence beside him. This silent companion, their hair concealing parts of their face, seemed to have appeared in his world as a harbinger of change.

Rising from his slumber, Light's movements were marked by a detached calmness. It felt as though the person before him had chosen silence, as if words were insufficient to convey their thoughts. Light's head shook slightly in a subtle acknowledgment of this unspoken understanding.

Gradually, the persistent wind began to wane, and the golden cascade of hair settled back into its familiar place, revealing the identity of the person who had silently shared this moment with him. It was Claire, her countenance marked by an unexpected sorrowful expression that tugged at the depths of Light's own reserved emotions.

In the midst of this charged atmosphere, Claire's voice broke the silence, each word carrying a weight that spoke volumes. "I can't stop you... Can I?" Her tone was deliberate, her face etched with the intricate layers of emotion that resided in her heart.

Light perched on the bed, cocooned in the embrace of the bed sheets that draped across his form. His gaze swept over his body, now swathed in the careful attention of bandages, the remnants of healing magic evident in the seamless mend of his injuries. The pain that had once coursed through him, fueled by a blaze of anger ignited by his encounter with Theseus, had now dulled to a barely discernible ache.

His scrutiny turned to Claire, who had been a silent yet poignant presence in this solemn room. Her countenance bore the weight of sorrow, her eyes reflecting an understanding that transcended words. Light recognized the complex interplay of emotions etched upon her face, a silent acknowledgment of her inability to hinder the relentless path he had chosen. In that moment, acceptance seemed to be the only recourse.

Words eluded Light, and he found himself cast adrift in the profound silence that enveloped them. His gaze descended, settling on the ground as the frigid tendrils of winter wind swept through the room. The breeze ruffled their hair, an almost ethereal dance that mirrored the delicate balance between them, where acceptance met relentlessness, and the chill of reality met the warmth of understanding.

Light's awareness was drawn to a sensation beneath the bedsheet—an unobtrusive, yet firm grip on his hand. Slowly, he raised the sheet, unveiling their entwined fingers. Claire's hand held his in a gentle yet unyielding embrace, and she seemed unable to release her hold. Light's gaze alternated between their joined hands and Claire's sorrowful visage, her yellow eyes devoid of their usual radiance.

Her soft voice, tinged with a trace of a smile, reached Light's ears. "I'm sorry... I just wanted to keep you warm..." Her words carried a tenderness that contrasted with the melancholy etched across her face.

Light met her gaze with his characteristic stoicism, his features betraying little of the emotions that swirled within him. However, a note of confusion played on his countenance as he questioned her actions. "So you held my hand?" His tone, while flustered, revealed a subtle hint of curiosity.

Claire blushed, her cheeks adorned with a soft flush of embarrassment. She gingerly withdrew her hand from Light's, her expression a blend of embarrassment and genuine concern for his well-being. Her actions, however unspoken, spoke volumes about the connection they shared, a connection that transcended words and found solace in the simplicity of a touch.

"Are you okay, though?" Claire's voice carried a genuine concern, a soft undercurrent of worry evident in her tone.

Light, ever the master of detachment, responded with a trace of sarcasm lacing his otherwise emotionless words. "I think there's a hole in my head but it seems so..."

Claire's frustration couldn't be contained, and she exclaimed his name in exasperation. "Light!"

Her fervent outburst momentarily left Light shaken, his silence punctuated by the weight of her words. He gazed upon Claire with his customary emotional reserve, though a subtle touch of desolation flickered in his eyes. In that unspoken moment, the complexities of their connection, the concern and frustration intermingled with his stoic determination, hung heavily in the air. Light's actions, his relentless pursuit of Theseus, had not gone unnoticed, and Claire's frustration was a testament to the depth of her feelings for him and the risks he had taken.

He couldn't speak as he usual does, he never engages in many conversation or barely even, he's been in his lonesome before meeting Claire, his inability to speak his mind was long gone after the tragedy he witnessed a long time ago, but in his surprised, Claire spoke up and broke the silence

In the midst of the heavy silence that followed Claire's heart-wrenching words, the room seemed to grow colder. Her question hung in the air, a fragile thread tethering their emotions. "Do... Do you hate me, Light?" Her voice quivered with sorrow, a stark contrast to the usual warmth it carried. Tears welled in her yellow eyes, glistening like fallen stars. "Because... I-If you feel that way towards me... I-I could always... just go away and avoid you..."

Claire's tears fell, each drop shattering upon her knuckles like delicate crystal. It was as if her very essence was fracturing under the weight of her emotions. In this vulnerable moment, the once-unwavering facade they both maintained had crumbled.

Light, usually composed and unflappable, now found himself adrift in a sea of uncertainty. Guilt gnawed at him, a realization of the unintentional pain he had caused. He wrestled with his own emotions, his difficulty in expressing them leaving him feeling helpless.

Claire's voice quivered further, her words carrying the weight of her love and the depth of her despair. "I'm sorry... I'll s-stay away from you... I-If you w-want me to..." Her voice trembled, her eyes continued to spill tears. Her words were a selfless offer, a testament to her boundless affection and her willingness to bear the burden of his feelings, no matter how inscrutable they may be.

Light's gaze shifted toward Claire, and a flicker of astonishment crossed his otherwise emotionless face. Words seemed inadequate, a potential source of further hurt, and his mind wrestled with the dilemma of how to respond. In that fraught moment, his thoughts turned to his beloved sister, Karra, seeking guidance in her memory.

He delved into a memory from his youth, a time when he had experienced a similar sense of guilt and remorse to what Claire now displayed. It had been during his early years of training when he had infuriated his father with his poor performance, despite his earnest attempts to earn approval. The confrontation had escalated, culminating in his father's forceful push that had sent Light crashing to the floor, resulting in a minor ankle injury.

In that poignant recollection, Karra had intervened, bravely standing up for her younger brother. Her actions, while driven by love and protection, had subjected her to a brutal punishment. Light vividly remembered the anguish in her eyes and the physical pain she had endured because of him. Light pondered on how Claire reminds him of his sister, Karra. It was then that he had mustered the words, spoken in a gentle, emotionless tone that contrasted with Karra's usual cheerfulness.

"I don't hate you," he had told her, his voice devoid of feeling, yet the sentiment beneath the words ran deep. "I could never hate you... You're the only one that makes me happy."

Light's mind wandered back to his cherished sister, the silver strands of her hair, her gentle gray eyes, and the enduring warmth of her smile. Even in the face of peril, Karra had exhibited no signs of fear. The memory of her unwavering courage echoed in his thoughts.

However, the specter of the silver-haired woman he had encountered at the bandits' base briefly crossed his mind. Her resemblance to Karra, both in appearance and demeanor, had struck him. Yet, he swiftly dismissed this line of thought, choosing to focus on the present, where Claire's radiant smile took him by surprise.

In contrast to the sorrowful tears that had fallen moments ago, Claire now beamed with unbridled joy, tears of happiness tracing glistening paths down her cheeks. Light regarded her with his customary, stoic demeanor, although a subtle hint of relief flickered in his eyes.

Amidst her tears of elation, Claire's voice broke the silence with a playful, sarcastic tone. "Aw... My smile makes Light happy," she quipped.

Light, struggling to articulate his emotions, offered a hesitant response. "Y-yes..."

Claire's eyes shone with gratitude, her smile now unmarred by sorrow. "It relieves me though... Thank you," she expressed sincerely, her voice tinged with the genuine warmth of her newfound happiness.

Light remained seated on the edge of his bed, still somewhat taken aback by the emotional intensity of the moment. His mind swirled with thoughts he struggled to express. Meanwhile, Claire, undeterred, inched closer to him, her intent clear in the slow, deliberate movement of her face toward his. Her lips, colored a soft, inviting shade of red, drew nearer as her hand maintained its gentle hold on his.

As their faces continued their silent approach, the atmosphere in the room grew charged with anticipation. It was a moment suspended in time, a delicate balance between their unspoken feelings.

Then, just as their proximity reached its peak, the tranquility was shattered. The door burst open with a resounding slam, and an unexpected figure materialized in the room, causing both Light and Claire to instinctively move away from each other.

"Light!" came a frantic cry from Marcus, his voice laced with desperation and concern, cutting through the charged atmosphere like a lightning bolt.

In the sudden interruption, Claire and Light found themselves separated, Claire retaking her seat and Light edging back onto the bed. Their hands, previously clasped under the bedsheets, now slipped away from each other, though neither seemed to immediately notice, absorbed in Marcus's alarming entrance.

Claire, her face still slightly flushed from the recent emotional exchange, leaned forward, her voice tinged with concern. "What, Marcus? What's wrong?"

But Marcus was too agitated to dwell on the nuances of their prior proximity. He blurted out his news with urgency, his words heavy with worry. "Claire? What Are- Never mind- It's Cain! He's missing!" His voice quivered with concern as he delivered the unsettling revelation.

Light and Claire shared perplexed looks before redirecting their focus to Marcus and Rose, their hands unknowingly entwined beneath the rumpled bedsheets.

"Cain? How could he go missing?" Claire questioned, her forehead furrowing in bewilderment.

"From what I've pieced together from Marcus," Rose responded, her voice tinged with a mix of unease and sadness, "He... He ended up at the bandit's base be-... Because of me."

Light shifted his gaze towards Marcus, his expression earnest, which sent a slight shiver through Marcus as Rose recalled the injuries she had helped heal, injuries partly her responsibility. Then, her attention shifted to Claire, who wore a worried expression while keeping an eye on Light.

Without warning, Light's fist collided with the soft surface of his bed, creating a small depression in the pristine white covers. His stoic countenance remained unchanged, but the physical outburst spoke volumes.

Damn it!" he exclaimed in a stoic tone. "Have you heard anything about him?"

"Yeah," Marcus replied, providing information with a calm demeanor, "we communicated indirectly through my computer when I attempted to hack the school's systems. However, the signal was lost after he assisted me in hacking their systems."

Light, maintaining his emotionless facade, simply uttered, "Well, that's unfortunate."

Light abruptly rose from the bed, unaware that he had let go of Claire's hand, a realization that struck her just as he exited the room. Frustration emanated from him as he grabbed his sword and strode through the doorway, with Marcus in pursuit. Claire and Rose were left in the room, a tumultuous mix of emotions swirling around them.

The atmosphere in the room was heavy, thick with unease, concern, sorrow, and an undercurrent of unknown emotions, as Rose and Claire found themselves in each other's presence after a prolonged separation.

"Hey, Claire..." Rose began, her smile carrying a hint of awkwardness.

"Rose..." Claire responded, her expression tinged with worry.

"It seems you're doing well even after I've been gone. I'm glad," Rose said, her smile masking a deeper sorrow beneath its surface.

Claire settled into a chair within Light's room, while Rose leaned against the door, creating an atmosphere charged with emotions as they embarked on their first conversation in what felt like an eternity.

The wind entered through the window, causing the curtains to sway gently, mirroring the swirling emotions between Claire and Rose.

"Why would you even say that, Rose? I-I... lost you for so long..." Claire's words were slow, heavy with emotion.

"It's been a long time... hasn't it?" Rose replied, her smile tinged with an awkwardness that mirrored the complex feelings that hung in the air.

Claire and Rose exchanged smiles that radiated warmth, dissolving the previous tension that had filled the room.

"No matter, I'm glad to see you, Rose..." Claire's smile was filled with sincerity.

"As do I..." Rose replied with an equally genuine smile.

Overcome by their emotions, Claire rose from her seat and rushed toward Rose, enveloping her in a heartfelt hug. It was a reunion that had been long overdue, and in that embrace, the two friends found solace. The gentle wind that flowed through the room seemed to carry with it a sense of renewal, as if it whispered promises of a brighter future.

Meanwhile, Light strode through the academy hallways, his expression still stoic but with determination etched in every step. His gloved hand clutched the hilt of his sword, while his hoodie fluttered in the gentle breeze. He had a clear purpose, a mission to save Cain and another yet undisclosed.

However, as he continued on his path, Marcus intercepted him, blocking his way. Light's emotionless gaze met Marcus's determined eyes.

"Marcus, get out of my way..." Light's voice held a hint of frustration.

"And let you go and risk yourself again?" Marcus's voice was tinged with anger.

"I guess you wouldn't care if Cain was to go 6 feet under..." Light's words remained emotionless, but they carried a weight of underlying concern.

Marcus glances at Light with a angered gaze, as he takes out his scythe, determined to stop Light from going after Theseus and his clan to save Cain

Light gazes at him emotionlessly, his sword in his left hand covered in his fingerless gloaves, stood exactly straight, nk attempt to stance with no intent to fight

"Don't do this, Marcus..." says Light with a sincere look

"If it means to stop you, I guess fighting is no longer something to reconsider..." responds Marcus with an angered tone

The confrontation in the dimly lit academy hallway reached its zenith, the air crackling with tension. Every word exchanged seemed like another step closer to a volatile outcome.

Light, his voice laced with a sincere plea, questioned the purpose of their confrontation. "What will this accomplish, hmm? Let's say you do stop me, what about Cain? Instead of talking him out of it when you talked to him, you stood and I bet you even encouraged him..."

Marcus, struggling to contain his anger, shot back, "Don't speak like you know the situation, Light... You made Liene, Claire, and Rose worry about you! Does your injuries not enlighten you about your stupidity, yet?"

In a calculated move, Light taunted Marcus further. "Come then, show me if you have the will to stop me..."

The breaking point was near, and Marcus couldn't hold back any longer. "Light!" he yelled angrily, ready to confront his friend head-on.

The clashing of steel echoed through the academy hallway as Marcus swung his scythe with furious determination, aiming to strike down Light. In a display of remarkable skill and composure, Light effortlessly parried the attack with his blade.

"Anger is your enemy, Marcus... Don't let it control you..." Light's voice remained stoic and calm despite the intensity of their duel.

Frustrated and driven by his emotions, Marcus roared, "Shut up!" His anger fueling his strikes as he pressed on, refusing to back down.

Light's sudden move sent Marcus stumbling backward, his scythe pushed aside by Light's blade. Unfazed, Light remained in an unusual stance, his sword poised behind him. Marcus, watching this unorthodox posture, couldn't help but think, "Weird stance... He left himself wide open."

Undeterred, Marcus lunged once more with his scythe, employing his stellar art -Abyssal Veil-. Light, with an almost casual grace, slowly rotated his sword, expertly blocking Marcus's attack. His eyes remained emotionless, contrasting with the intensity of the battle raging around them.

The relentless exchange of blows filled their ears with the metallic symphony of clashing weapons. Light remained unfazed, his eyes void of emotion, while Marcus seethed with rage. Each time they withdrew, they charged again, their blades colliding with such intensity that it seemed their duel might never cease. Light's demeanor remained cold and calculated, whereas Marcus fought with fiery determination, his scythe flashing with every swing.

Without pause, Marcus leaped forward, initiating another assault with his -Grim Reaper- scythe skill. His furious charge met the emotionless gaze of Light, who stood his ground, ready to respond. The battle between them continued, their fierce clash of wills echoing through the hallways.

"Light!" Marcus bellowed in anger, his voice echoing the turmoil of their duel.

Light remained a stoic figure as he faced Marcus's relentless assault. Every slash, every strike from Marcus's powerful stellar art was met with Light's unwavering defense. His blade moved with precision, deflecting each attack with an almost uncanny ease, matching Marcus's speed and skill effortlessly.

When Marcus finished his last slash and landed, it was too late to react. Light moved with astonishing speed, almost like a bolt of lightning. In the blink of an eye, he disarmed Marcus, sending his scythe spinning away. Marcus watched in astonishment as his weapon flew from his grasp, leaving him defenseless.

"Like I said, this accomplishes absolutely nothing," Light declared with his characteristic emotionless gaze, his point driven home by his decisive actions.

Light positioned himself in front of Marcus, who had dropped to his knees, a maelstrom of thoughts swirling through his mind, struggling to make sense of Light's incredible speed and strength.

At that precise moment, Liene dashed onto the scene, her urgent cry breaking through the tension like a bolt of lightning. "Stop!" she exclaimed, her voice charged with alarm.

Her intervention marked the abrupt conclusion of their fierce confrontation. Light stood before the now-kneeling Marcus, wielding his sword, a testament to his unexpected triumph, even in the face of recent injuries.

Claire and Rose swiftly joined Liene, their expressions a mirror of astonishment as they took in the scene. Light, despite his recent injuries, had emerged victorious in his duel against Marcus.

Light briefly cast a glance at themwith his emotionless gray eyes before returning his attention to the still-shocked Marcus.

"How did-" says Marcus in shocked

"Precision," Light responded coldly, curtailing any further inquiries.

As everyone in the hallway watched, Light sheathed his sword with deliberate care, a final, resounding echo of his prowess in the duel. He then moved past the still-recovering Marcus, his footsteps measured and purposeful, heading towards the academy's exit. Claire and Rose, without hesitation, attempt to fell into step behind him, their expressions a mix of concern and determination, only for Light to disappear like a puff of smoke, he was gone, they looked around them but Light was nowhere to be seen.

Light remained hidden at an undisclosed spot, observing Claire and Rose. After a moment, he rose to his feet and swiftly departed, seemingly headed back towards the bandits' base.

Meanwhile, Liene remained behind, her attention focused on Marcus, who was left on his knees, grappling with the aftermath of their confrontation. His thoughts were filled with the name that had slipped from his lips. "Light..." he silently pondered.