
Linking Stars (old)

In the enchanting world of Stracia, where magic and technology coexist, a group of aspiring heroes embarks on a remarkable journey to safeguard their realm. Among them are Light, an emotionless and mysterious but sarcastic swordsman who holds many secrets, Claire, a spirited archer and fencer, Marcus, a brooding scythe wielder, Liene, a swift and strategic kyoketsu shoge user, Cain, a clumsy yet powerful mage, and Rose, supportive and cheerful care-free mage. Their journey takes them to treacherous dungeons, ancient ruins, and sprawling landscapes, where they encounter powerful adversaries and forge alliances with unlikely allies. They face off against a mide varieties of enemies, including the enigmatic Derek, who delves into forbidden arts in his quest for power, or the formidable Theseus, who find himself running murderous clan and more that they will face Amidst the battles and quests, the students also grapple with personal growth and inner conflicts. They navigate complex relationships and confront their own fears and insecurities. As they face the challenges that come their way, they learn the true meaning of friendship, social issues, inner problems and sacrifice. Throughout the webnovel "Stars of Arcadia," readers are immersed in a world of magic, adventure, and self-discovery. The story explores themes of resilience, destiny, and the importance of staying true to oneself. As the students of the Celestial Sword Academy, Light, Claire, Marcus, and Liene along with Cain, Rose, and Ken as well as Dylan, Karra, Kate, Rhea, Kaine, Syrra, Iris, and more as they become the heroes that Stracia and the worls of Luminora needs, forging their own paths and leaving an indelible mark on the world they seek to protect.

LightKazukiGray · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

Silent Reunion

January 14 4005 12:06PM

Within the suffocating embrace of the inky void, the haunting echoes of clanging metal chains reverberated through the consciousness of an unidentified female. Her body bore the scars of relentless injuries, and her strength waned with each labored breath. Yet, with a tenacious resolve, she summoned the last vestiges of her vitality, allowing her eyes to gradually flutter open. Through the haze of her agony, she beheld the tumultuous pandemonium unfurling within the heart of the bandits' stronghold.

She became acutely aware of the chains being meticulously secured around her wrists, as two bandits diligently worked on each side. Her eyes rolled instinctively in response to this predicament, a silent sign of her annoyance. Although weakened from her recent confrontation with Theseus, her resolve remained unbroken. In those fleeting seconds, she mustered her strength, recalling the battle that had unfolded, her selfless act to provide an opportunity for the orange-haired woman to pull the black-haired man, presumably Light, to safety. The nature of her relationship with them remained shrouded in mystery.

Just as the bandits neared the completion of their binding task, a voice reverberated within her mind, calling her name urgently. "Karra!"

In a swift response to the urgent voice in her head, she snapped her eyes wide open. With calculated precision, she raised her legs swiftly, delivering a powerful kick to the bandit on her left, sending them reeling backward. Seizing the opportunity, she clenched her fist and delivered a forceful punch to the bandit on her right, sending them tumbling in the opposite direction. Her cuffs, fortunately, remained incompletely secured around her wrists, affording her the chance to free herself.

With practiced ease, she quickly untangled her wrists and rose to her feet. In a blur of motion, she executed a spinning kick, her lithe legs making contact with both the left and right assailants, rendering them unconscious. She exhaled a sigh of relief as she stood amidst the defeated bandits.

"That takes care of that," she remarked with a sense of triumph.

Unfortunately for her, her brief moment of relief quickly dissipated as she realized that her actions had not gone unnoticed. An army of bandits came charging toward her, their sheer numbers overwhelming. She braced herself for the impending onslaught, a hint of frustration in her voice.

"Well, I'm in this shit now," she muttered grimly, ready to face the incoming horde.

With graceful agility, the gray-haired female skillfully evaded the pursuing bandits, incapacitating several as she moved. Upon reaching a room brimming with weaponry, she seized the opportunity, hurling swords and spears with remarkable precision. A crate filled with these armaments became her makeshift projectile, momentarily halting and even forcing some bandits backward.

In the midst of her acrobatic maneuvers, she executed a swift and forceful kick to the face of an approaching bandit. Her leg shot upward in a calculated motion, delivering a powerful blow that displayed her combat prowess amidst the intense confrontation.

"Impressive... Not!" she yelled as she delivered a powerful kick to a bandit's face, showcasing her confidence and wit amidst the chaos.

Following the lightning-fast kick, she sprang into the air, executing a soaring flying kick that sent one bandit hurtling backward, colliding with another unfortunate foe. The impact of her strike was formidable, effectively dispatching both adversaries.

With a wry smirk, the gray-haired female taunted, "Nice try, slowpoke," savoring her victorious moment amidst the chaotic fray.

She landed gracefully on the ground after executing the formidable flying kick, a subtle smirk gracing her lips as she sized up the incoming bandits. With remarkable agility, she dashed away from the menacing swarm, her resolve undeterred by her injuries and weakened state.

Upon reaching a stairwell within the bandit's base, she mustered the strength to ascend, her footsteps echoing with determination. However, the relentless bandits, undeterred by the challenge of the chase, continued to pursue her with unwavering determination.

To her surprise, one of the bandits leaped towards her, intent on cutting her escape short. Reacting instinctively, she lashed out with a swift kick, successfully thwarting the bandit's assault. The unfortunate assailant was sent tumbling down the lengthy flight of stairs, leaving behind a dagger that had been intended for her.

With a hint of sarcasm in her tone, she quipped, "Sorry, Mr. Bandit! You startled me!" Her voice conveyed a mix of relief and amusement as she watched the bandit's unfortunate descent.

As she picked up the bandit's abandoned dagger, a sudden slip caused her to lose her balance on the staircase. Gravity began to claim her, but with swift thinking and a determined grip on the weapon, she managed to prevent herself from tumbling directly into the army of pursuing bandits.

With the dagger firmly in hand, she shot a confident smirk toward the encroaching horde of bandits. Quickly, she withdrew the dagger and channeled her magic through it, conjuring a small but potent fireball. With a smirk and a defiant yell, she unleashed the fiery projectile into the midst of the bandits.

"Kaboom!" Her triumphant cry echoed as the fireball erupted, sending several bandits sprawling backward and creating a brief opening for her to land safely.

With an air of defiance, the gray-haired female stood her ground, encircled by bandits who vastly outnumbered her. Their smug expressions gave away their belief that they had the upper hand due to sheer numbers, but she couldn't help but smirk in the face of this apparent disadvantage.

Her skill and determination proved to be her greatest allies. One by one, she deftly incapacitated the bandits with nothing more than a dagger in her hand, utilizing an impressive array of tactics and techniques, all while weakened from her prior battles. She moved with grace and precision, gradually reducing their numbers.

In a remarkable display of combat prowess, she leaped into the fray, performing a dagger technique known as -Assassin's Echo-. With lightning-fast footwork and slashes, she made quick work of a significant portion of the bandit force.

"Oops, did I do that?" she quipped with a sarcastic tone, covering her mouth as she made light of her impressive accomplishments.

With incredible agility and a touch of flair, the gray-haired female didn't back down in the face of overwhelming odds. She hoisted one of the bandits with her left leg, launching them into the air, and then followed up with a powerful kick that sent the unfortunate bandit hurtling toward a group of approaching comrades, temporarily halting their advance.

Not wasting a moment, she sprang into the air once more, executing a dazzling dagger technique known as -Spinning Edge-. Her blade became a whirlwind of slashes as she drilled through the bandit horde, and in her other hand, she conjured a fireball. The combination of her fiery explosion and drill-like assault sent bandits tumbling, reducing their numbers significantly.

As she gracefully landed on the stairs, her gaze locked onto the remaining bandits. Her fearless display of power despite her weakened state left the remaining few visibly terrified, uncertain of how to proceed. She had turned the tables on them, and her determination was nothing short of inspiring.

"Why hello there..." with a sly, somewhat sinister grin, the gray-haired female addressed the remaining bandits who had the unfortunate fate of crossing her path. Her sharp, piercing gaze bore into them, a mixture of defiance and sheer power radiating from her, and it had an immediate effect. The bandits couldn't contain their fear, and it made them jump as if scalded.

The sight of her intense glare was enough to set the bandits into a frenzied retreat. Panic took hold of them, and they scrambled to put distance between themselves and the formidable figure before them. Even those who had been knocked down earlier quickly regained their feet, driven by the sheer terror of facing her anger. Some, in their haste to escape her perceived wrath, stumbled and tumbled clumsily down the stairs.

As the bandits fled in disarray, the gray-haired female found herself wearing a puzzled expression. She hadn't expected her attempt at a fearsome glare to work so effectively. Yet, her lips curled into a triumphant smile as she watched them disappear into the distance. With a sigh of relief, she continued her ascent up the stairs, her heart lighter now that the threat had been dispatched.

"Well, that takes care of that," she muttered, the relief evident in her voice as she ascended the stairs, leaving the chaos behind her.

The gray-haired woman's steps grew more labored with each agonizing ascent up the stairs. The injuries she had sustained were catching up to her, and it felt as though her body was consumed by an intense, internal fire. Each breath was a struggle, and she clenched her teeth to bear the searing pain that coursed through her.

Desperation compelled her to clutch her left shoulder with her right hand, seeking some form of support from the unforgiving wall beside her. She leaned into it, her body trembling with weakness and agony. It was as if every inch of her being rebelled against the ordeal she was enduring.

"Shit!" she cursed through clenched teeth, her voice trembling with the intensity of her suffering. The climb ahead seemed insurmountable, but she knew she had to keep going.

She couldn't ignore the intensifying pain any longer. Midway through the stairwell, she gave in to the relentless agony and sank to a sitting position, her back against the cold, unforgiving wall. It felt like her very core was ablaze, and she struggled to catch her breath amidst the torment.

Despite the excruciating pain, her thoughts were consumed by the image of Light. It was his face that fueled her determination to press on. With a deep breath, she gathered what strength she had left and pushed herself to her feet. Every step was an ordeal, her hands clutching her aching waist, and her head hung low.

As she climbed the stairs, deep in her own suffering, she encountered an unexpected presence. Lifting her gaze, she found herself face to face with Theseus, a man with a menacing aura that sent shivers down her spine.

"What will this accomplish, Karra?" His voice was slow and filled with a dark menace as he questioned the purpose of her actions, addressing her by the name "Karra."

In a shocking revelation, Theseus referred to her as Light's sister, Karra Graystone, a name she hadn't heard in what felt like an eternity. For years, Ligjt believed her to be dead, victims of the catastrophic destruction that befell the Black Cross Faction during the relentless conflict with the Black Scar Clan. The details of how their enemies discovered their hidden location remained a mystery, unbeknownst even to Light and Karra.

Their lives had been forged in the fires of war, raised as children of the Black Cross Faction's enigmatic leader, a man whose name was a closely guarded secret, even from his own son and daughter. Forced into relentless training from an early age, Light and Karra endured a grueling regimen within a stark white room, under the tutelage of their mentor, Kage. Despite the harshness of their upbringing, they had forged deep bonds with their friends, considering them as family, and Kage, their mentor, had provided them with the care and guidance their own parents had withheld.

Then came that fateful day when bandits descended upon their sanctuary, leaving death and destruction in their wake. Their friends fell, their home was reduced to rubble, and Light and Karra were separated in the chaos. Light, believing his sister had perished, lived with the guilt of having left her behind, haunted by the memory for the rest of his life.

As Theseus loomed above her with his menacing presence, Karra couldn't help but feel a shiver of fear creeping up her spine. Theseus's words, laden with intimidation, reverberated through her mind, and she couldn't escape the memory of her lost brother.

"You're the only one left of the Black Cross Faction. Do you really think you can beat us all on your own?" Theseus's voice echoed with an intimidating force, causing Karra to think of her brother, Light.

With determination and a surge of adrenaline, she fixed her eyes on a nearby window and charged toward it, shattering the glass and making a daring leap outside the base. However, the abrupt escape came at a cost, as the jagged remnants of glass sliced into her leg, prompting a sharp cry of pain to escape her lips.

"Ah!" Karra's cry echoed, a sharp expression of the agony she was enduring in that moment.

As she descended from the window, escaping Theseus' menacing presence, she could feel his gaze lingering on the window's edge. His ominous presence was a constant reminder of the danger she had narrowly escaped. In her trembling hand, she clutched the dagger she had acquired from her earlier confrontation with the bandit. She swiftly drove the blade into the base's outer wall, effectively halting her fall.

Breathing heavily, a mix of relief, pain, and fear coursing through her, Karra slowly began to climb upward to escape the immediate vicinity of the base. Though she sensed an unfamiliar presence nearby, her weakened state left her with little choice but to continue her escape, hoping to find safety soon.

Meanwhile, Theseus summoned the entire Black Scar Clan for an undisclosed purpose. As their leader, he surveyed them with an air of superiority, his gaze filled with a sense of disdain for their perceived weakness. Unbeknownst to his devoted followers, Theseus considered himself more than just their leader; he saw himself as a deity among them.

With the clan gathered as per his command, Theseus prepared to deliver his address, fully aware that his words would be accepted without question.

"Black Scar Clan!" His voice boomed, resonating with authority and dominance, capturing the undivided attention of his loyal comrades.

The bandits turned towards him, ceasing all their activities as they shifted their undivided attention to Theseus. They were completely absorbed in listening to his words as he proceeded with his speech, their expressions reflecting a mix of reverence, curiosity, and anticipation.

"Kazuki once again sought to obstruct our path toward rebellion and the pursuit of our vision for justice, but fear not, for I have inflicted a grave wound upon him," Theseus declared, skillfully weaving a lie of justice to cloak his true ambition for power. His words ignited a surge of courage among his followers, who erupted in cheers and shouts, united by their fervent desire for freedom.

Among Theseus' loyal followers, including his high-ranking generals who stood behind him, one figure stood out–a purple-haired woman who had once fought against Light. Despite hiding her inner doubts, she couldn't help but silently question the validity of Theseus' words.

"But, this fortress we reside in is no longer safe..." Theseus declared as he moved through the bandits, who were now frantically packing their weapons and belongings.

Theseus's presence had a profound impact on the bandits. Their numbers were overwhelming, but their individual strength often fell short. Nevertheless, they persevered with unwavering determination. In their minds, they held a vision of peace that they believed would come once their fight was over. Little did they know, Theseus harbored ulterior motives, seeking power rather than the peace they aspired to achieve. The contrast between the bandits' genuine resolve and Theseus's hidden intentions added complexity to the situation.

Theseus' words rang out with undeniable authority, reverberating through the hearts of his loyal followers. With an unmistakable gravity in his tone, he issued the directive that would set their course. "At this very moment, Kazuki, Isaac, and the others know we are here and could strike at us with full force. We leave, and we leave now. Take everything, leave nothing. Abandon no one." His words were met with unwavering obedience as his men swiftly executed his orders, driven by their loyalty and the urgency of his command.

As the urgency of their situation grew, Theseus moved amidst his men with a commanding presence that seemed to fill the very air around him. The atmosphere was thick with tension, and each bandit moved with haste, knowing that their leader's directives were of utmost importance.

Theseus' steps echoed through the dimly lit chamber, his imposing figure casting a long shadow. His eyes, sharp and unwavering, swept over the faces of his followers, each one marked by a mix of determination, fear, and unquestioning loyalty.

The weight of their mission bore down on them, the sense of imminent danger palpable.For Theseus, this was not merely a retreat; it was a strategic maneuver, a step towards the fulfillment of his ambitions. He concealed his true intentions behind a façade of camaraderie and shared purpose, but beneath it all simmered a hunger for power and control.

Theseus' voice surged with unwavering determination as he rallied his bandits, a fiery conviction blazing in his eyes as he spoke.

"We will no longer tolerate them," he declared, his gaze unwavering, "we strike now!"

His words resonated like a thunderous war drum, echoing through the hearts of his followers and instilling an overwhelming sense of urgency within them. Their faces hardened with determination as they embraced the gravity of Theseus' words.

"We will attack the city," Theseus continued, his tone resolute, "then the academy tomorrow."

The anticipation of the impending battles weighed heavily on the bandits. Each heart was burdened with a sense of purpose, and Theseus' words acted as a spark that ignited a fierce determination within them. They yearned to prove their might and show the world that they were a force to be reckoned with.

"Isaac will soon face our threat, we will remind him that we are in control," he proclaimed, a steely determination in his voice.

Their loyalty to Theseus remained unwavering as they diligently prepared to execute his plans. Among the bandits, there was a shared understanding that the element of surprise would be a powerful ally in their upcoming battles. They were ready to strike fear into the hearts of their enemies.

"We hold them at gunpoint, and with a press of a button, their academy will be reduced to ashes," he concluded, his words carrying a chilling weight.

As they diligently loaded crates of weapons and magic shards onto the waiting trucks, Theseus' words lingered in the air, emphasizing the finality of their mission. The bandits understood the gravity of their actions and the challenges that lay ahead.

"Let us show our dominance over them!" Theseus' rallying cry echoed, and the bandits marched out of the fortress, a formidable force ready to assert their control over the city and, ultimately, the Celestial Sword Academy.

As the bandits piled into several trucks, crates and weaponized guns loaded with elemental shards in tow, Theseus took his place at the back of one of the vehicles. His expression held a mix of determination and anticipation, foreshadowing the impending battle that awaited him and his loyal men. The convoy of trucks rumbled forward, bound for the city and the challenges that lay ahead.

Hours later, Light's arrival at the bandit base was marked by an overwhelming sense of defeat. Sneaking in under the cover of night, he had braced himself for a confrontation with Theseus and his ruthless gang. However, upon entering, all his expectations crumbled into despair. The once heavily guarded bandit stronghold now lay barren and lifeless, an eerie testament to the bandits' swift departure. The crates, once filled with weapons and magic shards, had vanished without a trace. Light's late arrival left him with an empty husk of a battlefield, his hopes dashed and a bitter taste of regret settling in.

Amid the desolation of the abandoned bandit base, Light remained vigilant. Despite the eerie emptiness, he couldn't afford to drop his guard. His grip tightened on his sword as he moved cautiously through the lifeless surroundings, his senses on high alert. With each step, he scanned every direction, his gaze darting from north to south, west to east, searching for any sign of danger or traps. Yet, despite his thorough examination, there was no immediate threat in sight.

With a sense of urgency, Light combed through the base in search of Cain, his concern masked behind a stoic exterior. As he reached a room that bore the unmistakable signs of a fireball's devastation—charred and mutilated—he couldn't help but harbor doubts about his friend's well-being. The extent of the destruction was overwhelming, leaving him with a grim realization that nothing, or no one, could have emerged unscathed from this catastrophe.

"Shit... Damn it Cain..." Light muttered coldly, his voice devoid of emotion despite the frustration that simmered beneath the surface.

As Light readied himself to depart, his emotions hidden behind a mask of determination, his sole purpose was to avenge Cain and thwart Theseus' ascent to power, preventing further loss of innocent lives.

Simultaneously, Karra managed to infiltrate the base, utilizing the exterior wall to gain entry through a window. Slowly descending the stairs, she couldn't have anticipated the person she would encounter. A sense of disbelief initially shrouded her mind, casting doubt upon the surreal moment. But the gray eyes, the innocent visage—there was no denying it. Her long-lost brother, Light, stood before her. She instinctively covered her mouth, overwhelmed by the unexpected reunion.

"Karra," Light acknowledged with a hint of surprise, yet his stoic demeanor remained intact. The sight of his sister, though unexpected, failed to crack the emotional facade he had cultivated over the years.

"Light, is it really- it really is you..." Karra's disbelief was evident in her voice as she took in the sight of her grown-up brother, a reunion she had longed for.

Light's stoic expression remained unchanged as Karra leaped towards him, enveloping him in a tight hug. Tears welled up in her eyes, and her emotions flowed freely. Light, despite the profound reunion and the realization that his sister was alive after years of believing her dead, maintained his characteristic emotional restraint. He tentatively returned the hug, his hands trembling slightly before he slowly withdrew, an unspoken acknowledgment of his own struggles with emotions.

"Light... It's been so long," Karra whispered, her voice quivering, tears brimming in her eyes.

As Karra cautiously withdrew her arms from Light and retreated a step to better scrutinize her brother, her initial shock deepened. In contrast to the joyful and resilient face she remembered from their days in the white room, Light now wore an impenetrable mask of emotionlessness beneath his gray eyes. It was as though he had perfected the art of concealing his feelings, locking them away so securely that not even the earth-shattering revelation of his sister's survival could elicit the slightest hint of emotion from his cold and lifeless gaze.

"Light... What has happened to you? The world hasn't been fond of you, hasn't it?" Karra inquired, her voice carrying a soft and caring tone.

With an emotionless nod, Light acknowledged Karra's question as he offered no verbal response, his silence speaking volumes. He sheathed his sword and walked past her. Karra watched in shock as Light, with his stoic determination, made his way towards Theseus, fully aware of the grim path he was about to tread after years of battling his clan.

As he slowly continued his resolute journey, Karra, after enduring her pain long enough, suddenly succumbed to the immense pain from her wounds, her vision blurring before she began to faint. In the nick of time, Light reacted, rushing to her side and catching her before she could crumple to the ground.

Held gently in his arms covered in the fingerless gloves she gave him, Karra's tears welled up as she realized that, beneath his stoic façade, Light remained the same, caring and selfless as ever. Her vision slowly faded to black, but before losing consciousness, she gazed upon Light's emotionless face one last time.

"Light..." she murmured softly before slipping into unconsciousness.