
Light Years Away - Hunters of Outer Space

Ray was only twelve years old when a mysterious alien saved her from harm, and when she met her big guy again, it changed her life forever as their fates intertwined with each other. A story contains dark Human/Yautja smut. A lot of porn!!! You have been warned. In the meantime, the sequel is available on AO3 if anyone’s interested: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28655376/chapters/70244229

Admirable_Mairon · Films
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24 Chs

Chapter Eighteen

Bau'jah was fully dressed in his casual outfit, and he had been sitting in his pilot seat for awhile now. Looking directly at the projected images flickering above the console panel, his talons tapped on the metal surface in a rhythmic pattern as his thoughts raced through his head.

He needed to send a message to the clan leader right now, to inform him about his return with a hooman; and how he indites this message would very much likely determine whether or not he would grant his odd request, it's the most crucial step in this delicate situation and it requires a bit of finesse. The message would need to be brief, but concise enough with key details, and perhaps with a notion of vagueness to pique his interest of allowing her to accompany him onboard the clanship. Sending a coded message, instead of a live video, would most likely to achieve that affect he sought, maybe even gain him an advantage, or so he hoped. If this very first step failed, all plans would fall apart, it must work.

His hands moved above the panel then began tapping his claws on the projected surface in a smooth motion, a stream of red symbols appeared in the dialogue box as he typed. It only took him a short moment to compose the message, and his hand paused above the send button hesitantly as he read the message over and over again, making sure there was no room for error. The message was well written and reasonably justifiable of course, but somehow he hesitated to question himself. Realizing he was only delaying the inevitable, he pressed on the send button hard to end his hesitation. A few seconds later, a notification confirmed the transmission was successful.

Waiting was the worst part as he didn't know what would happen, and also there was a slight doubt for what he was doing. Naturally, a part of him was expecting a furious reply from the clan leader, maybe even deny his disrespectful request without considering it. After all, what he was seeking for is unprecedented in his clan history, and that single doubt was enough to make him feel agitated.

Turning away from the controls, he relaxed in the seat and attempted to regain his focus. He inhaled, closed his eyes, and exhaled, stay concentrated on his breathing, but his mind had wandered off whilst waiting anxiously for a reply. He was unused to the fact that he wasn't in control of the situation; he was always in control, but not this time, the newly discovered feeling was distasteful. The uncertainty caused him to think the worst possible outcome - what would he do if his request was denied? Could he simply let her go and release her from his possession? Then thoughts of how much he wanted her, how much he needed to keep her by his side, how much he hated her for being a hooman spiraled through his mind. And in that moment, he knew he'd never be able to let her go. No, not now, at least.

Having snapped out of his reverie, he noticed she wasn't anywhere in sight. Walking towards the aft of the ship, he scented her along the way and headed for the observatory.

Ray sat cross-legged under the bright moonlight, staring at the starry night through the glass idly. She cupped her chin in her hands as she digested their previous conversation.

She was quite certain his kind didn't like her. Gahtan's remarks about her had already proven that fact, she is a prey she heard him saying such. And in that moment, she knew his people despised humans and they would spurn them both for their union, their taboo relationship would eventually come to an end one day, she'd thought that day would come when he reunited with his people, thus keeping her with him wouldn't be a wise option, in another word, a chance for her to get home. She was obviously wrong, he had made that point pretty clear to her earlier. By the way things had developed between them, she didn't think for a second that he'd let her go home anytime soon.

She failed to see the value of keeping her with him, other than her body. There was no doubt he could satisfy his sexual needs with a female of his own kind, why even take the risk of bringing her with him when she's not welcomed among them? Her presence might create a rift between him and his people, she was a human, it wasn't necessary at all, it certainly wasn't worth the risk or effort. Could he persuade his people to accept their affair and keep her safe at the same time? That task alone seemed unlikely to her. But again she didn't believe he would put her in harms way. She knew she should trust him, that was the least she could do for him right now.

She told herself to stop over thinking this. Maybe this was a perfect chance to get to see the place where he grew up, witness their culture in person, and find out what he does for fun other than hunting. It is strange how one could turn the negative thoughts into positive ones when you look on the bright side.

"You are bleeding." Bau'jah approached to her in long strides.

"What?" Ray snapped out of her trance and looked at him.

"I smell your blood. Was I too rough with you during mating? Did I hurt you?" He crouched down as he checked her body with sincere concerns. Pauk, he knew better not to take her unprepared. The thought of him hurting her drove him mad at himself.

"No, you didn't," she replied, lowering a hand to check between her legs. She touched the wetness that was slowly seeping through the leather and saw the blood on her fingers, "shit, my period is here. Do you have more of those gel patches?" She stood up and asked him. It was difficult to track her period cycles without a calendar.

"Again?" His mandibles flexed as he shouted out, incredulous.

"Yes, again. We bleed for a week every month, you'll get used to it. I thought you would've known better about my body by now." She teased him and chuckled lightly. His reaction at this was priceless, it amused her and drove away those bleak thoughts that were swirling in her head.

"Apparently, not enough," his head cocked to one side and smirked after knowing he did not harm her. Her hooman anatomy was unfamiliar and strange to him, it'd be a nice learning experience.

Leading her to the storage room in search of the medical supplies, he handed it over to her after gathering some of the patches he had in a sealed medical box. Pretty soon he would be out of medical patches at this rate as he rarely uses them, he only stored two boxes in case of an emergency during most dangerous hunts, he would have to restock them galore when he gets back to the clan ship, it'd definitely serve a wrong idea about him, others would probably view him weak by the amount of him needing these. Pauk, he didn't believe his reputation could suffer another blow like this and survive.

"Thanks, I will go take a shower." She said to him before walking away to the washroom hastily.

He wanted to follow her but he heard a ping over the speakers - that distinctive sound of a message being received - he jerked his head and walked quickly to the bridge. A box blinking on the projected screen indicating an unread message from the clan leader, he took in a steady breath and hesitated again as he prepared himself before tapping on the box. It wasn't long, he glanced and searched only for the answer he cared about, and he did.

Pauk! He had rejected his request! Bau'jah slammed both of his fists onto the panel in rage and let out an intimidating growl. He moved away from the consoles and looked at the hallway that led to the washroom for a long moment. Oddly, he knew he couldn't let her go right now, he just couldn't let that happen. He had no other options left but to use the last resort he had in mind - she wouldn't like it, maybe worse - but he was determined to take her with him, nothing could change that right now. He read the leader's message again carefully, then responded with a cool confidence and pressed on the send button. He made sure his message was persuasive and unquestionable this time. He was capable of great patience for what he wanted.

While in that endless waiting moment, he sat in the seat and meditated. A few months ago, he'd be elated to take her back to earth without a second thought, he actually was desperate to get away from her when she wouldn't leave him alone, there were times that he felt so annoyed he had to lock her up in the bedchamber to stop her from talking, he still wasn't sure how she even managed to effect him acting this way in a such short period of time. Letting her go surely wasn't an option no more, and the possibility of the clan leader denying his request disrupted his coherent thoughts again.

Pauk. She made him weak.

A cheerful ping came through the system and he snapped his eyes open, he immediately tapped on the screen, a message unfolded before him:

After conferring with both elders, we strongly disagree, but you may return with the hooman. I am inclined to discuss this matter further with you in person, while we determine what is the best course of action to take.

At last, Bau'jah flared his mandibles contentedly, he couldn't hold back his victorious rumbles while he read the message again. They didn't accept her but they hadn't denied her, either. He deemed his first step a success as he got to bring her with him, that was good enough for him, for now anyway. After the last message was sent, he moved back to check on her.

Ray lay on the bed in a fetal position with her hands covering the belly, she groaned with pain. She heard him entering the room and turned to him as he settled himself beside her. He held her in his arms and began purring to soothe her. Her blood scent was so tantalizing, he started stroking her back involuntarily.

"Red, you are groping all over me." She complained. She still wasn't used to call his yautja name, except in bed, it seemed it excites them both when she says his real name during sex.

"You smell too good." He inhaled and ruffled her dark hair with his tusks gently.

"No, I am in pain." She replied, moving his hand to her belly and held him there. Menstrual cramps can be a bitch.

Something old and primal woke in him, he suddenly wanted to taste her blood; to give her pleasure; to drive away her pain. But he held back, he didn't believe she'd like that.

"We depart tomorrow." He immediately changed the subject to clear away that thought.

"You know your people don't like me, right?" She locked her weary eyes with him and continued, "why do you insist on taking me with you?"

His purrs faltered for a second at her question, he knew he wanted to keep her, to possess her, so much to the point he cared little about what others think of him, but he didn't even know what he wanted from her, so he decided to tell her the partial truth, "you know too much about me and my people, I can't afford to let you go and to have you spread that knowledge."

"Spread that knowledge? I kept our secret for thirteen years, you know very well I wouldn't tell anyone about you." His excuse sounded too weak to her ear.

"Still...I'm not taking any chances." He added, "stop worrying and rest, my mate." His voice was like silk, caressing her skin.

She groaned again when his purrs got louder and vibrated through his chest, soothing her instantly. Feeling too weak and tired to continue, she decided to let him win this conversation. She lay docile in his hold and finally closed her eyes.

Bau'jah stopped his purring when she fell asleep in his arms, she was damn smart for a hooman, for a moment he was genuinely concerned his answers wouldn't be good enough to convince her if she kept asking him questions like that. Admittedly, another part of him was proud of her sharpness.

Her breathing fell into a steady rhythm, brushed across his skin, tingling him lightly. He found it strangely pleasing and satisfying. Holding her closer, he allowed himself a long rest with her.