
Light Years Away - Hunters of Outer Space

Ray was only twelve years old when a mysterious alien saved her from harm, and when she met her big guy again, it changed her life forever as their fates intertwined with each other. A story contains dark Human/Yautja smut. A lot of porn!!! You have been warned. In the meantime, the sequel is available on AO3 if anyone’s interested: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28655376/chapters/70244229

Admirable_Mairon · Movies
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24 Chs

Chapter Seventeen

Ray closed her eyes wearily, despite her fatigue, she didn't fall asleep for a good few hours next to his side. Her half body clung onto him languidly, enjoying his spicy scent that had enveloped her. He held her pliant body tightly against him, one of his hands was combing through her hair periodically with such tenderness that it unsettled her.

She opened her eyes to looked at him, he seemed so calm whilst his attention focused entirely on his wrist computer that was active, she checked the miniature hologram that was projecting from his device, he was reading something, something in his language she couldn't understand and she hated this, this obvious disadvantage on her part reminded her how different they were, he probably knew more about her than she knew about him, apart from his impressively amazing manhood, she hardly knew him.

He was deep in his reading that he emanated a powerful aura secretly indicating he did not wish to be disturbed. She shifted in his chest to a more comfortable position, his hand moved with her and resumed his gentle strokes through her hair without breaking his attention from the screen. She stared at the strange, hypnotic symbols in a fruitless attempt to decipher them, until she lost track of time and finally fell asleep in his arms.

She had been sleeping surprisingly well recently, considering she was abducted by an alien a while ago, away from her family and her home world. Apparently, mind-blowing sex was good for a person's rest...especially with a space hunk. She stretched her body lazily on the huge bed.

Getting up, she walked around the empty ship, room to room, then noticed Red was not here and it was just her. Alone. This was the first time he had gone out in weeks. A sudden feeling of loneliness hit her as she scanned around the spacious ship - a place isolating her from the outside world - she felt like a prisoner without him being here. Her head was reeling from those past two weeks they had spent together, it was disconcerting, and thinking about it filled her head with questions. Feeling unsettled and distraught, she decided to run to clear her head.

She began running hither and thither in the ship like a wild horse without reins, leaving no room for her brain to dwell on their complicated relationship, just keep moving and breathing. After half hour past, she was drenched in sweat as she focused on her steady breathing rhythm, inhaling and exhaling for maximum oxygen intake while running. She didn't stop until she was completely exhausted, she lay flat on the floor whilst panting heavily. Her mind was blank, free of emotions as she rested to catch her breath.

Twenty minutes later, she got up and moved herself to the washroom, after an hour of cleaning, she finally felt refreshed. Walking towards the kitchen, she fixed some food for herself. The activity cleared her head a bit, now that endorphins had kicked in, she felt super relaxed and calm, her mind at ease. But that didn't last long.

Things had definitely become complicated between them after last night. Actually, it was already complicated when they started having sex, not that she was complaining, she did enjoy it, a lot! He had been incredibly rough and dominate when taking her, and she liked it, along with her previously unknown kinks she had discovered with him, he was indeed a great sexual partner in bed, and it was what happened last night that unsettled her greatly.

Before it felt like two of them were just taking what they needed from each other, to sate their taboo desires, and it was fine with her, she'd like to keep this affair as primarily physical as possible, maybe one day he would get tired of her and hopefully would let her go. But their last round of sex felt different, there had been no dirty talks; and he wasn't rough or aggressive, he was unusually...gentle, almost like he was making love to her, not just a simple fuck. It felt really good in fact, a nice little change from his usual aggressiveness; it had been the look in his intense yellow eyes that unsettled her. She had thought their relationship was of a mutual satisfaction - at least for him - as they got to satisfy themselves with each other's bodies, but she wasn't a fool, the look in his eyes as he held her in his arms felt like he was afraid that she might disappear before him, and they were filled with unsaid emotions. She was scared she may unleash her true feelings that she had been holding back towards him, if she asked.

Their little affair had started to grow on her, maybe she even held a great deal of affection for him, but it was a relationship that wasn't to be acknowledged, especially when she saw the green hunter's reaction upon seeing her yesterday, it only further proved and fortified her theory - they were two different species, it wasn't a type of relationship anyone would recognize. The ineffable feelings she held for him were an unspoken taboo, it was for the best to keep it hidden that way, after all, it wasn't a type of relationship necessary for both of them.

Does he even think the same way about me? She couldn't help but wonder, she was sure that he cared about her in some way, but to what degree? And what was she to him? What would he say if she confronted him with this? What would happen between them? She didn't even know where to begin or what to say to him yet.

It had been a long day as her thoughts kept nagging at her, she was pacing around the place as she waited for his return, the struggle and incertitude nearly made her brain wearied out. She really needs to have a talk with him today, she needs to clarify the complication, she needs to straighten things out. Looking out through the observation room, she sighed helplessly, it was well past noon, sooner or later he will be back. She sighed again while she stared out blankly through the glass wall.

Shortly before sunset, she suddenly stood up, alert, as she heard the heavy footsteps approaching, her slender fingers toyed nervously with the ring necklace while pacing. Suddenly feeling afraid to face him, she stayed where she was, no matter how many times she mentally practiced her little speech, she was still not ready yet. Her palm were sweaty when the sound of his footsteps grew ever louder, and it sounded like he was heading straight to the observatory. She stood there nervously for a moment, undecided whether to go meet him or to wait till he came up.

When he emerged from the hallway she grew flurried. She glanced at him silently as he dropped the grotesque skull to the floor, his black armor painted with that beast's blood, despite the grisly scene, he had an amazing body, he was ripped as hell. She looked up and locked gazes with him, there was so much lust and rage in his eyes - largely latter - she frowned with concerns, she wanted to ask him what happened, but she decided to stay put.

"Strip." Bau'jah ordered her with a low growl, his voice full of sexual aggression.

She was confused, but still brought her hands up to remove her skimpy outfit, his eyes were aflame, making her feel exposed, she covered herself with her arms awkwardly. He began to dismantle his armor, dropping the pieces carelessly onto the floor as his blazing eyes glued to her. He was in a mad mood for some reason, she stepped away with a look of fear on her face until her back pressed to the glass wall, he walked to her with determination.

Her heart skipped when he bent her over to face the glass wall, without any warning or foreplay, he penetrated her from behind, she yelped at the sudden invasion, wincing at the sharp pain as he forced himself further into her tight passageway. He spread her legs out to go deeper, at this moment, all she could do was to relax her body and accommodate his huge size. He always prepared her body before, never taking her raw or unprepared, not like this. This wasn't sex or lovemaking, this was pure fucking.

Once seated to the hilt, he was pumping her body savagely into the wall, his hot, sexy beastly growls were filled with primal lust. Saved by his natural lubricant, the painful sensation gradually replaced by pleasure. She held both of her hands against the glass helplessly at his mad speed, feeling his cock so deep in her, at one point, she thought he was going to reach her heart. Her slickness coated his length as she moaned repeatedly.

He continued to slam his hips as he made his way in and out of her tight cunt, it was so intense, so much that her hands could no longer hold herself up against the wall. He pressed her upper body flat against the glass, pounding her pussy even faster after he adjusted his position swiftly. The cold surface pressing against her bare breasts gave her goosebumps, her heavy breathings and whimpers caused condensation to form on the glass, as she watched some wild animals scattering among the greens over the transparent wall. It was so amazing.

"How do I feel inside of you?" He growled into her ear from behind, guiding one of her small hands to her belly, he let her feel the belly bulge as he fucked her roughly.

Her head was delirious, every thrust and movement just caused waves after waves of pleasure to wash over her, all she could do was just allow the pleasure rip through her and moan.

"Do you want me to stop?" Not pleased with her silent response, he pulled out of her and remained inactive.

"NO!" She shouted out, "you feel so good inside of me, no human man could make me feel this good like the way you do. Please Bau'jah. I want you to keep fucking- Ahhh!" she howled out her moans for him to hear when he drove into her again, her legs started to tremble.

"Paya...I'm going to breed you, fill you up with my seed." He groaned and bellowed out his pleasure. His muscles flexing as he pounded into her with his huge size, rutting her hard as a stress relief until his rage and cum was spent.

Their combined juices broke out, flowing onto her legs as she lay inert in his arms, her beautiful dark hair framing her pale face, blooming with blush after her intense orgasm. He waited for a brief moment for them to catch their breath before carrying her to the pool, he stepped over his armor that was strewn across the floor, then avoided the skull. Once there, they both did a quick wash.

Settling her against his chest in bed, he purred as he ran his talons through her hair gently, he was way too rough with her earlier, he was trying to make up for his lack of control.

She raised her head from his chest to look at him, and there was that same look in his eyes again, it made her heart flutter. She was going to talk to him when he got back, but he basically didn't give her any chance to speak. Now that all thoughts were racing through her mind again, she got a bit panicked. He looked so damn calm compared to her uneasiness, like he's got everything under control. She had enough, she wasn't going to torture herself like this no more. The moment she was ready to speak, he took the words out of her mouth.

"We need to talk." He suddenly said to her and stopped his stroking game.

"Uh? Okay..." He surprised her, she looked at him with shock and uncertainty in her eyes, this was the first time he actually wanted to talk to her given how little he speaks. It must be bad news or something of importance, he looked dead serious. She decided to hear what he has to say first.

"I am scheduled to depart this planet tomorrow, to congregate with my people." He said calmly, brief and concise.

Her half body raised from his chest at his words, her thoughts were completely scrambled in her head now, "what about me? are you going to let me go home?" She asked him, there was a slight tremble in her voice.

"No, I'm taking you with me," he replied firmly as he looked her in the eyes, "as I said before, your fate is sealed with me." He reminded her again.

Is he really going to keep me forever?! She paused to think for a moment, he sounded so adamant about this, and it disturbed her greatly. "But I don't think your people would be happy to see me. I'm a human." She pointed out the obvious truth at him.

"That is my problem to deal with, not yours. I only wish to inform you before we leave." He began to idly stroking her hair again to reassure her.

Her concern about her race was a valid one, of course he had thought about it, and it did not take him long to decide as he knew the answer all along. He found the idea of leaving her unacceptable, and he intended to figure out the ambiguous feelings he felt towards this hooman.

His brother Gahtan had suggested to take her back, he immediately rejected, and when he told Gahtan what his decision was, they both disagreed with each other for the first time in centuries. Their argument quickly became too heated, neither of them would back down from a fight until they called it a draw to settle it amicably and respectfully. But it did little to quell his rage.

Gahtan simply thought he'd release her. He thought so too, at first. When he began to mate with her, he thought his infatuation for her would fade, and her scent would be ineffective - it turned out to be a huge mistake - after he had a taste of her, he was irresistibly drawn to her, blinded with lust. Her effect on him was stronger than he thought. And now he was obsessed.

"What if I don't want to go with you?" She asked again. Her voice brought him back from his musings.

"That wasn't a request, my mate," He tugged on her hair just the slightest, making her panting for more, "now, my attention is needed somewhere else."

He gave her ass cheek a nice squeeze before moving to get his armor. He waved his hand in front of a wall out of habit and remembered he had left his armor in the observatory. Pauk, he was blinded with lust again. He got out of bed with a displeased grumble to retrieve them. He couldn't afford to be careless, certainly not now.

Ray watched him exiting the room and lost in her thoughts.

Yautja translations:

Hooman - human

Pauk - fuck

Cjit - shit

Paya - Yautja God

C’nlip- Yautja brew/beverage

Admirable_Maironcreators' thoughts