
Chapter 3 The Call

When we got back to the Precinct we went to see Clawhauser at the front like always, he saw us and he smiled and waved while eating donuts.

"Hey guys your back" he said with a mouthful.

I giggled a little" Hey Benji ,Fangmeyer said you had something for us".

"Oh! Yea the 911 call, just wait" he said while trying to scramble over to the computer.

"OK I almost got it um."

"Your always on top of things aren't you Benji, I expected nothing less from our favorite cheetah" Nick playfully joked.

Clawhauser put his paws to his chubby cheeks and smiled" Awww Nick, Judy! " he squealed.

"Ok Benji let's get back to the task at hand" I said trying help him not get distracted.

"Oh, yes, of course!"

I loved Clawhauser and he's a sweet guy but sometimes he could be a little scatterbrained. We walked around his desk to get to his computer.

"Okokok ,ummm, Wala! Here it is" he said excitedly. " The call was made at 1 am and it lasted about a minute " with that he pressed play so we could listen to the recording.

" nine-one-one what's your emergency."

" My-my my friend needs help, he-he's bleeding really bad, oh God."

I could tell she was trying best to make sure to control her sobbing so the operator could understand her.

"Calm down Miss, is he still alive?"

" Y-yes, but I don't know how long."

" okay Miss I want you to find a cloth or a towel and pressurize the wound the best you can until help arrives."

" I've been doing that, the blood has already seep through the towel I've been using, Oh God, Oh God, don't die Spencer! don't die!"

" Miss, Miss ,listen too me, we are locked on your location and a ambulance is on it's way, just keep trying to put pressure on his wound and talk to me, what's your friend's name"

I could tell the operator was trying the best she could to keep the girl calm.

"He's name is Spencer, Spencer White, please hurry, hang on Spencer, Spencer? SPENCER! Nononono"

As I heard her sobs get louder, it told me that's when Mr. White died, then I heard some shuffling in the background.

"Someone's here" she whispered, this time she sounds really scared.

"Miss keep staying on the line with me! I will dispatch a police cruiser!, But now you have to hide!"

"Did you do this to him?, YOU MONSTER!"

We then heard scuffling with some grunting and then a scream, and the scream was not from the girl, something tells me she fought hard.


Then the call ended, we all just stood there quietly, after what seemed like forever it was Clawhauser that finally spoke.

" Oh my goodness" he whispered" that poor girl she sounded so terrified" he said as he brought his hands to his mouth ,his eyes wide.

"She sounded so young, how old is this girl?" I said.

I turned to look at Nick who hadn't said anything this whole time. He was leaned up against the desk, deep in thought. Nick didn't like showing how he really felt but right now I could see he was worried and determined.

"That girl is still alive" he whispered and walked off.

" What?" I said as I followed after him.

"That girl is still alive, but if we don't hurry to find her soon, she won't be" he said grimly.

I agreed with nick, there was no other body at the crime scene and all the blood we found was from Mr. White and by the sound of the 911 call the murderer was the one got hurt not her.

"Who ever killed Mr. White"

"Will be after the girl" Nick finishing my sentence.

" We got to find her" I said, thinking fearfully of what could happen.

" We need to find out who owns the shipping yard, something tells me she worked there too" he said

Just then my walkie talkie beeped which made him stop " This is Wolford calling in for Hopps."

"This is Hopps what do have for me."

" I wanted to inform you guys that we brought the body to the coroner 10 minutes after you left, we will learn her findings tomorrow."

" OK , did you find the boss of the place yet?" asking hopefully.

" Not yet, since it's a weekend it's harder to get a judge to sign a warrant we're probably not going to find out until Monday."

I rubbed my eyes frustrated " OK keep us posted."

"Will do."

With that I ended our call, I looked back at Nick who looked me blankly.

" Looks like it's going to take us it little bit longer to solve this case."

Nick's mussel grew a smile" Don't worry Carrots, knowing you we will have this case solved in 48 hours".

I chuckled a little" If only it were that easy, I'm just worried about the girl"

" I am too" Nick got a little closer to me.

"All we have on her is a 911 call, there was no video cameras, no witnesses, the fur on the body is obviously the girls but we won't get the DNA test back till tomorrow, we can't get hold the of the boss who probably the only mammal who can identify her, not only that a murderer is hunting her down as we speak, and we can't find her what are we going to do!" I said as I tried to catch my breath.

" Carrots, Carrots, breath" he said he grabbed both my arms making me look at him. " As you said we can't do anything right all we can do is wait."

" How can you say that Nick when you were first one about to go out the door to find her, if you recall I only one page in file with little to no information about Mr. Otterton and we ended up finding all the missing mammals"

"But with Otterton you at least had a picture of him and knew what species he was, we don't have anything with this girl, not until tomorrow."

Deep down I knew he was right but there was this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach that just couldn't get rid of.

" I know but I can't help but to worry"

A smirk grew on his muzzle and he wrapped his arm around me." judging by the call she put one hell of a fight so I think she's doing well to defend herself in the time being and besides if we are having this hard of a time identifying her something tells me the killer is having no such luck with it either, so all we could do is wait" he said little sad at the last part.

Most of what he saying was true she was safe, considering everything that's happening right now, but being safe can only last for so long in this situation.

" Well I'm hungry, let's go eat lunch" he said as he dragged me out the door and snapped me out my thoughts.

" Nick were suppose to be working!"

"Yea but now is our lunch break"

Before we went to lunch I convinced Nick for us to tell Bogo about our findings, of course he was angry that we couldn't find the employer but calmed down when he realized getting a warrant was getting in the way of our process and when he found about the girl he said he would help try push the warrant faster and since there wasn't much we could today he let is go home early.

Lunch was pretty much normal with a few lookers judging us, but we didn't let it brother us, after lunch we went back to Nicks place, he thought I should take a nap to calm my self down before watch Pawflicks later.

"Hey Carrots, Carrots?" I heard him as he gently shook me.

"How long was I asleep" rubbing the sleepiness out my eyes.

" About two hours, I'm impressed Carrots, You were able to relax for a little bit" he joked with me while smiling.

"Har har" I said sarcastically

" Anyways I order the pizza 15 minutes ago, it should probably be here in another 10 minutes".

I looked around Nick's apartment to notice that he picked up his laundry that was usually on the floor, I noticed I fell asleep on his red couch, Nick's apartment was huge compared to mine even though it was a standard apartment with a small kitchen, small living room with his couch, coffee table, TV, a terrace outside the sliding glass window, and lastly a bedroom with a bathroom next to it.

I looked at Nick who was now sitting next to me trying to pick a movie.

" Nick there's something I need to tell you" I said as my ears dropped.

"Is there something wrong?" he stopped what he was doing to look at me.

He looked confused as I grabbed his paw and brought it too my cheek and the look on his face turning to confused to shocked ,I could tell he felt the scars on my cheek.

" Dear God Judy! what happen!" he raised his voice with concern.

I sighed " When I was 9 my friends and I did a play for a festival in my hometown about Zootopia, where anybody could be anything ,I was kinda naive back then."

I took a deep breath to continue.

" Well there was this one kid named Gideon Grey who I didn't get along with, who thought my play was stupid, and after it was over, I saw him along with his friend Travis stealing my friends tickets, I tried to stand up for them and get them back but Gideon knocked me to the ground and I tried to to defend myself by kicking him in the face"

I took another deep breath to control my emotions.

" It made Gideon pissed so he scratched me on my cheek and afterwords he told me to remember this every time you think can be more then a stupid, carrot farming, dumb bunny."

Another breath.

"Gid-Gideon is a fox Nick" I stuttered.

I turned to look at Nick, his ears were flat eyes staring slightly wide.

"Even though I didn't want to admit it, that incident still haunted me, I guess that's why I kept carrying around the repellent my parents gave me and I think that's why I reacted the way I did to you at press conference."

I lowered my head to my knees and started to sob.

" I thought I had got over my trauma but I realized after the press conference that I didn't and- and I ended up hurting you because of it."

Next thing I know, Nick pulls me into arms hugging me tightly, I snuggled my face into his chest and put his face in the scruff of my neck.

" You dumb bunny, don't you realize I forgave you a long time ago" he whispered.

I pulled away to look at him, his eyes filled with warmth.

" I know what your going through " he said as he wiped a few of my tears with his thumb, he cupped my face with both of his paws and brought are foreheads together, I could feel the both us practically breathing on each other like we were sync.

" I would never hurt you Judy."

I put one my paws on top of one his paws holding my face.

" I know" I whispered.

I opened my eyes a little bit to stare at him, it was like time stopped and we were in are own little world, we brought are faces closer and just when are lips were about to touch we heard a loud knock that snapped us back to reality.

" Oh there's the pizza" he rubbed his head nervously" I'll go get it."

As he got up I gripped my chest because I could feel my heart pounding. Could this be I turned to look at Nick who was paying for the pizza am I? I never got to finish thinking to myself because Nick brought the pizza over and asked me what movie I wanted to watch.