
Chapter 2 The Crime Scene

When we left we found out we're going to a shipping yard in Tundra Town. I've only been to Tundra Town once before so I haven't seen the whole place so I let Nick drive because he knows the city better than I do. Right when we got out I could feel the snow go up to my ankles so it was making it hard for me to walk around to get to the spot of the crime scene. When we got closer I could see there was an big old brown warehouse where they put cargo. The warehouse had old cracks in the wood, the green paint on the rims of the roof that were chipping, on the waterfront was the barge with some shipping containers in between. I stayed far away from the water because of bad memories from the police academy from falling into the water under the ice wall, did not want to go through that again, bad memories.

I took a step and fell into a deep patch of snow I could hear Nick laughing behind me ,I turned my head around and gave him a dirty look.

" I always thought you make a cute snow bunny " he chuckled as he tried to help me out of the deep patch.

I could hear the others trying to hold in there laughter and turn I to give them a insidious glare and they quickly went back to what they were doing.

" Don't call me cute" I said as we walked over to the csi guys, when we got closer to the entrance of the warehouse we could see a big trail of blood that started on the snow that went into the warehouse.

"Sweet cheese and crackers" I whispered.

I had never seen so much blood before, it kind of horrified me to think about how this happened. Nick looked stoic but little unease, I think because of his past with hustling he might have encountered unpleasant characters who did worse things than him. We followed the huge blood trail into the warehouse when we got inside the warehouse we saw the body, it was a polar bear, as we got closer we saw the brutal way of how he died. I thought I was going to be sick, he was wearing a blue sweater with black pants, he didn't look over 35. He had deep slashes on his neck and chest.

" officer Hopps, officer Wilde over here" one the csi's called out to them.

I was snapped out my daze by the wombat that called out to us and we went over to him. He was collecting evidence by the looks of it. Now that I wasn't really looking at the body I looked at what the wombat collected.

" What did you find" I asked

" Well I don't know the exact time of death due to the cold but it looks like the cause of death was blood loss caused by his lacerations, you have to wait for the coroner report to find out more" he said.

" He looks familiar" Nick whispered while looking at the body, rummaging through his memory of how he knows him.

" You know him?" I asked eyebrow raised.

I'm not sure, hey did anyone get an ID on this guy" Nick yelled.

"Yea we did" it was Fangmeyer who spoke "His name is Spencer White, 34, single, he apparently worked here as a foreman for the cargo hold for Burg Shipping which is this place" he said as he read the tax file on him.

" The name doesn't sound familiar" he turned his head to look at the body " but I do know him".

"Who's this employer of this place" I asked.

The tiger shrugged" We don't know, this place is not open on weekends so there was no one here to ask and we can't go through company files with out a search warrant."

" No one was here? Then how did dispatch know there was a body" I asked confused.

"There was a 911 call made by the phone in the office upstairs saying someone was losing a lot blood that they needed a ambulance, the call lasted about about a minute but was enough for us to get a trace".

" Did the caller leave a name?" he asked hopefully.

Fangmeyer shook his head "the caller was too hysterical, the operator could barely understand, the operator was only able to make out that the caller was a young female."

" I want to listen to the 911 tape" I said with determination.

The tiger smiled " I thought you would Clawhuaser got it an hour ago he will be waiting for you when you get back".

" Thanks" I said with a small smile.

"Mammals please find out whose the employer so can actually go on the next phase of solving this case and notify next of kin, somebody has to miss this guy" Nick raised his voice. I kinda agreed with Nick, this guy has no next of kin listed his tax forms so only other place is his employ file.

I looked at the polar bear again, who ever done this was trying make message and maybe he deserved it. But it didn't matter if he deserved it or didn't dersevered it, nol one should die brutally. Blood; there was so much blood I couldn't stand looking at any more and as if Nick could sense my discomfort, he wrapped his arm around my shoulders tugged me towards his chest allowing me to relax and he put his chin on top my head.

"I understand Carrots, I don't like blood either" he whispered.

"Hopps, Wilde" we turned are heads back too the wombat.

" I also found foreign hairs on the body, it must have come off when the mammal dragged him from outside to in here, we won't know till we get the evidence to the lab".

I nodded " ok , let us know when the results come in".

He nodded in agreement and went back to collect more evidence. We needed to hear that 911 call.

" Common Slick, let's go see Clawhauser" waving at him letting him know we should go.

" Your the boss " he said as followed behind me.

As we trying to get back I again was trying to face against the snow and it beat me again when I tripped fell face first into the snow. I growled in frustration and could hear Nick laughing behind me, next thing I knew Nick was not only helping me up he put one arm under my legs and the other supporting my back I gasped.

"Nick! , put me down, you don't need to carry me" I said blushing like mad, good thing he couldn't see it or could he?

" Now what kind of knight would I be if didn't help a fair lady need"he said. I crossed my arms gave a pout.

"And besides do you want to fall in a another deep patch again, while I like you as a snow bunny I love your grey fur more" he said with a sly smirk on his muzzle. I pouted irritatly0 but then sign in defeat and let him take me to the car.

We been driving a while in silence, was driving this time since I knew the way there I a little turned to look at Nick his arm resting against the door while his paw holding his head, he looked deep in thought.

" What's the matter Slick?"

" Nothing just thinking" he said calmly and still.

" About the victim, you said you know him right."

" I know I met him at least twice just don't remember where and it's probably because I didn't catch his name" he said as he turned to look at me.

" he he, and I thought you knew everybody."

" I do know everybody, don't you forget how charming I am, everybody loves me" he said with smug smile on his muzzle.

I laughed at this. " You know you love me."

" Yes, yes I do" my eyes soften when looking at him, he always knew how to cheer me up. When he's like this it reminds why I like him so much.

" Ah, Carrots, I know my eyes are dreamy but maybe you should pay attention to the road."

"Wa, W oh! sorry, Um Nick there's something I want to talk about tonight."

Nick's ears raised up at this and turned to look at me a with a little surprised and a little worry " You OK? is there something wrong?"

" Everything is fine it's just-, I'll tell you tonight".

He looked at me not convinced but he didn't want to force it so he let go if it for now and took a sip of his coffee.

" So you like my grey fur Huh?" I said with a alluring tone and next thing I know he spits out his coffee and trying to catch his breath. I couldn't stop laughing.

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