

“Falling. That’s all I could remember before waking up as a remanent of a boy who once lived. How did this happen?” ‘We’ll protect them’ “This is all my fault” ‘I’m sorry’ “Promise you’ll become what I could not” ‘I promise’

Knightsky · Anime et bandes dessinées
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11 Chs

Chapter 6: Friends

As time went on Midoriya did his best to keep class 1a at a distance in the hopes of prolonging their inevitable countdown. Although he tried his best to play it off as normal, some within the class took notice and decided to confront him about it.

Midoriya had chosen to sit in on some of the class periods, learning more about old heros and their legacies. When the period ended he decided to head back to his shared dorm in hopes of finding new information in the books that he had collected from the library. Just as he was about to leave. 'Hey Midoriya! Wait a second will ya?' Kaminari called out, succeeding in getting the latter's attention.

"Yeah, what do you need Kaminari?"

'Well Kirishima & I were hoping we could hang out with you later, as a way of thanking you for everything, we were just planning to watch crappy movies in my dorm if you're interested.' Kaminari said, a sheepish smile crossing his features.

"Umm…. sure, I think that can work for a couple of hours, although I can't stay for too long, I need to focus on my studies with Kacchan after all."

'Alright great, we can meet after classes after the day has ended, is that ok?'

"Yeah, sounds good."

'Ok great, see you then.'


After all the classes had ended for the day, Midoriya left his shared dorm to meet with Kirishima & Kaminari for their hangout.

He luckily made sure to ask Kaminari what dorm number he was before leaving, so it wasn't hard to find the room. Once arriving there he was about to knock but hesitated, *Why am I feeling nervous now?* he thought before deciding to just push the feelings down and just knock, announcing his arrival.

A noise from inside that sounded like a bookcase falling over could be heard before someone inside shouted 'coming, just a second.'

Not long after the door flew open with a disheveled Kaminari in the doorway looking like he just ran a marathon.

"Um… are you ok?" Midoriya asked, concern lashing his voice.

'Oh, uh yeah! I'm fine, I was just startled, I didn't think you would be here this fast. Anyway, come on in! Kirishima is already here.'

"Oh, ok. Well thanks for having me." Midoriya replied back, walking past the blonde to the main part of his room

'Hey you made it!' Kirishima exclaimed excitedly, from his place on the bed.

Midoriya gave a small nod in response as he looked the redhead up and down. Recovery Girl had been able to fix most of his broken bones, all that was left was a wrap around his waist which could be seen from his open shirt.

Midoriya took a seat beside him carefully so as to not disturb or hurt him. In the meantime Kaminari was setting up his laptop on a tray he had positioned in front of his bed.

Once done he took the other side of Kirishima as a movie previously picked out started to play.

The movie had only been playing for around fifteen minutes before Kaminari stopped it, saying he needed to use the restroom and that he wanted to make popcorn which would take him all the way down to the common room.

While gone both Midoriya and Kirishima were quiet until Kirishima spoke up.

'Hey, listen, I really wanted to thank you, you saved my life after all. But it seems like ever since the incident you've been kinda avoiding us…. so I asked Kaminari to set this up so I could do it without scaring you off. I know you and Bakugou have been busy with whatever it is you're doing but if there's anything I can do to help, I'd like to.'

"Kirishima… I know I've been more distant lately and hopefully I'll be able to tell you guys at some point as to why that is. I appreciate you doing so much just to thank me. I didn't really have any friends in middle school so having you guys is really like a dream come true."

At the realization of what he just said Midoriya turned bright red looking away so as to not make the blush clear although it was already too late cause Kirishima had already seen.

'Also I just want you to know, if you ever want to talk about anything and I mean anything at all, I'm here ok?' Kirishima said, smiling at the others clear embarrassment

"Yeah, thanks. Ah and I'm here for you as well if ya know, need anything…" Midoriya replied back, blush still prominent on his face.

(A/N- Are they cute together? Maybe… but I want to be clear on one thing guys, there will be absolutely no romance of any kind in this story 😉)

After both boys had spoken their minds, a calm silence fell over the room, that is until an extremely loud Kaminari scrambled into the room, two bowls of popcorn in each hand, it's a wonder how he even opened the door.

All three boys watched the movie and two after with only a couple other interruptions along the way. By the end of the third movie Kaminari had fallen asleep with Midoriya giving a silent goodbye to Kirishima, saying he had to return to his studies with Bakugou. Kirishima, although sad to see him go, gave him a warm smile and a goodbye.

As Midoriya made his way back to his shared room with Bakugou for the last time that night he thought about how the night's events and how it was his first time ever spending time with people he could call friends aside from Bakugou. Then it hit him,

for the first time, he was feeling regret for the fact that this would all have to come to an end very soon. Would he have had this kind of life if he hadn't given up? Would he be able to become a hero despite what everyone was saying? He stopped for a moment before deciding to push those questions and feelings down, deciding it would be better to just focus on his current situation right now instead of what could have been.