

“Falling. That’s all I could remember before waking up as a remanent of a boy who once lived. How did this happen?” ‘We’ll protect them’ “This is all my fault” ‘I’m sorry’ “Promise you’ll become what I could not” ‘I promise’

Knightsky · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 7: All His Fault

Bakugou had felt bad after his conversation with Midoriya, he didn't feel that the other had really forgiven him but he understood why, after he thought about it for a while he decided it would be best to go back to finding an answer to their current predicament. Just what is it that is keeping Midoriya as a ghost in the living world anyway? And how the fuck were they supposed to fix it.

After reading through the book from Mortem, from cover to cover at least three times, he set the book down with a sigh and let out a loud groan, luckily no one was there to hear him after Midoriya had left earlier saying he was going to hang out with Kaminari & Kirishima. He felt genuinely happy when he heard that, he knew why Midoriya hadn't had any friends in middle school and he was happy he had some now, leaning back in the chair he was occupying, all the memories from middle school came back to him. Just how did things get that far in the first place he thought, thinking back to his first year in middle school.

*Four Years Earlier*

(TW: *Bullying, Depression & Suicide*)

(A/N: if this is something that disturbs you, please skip this chapter, this backstory is not necessarily needed to continue the story.)

Middle school so far was exciting for Bakugou, he had what people called an 'extraordinary quirk' so popularity was natural to him. On the other hand Midoriya was quirkless, bottom of the 'food chain' as many of his classmates would say, and so,

as natural as popularity came to Bakugou, unpopularity & bullying came to Midoriya.

'Move Freak!' A black haired boy yelled, purposely shoving Midoriya down as he walked by, him and his three friends laughing as they walked past the green haired boy.

Bakugou, who was just walking out of his classroom saw the entire thing, but instead of helping his childhood friend, he just ignored the situation. Opting to instead head to his next class, cause after all he had a reputation to keep.

Midoriya also noticed Bakugou, but knew he wouldn't help and just picked himself up to head to his next class as well.

It had been like this since the second day of school, Bakugou had a reputation as someone cool and popular, and Midoriya had been at the bottom, neither talking to each other. And it would stay this way until their 3rd year of middle school.

At the start of their third year in middle school, Bakugou began to notice a change. Since Bakugou and Midoriya shared a class, Bakugou was used to seeing him sit at a desk a couple of feet behind him, but lately Midoriya hadn't been showing up to class, he later found out from a couple of teachers that he overheard talking, that Midoriya hadn't been coming to school at all since the opening ceremony.

With the sudden news Bakugou felt worry creep into the pit of his stomach but pushed it down in favor of ignoring the situation.

It had been a week since then, he knew that his worry wouldn't fade unless he went and checked on the boy he once called his friend, but was he even allowed there? He had ignored Midoriya all throughout middle school and just stood by while the green haired boy was bullied endlessly.

After a few more moments of consideration he decided to go to Midoriya's house and find out for himself what the hell was going on.

Walking to Midoriya's house seemed nostalgic for Bakugou as his body went on auto pilot, turning where he needed to and crossing streets, until he finally made it to the house he spent most of his time at, second only to his home of course.

Walking up the steps, he stopped and stood at the door, after a moment of hesitation, he knocked.

'Yes, coming.' A voice from inside said.

Shortly after, the door opened to a shorter woman with long green hair.

"Hello, Auntie Inko." Bakugou said, a bit of nervousness laced in his voice.

'Oh, hello Katsuki, how are you?' Inko greeted, a bright smile adorning her features.

"I'm fine, Auntie. But uh, is De-Izuku here?" Bakugou stuttered out, not used to using Midoriya's first name.

'No, I'm sorry, he just left. He said something about going to the school, I think he must have forgotten something there.'

All color drained from Bakugou's face as all of his worry throughout the week seemed to overflow, crowding his senses until nothing but what sounded like static was left. Once he came back to his senses, he realized he was out of breath and in front of his school building, his hands were burning like they would if he had overused his quirk. Not caring he ran straight into the school building, knowing the only place Midoriya would have gone if he was going to do something stupid.

Bakugou ran down hallways, until he reached the staircase that went to the roof. Taking the steps two at a time, he finally made it to the door and slammed it open.

The wind blew and time seemed to stop. Midoriya's hair swayed with the wind as he sat on the edge of the roof.

"I knew you'd find me, after all, you are the person who knows me the best. Right, Kacchan." Midoriya said, not looking towards the blonde, choosing to instead look out at the buildings in the distance.

'De-Midoriya, what are you doing there?" Bakugou stuttered, both out of breath and panicked at the sight of his childhood friend sitting on the ledge of their middle school building.

"Well that's a stupid question Kacchan, you know very well what I'm doing here, and it's all your fault. You could have stopped them, or at least kept talking to me, but no, that would ruin your precious popularity right?"

'… I'm… Sorry… Just please, get away from the ledge… Mid-Izuku, please.'

"If only you had apologized to me before it got this far… I'm sorry Kacchan… I don't think I can accept your apology…. Goodbye, Kacchan."

And in that moment, time sped up. Midoriya had pushed off the ledge he was sitting on, Bakugou had run forward on instinct trying to catch the other, but by the time he got there it was too late. On that day, Midoriya Izuku died, and it was all his fault.