
King of Lands and Seas

Follow the story of Jack who is the son of a blacksmith in a small village far from the capital of the kingdom of Andaria, in this story Jack who has a dream of knowing the seas and later becomes the King of Lands and Seas. 1 chapter per day.

goodlion · Fantaisie
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74 Chs

Learning to be a Blacksmith 6

Jack approached Luiz, who was weak after losing so much blood, and Jack started punching Luiz in the face, the more he beat the anger Jack felt, after all even if someone sent Luiz, it was still a fact that Luiz killed his father.

"What are you doing, you don't have to kill me because of a blacksmith, you will be killed by the kingdom guards when my boss finds out that I died."

"I know that, but the blacksmith you killed is also my father !!! Do you really think I'm going to leave my father's killer alive?"

Luiz was shocked when he heard that Jack was Tim's son, he had beaten Tim because he was angry and because he thought Tim was hiding something too, but Luiz decided to just kill Tim when he was sure Mary was really dead.

But he could never have expected that Mary actually had a son with Tim, and Tim's son had become a hunter and was out of the village with the other hunters when he killed Tim, which is why Jack had chased them and killed his subordinates.

Luiz also realized that without knowing he had told Jack his boss's true story and now Jack would go after his boss to get revenge, thinking about it Luiz was a little happier even though he knew he would die.

Jack beat Luiz until he passed out, when Jack calmed down he decided he was not a person who liked to torture even if Luiz deserved it, so he took the sword that was on the floor and cut Luiz's throat also killing him.

Jack calmed down after killing Luiz and thought about what he should do, now that he knew about this story about Jan Stokes who chased his mother and had his father killed, it was obvious that Jack was thinking about killing this trader.

But he knew it wouldn't be easy to kill a nobleman inside the kingdom's capital, he couldn't even approach Jan before his family's guards killed him, actually if he went to the capital now after killing Luiz and Luiz's subordinates, Jack could even be killed by kingdom guards.

Jack remembered that a war could happen in a few years, in times of war he could have an opportunity to kill Jan and take revenge for the death of his father, so even though Jack had decided to leave the village, he knew he would have to go back so that the guards of the kingdom were not suspicious of him.

Jack took the bodies of Luiz and his subordinates and took them even closer to the forest, he left their bodies far from the camp, so if the wild animals did not eat their bodies the guards would not think that someone killed Jan and his subordinates in that place.

After that Jack went back to the village, on the way back he can sleep a lot more after at least taking revenge for the death of his father, Jack went back to the village and looked for the village chief Sam again.

Sam saw that Jack had returned and was afraid of him after learning that because of him Tim had died, but if Jack really wanted to kill him then Sam could not do anything to defend himself.

"Sam, I killed the men who came here in the village to kill my father, as you know they were from the capital of the kingdom, so I ask that if the kingdom's guards come to the village you don't tell them that I am my father's son."

"Someone from the capital ordered these men to kill my father, so if they know that I am my father's son they will kill me too, you can say that I killed these men, but say it was because I am a hunter of the village and my duty is to protect the people of the village."

"This is the least you can do to reward me since you were the one who told these men where my father was."

Sam was nervous to learn that Jack had chased and killed the people who killed his father out of revenge, he knew that these people were important in the kingdom and surely the kingdom guards would come and investigate about it.

Sam thought for a moment and realized that Jack was right that hiding that Jack was Tim's son was the least he could do when he was the one who spoke to those men where Tim was, the guards would just arrest the culprit and didn't need to know about the killer's family.

"Okay, Jack, I promise I won't say this if you ask me, I'll tell the people in the village to keep that secret too, but if other people in the neighboring villages talk about it, I can't do anything about it."

"It's okay, if someone asks you can say that my father died in an accident, after all, only you and I know the truth about what happened, I think the guard will come directly here to the village to ask where those men I killed are."

Jack said this because he knew that Jan who was the merchant who killed Luiz would send the kingdom guards directly to this village where he sent Luiz to find out what really happened, if Jan didn't know that Jack was Tim's son, he wouldn't know after learning that Tim was dead.

Jack didn't really blame Sam for his father's death, but he had to pressure Sam who was the leader of the village to protect him if Jack was arrested he would say that he just killed his father's killers and didn't know why they did it.

As far as Jack knew he would be in prison for a few months just because the guards would understand that he was just doing his job as a hunter and protecting the people in the village, Jan also would not investigate because he was the one who most wanted this matter to remain a secret.

Jack went to the cabin because he knew that Mark and Ron should be there as it was still in the afternoon, he would hide from the village the truth about what happened to his father, but he trusted Mark and Ron and maybe the guards to investigate him and they would have to know that they couldn't say he was Tim's son.

Jack told the story of what happened to his father, but did not say that someone from the capital had ordered Luiz and his subordinates to do this, Mark and Ron were furious at this injustice, but they knew that Jack would probably be arrested if the guards knew that he had killed three men in the capital.