
King of Lands and Seas

Follow the story of Jack who is the son of a blacksmith in a small village far from the capital of the kingdom of Andaria, in this story Jack who has a dream of knowing the seas and later becomes the King of Lands and Seas. 1 chapter per day.

goodlion · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Learning to be a Blacksmith 5

"Okay, well, if I really know this trader you say is your boss and you convince me that he was the one who sent you to kill Tim, I will treat your injuries and let you go."

Luiz was happy to hear that, he knew well that outside the capital it was riskier for him because the guards could not protect him as they did in the capital, but the only people who could threaten him and his men were usually village hunters.

He had already done several murder jobs at the behest of his boss and usually the hunters in the villages would come to talk to him and when he explained who his boss was, the hunters would let him go with his subordinates.

That's because all hunters in every village had business with some of his boss's employees and they knew that even though they were responsible for the safety of the people in their villages, they couldn't challenge the most authoritative people in the kingdom's capital.

This time when Luiz killed Tim there was no hunter in the village so he thought that this time everything would be even more peaceful, he did not expect one of the hunters to chase them and kill his subordinates.

After Luiz returned to the capital he would send city guards to arrest Jack for killing his subordinates and for trying to kill him, but now he had to convince Jack that he was someone who could not be killed without consequences.

"You must know my boss, his name is Jan Stokes, he is one of the most important traders in the whole kingdom."

"I really know someone by that name, he is the head of one of the traders who came to negotiate with our village recently, but how can I believe that someone like Jan Stokes would want to kill a simple blacksmith in a village."

"That's because you don't know the story, but it's a secret and if you tell someone, my boss will definitely kill you."

"The truth is that my boss Jan is a great merchant who comes from a family of nobles in the kingdom, that's why he managed to be so successful quickly, but because he was from a family of nobles, his parents organized a wedding with another woman noble family he didn't even know."

"But as it would be good for the business of the two families, my boss Jan accepted this, but after getting married and getting a lot more wealth from his talent for the trade, he started looking for lovers within the kingdom."

"He chose only the most beautiful women and with his wealth, he always got what he wanted and got several lovers, he bought them a house and visited them whenever he wanted."

"Then one day he met one of the most beautiful women in the kingdom, this woman had just learned that her father who was a guard of the kingdom was dead, this woman had no way to survive after her father's death, so Jan wanted to have her as his lover."

"If this woman became his lover, then she would never have any more problems with lack of money and my boss would have the most beautiful woman in the kingdom as a lover."

"But this woman was more proud than my boss Jan thought and she already had someone she loved, as this woman knew that my boss always got what she wanted anyway, she decided to run away with her boyfriend from the kingdom."

"This woman's name was Mary and her boyfriend was an unknown blacksmith named Tim, they fled to one of the villages and my boss couldn't chase Mary or his wife would be very upset."

"So he said that whenever his employees went to the villages, they should look for a woman named Mary."

Jack was really shocked to know this story, after all, Mary was his mother, and Tim was his father and yet he never knew about this story, now Jack knew why his father never liked to tell stories about the past or even talk about his mother.

It was because his father always hid this secret from him, thinking maybe one day Jan Stokes might come after him and that's why Tim never told this story to anyone. Jack felt sad that his father never trusted him, but he understood that Tim always wanted to protect him.

"Even after several years his employees looking for Mary they never found, so my boss decided to look for the blacksmith who ran away with her from the capital, my boss didn't know his name before investigating and thought Mary may have dumped him and that's why never looked for the blacksmith."

"But this search turned out to be successful, and my boss found out that Blacksmith Tim was living in his village, so he told us to look for Mary and bring her back to the capital."

"You said we tortured him, but in fact, it was only my employees who went to see him before I arrived, we had to ask about what had happened to Mary after all my boss wanted Mary above all."

"So my subordinates didn't believe it when Tim said that Mary was already dead, after all, what my boss most wanted was for Mary to be alive so he could be with her, so they beat Tim before I arrived."

"When I arrived I told them to stop hitting the blacksmith and knowing what had happened I believed Tim, but I had to kill him because it was the order that my boss had given."

Of course, Luiz was lying when he said that, he wanted to put all the blame on his subordinates and pretend that he was just following orders from his boss, he was the one who had beaten Tim when he heard that Mary was dead.

This was because Jan already hoped that Mary might be dead and said that if they brought Mary alive to him, Jan would give Luiz a big reward and Luiz was annoyed when he heard that he had lost that reward.

"Now I already told you the whole story, if you believe me then you have to treat me quickly or I may die from blood loss."

"I believe your story, even if you seem to be a liar, I don't think you would have the imagination to make up a story like that."

"Of course I told the truth, now treat my wounds before I die, if I die you will be killed by the kingdom's guards too."