
King of Lands and Seas

Follow the story of Jack who is the son of a blacksmith in a small village far from the capital of the kingdom of Andaria, in this story Jack who has a dream of knowing the seas and later becomes the King of Lands and Seas. 1 chapter per day.

goodlion · Fantasy
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74 Chs

After the Tragedy 1

Mark and Ron knew that the only thing they could do to help Jack was not to talk about it and do what Jack had asked, they would also speak with the other hunters in the other villages to keep this secret.

Jack also said that for the next week he would not hunt with them because he had to live this mourning for his father's death in order to accept what had happened, the two understood this well and said they would wait for him.

Jack went back to the house where he thought he would never come back, luckily he had cleaned the house that had his father's blood on the floor before, coming home and feeling safe Jack remembered his father and everything that happened in the past days and started to cry.

He had been strong and done things he could never have imagined in the last few days, he killed a man for the first time and then killed three men on the same day, but Jack was in great pain at the death of his father.

After all, Tim was the only family that Jack had and Jack was still only 17 years old, now he would have to live alone and it was difficult for him to accept the death of his father until a week before was teaching him.

Just as Jack said he would do it, he stayed at home for a week because of grief, and in that time he can accept a little more death from his father and calm down too, Jack thought in that time that maybe his father was teaching him how to be a blacksmith because he thought something like this could happen.

Jack remembered that his father used to only think of teaching Jack the blacksmith's work when he was 18, but he ended up teaching a little earlier, Jack went to his father's workshop that he hasn't visited since his father died.

Entering there he can see the weapons that his father had prepared, Jack also went to the chest where his father always locked with a chain and it was impossible to open without the key, Tim told Jack that without a key it would take several days to that someone could destroy the locks on that chest.

Tim never let Jack open that chest to see what was inside, but Tim had told Jack where he kept that key, Jack took the key that was behind the forge and opened the locks on the chest.

Seeing what was inside the chest Jack spent a while trying to understand what was in it, inside the chest there was a sword that the blade was hidden by the sheath, it also had three large boxes, and there was a smaller box with a letter on it, in the letter Jack's name was written.

Jack took the letter and sat down to read what his father had written for him, Jack was a little anxious to read this letter because he certainly had a message that his father had given him already thinking he might die.

[Jack, if you opened this chest and are reading this letter, it is because what I feared happened and I ended up dying, or I died from an accident and this message is for you in the same way.]

[Inside this chest is three boxes with the inheritance that I kept for you, this was the profit from my work that I didn't need to use and kept for you if you think about traveling to other kingdoms and seeing the world.]

[There is not as much as I would like to leave, but it is for you to spend a few years traveling without worrying about money, besides, I hope that I have passed on all my knowledge as a blacksmith to you and you can use it to live well.]

[This sword that you saw in the chest is my work of art, it is a sword of the best metal that I got and if you do the maintenance correctly you can use this sword for life and fight on equal terms with the best knights of any Kingdom.]

[Only use this sword when you have the confidence that no one can steal this sword from you, I know you can do it someday, and in the other box there are some pictures I drew of your mother, so you can see what she looked like before you were born.]

[I have only one request for you Jack, never go to the capital of the kingdom of Andaria, and if you are forced to go there never say my name or your mother's name, that's the only thing I ask for you.]

[Finally, I wanted to say that I loved you more than anything in my life, Jack, I want you to live an honest and happy life, I am very proud to be your father.]

After reading this letter Jack cried for a long time again, he always admired his father and now admired even more because his father wanted to take care of him even after he died, unfortunately, he could not fulfill his father's only wish because he would have to go to the capital to kill Jan Stokes and get revenge.

Jack first took the pictures that his father painted of his mother, Jack always knew that Tim was talented in painting and had once painted on a painting exactly how he looked, so Jack was confident that Tim would be able to paint an almost identical portrait of his mother his.

Seeing his father's paintings Jack was surprised, his mother Mary was really very beautiful, if he hadn't heard Luiz say that Mary was one of the most beautiful women in the capital, Jack would have thought that Tim would have exaggerated the paintings.

After Jack opened the three big boxes and was impressed with how much gold he had, he always knew that his father sometimes sold weapons and armor at an expensive price to merchants in the kingdom, and now he knew what Tim did with all this money.

Since they lived in the city where things were achieved through plantations and hunting, Jack always lived a simple life with Tim and he never missed anything at his home, so Jack didn't quite understand what the money was for.

Perhaps only when Jack went to the capital that he would know what it was for to have so much money, Jack looked at the sword that Tim said was his masterpiece, taking the sword Jack saw that the sword was really perfect.