

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Oriental
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298 Chs

Chapter 180: The three-foot green peak is in my hand!

Wannian family?

Ye Xuan frowned, what the hell?

The old man in black walked up to Ye Xuan, and he stared at Ye Xuan, "Man, there are many accidents in life, what do you think?"

As the voice fell, his right hand was slowly clenched.

A wave of momentum instantly enveloped Ye Xuan!

At this moment, on the right side of the street, an old man appeared at some unknown time. The old man was wearing a plain coat, with long hair shawl and a goatee.

Seeing the old man in plain clothes, the old man in black narrowed his eyes slightly. After a while, he gave Ye Xuan a cold look, turned around and disappeared.

The moment the old man in black disappeared, the old man in plain clothes appeared in front of Ye Xuan.

The old man in plain clothes looked at Ye Xuan with a trace of surprise in his eyes, but this surprise soon became complicated.

Ye Xuandao: "Senior is from the An family?"

The old man in plain clothes said: "Yes!"

Ye Xuan said seriously: "I think I'm pretty good, what do seniors think?"

Su Yi was stunned, and in a blink of an eye, he shook his head, "Your shamelessness really surprised this old man."

Ye Xuan: "..."

The old man in plain clothes said again: "You know, when I set up my family, besides personal talent, I also value bloodlines and background. The struggle at our level is beyond your imagination. Marriage and alliances are common among aristocratic families. Miss is very special , is very special, the person she chooses must not be an ordinary person, do you understand?"

Ye Xuan was silent, what he said was very straightforward!

The old man in plain clothes took a look at Ye Xuan, "In my heart, you are not bad, but for my Anjia, it is not enough, far from enough, because a genius like you, I have a lot of Anjia. As for your identity Background... You seem to have no identity or background. If you are talking about the sword fairy behind you, forgive me, I have set up my family to enshrine the sword fairy, and there are four of them!"

Four Sword Immortals!

The old man in plain clothes continued: "What the old man said today is that I hope you can retreat in the face of difficulties, and don't mistake yourself in the future, and don't make things difficult for the lady. Because if you can't bear the anger of all parties in the future, it will become her to bear the burden." , do it yourself!"

After speaking, he turned around and disappeared.

On the street, Ye Xuan was silent for a long time, and finally, he shook his head and smiled, "Xiao An, I'm a little stressed..."

After finishing speaking, he looked down at the Lingxiu sword in his hand. After a while, he suddenly laughed, "Go to the fucking family! I have no identity and no family, but I have a sword! The three-foot green peak is in my hand, and all the heavens and ten thousand worlds Walk sideways! Xiao An, wait for me!"

When the voice fell, Ye Xuan had disappeared at the end of the street.

Ye Xuan didn't notice that the sword on the far left trembled slightly at the top of the Prison Tower, but quickly returned to calm.

After Ye Xuan disappeared, a woman suddenly appeared on the street, dressed in white clothes like snow!

An Lanxiu!

Seeing Ye Xuan's leaving back, the corners of An Lanxiu's mouth lifted slightly, and a touching smile appeared. This smile made the whole world turn pale.

After a while, An Lanxiu said softly, "Waiting for you!"

After speaking, she turned and walked towards the distance, and soon, she disappeared into the night.

This time, it was really gone.

In the dark night, a sigh sounded.


After Ye Xuan returned to Canglan College, he began to practice!

Practice sword skills!

One sword determines life and death, and the sword control technique he has researched himself!

Especially Yujianshu, he found that this Yujianshu still has a lot of room for development, and what he has to do now is to strengthen this Yujianshu!

It is necessary to integrate the sword technique of determining life and death with one sword into Yujianshu. If it succeeds, every flying sword that flies out in the future will be life and death with one sword, and its power will be increased several times!

In addition, he is also ready to make good use of his fighting spirit, sword power, and sword intent, especially the use of power. He is not yet proficient in using it, or in other words, he can do better in all aspects . It's just that he was too busy before, so he couldn't calm down and integrate these well!

But now, he has time to settle himself down!

Except for Ye Xuan who is practicing hard, everyone in Canglan College is cultivating crazily, especially those students, because if they fail the assessment, they will be eliminated!

Here, there is glory, cultivation resources, pills, martial arts, and exercises... Who wants to leave?

No one wants to leave, but if you don't want to leave, you must practice! Desperate practice! You know, how many people outside want to squeeze in now!

Where there is competition, there is progress!

In addition to these students, the seventy Jiang Guo soldiers recruited by Ye Xuan were also cultivating crazily, and their cultivation was rather cruel...

These soldiers all need to practice the murderous aura, and the murderous aura requires murderous aura. In order to temper the murderous aura of these soldiers, Lu Jiuge will take them to a mysterious place that Ye Xuan doesn't even know. Anyway, every time these soldiers come back, They were all half-dead, and looked particularly miserable.

In addition, the usual practice of these soldiers is also inhuman... With such intensity, the body is naturally unbearable!

However, Canglan Academy is rich!

Canglan College is enough for Jinchuang Dan, various big tonic pills, and some pills that can strengthen the body!

And the martial arts practiced by these soldiers are at the lowest level! Not to mention the equipment used, it is Ming-level. However, Lu Jiuge did not give them the equipment of the Black Flame Cavalry!

You can use it, but it must meet her customized standards.

Qualified to use!

These soldiers look at these Ming-level equipment every day but can't use it. What kind of torment is that?


Practice hard!

The most important thing is that if the competition in January is at the bottom, it will be eliminated!

Here, the food is the best, the use is the best, and the cultivation resources are also the best, no one wants to leave!

It can be said that almost everyone is cultivating desperately!

In this case, the growth rate of these soldiers is very, very terrifying!

In addition to the cultivation of students and soldiers, after Jian Chuchu became the chief financial officer of Canglan College, the entire Canglan College has undergone earth-shaking changes!

Every day, many people from the imperial capital enter Canglan College to visit, and everyone needs to pay a certain amount of gold coins, which is actually not much, and everyone can afford it. However, if there are too many people, it will be terrible!

In just one day, Canglan College made a net profit of 20 million gold coins from this income alone!

And Jian Chuchu directly earned two million!

Two million is not much, but there are other projects, such as auctioning some abandoned land around Canglan College. Whoever gets a piece of land can build a house here, and then become a neighbor of Canglan College. .....

Then, Jian Chuchu sold five pieces of land on the first day, they were not big, each piece was only about a hundred square meters, and she auctioned off 30 million gold coins for one piece of land!

And the area around Canglan College is at least tens of thousands of acres!

In addition, there are various projects... Anyway, on the first day, Jian Chuchu got a share of nearly 30 million gold coins!

It's only a matter of time before this woman becomes the richest man in Jiang Country!

In addition to these, she also recruited a large number of people, and she went to the mountains every day to look for them, naturally looking for gold mines and silver mines!

Not to mention, after nearly half a month of hard work, she really found a gold mine in the depths of a mountain range thousands of miles away from Canglan College...

At this moment, the entire Canglan Academy is boiling!

A gold mine is of great significance to Canglan College, because this gold mine can mine at least hundreds of millions of gold coins.

Of course, as Jian Chuchu who made the most contribution, she won tens of millions of rewards at once. Not only that, Ye Xuan also generously rewarded her with a Ming-level spiritual weapon, which made her very happy. So, she quickly called her younger brother Jian Xiaowang to come too. It should be said that she also called many people from the Jian family...

With rich rewards, Jian Chuchu worked harder and harder! She also established a small department, a department dedicated to her, which recruited nearly a hundred people. These people are responsible for various things. Don't underestimate these one hundred people. These one hundred people are responsible for all the affairs of Canglan College. business affairs.

Moreover, most of them also contacted many aristocratic families in Jiangguo, and negotiated a lot of cooperation conditions with these aristocratic families, for example, how many gold coins these aristocratic families give each year, they can let their children come to study at Canglan College, as long as they are good enough , you may become an official student of Canglan College!

Ye Xuan thought at first that this might not have much effect, because he felt that these aristocratic families were relatively poor!

However, he was wrong!

Many aristocratic families are not poor at all, not only not poor, but also rich!

One quota, 30 million gold coins!

Canglan College reached an agreement with more than 20 aristocratic families at once, that is to say, every year, they can get at least 600 million gold coins from these aristocratic families...

Of course, it is completely free cooperation, and these aristocratic families can stop their cooperation with Canglan College at any time. However, Ye Xuan discovered that these aristocratic families had no intention of severing cooperation with Canglan College.

Because after coming to Canglan College and then going out, the identity will be different. In particular, some outstanding family members have become students of Canglan College instead, so more families have come to cooperate with Canglan College...

In just two months, Canglan College has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The influence of Canglan College is growing, and its strength is also growing.

But Ye Xuan was a little worried.

Because Canglan College lacks high-end strength, he has no idea what strength Lu Jiuge, Mo Yuan, and Feng Lan are. Moreover, whether these three people will fight for Canglan College in the future is still the same. questionable!

Strength is not enough! And on this day, the fifth master of Zuixian Building came to Canglan College.

In Ye Xuan's room, the Fifth Floor Master smiled and said, "Little friend, I have a surprise for you this time."

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Then I'm looking forward to it!"

The fifth master laughed, and he took out a box. Inside the box, there were five swords!

They are all Ming-level!

At this time, the Fifth Master spread his right hand, and a black square box appeared in his palm.

Ye Xuan was stunned, "This is?"

The fifth host smiled and said: "The real-grade sword box, an item that a middle-earth Shenzhou sword fairy gave me for auction in Zuixianlou, 2.6 billion gold coins, no, it should be said, 25 million top-quality spirit stones. You Want it?"

Ye Xuan: "..."