

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 179: Valkyrie Bloodline!

Ye Xuan is very clear that the current strength of Canglan College is not enough and must be improved!

It is simply impossible to improve slowly, because Cangmu Academy, Dayun Empire and the Dark Realm will not give them the opportunity to develop slowly!

If you want to develop, you can only develop rapidly!

And rapid development requires money!

Lots and lots of money!

Fortunately, he has already prepared the equipment for this Daoist soldier, otherwise, his Daoist soldier would not be able to build it at all, and even if it was established, it would be a poor one!

Even so, he is a little panicked now!

Because this cavalry will cost a lot of money, no, it will burn money!

Jiang Jiu also had a solemn expression on his face. This cavalry, even if Jiang Guo poured all his strength, might not be able to afford it!

Ye Xuan, on the other hand, has to raise a group of Canglan College students...

You can't rob every day, can you?

Lu Jiuge glanced at Ye Xuan, "Canglan College must be profitable!"

Ye Xuan faced Lu Jiuge, and Lu Jiuge said in a low voice: "You raise an academy by yourself? It's not realistic at all, and you can't do it like this. Canglan Academy is now considered a big force in Jianguo, and it can make a profit."

Ye Xuan quickly asked, "How to make money?"

Lu Jiuge thought for a while, and then said, "Think for yourself."

Ye Xuan: "..."


After the meeting ended, Ye Xuan brought Jiang Jiu to Canglan Hall, where Mo Yunqi and the others were there.

And the question discussed by several people is how to make a profit!

If the entire Canglan College is to be borne by Ye Xuan, it will definitely not work, it must be profitable.

After discussing for a while, Jian Chuchu suddenly said: "Isn't this a very simple matter?"

Everyone looked at Jian Chuchu, and Jian Chuchu blinked, "First, you can collect tuition fees. Students can be charged tuition fees, as well as their daily living expenses. Of course, for those who are particularly poor, they can be reduced or exempted, or directly Exemption, but for those who have mines at home, there is no exemption!"

As she said that, she raised two fingers, "Second, open the Canglan College. People from Jiang Guo can enter the college for a visit and even watch the students practice as long as they give money. Of course, you must be careful. Other than that , The back mountain of Canglan College is so big, it can be fully developed to see if there are any spiritual mines and the like, if there is, then Canglan College will become bigger!"

After finishing speaking, she raised a finger again, "Third, even if there is no back mountain, let the students of Canglan College search around, search in the vast and unowned mountains, find a place, immediately Occupy, and then send people to dig."

Having said this, she stopped.

But Ye Xuan hurriedly said: "Keep talking, keep talking!"

Jian Chuchu glanced at Ye Xuan, and said with a smile: "You can let the college students form a team to go down the mountain to experience, to pick up some mercenary missions, and let them earn some training fees by themselves. First, they can exercise, and second, they can improve Canglan Academy Fame."

Ye Xuan nodded, "Yes, yes, continue!"

The corner of Jian Chuchu's mouth slightly lifted, "Do you know what makes the most money for aristocratic families and major forces?" Everyone shook their heads.

Several people in the arena were very novice. Although Jiang Jiu was the princess of the Jiang Kingdom, she spent most of her time in the military camp and rarely learned about it.

Jian Chuchu glanced at several people, and said sternly, "It's the protection fee!"

Everyone: "..."

Jian Chuchu said: "We can charge certain protection fees from those aristocratic families and major forces!"

Jiang Jiudai frowned slightly, "Isn't it good?"

Ye Xuan also nodded, "It seems not good!"

Jian Chuchu said: "Do you think it's bullying?"

Ye Xuan and the others nodded.

Jian Chuchu rolled his eyes, "Okay. Let's change it to another way. You cooperate with them. Every year, as long as they pay how much, you can let their children come to Canglan College to study. Of course, they are not formal students, just Come to study, if they perform well and are excellent, Canglan College can make them regular! If you do this, those families and major forces will be very willing!"

Ye Xuan hesitated, then turned to Mo Yun and asked a few people, "What do you think?"

Mo Yunqi thought about it, and then said: "It's not impossible, at least you need to be careful, otherwise, it may ruin the reputation of my Canglan College!"

Jian Chuchu nodded, "You need to grasp a certain degree, you can't be greedy, and you need to control the quota every year, not too many, so that it can be precious."

Ye Xuan suddenly turned to Jian Chuchu, "I will now appoint you as the chief financial officer of Canglan College, and you will be responsible for these things, how about it?"

Jian Chuchu blinked, "Chief Financial Officer?"

Ye Xuan nodded, "The money you earn will be kept by you at that time. Of course, if Canglan College needs it, you have to take it out, you understand?"

Jian Chuchu thought for a while, and then said: "Is there any benefit?"

Ye Xuan nodded, "I will compete with you and share my knowledge of swordsmanship with you. In addition, you will get 10% of the money you earn every year. How about it?" Ten percent!

Jian Chuchu's eyes suddenly lit up. She has seen a lot of money waving towards her!

Ye Xuan wanted to say something, but Jian Chuchu suddenly slapped the table, "Done!"

Everyone: "..."

Just like that, Canglan College has an extra treasurer!

Ye Xuan turned to Ji Anzhi again, "Anzhi, you are in charge of internal affairs, you can recruit people, all internal affairs of Canglan College are under your control, of course, don't forget to practice!"

Ji Anzhi nodded, "Okay!"

Ye Xuan asked again, "If you have any difficulties, you can tell them at any time, understand?"

Ji Anzhi nodded again, "Okay!"

"Where are Bai Ze and I?" Mo Yunqi asked suddenly.

Ye Xuan thought for a while, and then said: "Old Mo, the two of you form a team. The main task of this team is to go to various parts of Qingzhou to find talents, especially outstanding talents. I received it from Canglan Academy!"


Canglan College wants to grow, in addition to his own efforts to improve his strength, he also needs more talents to come in!

He is strong alone, but it does not mean that the entire Canglan Academy is strong!

What he has to do is, even if he, Ye Xuan, is not around in the future, Canglan Academy is still strong!

After the meeting was over, everyone immediately started to act.

For Canglan College, time is life now, and it must not be wasted!

Because everyone doesn't know when the Cangmu Academy, the Dayun Empire, and the Dark Realm will attack!

Ye Xuan left Canglan College and came to Zuixian Tower, where the fifth master personally greeted him. Looking at Ye Xuan, the Fifth Floor Master smiled and said, "Little friend, congratulations!"

"Congratulations?" Ye Xuan was stunned.

The fifth floor said: "Defeat the Dayun Empire, Cangmu Academy and the Dark Realm!"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "Seniors should know that they have not lost, and I, Canglan College and Jiang Guo, have not won either!"

The fifth master glanced at Ye Xuan, and said softly: "My little friend can understand this, so I can rest assured."

Ye Xuandao: "Senior, in the next period of time, my Canglan College may have a lot of things to buy from Zuixianlou, a lot!"

The fifth floor owner pondered slightly, and then said: "Don't worry, little friend, I will mobilize all the resources in Qingzhou to satisfy you, and in terms of price, we will also give you the most favorable price, as explained above, to do business with you , we do not earn any benefits!"

Ye Xuan cupped his fists, "Thank you!"

This thank you comes from the bottom of my heart. Without the full support of Zuixianlou, the development speed of Canglan College would be much, much slower! Even if you have money, it will change very slowly!

The fifth floor owner smiled and said, "My friend, you are welcome."

Ye Xuandao: "Senior, there is one more thing. Now Cangmu Academy, Dark Realm and Dayun Empire, is there any movement?"

The Fifth Lord shook his head, "After the opening of Yangcheng, my Zuixian Tower sent people to investigate, but they found nothing. However, I can be sure that they will not let it go. Things have come to such a situation, it is a dead end! "

Speaking of this, he seemed to have thought of something, and immediately said solemnly: "Little friend, you must not reach the divine harmony state casually now!"

Ye Xuan frowned, "Why?"

The fifth master said in a deep voice: "If you reach the realm of gods, they may be able to use the ten thousand dharma realm. If you don't reach the gods, they will not dare to send out the powerhouses of the ten thousand dharma realm and the dharma realm to target you. If you don't activate the Myriad Dharma Realm and the Imperial Dharma Realm, no one will be able to kill you in this Qingzhou territory!"

The first person under the ten thousand dharma realm!

In the absence of An Lanxiu, the current Ye Xuan is the number one person under the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm in Qingzhou!

Ye Xuan was silent.

Can't reach God's Realm!

After pondering for a while, Ye Xuan nodded, "Alright! I can take this opportunity to stabilize my own realm, and I can also develop Canglan College by the way!"

The fifth master nodded, "That's right. My friend's top priority now is to stabilize his own realm and improve the overall strength of Canglan College. What's more, my friend also needs to be on guard against the Canglan General Academy of Central China Shenzhou."

Ye Xuan frowned slightly, "The meaning of the seniors is that they might target me at Canglan College in Jianguo?"

The fifth floor said: "Before Jiang Guo Canglan College was poor and poor, so Canglan General Academy naturally looked down on it, but now it is different. Jiang Guo Canglan College has such a strong momentum. If it continues to develop like this, it will definitely become a super power in the future, and they will definitely be jealous. Yes. You must be careful, little friend, don't work hard to plant trees, but let others pick the fruits!"

Ye Xuan nodded slightly, "Understood. It's good that they don't have these thoughts. If they do, I don't mind having one more enemy. Anyway, there are already enough, and a few more will make no difference."

The Fifth Master shook his head and smiled wryly.

Ye Xuan suddenly took out a gold card and put it in front of the fifth floor owner, "Senior, there are 500 million gold coins in the card, and I need five special flying swords, like Swift Shadow, if you have more, you can keep them for me." ."

The Fifth Lord nodded, "Okay, I'll take care of this."

Ye Xuan thanked him, and then bid farewell to the Fifth Lord.

After leaving Zuixian Tower, Ye Xuan returned to Canglan College, but when he passed a street, an old man in black suddenly stood in front of him.

This old man, he knew, was the old man in black who was next to An Lanxiu back then.

The old man in black looked at Ye Xuan coldly, "Your life is not ordinary!"

Ye Xuandao: "Old man, I advise you to be kind!"

The old man in black sneered, "Kindness? Ye Xuan, don't think that you can be arrogant because you have a sword fairy behind you. The old man told you that the An family is a family of ten thousand years, and Miss An has the blood of a martial god in her body. Not in their eyes, you are approaching Miss An, you will only kill yourself!"