
Karmic Emperor

Alucard Vlad Tepes, a man who revolutionized the whole world to its futuristic era was destined to die at the age of 40. Alucard possesses a power that could overthrow the world but he uses it for the betterment of humankind. Despite his achievements, Alucard can't escape the grasp of death. With his cursed power, Alucard knows his death is inevitable. But, Death is just the beginning, how will Alucard live in the world of the unknown? A world where humans achieved super strength, mystical powers, and manipulation of the laws and elements. Find out, just click the read button and follow the journey of Alucard in the world of cultivation. ( Seriously, please read my book :) )

Forgettable_Author · Oriental
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14 Chs

Chapter 5 - Welcoming Ceremony

Li Duyi walked towards the counter and registered himself as a core disciple, which surprises the people and becomes more respectful to him. Some even approached him, but he walked out of the trouble and gave them a side glance, to which chills run down their whole body as the crowd disperse.

Some attendants guide him to his abode, where qi is more abundant than the others. He had his herb garden with people tending the herbs, a weapon smith where he could make his weapons, a training ground, and a house exclusive for him.

Li Duyi checked his room and made sure there was no surveillance checking on him that could potentially endanger him. As he checked his surroundings, an attendant appeared in front of his door and told him about the bouquet that would happen in an hour and that he must attend as he is the mc of the bouquet.

Li Duyi nodded at the attendant before he wore his garments. Li Duyi prepared himself to be representable and worthy of being the first placer of the new batch.

Li Duyi, who finished preparing, walked out of his abode and headed toward where the bouquet was held. As he arrived, Li Duyi saw many people talking, gossiping, having fun, and some were just staying there in annoyance.

" Welcome, Li Duyi, the star of this bouquet. Come and I will introduce you to the other Elders of One Sword Sect. This is Elder Wu. He is adept in body refining techniques, and if you ever want to know more about body refining, you can approach Elder Wu. He would love to teach such a fine young man who's also the first placer of the new batch." Elder Mo said, Li Duyi nodded and bowed to Elder Wu, who nodded at him before observing the environment, in case of any danger or circumstances.

" If ever you need any help, us elders will be here to teach such talented youngsters like you. So, don't hesitate to ask anything." Elder Wu said while observing the ongoing bouquet.

" I will, thank you for your consideration. " Li Duyi gracefully bowed as Elder Mo dragged him to introduce him to the other Elders.

Elder Mo briefly explained the hierarchy of One Sword Sect. There are 12 Core Elders with twelve peaks with 24 inner Elders and 48 Outer Elders. Elder Mo also revealed the name of the Sect Leader, Sect Leader Chu Yin.

As Elder Mo talks with Li Duyi, someone approaches them. As for the surrounding people, they bowed to the person in reverence as they greeted the person.

" All hail the Sect Leader!"

" All hail the Sect Leader!"

With a wave of his hand, the entire hall goes to silence. Li Duyi looked at the sect leader, and the first impression of the sect leader is that he is calm. Like too calm, like still water or an immovable rock. Too steady that Li Duyi is getting the chills, not in fear but in respect. He had long, flowing, starry black hair that gave off a mysterious calming effect. Typical sword-like eyebrows, emerald eyes, Domineering Aura, and the temperament of being the Sect Leader.

That's his description of the Sect Leader.

" You must be Li Duyi? The one Elder Mo recommended of becoming a Young Sect Master. If you want, I could give it to you but... You must pass my test, it is quite simple. Fight me and at least give me a scratch, " Sect Leader Chu Yin said.

' Looks like this guy is a guy who doesn't beat around the bushes and goes straight to the point... I like it,' Li Duyi said, slightly raising his mouth, forming a smirk. This surprises the audience since Li Duyi hasn't shown any emotion and was thought by everyone he is emotionless.

The "girls" scream in love, and some pass out. The "boys" are jealous and blame the heavens for unfair treatment. Overall, noisy people.

" Good, let's start then. " Li Duyi immediately said, getting into his stance while the Sect Leader smirked and a burst of energy flows out of his body, Li Duyi was stunned a little bit but he regain his composure quickly. Li Duyi immediately initiated his first attack by punching the air. Which a burst of sharp winds shoots through the Sect Leader who smiles and waves his hand as the wind disperses.

" You are strong, despite being a mortal, and your acupoints are still locked. You manage to recreate the Air Punch that can only be used by someone who reaches the first stage of cultivation. That's a plus point for me, " Chu Yin said before he slaps the wind toward Li Duyi, who immediately notices multiple wind slashes coming straight at him.

Li Duyi dodges some of the wind slashes, but some hit him as he bleeds from those attacks. Li Duyi remained calm and observed his surroundings as well as formulating a plan in his mind on using the terrain to his advantage.

' I can't defeat him or even hit him once, I must use everything to my capacity and beyond. To my left, there are only foods, right is just people watching the fight. Think, think as if your life is dependent on it. Ahh, the chandelier. I can use that. ' Li Duyi said, punching upward. The chandelier shakes a little before it falls as dust covers the hallway.

" Good, using the terrain in your favor. Good judgment, but this is useless against any cultivator. But I can't blame a mortal who doesn't know anything. " Chu Yin said before waving his hand, blowing the dust away. Just to see that Li Duyi was gone.

" Huh? " Before an incoming attack from below approaches Chu Yin's jaw but as a cultivator. There will always be a variable that Li Duyi hasn't calculated. That is the qi shield that the cultivator had. The punch was blocked by Chu Yin, and before Li Duyi could regain his composure, he had already flown toward the wall and hit his back. Making him cough blood.

" Looks like you have good judgment, and if you had enough knowledge about cultivators, you could defeat them when they are unprepared. Plus, point from me, " Chu Yin said before raising his hand toward Li Duyi. Li Duyi, who saw this, senses the danger emitting as he immediately backs away, and like as if he knew, a qi blast coming out of the palm shoot straight toward where Li Duyi was previously.

" Are you holding back? " Li Duyi asked.

" I am. This is also a way for me to teach you that there are always people stronger than you who could easily trample your life. Listen well, disciples! You must always remember that if you make a single mistake such as miscalculating the strength of your opponent, you'll be gravely injured or, worse, die. " Chu Yin said, the disciples nodded.

" Looks like you use this opportunity to use the situation as a lesson and a way for showing your leadership. Good, cause I would be disappointed if a leader doesn't teach his subjects. Plus point from me, " Li Duyi chuckled a little, wiping the blood away.

' But, why did I immediately agree to his order of fighting him? Is there some unknown influence that affects my mind without knowing? I must make a way to resist or become immune to any mental attack that could be detrimental to my judgment. ' Li Duyi thought, despite knowing that there is an unknown influence. Li Duyi continued his fight against the sect leader, knowing that it could benefit him in the long run.

As the fight goes on, Li Duyi's proficiency at fighting increases, his judgment increases, and his use of vision increases as he saw the tension of the muscle operating from punching, moving, kicking, talking, distributing strength, and more. Chu Yin also notices the progression of Li Duyi and not just him. Everyone notices this phenomenon and knows how monstrous of a talent Li Duyi is.

It took about an hour before Li Duyi sweat profusely as his stamina finally gave in, and he still hasn't given a little scratch against Chu Yin.

" Looks like you're out of stamina. Being a mortal with that stamina is monstrous enough. What would've happened if you became a cultivator, I wonder? But, since you gave me such enjoyment. I will grant you the official Young Sect Master seniority, and that means you'll be the second in command. In a way, you are on equal terms as the Vice Sect Master. Now, to those who are here, I shall announce that Li Duyi will become the Young Sect Master of One Sword Sect and shall be treated as such. " Chu Yin said. Giving the exhausted Li Duyi clothes befitting as Young Sect Master.

" Now, the banquet is over. Dismiss!" With his voice alone, Chu Yin commanded the whole sect as they followed his order.

" Li Duyi, congratulations on being the Young Sect Master. You might be wondering why you become a Young Sect Master this fast. It's because we saw the future accurately. You will be the one who'll lead the Realm into a new era. An era where young kids won't be an orphan, war slaves, prostitutes, and many more. An era where everyone lives in harmony and peace. Also, we need a new Sect Master as I am dying and in need of a successor. You are the perfect candidate we needed to make the One Sword Sect a prominent figure in this realm, " Chu Yin said, smiling at Li Duyi, who immediately saw the facade. He already did notice that the Sect Leader is injured and is slowly dying.

But Li Duyi doesn't care about such things as long as he achieves his goal and which is becoming the Young Sect Master now that he knew the reason why, Li Duyi will fully make use of the One Sword Sect and make it his faction that he can use for the plan. As for them, revealing such sensitive information to him means that they trust him that he won't do anything bad.

Now that it comes to this, Li Duyi nodded at Chu Yin and swore that he would do his task of making the One Sword Sect a prominent figure, but he would make it his own.

Chu Yin smiled brightly before leaving Li Duyi to recuperate. Elder Mo guided Li Duyi to the Medicinal Hall, which is also the Alchemy Hall and the Adventurers Hall. They did this since the three are essentially in need of each other. Adventurers Hall provided the materials to the two, while Medicinal Hall provides medicine to the Adventurers Hall, and Alchemy Hall provides pills.

" You must be..." An unknown woman arrived as she pointed at Li Duyi, who was recovering.

" Li Duyi, who are you? " Li Duyi said.

" The 2nd placer, Zhu Xian. Nice to meet you, Li Duyi. You are quite famous, you know. In just a single day, you had already been labeled as the most monstrous and talented generation. " Zhu Xian said in excitement.

" I would like to make friends with you and deepen our relationship in the future." Zhu Xian blushed as she said that. Li Duyi looked at Zhu Xian deeply before saying...

" You're ugly, a snake in disguise, you reek immense greed. Overall, I don't like you. " He rejected Zhu Xian brutally as Zhu Xian looked shocked before her face turned ugly.

" You! You'll regret this, " Zhu Xian said before turning around in anger.

" Then, so be it. You are not worth my attention, " Li Duyi said, further angering Zhu Xian.

Zhu Xian, who's already angry, did something unthinkable. She attacked Li Duyi, but Li Duyi already anticipated Zhu Xian's intention. With a sidestep, Li Duyi dodged with ease. Li Duyi pushed his palm at Zhu Xian's stomach with full force.

Which makes her stomach caved in, the insides being damaged beyond repair as she flew straight towards the wall. Li Duyi calmly looked at the cause of his action.

" You are too weak to do anything. You must be angry, frustrated, shocked... But, if you are weak, you don't have any right to voice out your opinion. This is the law of this world, a damned law that is also an absolute truth no matter where you go. " Li Duyi said, making Zhu Xian lower her head as she grasped for air.

Li Duyi walked out of the hall with Elder Mo, surprising the audience. Which gave Li Duyi another title, "Idontgiveafuckwhoyouare". Zhu Xian, who's on the verge of death, looked at the fleeting Li Duyi in hatred before an attendant gave her a rejuvenating pill to heal her injuries.

" I'll make you pay a hundredfold for this humiliation bastard! " Zhu Xian said as she stood up and left in shame and anger.

As the crowd disperses, a mysterious on-looker breathes heavily.

" That!... How?... How can he be here? It shouldn't be possible. No, no, no, no... Yeah, it must be it. He has just the same face as Alucard Vlad Tepes"

The mysterious person said in disbelief before using the light step technique.






" Li Duyi, I shall escort you to the martial arts hall to have you get your martial technique. Oh, I forgot to tell you. There are three known different types of techniques: cultivation techniques, a technique that helps you gather energy, or qi; movement techniques. As the name suggests, it is a technique that can make your movement as light as a feather or flow like a wave. It can make you fast depending on your proficiency and usage of qi; lastly, the combat techniques, a technique to utilize qi to use as a way of attacking. These are the known types of techniques, but there is another thing that isn't known to most cultivators, and since you are the Young Sect Master, you are obliged to know. It is called the Mental Technique, as the name suggests you can influence one's thoughts, but sadly, cause of its rarity most of the techniques are at the early stages which means it is still underdeveloped. "

Elder Mo said, which piques the interest of Li Duyi as he intently listens.

" The martial arts hall consists of 10 floors, and from 1 to 3, outer disciples can access entry. 4 to 6, which is where inner disciples, outer elders, and inner elders can access entry. 7 to 9 is where core disciples and core elders can access entry, and lastly, it is the 10th floor which only you, the sect leader, and the Ancestors can access. Also, the benefit of your title is that you have an unlimited amount of time to access the martial arts hall, which means you can choose what you want without the pressure of time. Now then, I'll leave. Good luck with finding what you want, " Elder Mo said, then returned to his abode, leaving the lonely Li Duyi who entered the Martial Hall.