
Karmic Emperor

Alucard Vlad Tepes, a man who revolutionized the whole world to its futuristic era was destined to die at the age of 40. Alucard possesses a power that could overthrow the world but he uses it for the betterment of humankind. Despite his achievements, Alucard can't escape the grasp of death. With his cursed power, Alucard knows his death is inevitable. But, Death is just the beginning, how will Alucard live in the world of the unknown? A world where humans achieved super strength, mystical powers, and manipulation of the laws and elements. Find out, just click the read button and follow the journey of Alucard in the world of cultivation. ( Seriously, please read my book :) )

Forgettable_Author · Eastern
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14 Chs

Chapter 4 - One Sword Sect

" Congratulations to the top 10 winners, and to those who didn't pass the second test, we will give 100 slots to be an outer disciple of One Sword Sect. We will conduct the battle in a while, but first, we will introduce you to the top 10 contestants who pass with inner disciple slots. At the top 10, we have Liao Yongrui. Next, we have the top 9, Tang Xiu, who excels with her indomitable will, second only to the top 1. Next, the top 8 Yan Niu, a girl with excellent battle instincts, that can easily dodge most of the attacks from her opponent. Her battle instinct is on par with the Top 2 but fell short at the test of will. "

" At top 7, Yi Xue. She is a beautiful woman who is skillful in using charms against her enemies. At the top 6, Tan Zongying. Top 5, Zong Delun, and lastly, Top 4 Qin Rong. These are the top 10 who won the inner disciple position. And now, we have the top 3, the best of all contestants around. We have someone in the top 3. He is a beast when it comes to fighting despite his battle instincts being subpar. It was covered with his physical prowess that overwhelmed his opponents. Hou Yan, The Swallower! Now, we have the 2nd top. He is a man who excels in his battle instinct which could give him a hard time against his enemies. His will is on par with the top 9 which is only second to the 1st placer. "

" Lastly, we have the one and only Prodigy, Li Duyi, the Reserved Prince! No words can be explained but a monster, prodigy, or whatever you call him, he is the only one who passes the impossible test at the sword cuts test, a jack of trades, master of all. Sadly, he didn't pass the final test, which could give him the seniority of Young Sect Master. A title where your words are only second to the Sect Master. " Elder Mo enthusiastically told the audience who cheered and chant Li Duyi's name.

"Li Duyi!"

"Li Duyi!"

"Li Duyi!"

" Please impregnate me, Young Master Li!" Someone shouted, but even such vulgar words are only the tip of the iceberg. The cheers go even louder as they chant Li Duyi's name. Li Duyi, who's tired and annoyed by the audience, said with a tint of annoyance.

" Silence" Regardless of his low voice, everyone seemed to have heard him as they went into silence and looked at Li Duyi in fright.

" Annoying." With just his single word, the audience sweat as if they were being stared at by a hunter looking at his prey.

Elder Mo who saw the outcome, was in a daze. He even sweats a little like the audience.

Li Duyi left the platform and sat down somewhere to contemplate. According to his plan, as soon as he got to the sect, he had to take possession of all of its books in the archives to create a manual that was specifically tailored to him.

Moments after, Elder Mo walked in front of him and said.

" Li Duyi, do you want to be the future sect master of one sword sect? Or do you have something in a plan to achieve your goal? I will support you in every way I can and if, if the sect master knew about you, he would and probably give everything you wanted from wealth to women, he will give you all of that benefits but only if you wanted to and thankfully the sect leader isn't that much of an enthusiastic person towards the sword. So, it wouldn't matter to him if you become a body cultivator, sword cultivator, or Qi cultivator. Think all what I've said and make a better choice " Elder Mo said, as he goes back to monitoring the ongoing martial fight.

Li Duyi took a glance at the disciples fighting and discovered something special about one of the disciples, he has a golden aura but the difference between Lin Fan and the other disciple is that the golden light is condensed to his physique which Li Duyi observed more about the kid's physique.

Elder Mo, who was observing every move of Li Duyi, noticed him taking a deep look at one of the participants.

" Does that disciple catch your eyes, Disciple Li? If you want, you can take him as your servant, and he shall be given an inner disciple position just for you, " Elder said, trying to get on his good side.

Li Duyi gave him a side glance before nodding.

" I don't want a servant, I want a comrade who won't betray me and help me take care of small fries. Let's wait and see if he has such qualities to become my comrade. Before that, do you have any manual on you? Like cultivation manual, martial arts manual, or anything that is correlated to cultivation?" Li Duyi said, Elder Mo nodded and handed him the manuals.

As for the other disciples, they got jealous of the way Li Duyi is treated differently from them. Someone who's in the inner disciple position looked at Li Duyi with a burning gaze, filled with jealousy and hatred. He is Li Chun, a second-generation young master, and like most Eastern novels, he has an arrogance radiating that could be felt by anyone.

At birth, he is pampered throughout his whole life, given anything, has the best teachers, and most importantly, he can do anything. But now, seeing Li Duyi being treated lavishly, infuriated him as if his envy is going to erupt but he held it in, or else, he'll get kicked out before he could step foot in the One Sword Sect.

Despite being arrogant, he knows when to back out when he knows he can't defeat the opponent in terms of strength or wealth. Which is the reason he still survived to this day.

Li Duyi, who noticed the particular gaze, looked at Li Chun, who broke out in a sweat and, in a flash, turned his head back to the battle.

' Hah, Hah, Hah, that was scary. I thought I was going to die. That must mean that guy is dangerous enough to kill me. It makes me envious of his strength, but I know, I know not to provoke such monsters or else I'll die without knowing anything.' Li Chun thought, sweating profusely. trying not to look back again.

" Cowards. Elder Mo, if I become the Young Sect Master, can I do whatever I want that doesn't go overboard with the sect rules?" Li Duyi asked.

" Basically, yes, disciple Li. You can do anything from getting the best of the best instructors to traveling around the sect. The only rules that applied to you would be not to reveal anything about the sect, kill disciples wantonly, and disrespect the sect's ancestors. But overall, you get things for free." Elder Mo said.

" I see, then I shall accept your offer of becoming the Young Sect Master," Li Duyi said, Elder Mo nodded as he tried to hide his excitement, erupting and calmly replied.

" That's good, well then. I must go back to watching the ongoing battles, see you later, Young Sect Master Li" Elder Mo then bowed toward Li Duyi.

' With the benefits of being the Young Sect Master, I will finally create my manual. But first, I have to create a training regime that could benefit the overall strength of the sect to get on their good side and not question my validity of becoming the Young Sect Master. Through this plan, I will have a foothold and reputation in the sect. Of course, I will eliminate those who block my path, but I must get stronger before it can happen,' Li Duyi thought.

A few days later, the battle of outer sect disciples has finally finished, and the 100 slots have been occupied. Elder Mo and the Proctors let the disciples ride the Flying Beast that would take them to the One Sword Sect.

" Now, the final selection has finally finished, and to those who don't pass this year's competition. You don't have to worry about it as there will be one in a few years." Elder Mo said before going off the ground. The Proctors followed him as they flew to the One Sword Sect destination.

It took them a total of 10 days before they arrived at their destination. While traveling, Li Duyi looked around the vicinity and made sure to remember every direction, from general location to specific location. He kept in mind that if he wanted to travel the world, he would have a way to travel without getting lost or being trapped in an unknown place. Upon arriving at the sect, the first thing Li Duyi and the other participants is that the sect is massive and massively expanded which could rival one Thrae Planet if he wanted to measure it.

This makes Li Duyi a little bit bewildered by such a bizarre place and the laws of the world. It took him some time to get used to, but with how easy it is to accept for him. It doesn't take that long before he regains his composure, which was noticed by Elder Mo and Proctors as he is the only one who's calm even in the face of such a massive place. Like, there are many floating mountains, massive ancient structures, and billions, or even trillions of people wearing ancient robes while others wear their unique preference without care.

Li Duyi gave the sect a plus point for letting the disciple wear whatever they want but Li Duyi wanted to do something about it, disciples should wear their uniforms when they are in the sect and they can only take it off when they are away or in a mission. Which is his way of staying low-key, but to do that, he must first become accepted as an official Young Sect Master.

To do that, he needed the approval of 10 Elders and the seal of the Sect Master to be accepted. This is why Elder Mo told him everything he needed to know to achieve his 1st step of achieving his goal, having strong political support. Politics are everywhere, from Thrae or to any universe, which makes him think that politics is a universal position.

" But first, I'll have to go to the registration hall. From what Elder Mo told me, we, as disciples, should register on our own, and the attendants will know through a talisman they gave to each of us." Li Duyi mumbled, following the newly appointed disciples.

While at it, he kept on observing the environment as usual.

The first thing he noticed is that there aren't any trash, no homeless people, and probably mortals too. But, there is something he noticed that is usually frowned upon back on Thrae. Beating someone in broad daylight is something that is universally frowned upon by the people of Thrae, the reason why is that the Vlad Tepes Lineage is a group of people that are being shunned by society when they are called a freak because of their different way of view to the world.

That it escalated into something catastrophic, Vlad Tepes People were killed, brutally beaten by other people, and locked away, making them slaves to the politicians, and abusing their vision ability. But the Anscestor or the hero of Vlad Tepes revolted against the society, she rose with her mighty iron fist, killing those who wrong them and punishing the families of their enemies despite some families aren't involved which the Anscestor realizing that it was already too late and they can't stop now.

Or else, they'll be the ones who'll be suffering. Fortunately, as time goes by, people also realized their wrongdoings and decided to make amends with the people of Vlad Tepes which resulted in Vlad Tepes becoming one of the core families of Thrae or even the strongest Family.

Anyway, off the topic, Li Duyi stopped and looked at the kid being beaten up black and blue. He noticed that the kid has the strength to fight back but he didn't want to, Li Duyi also noticed that some different kinds of colored particles or to be specific, violet particles is surrounding the kid. Li Duyi made sure to remember the face of the kid before he continued walking to the Registration Hall.

Upon arriving, Li Duyi noticed something. Disciples who are nervously looking around, excited Disciples, and Disciples who had a calm temperament. There are different types of disciples at the Registration Hall and Li Duyi also noticed something common among them all, they reek or had an aura of being a first timers. Which means they are a new batch of disciples that have been accepted.

He looked at the leaderboard and noticed that he is in first place while the second is someone named Zhu Nian. The sword intimacy exam, which Li Duyi failed terribly but which Zhu Nian most likely passed because there is a description as to why they are rated as such, is likely how he came in the first place and Zhu Nian came in second.