
Infinite Evolution: From Spider To Poison All Things.

Before evolution: Butterflies are delicious food. Evolve 1 time: Try to survive. Evolve 3 times: Try to become strong. Evolution 10 times: I don't eat beef. Mei transmigrates into a spider and receives the evil evolution system. As long as she poisons her opponent to death, she can evolve. “Humanity is nothing more than prey inside my spider web.” Kill people, destroy sects, abuse the Beast Clan, become this world's nightmare.

Litch_Mei · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

Transmigrate into Spider

Poison Cloud Mountains.

Spider forest.

In a corner of the grass, dense with weeds in the middle, there are a few spider webs.

Several spiders individually occupied an area.

At the bottom.

The black spider is enjoying her own lunch.

Her lunch was a butterfly, holding a butterfly, unable to eat for a long time.

The black spider's name is Mei, yes, she is a transmigrator, this is her third day of transmigration.

Over a period of three days, Mei adapted to the spider's body.

But she really had no way to adapt to this food.

Her stomach gurgled with hunger. If she didn't eat, Mei might starve to death.

"Damn it, I'm a spider, I should eat what spiders eat!"

Making up her mind, she immediately bit the butterfly.

With a loud blowing sound, green liquid rose from the butterfly's body.

"Huh!! Hallucination? It tastes so good?"

This butterfly tastes better than she imagined.

Matcha taste, also has a faint fragrance.

She swallowed the butterfly in two bites, even on the wings the powder was licked clean.

Right when Mei ate something.

There was a spider similar to a black spider, walking towards her on the web.

Staring at Mei, it had eight long swinging legs.

Mei secretly smiled bitterly, this refers to the male spider, who seduced her for three days.

Ten leaves nearby.

Mei is the most beautiful spider.

Naturally became the best courtship object.

For the sake of survival, Mei can accept that she eats butterflies, mosquitoes, and even flies.

But she is ABSOLUTELY not receptive to mating.

Right at this moment.

Suddenly, the floor rustled.

Mei suddenly felt her heart beat fast, a dangerous aura approached, and nervously looked around.

The other spiders all ran away into the grass.

"What happened?"

Suddenly, the grass shook, and a giant monster headed into the grass.

It's another big calico cat, but its body is a bit smaller than a normal cat.

The big calico cat suddenly bit the spider in front of Mei.

With a snap sound, the male spider instantly exploded into a bloody spit.

Blood even sprayed on Mei's body.

"Damn, cats eat spiders? Are you kidding me?"

Mei finally saw, and began to run away.


The big calico cat took another bite, swallowing another spider not far away from Mei into it mouth.

The spider's movement speed was nothing in front of it.

For the big calico cat, this place is a self-catering room.

That pair of cold eyes finally fell on Mei.

Without waiting for Mei to react, the claws immediately stopped her legs.

"It can't be that unlucky...!"

The large calico cat raised its head and bit towards Mei.

Mei felt a sadness in her heart: "My short and bright life is about to end!"

Right at this moment.

In her head, a female-like voice suddenly rang out.

[Detected, system chooses to lock!]


[Ding, Evil Evolution System has been locked successfully!]

[Start scanning the host!]

[Host: Mei.]

[Type: Non-venomous black spider.]

[ Cultivation: Common Animal.]

[Bloodline: None.]

[Combat power: 0.01.]

[Review: Scum!... Scum!]

Mei: "..."

[ @%@^&#&# included: Evolve fangs!]

[Evolve fangs: Extremely toxic, can stick to the teeth, except by using absolute strength to expel it from the body, there is no cure.]

[If you poison your opponent to death with your poisonous teeth, you can absorb the opponent's power and help him evolve!]

At such a vital moment, Mei could only hear that her teeth contained extremely poisonous poison.

Seeing the big calico cat, he wanted to swallow Mei.

Mei's belly lifted up.

"Puff!" Sound.

Like a fart, it releases a large piece of spider silk, which shoots into the big cat's mouth.


The giant calico cat bit into its mouth full of spider silk, meowing urgently, wanting to bite it off.

Mei took this opportunity to bite the cat's hand.

Sharp poisonous teeth puncture the skin, and the venom quickly enters the cat's body.

A few seconds later, the big cat immediately reacted.

The huge body looked like a monster rolling around in the grass.

Mei quickly dodged.

If she is crushed, it seems she will instantly turn into a 2D spider.

The giant calico cat's struggles became increasingly lighter.

Right at the end, he finally stopped, released his long tongue, and white foam flowed out of his mouth.

There was no longer any breath left.

Mei stood on the tree leaf.

Her belly was heaving, her heart was still scared as she looked at the big calico cat.

In her head, a large calico cat appeared in an instant.

[Animal: Spider-eating Cat.]

[Brief introduction: Living in the forest, this type of cat eats spiders as food, is timid and careful, and emits stimulating flavors, making spiders sleepy and difficult to escape!]

[ Cultivation: Common Animal.]

[ Bloodline skill: Find spiders (Can easily find spiders in the forest).]

[Combat power: 0.1.]

[Rating: Ants.]

Looking at the large calico cat information, Mei breathed a long sigh of relief and fell forward, lying on the ground.

"Almost ah...!"

[Ding Ding, congratulations, you successfully killed it with your poisonous teeth, the power is fully evolved, let's start evolving!]

The voice system just came out.

Ice-cold strength poured out from Mei's stomach and instantly spread throughout her body.

Powerful forces like gas collide within the body.

Mei felt like her body was about to explode, feeling uncomfortable.

The body slowly begins to grow.

The black feathers stand up straight and vertically.

It wasn't until his body was as big as a human's hand that he stopped.

[Ding, the evolution was successful.]

[Host: Mei.]

[Great Wolf Black Spider: It has a black appearance all over its body, can sense moisture in the air, detect the location of prey, and is stronger than normal spiders.]

[ Cultivation: Common Animal.]

[ Bloodline skill: None.]

[Combat power: 0.1.]

[ Rating: Ants.]


The rating has turned from scum into ants.

Mei looked at how much bigger her body had become.

There was no difference in the feeling, just that the combat power had increased tenfold, equal to the calico cat.

"Hm, system, I only need to poison a creature to death to evolve?"

[That is right, Host, no matter whether it is human, monster, animal, or even medicine, as long as you kill them with venom, you can evolve indefinitely.]

"Do I have the opportunity to evolve into a human?"

[Spider is a spider, the world's information particles have been fixed, even if you are strong, you cannot turn into a human!]

[Do you really want to become human?]

"Uh, it's not that, it's just, I just want to…"

[I don't understand what you mean, but I will kindly establish a best path for the host to develop, hope the host can work hard.]

"Well, don't worry. Of course I'm a spider. I have a spider's mind."

[Ding ding, there's a mission: Escape from Humanity!]

[Escape from humanity: If you become a spider, you should kill a human.]

[Mission reward: Evolve once.]


Is the system playing so big this time?

Mei smiled helplessly.

Right at this moment.

Suddenly a human sound rang out.

"This is so bad, there is a Spider-eating Cat here!!"