
Infinite Evolution: From Spider To Poison All Things.

Before evolution: Butterflies are delicious food. Evolve 1 time: Try to survive. Evolve 3 times: Try to become strong. Evolution 10 times: I don't eat beef. Mei transmigrates into a spider and receives the evil evolution system. As long as she poisons her opponent to death, she can evolve. “Humanity is nothing more than prey inside my spider web.” Kill people, destroy sects, abuse the Beast Clan, become this world's nightmare.

Litch_Mei · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

First human kill, evolve twice

Two 'Giants' appeared in front of Mei.

[Li Yun, Li Cheng.]

[Brief introduction: Spider Garden Guard, in charge of managing the daily operations of Ten Thousand Poison Sect's spider garden.]

[ Cultivation: Normal human.]

[Combat power: 1.]

[ Rating: Fish-Man's victim.]

What is Fish-Man?

At this time, Li Yun and Li Cheng looked at Spider-eating Cat in horror.

"When did it come in? Oh no, I don't know how many spiders it has eaten. If people find out, we will be punished."

"Will we die?"

"Ah, look at that thing next to you, is it the Big Wolf Black Spider!!"

Li Cheng suddenly spots Mei.

Immediately grabbed Mei.

Mei has just evolved and has not yet adapted to her larger body.

So she was directly arrested.

Li Cheng looked up and down Mei's body and was extremely surprised: "Wow, brother, it's really a Big Wolf Black Spider!"

"When did Spider Garden have Big Wolf Black Spider?"

"It doesn't matter, doesn't our manager want Big Wolf Black Spider to practice potions? Just right, as long as we bring it up, we will definitely receive a great reward."

"So what are you waiting for? Hurry up!"

Mei was furious in her heart, whether it was all over or not, she was almost eaten and it was over.

Now she still wants to be taken to practice medicine.

As soon as she thought of being crushed into powder, Mei was scared.

The two of them went out excitedly.

Mei was grabbed by their hands and finally saw clearly that she was in this forest, surrounded by a net. It turned out she was a spider being raised.

"Damn, how unlucky? I'm not even fully prepared yet!"

[ Haha, you are really unlucky, there is no way, you are now an ant, in this world if you want to control your destiny, you have to become strong, extremely powerful, or even to the 7th Steps...!]

7th Step? What is it? Well, I want to get stronger, but now I'm held in someone else's hands and can't move, so desperate.

Li Yun suddenly said again: "Junior brother, if we are brothers, how about this spider for me?"

"Senior brother, what do you mean by this?"

"You also know, the manager has always been an eyesore for me, but he looks at you in a different light. It's better to give it to me. I will always remember this merit in my heart."

After Li Yun finished speaking, he wanted to raise his hand to take it away.

There is only one great merit, and there are two people, so of course they will compete for it.

Take advantage of the opportunity for two people to compete for time.

Mei struggled wildly, finally bending her head forward.

Looking at her finger, her heart was fierce: "Yes, powerful, evolved, murderous!"

The fat belly curved up, and she aimed at Li Cheng's hand and immediately bit it.


Li Cheng was in pain and instinctively threw Mei away: "Animal, dare to bite me!"

Li Yun said loudly: "Why did you throw it away? Big Wolf Black Spider is not poisonous!"

Mei fell on the ground and quickly ran through the grass, wanting to use the grass to cover her to escape.

But the two of them are managers of the spider garden..

Very good at catching spiders.

Not waiting for Mei to escape, Li Cheng immediately captured Mei again.

Grabbing Mei, he fiercely said: "Damn it, after all, it's medicine making, breaking your head is fine, the manager probably won't say anything!"

Having said that, he directly grabbed Mei's head.

Mei was frightened and continuously moved her eight legs.

In the end, am I still unable to escape?

"Damn it, human, don't give me a chance! I will not let you guys go!"

Before she was human, now everyone wants to kill her.

In just a moment I will have to die, saying Mei doesn't hate them is a lie.

But heaven does not eliminate spider paths.

Before Li Cheng had time to exert force, he suddenly stopped, his body began to tremble, and the corners of his mouth overflowed with white foam.

Toxicity, has finally taken effect.

Mei thought that Evolved fang venom was not enough to poison an adult.

Li Cheng's pupils gradually disintegrated, his eyes closed, and he lay straight on the ground.

"Junior brother!!" Li Yun was extremely frightened: "How is this possible? Poisoned??"

Mei didn't pay that much attention. She threw her legs behind her neck and ran towards the spider garden outside.

But the entire spider garden was covered with a secret net. There was only one exit, still closed. She had no choice but to run towards the depths of the spider garden.

[Ding, congratulations, okay, host, reached the evolution condition.]

[Ding, congratulations, you have completed the evolution task, the reward is to evolve once.]

[There should be two evolutions, at the same time, starting to evolve!]

The System sound sounds again.

Mei shouted worriedly: "Stop, don't evolve, I don't want to die!!"

She remembered the first time she evolved, her entire body was filled with energy, unable to move.

Now is the time for her to run for her life, and she absolutely cannot evolve.

Clenching her poisonous teeth, Mei continuously penetrated straight through the grass

Because Li Yun was worried about Li Cheng's life, he quickly glared at Mei and did not chase after her.


Spider garden is where the Ten Thousand Poison Sect breeds spiders to get poison.

Li Mi is considered a spider garden manager, also a disciple of the Ten Thousand Poison Sect. On normal days, he will also refine medicinal materials and submit them to the sect.

This time, in order to refine the Breakthrough pill, he was still missing a Big Wolf Black Spider.

But spider forest doesn't have that.

Didn't expect it to suddenly appear.

I wouldn't expect it to have escaped.

Even more unexpected was that Li Cheng would die.

The only good news is that Big Wolf Black Spider is still in the spider forest.

Li Mi was angry: "Garbage, it's all trash, you can't catch even a spider. Everyone bring the Spider-eating Cat to the spider forest, go capture the Big Wolf Black Spider, if anyone can capture it, I will recommend that person to become a registered disciple of the Ten Thousand Poison Sect!!"

In an instant, the entire spider forest boiled.

Li Cheng and Li Yun are related individuals, even if they are just ordinary people.

However, the others were all masters of one enemy and many, relying on their own abilities to get here.

Their greatest ideal is to become disciples of the Ten Thousand Poison Sect.

Each carrying Spider-eating Cat entered the spider forest.

These Spider-eating Cats are also raised by them. They have some intuition, so they wear iron mesh masks to avoid them eating spiders.

About a dozen people entered the spider forest, scattering to search for Mei.


[Congratulations, you have successfully evolved for the second time and become a Giant Tarantula, such a weird name isn't it.]

[Congratulations again, you have successfully evolved for the third time and become Thin-legged Sword Spider.]

In the depths of the spider forest.

At the top of the big tree, Mei slowly awakened.

With two evolutions, that violent force almost blew her away.

However, the result is perfect.

Mei looked at her eight needle-like feet.

Even though the belly is black, it's not fat. Overall, it's still the same size as a hand, but it's also delicate.

The sharp teeth even extend to the mouth, like a saber-toothed tiger.

She looked at her information.

[Host: Mei.]

[Third evolution: Thin-legged Sword Spider .]

[ Brief introduction: Assassin among the spider, elongated body helps better hide. The eight legs look small, but they are as sharp as iron. They can pierce the body of their prey. Their teeth can bite through steel. They move extremely fast.]

[ Cultivation: Wild beast.]

[Bloodline: None.]

[Combat power: 1.5.]

[Rating: Jungle Hunter.]

Mei breathed a sigh of relief. Based on Li Yun Li Cheng, two adults had the fighting power of 1.

So right now, she is stronger than normal people. In this spider forest, she should have no opponents, so she can rest assured.

Right at this moment, the sound of playing was vaguely heard from afar.

Mei followed the sound and went to a mountain village.

She didn't expect there to be a big villager here.

In the middle of the village there is a well.

Smoke from the kitchen wafted up, and by the well, there were many children playing.

The sound of play was everywhere, very warm.

[Ding ding, new mission, I will announce now, this mission requires: Kill everyone in the village.]

[Mission reward: Nothing nothing nothing!]

"Nothing? Are you kidding me?"

[Well, yes but no.]

Mei quietly examined the warm village.

She understood the meaning of the system. First, the system wanted her to kill people, and then let her massacre the village. She wanted Mei to completely get rid of human thoughts.

And why does she call the system she? Well, because it's using a female voice, that's all.

Taking a deep breath, Mei said solemnly: "Do I still need you to remind me? Planning to use I to practice medicine? Even though it wasn't them that wanted to capture me to refine medicine, all of them was related anyway. Hmph, I will make them all regret it!"


Wait until everyone gets home.

Mei took advantage of the darkness and everyone went home to eat and climbed to the only water well in the village.

Looking at the clear water of the well, she brought her head closer and hit the wall of the well.


Inside the spider's teeth, venom quickly spewed out.

Fall into the water in the well.

Mei was afraid that the amount of poison was not enough, so she spit it out for about ten minutes.

"Probably enough!"

After finishing everything, she quietly crawled back into the tree cover and rested for the night.