
India movieverse

a fanfic about indian movie start with 1 ala vaikunthapurram. suggest some work in info page i dont own anything of this fan-fic . only oc

white_poison · Films
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81 Chs

the girl

 Inside the speeding Aston Martin DB12, navigating through the streets of Waji City. The car's interior is tense but gradually easing as they distance themselves from the immediate danger.

Raj, Amrita, and girl are in the car. Raj decides to break the silence.

Raj: (glancing at the rearview mirror) Hey, we haven't properly introduced ourselves. I'm Raj.

Vijaylakshmi: (nervously) I'm Vijaylakshmi.

Raj: (curious) Why were you kidnapped, Vijaylakshmi?

Vijaylakshmi: (voice trembling) i dont know . I'm just a normal girl. I was in college, on my way to my boyfriend's house with a friend. But my friend betrayed me, handed me over to some goons. Since then, I've been moved from one captivity to another.

Amrita: (reassuringly) Don't worry, Vijaylakshmi. We'll help you get back home.

Vijaylakshmi: (confused) Where are we now?

Raj and Amrita exchange a shocked glance.

Amrita: (calmly) We're in Waji City.

Vijaylakshmi: (puzzled) Which state is Waji City in?

Raj bursts into laughter, while Amrita looks slightly dubious.

Raj: (chuckling) Waji City isn't in India. Congratulations, you're officially outside of India. Welcome to Waji City, a city ruled by thugs where 5 out of 10 people are involved in some kind of criminal activity.

Vijaylakshmi: (defeated, reclining in the backseat) What?! (starts having a panic attack)

Amrita: (trying to calm her) It's okay, Vijaylakshmi. We're here now. You're safe.

Despite Amrita's attempts, Vijaylakshmi's panic intensifies.

Raj: (trying a different approach) Well, look at the bright side. You're free from captivity now, and we're going to help you get home.

Vijaylakshmi starts to calm down slightly, taking deep breaths.

Vijaylakshmi: (still shaky) Where are we going now?

Raj: (calmly) We're heading to the Roy Group HQ, the ones responsible for your kidnapping.

Vijaylakshmi starts panicking again, her breathing quickening.

Amrita: (punches Raj in the arm) What are you doing?!

Raj: (faking a scream) Ow! I'm injured, lady! What are you doing?!

Amrita: (trying to calm Vijaylakshmi) It's okay, it's okay...

Raj: (turning to Vijaylakshmi) Hey, listen to me. Why would I save you just to bring you into more danger? Trust me, would you?

Vijaylakshmi looks at Raj, seeing the sincerity in his eyes. She nods slowly, trying to control her breathing.

Vijaylakshmi: (taking a deep breath) Okay... I trust you.

Amrita: (watching their interaction, sighs, resigned) Alright, let's just focus on getting out of here safely.

The car speeds through the city, the tension in the air slowly dissipating as they head towards their next destination. The scene shifts to the exterior of the Aston Martin DB12 as it navigates through Waji City's chaotic streets, the headlights piercing through the darkness.

The imposing Roy Group Headquarters, a towering skyscraper in Waji City. The scene is grim, with corpses littered around the entrance, evidence of a recent and brutal conflict.

Raj and Amrita walk side by side, with Vijaylakshmi following closely behind, clutching Raj's jacket nervously. They approach the main entrance, stepping over the bodies, their expressions grim but resolute.

Amrita: (whispering) Stay close, Vijaylakshmi.

Vijaylakshmi: (nodding, her voice trembling) I will.

They enter the building and head to the elevator, riding it to the top floor. As the doors open, they are met by armed security personnel who immediately raise their guns.

Security Guard: (sternly) Halt! State your business.

Raj: (raising his hands calmly) Name Raj. Tell them inside that we're here.

The guards receive confirmation through their earpieces and lower their weapons, allowing Raj, Amrita, and Vijaylakshmi to pass. Amrita is tense, her eyes scanning for any signs of danger. Vijaylakshmi clutches Raj's arm tightly as they walk into the conference room.

Inside the Conference Room

The large room is dominated by a long conference table. Sahoo sits at the head, with various members of the Roy Group seated around him. Raj immediately notices Devraj's corpse slumped beside chair of Sahoo and seat of devraj empty .

Sahoo: (standing up, approaching them) Raj, Amrita, Vijaylakshmi. Welcome.

Amrita: (tense) What's going on here?

Raj: (calmly) Listen to Sahoo first.

Sahoo approaches Amrita and say in ear i would expalin everthumh later, patting raj on the shoulder .

sahoo: (to the room ) this is raj , a very talented and resourceful person , very capable .

then sahoo go back and sit in his chair amriyta follow him and stand behind him .

Raj: (to the room) I know about the Roy Company's goal of building a hydroelectric plant in Gujarat. I will ensure it happens, but only if you promise to not follow in Devraj's footsteps and instead follow Sahoo's lead.

Member of the Board: (speaking up) We have already chosen Sahoo as our leader.

Sahoo: (nodding) I appreciate your trust. I want to offer an open seat at this table to Raj. We've lost many people, and we need capable hands to fill those seats.

Raj: (smiling) I appreciate the offer, Sahoo. But instead, I nominate someone else. Omisha.

At Raj's announcement, Omisha enters the room, her presence commanding attention. She walks confidently to Raj, giving him a kiss and squeeze his ass.

Omisha: (smiling) Thanks, my hero!!.

She introduces herself to the group and takes her seat at the table. The board members are visibly impressed by her poise and beauty.

Omisha: (addressing the room) I look forward to working with all of you.

Raj: (nodding at Sahoo) I'll take my leave now. The future of this company is in good hands.

Raj turns to leave, with Vijaylakshmi still holding onto him. Raj and Vijaylakshmi exit the room, heading back through the building.

Vijaylakshmi: (nervously) Raj, what happens now?

Raj: (smiling reassuringly) Now, we get you home.

They make their way down to the entrance, the aftermath of the battle starkly evident around them. As they exit the building, Raj feels a sense of closure, knowing he has set in motion the changes needed to end the reign of the Roy Group's criminal activities.

Raj: (to himself) One step closer to justice.

The scene fades out, focusing on Raj and Vijaylakshmi as they walk away from the Roy Headquarters .


Location: Inside the elevator of the Roy Group Headquarters, descending to the ground floor. Raj, Vijaylakshmi, and Amrita (still with Sahoo) are processing the events of the day.

Raj looks at Vijaylakshmi, who is still holding onto him tightly. He decides to break the silence.

Raj: "Vijaylakshmi, do you have any family we can contact?"

Vijaylakshmi: (nodding) "Yes, I have an uncle. His name is Bhagavanth Kesari."

Raj: (handing her his phone) "Here, call him. Let him know you're safe."

Vijaylakshmi takes the phone with trembling hands and dials her uncle's number. The phone rings a few times before a deep, weathered voice answers.

Bhagavanth Kesari: "Hello?"

Vijaylakshmi: (tears streaming down her face) "Uncle, it's me, Vijaylakshmi."

Bhagavanth Kesari: (voice filled with relief and emotion) "Vijaylakshmi! Where are you? Are you alright?"

Vijaylakshmi: (sobbing) "I'm safe now, Uncle. I was so scared... I thought I was going to die. But then Raj came and rescued me."

Bhagavanth Kesari: (calm but with a hint of pride) "Raj? Who is he?"

Vijaylakshmi: (handing the phone to Raj) "Here, talk to him."

Raj takes the phone, his demeanor serious but respectful.

Raj: "Hello, sir. This is Raj."

Bhagavanth Kesari: (voice steady, indicating a man who has seen much in life) "Raj, thank you for saving my niece. You have my eternal gratitude. I am indebted to you for the rest of my life."

Raj: (humble) "It was the right thing to do, sir. I'm just glad I could help."

Bhagavanth Kesari: (firmly) "If you ever need anything, you can count on me. My resources are at your disposal. Where are you now?"

Raj: "We're still in Waji City. I'll make sure Vijaylakshmi gets back home safely."

Bhagavanth Kesari: "Thank you, Raj. Please take care of her until she's back with me."

Raj hands the phone back to Vijaylakshmi, who continues to speak with her uncle, reassured by his voice and the connection to her family.

Raj: (to himself) "One step at a time."

The elevator doors open, and they step out into the lobby. The tension eases slightly as they make their way to the parking lot. Raj, with Vijaylakshmi by his side, heads towards the car.

Raj: "Let's get you home, Vijaylakshmi."

Inside Raj's Aston Martin DB12, driving through the city towards Raj's hotel suite. The city lights blur past them, creating a serene atmosphere inside the car.

Vijaylakshmi: (curiously) "What's next?"

Raj: (smiling) "Today, you should get some rest. Tomorrow, I'll arrange for you to go back to India."

Vijaylakshmi: "Thank you, Raj."

Raj: (playfully) "Well, Vijaylakshmi is a big name. Can I call you Vijji?"

Vijaylakshmi: (smiling) "Sure, Raj."

Raj: (grinning) "Vijji, so what are you doing in life?"

Vijji: "I'm a college student, trying to complete my graduation."

Vijji: (curious) "And what about you, Raj? What do you do other than fighting?"

Raj: (laughing) "I was involved in business, but this life of fighting seemed to call me, so I had to change careers."

Raj: "So, what do you want in life?"

Vijji: (sighing) "I wanted to marry my boyfriend and live a happy, normal life. But my uncle wanted me to join the army and didn't approve of my marriage. He disrespected my boyfriend and his family, so the marriage proposal failed."

Raj: "Your uncle didn't sound like someone who would disrespect others. Maybe things just didn't go his way."

Vijji: "My boyfriend's father said he wouldn't allow me to pursue any further career and that I would work in the kitchen and take care of his son for the rest of my life. Things escalated from there."

Raj: "That must have been tough, but don't worry, you'll have a chance to make things right. So, what did your boyfriend say about it?"

Vijji: (lowering her head) "Nothing."

Raj looks at Vijji, then gently caresses her head.

Raj: "I know it's not my place, but he should have asked your opinion and tried to support you, not just stayed silent. But it's your life, and you should be able to handle this."

Vijji: (nodding) "You're right. Thank you, Raj."

Vijji: (trying to change the topic) "So, that Omisha, was she your girlfriend, Raj?"

Raj: (smiling awkwardly) "You could say she's my lover."

Vijji: (shocked) "You say it like you have more girls!"

Raj: (sheepishly) "Hey, it's my personal life!"

Vijji: "Okay, okay, I won't trouble you more. But do you love them?"

Raj: "Of course I care for them. I haven't breached this topic with them yet."

They continue talking, sharing light-hearted banter as they approach Raj's hotel suite. The Aston Martin pulls into the hotel parking lot, and they head towards the suite.

Location: Raj's luxurious hotel suite. The ambiance is warm and inviting, a stark contrast to the tension of the day.

Raj opens the door, guiding Vijji inside. She looks around, impressed by the opulence of the suite.

Raj: "Make yourself at home, Vijji."

Vijji: "This place is amazing, Raj. Thank you for everything."

Raj: "No problem. You deserve to feel safe and comfortable after everything you've been through."

Raj sets her belongings down and shows her to the guest room.

Raj: "You can rest here. I'll be in the next room if you need anything."

Vijji: "Thank you, Raj. Goodnight."

Raj: "Goodnight, Vijji."

Raj heads to his room, taking a deep breath as he reflects on the day's events. Despite the chaos and danger, he feels a sense of accomplishment knowing that he has helped someone in need. As he lies down, his mind drifts to the future, contemplating the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

The camera captures the peaceful ambiance of the suite, highlighting the contrast between the safety within and the tumultuous world outside.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

white_poisoncreators' thoughts