
India movieverse

a fanfic about indian movie start with 1 ala vaikunthapurram. suggest some work in info page i dont own anything of this fan-fic . only oc

white_poison · Films
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81 Chs

party end

The music thrummed faintly in the background, a distant echo of the merriment that filled the rest of the resort. Amulya and Bittu found themselves in a deserted corridor, a stark contrast to the vibrant celebration they had just left. An awkward silence stretched between them, punctuated only by the nervous tapping of Bittu's foot.

He cleared his throat, his voice tight with unshed emotion. "Amulya," he began, his gaze flickering across her face, "there's something I need to tell you."

Amulya, her brow furrowed in slight confusion, met his gaze. "What is it, Bittu?"

He took a deep breath, his resolve hardening. "This… this whole engagement thing with Raj… it doesn't sit right with me."

A flicker of annoyance crossed Amulya's features. "Bittu, we've talked about this. Raj is a good friend, and this is a good match for both of us."

"But what about us, Amulya?" Bittu blurted out, his voice rising a touch. "Those moments we shared in Paris, they meant something, right?"

Amulya stiffened. "Paris was a work trip, Bittu. We were stressed, we were lonely. It doesn't mean anything more than that."

Bittu's frustration crackled in the air. "Don't you dare downplay it like that! We had a connection, Amulya. I can't believe you're just throwing that away."

He reached out, his hand hovering near hers. "Don't you feel it too?"

Before Amulya could respond, Bittu leaned in, his lips brushing against hers in a sudden, desperate kiss. The world seemed to stand still for Amulya. Shock rendered her immobile, her mind a tangled mess of emotions. This wasn't supposed to happen. She was getting engaged to Raj!

Just as Bittu deepened the kiss, a gasp pierced the silence. Yashu, Raj's mother, stood frozen in the doorway, her eyes wide with disbelief. The festive music that had been a distant echo moments ago now seemed to mock the scene unfolding before her.

The stolen kiss hung heavy in the air, a betrayal as blatant as a neon sign. Yashu, her face a mask of fury and disappointment, erupted. With a strength born of outrage, she grabbed both Amulya and Bittu, their startled yelps swallowed by the suddenness of her action.

"What in Durga's name is going on here?" Yashu's voice, laced with icy venom, sliced through the shocked silence. The festive music, once a joyous backdrop, now felt like a cruel mockery.

The corridor, a mere moment ago a haven for stolen whispers, became a stage for a family drama of epic proportions. Yashu, a whirlwind of righteous anger, marched them both towards the heart of the celebration.

The sight that greeted them was enough to stop a galloping elephant. The families, their faces etched with confusion and dawning horror, stood frozen around a lavishly decorated table. The joyous chatter had died down, replaced by a suffocating silence.

Raj, his gaze flitting between Amulya and Bittu, felt the blood drain from his face. His mind, a moment ago filled with dreams of happily-ever-after, now resembled a battlefield ravaged by betrayal.

"What is this, Amulya?" Raj's voice was a low growl, the tremor betraying the storm brewing within him. "Is this… is this the truth?"

Amulya, her face pale and drawn, could only stare at the floor. Her mind, usually sharp and decisive, had become a tangled web of conflicting emotions. Guilt, shame, and a crushing sense of betrayal gnawed at her. The stolen kiss, a momentary lapse of judgment, had become an insurmountable chasm.

Tears, hot and silent, welled up in her eyes and spilled down her cheeks. Raj, witnessing the raw emotion on her face, felt a surge of conflicting emotions. Anger, hot and potent, threatened to consume him. He wanted to lash out, to hurt both Amulya for shattering his trust and Bittu for his brazen betrayal.

But a flicker of something else, a flicker of understanding, stayed his hand. He knew Amulya. He knew the strength and integrity that lay beneath her facade. This, this couldn't be who she truly was. Yet, the weight of the evidence was undeniable.

The silence in the room stretched on, heavy and suffocating. The festive decorations, once vibrant and colorful, now seemed to mock the shattered dreams and broken promises. Raj, unable to bear the weight of the situation any longer, turned on his heel and stormed out.

He didn't bother looking back. He just needed to escape the suffocating atmosphere, to process the avalanche of emotions that threatened to drown him.

Slipping into his car, he slammed the door shut. The roar of the engine echoed his own internal turmoil. As he sped away from the resort that had been a symbol of hope just moments ago, a single tear traced a path down his cheek. His future, once filled with the promise of love and joy, now lay in ruins.

raj phone rang, and he saw the name "DGI" flash on the screen. He quickly connected the call through the car's Bluetooth system.

Raj: (answering) Hello?

DGI Officer: (voice firm) Mr. Raj, we have important information regarding your father's accident.

Raj's grip tightened on the steering wheel, his heart rate quickening.

Raj: (seriously) Go on.

DGI Officer: With the help of Appala Naidu, we've managed to apprehend the assailant who drove the lorry. During interrogation, it was revealed that the incident was orchestrated by Appala Naidu's brother. He was jealous of Naidu's growing influence and wanted to create a rift between Naidu and ARK Enterprise, hoping to weaken both parties.

Raj's mind raced as he processed the information. The depth of the betrayal shocked him, but it also made sense. Power struggles were often ruthless.

Raj: (calmly) Thank you for informing me, Officer. What's the status of the assailant now?

DGI Officer: He's in custody, and we're proceeding with the legal process. We thought it best to keep you informed due to the potential implications for your business and family.

Raj: (resolutely) I appreciate your diligence. Please keep me updated on any further developments.

DGI Officer: Will do, Mr. Raj. Stay safe.

Raj ended the call, his thoughts now a whirlwind of strategies and concerns

Raj's world had shrunk to the red taillights of the Scorpio speeding away, his Audi a lonely sentinel on the deserted road. The screech of tires had been the punctuation mark to a night that had gone from celebratory to catastrophic. His mind, still reeling from the betrayal, struggled to grasp the new danger he was in.

He slammed his foot on the brake, the screech echoing the turmoil within him. The car lurched to a stop, a jarring counterpoint to the frantic drumming of his heart. Through the haze of anger and confusion, a primal instinct for survival surfaced.

As he approached the menacing silhouette of the Scorpio, the headlights of an oncoming car momentarily blinded him. When his vision cleared, the world had shifted. The SUV was no longer alone. Men, burly figures seemingly out of a bad dream, materialized from the surrounding fields, flanking him like wolves closing in on their prey.

Raj's boxing training kicked in. He dropped into a defensive stance, fists clenched, adrenaline surging through his veins. The fear was there, a cold serpent coiling around his heart, but it was overshadowed by a steely resolve. He wouldn't go down without a fight.

The first attacker lunged, a wild swing aimed at Raj's head. Years of muscle memory took over. Raj ducked under the blow, the momentum carrying the attacker past him. With a sharp exhale, Raj unleashed a right cross of his own. It connected with a sickening thud, the man's nose erupting in a spray of crimson as he crumpled to the ground.

Another figure charged, a blur of flailing limbs. Raj sidestepped the attack, weaving a practiced dance of defense. He countered with a left jab to the attacker's solar plexus, the man's breath whooshing out of him in a surprised grunt. A knee to the gut followed, sending him doubling over.

Two more men flanked him, their faces contorted in predatory grins. Raj knew he was outnumbered, but the adrenaline pumping through his veins fueled his movements. He bobbed and weaved, a whirlwind of fists and feet. He landed a solid uppercut on one attacker's jaw, the satisfying crack echoing in the night. The man reeled back, clutching his face, momentarily stunned.

Raj spun, catching the other attacker's leg with a well-timed sweep. The man went down with a surprised yelp, landing hard on the gravel. Raj didn't waste a moment. He rained down a flurry of punches on the first attacker who was regaining his senses, the blows connecting with a sickening thud.

But there were too many. A figure he hadn't seen before materialized from the darkness, a heavy metal pipe glinting in the moonlight. Before Raj could react, the pipe slammed into the back of his head. The world tilted on its axis. A searing pain erupted, momentarily eclipsing the primal fear that had gripped him.

His vision blurred, the figures around him turning into grotesque caricatures. He felt himself stumble, his movements sluggish, his carefully honed reflexes failing him. Another blow connected with his shoulder, a dull ache radiating through him. He sank to his knees, the fight draining out of him.

Rough hands grabbed him from behind, hoisting him off the ground like a ragdoll. The metallic taste of blood filled his mouth, a crimson tide staining his shirt. He glimpsed the night sky, a tapestry of indifferent stars, before the darkness claimed him whole

They threw him into the back of the Scorpio, a groaning prisoner in a metal cage. The roar of the engine restarting was the last sound he registered before unconsciousness swallowed him whole. His fate, as uncertain as the winding road ahead, was now in the hands of his captors. The Audi, a silent witness to the brutal abduction, stood abandoned on the deserted road, a stark reminder of the night Raj's world had been turned upside down.