
India movieverse

a fanfic about indian movie start with 1 ala vaikunthapurram. suggest some work in info page i dont own anything of this fan-fic . only oc

white_poison · Films
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81 Chs


Omisha stepped out of her apartment, the early morning sun casting a soft glow on her figure. As she locked the door behind her, Raj emerged from the staircase, his gaze fixed on her. He waited until she was out of sight before making his move.

Raj approached Omisha's door, skillfully picking the lock and slipping inside. His eyes scanned the apartment, taking in every detail. He moved swiftly to the cupboard, where he rummaged through her belongings. Amidst the clutter, he found what he was looking for: a book and passport . Flipping through its pages, he discovered photos of Soniya and another girl who resembled Omisha, labeled with the name Taniya.

As he pieced together the connection, the sound of the door unlocking startled him. Omisha entered, her eyes widening as she saw Raj. omisha "Taniya,yes i am her sister" 

Omisha cut him off, "I thought you were here to kill Armaan, not flirt with him and Alina. She talks about you all the time, how you've become like a little brother to her in such a short time."

Raj shook his head, "You're mistaken, Taniya. You don't understand."

Omisha's eyes flashed with anger. "I am looking for every opportunity to kill him, and you..."

raj "i will destroy him take everything he hold dear his money"

Tensions Rise

Before Raj could respond, the doorbell rang. Omisha's eyes widened with panic as she went to check. Through the peephole, she saw Armaan. Turning back to Raj, she whispered urgently, "It's Armaan. Get out, now!"

Raj didn't hesitate. He slipped out the window, scaling the side of the building to the neighboring apartment. He could hear Armaan's voice as he entered, "Omisha, is everything alright?"

Armaan walked in, his sharp eyes scanning the room. "So, how was the hero?" he asked, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

Omisha forced a smile, "Brilliant plan, baby. You anticipated Raj's every move."

Armaan smirked, pulling her close. "You are such a devil, Armaan," she whispered.

He kissed her, then said, "I will run in the race. I will come first, but he won't win because the real winner will be me. Raj might think he's clever, but he's just a pawn in my game." 

Raj, determined to avenge Soniya and outsmart Armaan, reveals his elaborate plan to steal the Shroud of Turin and sell it to Armaan, only to steal both the shroud and Armaan's wealth afterward. He confides in R.D., hoping for support.

Raj: (leaning forward, voice low) "R.D., I need your help. The plan is to steal the Shroud of Turin and sell it to Armaan. But that's just the beginning. Once the deal is done, I will take both the shroud and his wealth. This is how I'll bring him down."

R.D.: (nervous, fidgeting) "Raj, this is... this is dangerous. Armaan is not someone to be taken lightly."

Raj: (confidently) "I know what I'm doing, R.D. With your help, this can work. Are you in?"

R.D., frightened of Armaan's wrath, decides to betray Raj. He goes to Armaan and reveals the entire plan.

R.D.: (anxiously) "Armaan, I need to tell you something. Raj... he plans to steal the Shroud of Turin and sell it to you. Then he's going to take both the shroud and your wealth."

Armaan: (smirking) "I expected something like this. Your loyalty is appreciated, R.D. Now, I want you to give Raj every help he needs. Make him believe you're on his side."

Alina: (interrupting, concerned) "Armaan, this is dangerous. Raj is cunning. He could turn the tables on us."

Armaan: (firmly, signaling her to be quiet) "Alina, let me handle this. R.D., go and assist Raj. Make sure he believes you're fully committed."

R.D.: (reluctantly) "Yes, Armaan. I'll do as you say."

Armaan takes Alina inside, showing her Raj's full profile, explaining their history and his vendetta.

Armaan: (calmly, showing files) "Look at this, Alina. Raj is not just some rival. I've tried to kill him and his family numerous times, but he always survived. After I killed Soniya, he became a man on a mission for revenge."

Alina: (shocked) "But why didn't you tell me this before?"

Armaan: (sighing) "I thought I could handle him without involving you. But now, he's too close. He's playing a dangerous game, but so am I."

Alina: (determined) "We need to stop him, Armaan. He's getting too close."

Armaan: (nodding) "We will, Alina. But first, let's play along. Let him believe he's winning. Then, we strike."


Raj sits at a corner table in a bustling café, engaged in a video call on his laptop. He speaks in low, confident tones, outlining his latest scheme.

Raj: (on the call, smirking) "Yes, the deal is almost closed. By tomorrow, that money will be ours."

As he ends the call, Alina approaches, her eyes gleaming with curiosity and mischief.

Alina: (playfully) "Hero, who are you trying to make poor this time?"

Raj: (raising an eyebrow, smirking) "Oh, just some loser. But how did you know?"

Alina: (grinning) "I've seen that money-making face on my brother many times. Now, let's go for a drive."

Raj and Alina climb into her sleek Porsche 911, the engine roaring to life. The city blurs by as they speed through the streets, their conversation light and carefree.

Raj: "You know, Alina, you should really consider racing professionally."

Alina: (laughing) "Maybe I will. But first, I have to keep up with you."

Suddenly, Alina's phone rings. She glances at the screen and sees it's Armaan calling. She answers, her expression shifting from joy to concern as she listens.

Armaan: (urgent) "Alina, listen carefully. There's a speed bomb on the car. If you slow down or stop, it will go off."

Alina: (panicking) "Armaan, are you serious? A speed bomb? What do we do?"

Raj: (calmly, taking the phone) "Stay calm, Alina. Just keep driving. I'll find the bomb."

The Porsche 911 hurtles through the city streets, narrowly avoiding collisions. The tension is palpable as Alina grips the steering wheel, her knuckles white. Pedestrians and other drivers honk and shout as the car weaves dangerously through traffic.

Alina: (voice trembling) "Raj, hurry up. I can't keep this up much longer!"

Raj: (focused, searching under the seats) "Just a little longer. Keep it steady."

They approach a crowded market area, forcing Alina to swerve sharply to avoid a group of shoppers. The car fishtails but regains control, speeding towards an open bridge.

Raj: (spotting the bomb under the car) "I've got it! The bomb's under the car. Head for the bridge."

As they approach the bridge, the cityscape gives way to the open expanse of water. The car races up the incline, the tension mounting.

Raj: (leaning out the window, reaching under the car) "Hold it steady, Alina. Almost there..."

With a final effort, Raj grabs the bomb, pulling it free. He quickly hurls it over the side of the bridge, watching as it splashes into the water below and explodes harmlessly.

Scene: Car Comes to a Stop

Alina brings the car to a screeching halt on the other side of the bridge, both of them breathing heavily. Armaan arrives moments later, rushing to his sister's side.

Armaan: (holding Alina, comforting) "Alina, are you okay?"

Alina: (nodding, tears in her eyes) "Yes, Armaan. Thanks to Raj."

Raj: (smiling, slightly out of breath) "Just another day in the life. You alright, Alina?"

Alina: (hugging Raj) "Thanks to you, hero."

Armaan: (to Raj, with grudging respect) "I underestimated you, Raj. You saved my sister's life today."

Raj: (seriously) "We're not done yet, Armaan. This was just a warning. We need to be more careful from now on."

today news 

news : narantak roy is dead in a accident in mumbai

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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