
CH10: Hidout house? more like Magicians base!

-----Leonard Pov-------

Did you watch the HP movie? What will you do if you open a door somewhere in the house and find yourself in a library like the Hogwarts School? well to understand why such a question, let's get back a little in time.

as I was flying in the open sea couple of KM away from LaPush, and start to feel something calling me not far away, so following this feeling, which led me to this little island.

at first, it was not visible, but as I got closer to 1km of its range, it appear out of nowhere like it was covered up with something.

anyway, landing I found a dozen of fields with a variety of plants and trees, some I know of, others unknown to me.

In the back of the fields stood a two-floor modern-looking log cabin.

entering the cabin the ground floor has a bar-style kitchen, living room, and back yard with a sea view.

[img here]

the upper floor had a corridor with 5 doors, the opposite side of the stairs had a room with a 'bedroom' signboard on it, while the sides had two doors each, the right has a signboard with "workshop" and "library" respectively and on the right "training room" and "ONSEN".

and if you wondering why I said door instead of Room.

this brings us here, every time I open a room, I was greeted with space that should be impossible in this small log house room, so my best guess is every room has an expend space inside.

so to the inside part, a bedroom with king size bed, a workshop with a blacksmith, and other gears with enough space for dozen people to work inside.

and the library was no different, more the most blown up part. I found myself in a Hogwarts-style library and I mean it literally, with all the flying shelves and a huge number of books.

I start to wander around the shelves for some time until I hear a voice "Oh look at you all grown up now, how are you doing Leo?"

looking back to the source, I found an owl, to be precise a mechanical one.

examining her for a second "I don't remember seeing or speaking to a mechanical owl. So how do you know my name?"

the owl laughs "Of course you don't remember! you were Toddler last time I saw you, and I am not an owl, it's just a body I possess."

flying in front of me "My name is Ema, I am the protector spirit of this island, and also the contracted spirit of your mother. good to see you again"

I nodded "So... you know what going on? I got the map of this place from a letter I got lately from my parent after they disappeared."

she sadly nodded "I know, I know about that, but don't know why and where they are, sorry."

I look at her for a second "But they are alive?"

she looks at me for a second before laughing "If they are dead then the world will probably be over already."

I was confused but she just chuckle at my reaction "If you are afraid they are dead then don't, just focus on becoming stronger and leave that for later."

I nodded but I get this feeling that I am in more than a 'normal' disappearing case, and if I said 'I have this feeling'' then it was true.

something I notice not so long, I have a sharp instinct or something, call it what you want, it allows me to feel the effect of what my action result will be in the future.

for example, there is this time when I intended to invest in a certain company but for some reason, I had a bad feeling about it, so I stopped the process.

and guess what? a month later it got bankrupt.

back to the present I look at the owl Ema "So, I guess, you being here means you know about what I am, and about the supernatural world?"

nodding "off course, that's my job actually?" looking at her in confusion "What job?" she answered with an existing voice "Teaching you about your family and the supernatural if you ever come here"

I look at her "I get the supernatural, but by my family you mean my parent, right?" she chuckled and said "No, I am talking about the RageHearts and Shiroyasha families"

the more the owl speaks, the more confused I am.

I was just your normal college student, and for unknown reasons, I got transmigrated into a world I thought was fantasy but at least somehow normal world. By "Lucky One" is an unreal reason for all that.

and now I more sure there is something more to my situation than some stupid higher being pulling my ass from the lottery.

I look at the owl and sighed "Can you start from the very basics first, honestly, I don't even know what I am, and it's just starting to get more and more confusing...and crazy for a normal human?"

Titling her head to the side looking confused "Why crazy? if you awaken at least part of your heritage, you can already shift, what is crazier than taking the shape of a giant Lion? everything after doing something like that becomes normal no?"

I sighed "I am inside a room far big than it should normally be? and if I don't know better I will say I jump to the Harry Potter book?"

she looks at me saying "Fair point, but the design is your mother's idea" before flying to a table not far away "Anyway, are you ready for a history lesson?"

I nodded and sat on the table not knowing that this day will mark a new start in my crazy, yet interesting adventure.


and here is the Chapter.

Enjoy, and don't forget the feedback

See Yaa Later.

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